QUU Operations: Treatment & Environemt: Sewage Treatment Plant

Queensland Urban Utilities
Operations – Treatment & Environment
Sewage Treatment Plant Induction Form
Welcome to ………………………………………….Sewage Treatment Plant. As part of our ongoing commitment
to the safety of visitors to our sites, the following rules have been established. Please take some time to read
and understand these rules.
1. Sign the Visitors Log located in the Site Office.
2. Must wear long sleeved shirt high visibility or hi visibility vest, long pants, safety boots and hard hat in
designated areas.
3. Follow instructions on all warning notices including signs and barricades that prohibit entry into a restricted/
hazardous area. All signage that denotes the wearing of Personal Protective Equipment must be obeyed.
(Hazardous Areas are OFF LIMITS to unauthorised persons - DIGESTERS, GAS BLOWERS, CO-GENERATION,
BOILER and CAMBI AREAS). Snakes and vermin
4. Follow all safety/ security instructions given by the Queensland Urban Utilities representative while on site.
Wandering around the site unescorted is Prohibited
5. Follow Personal Hygiene procedures. Wash your hands and face when leaving the site or before eating.
Meals must only be taken in nominated Lunchrooms/Open Areas
6. Avoid contact with the mist from water sprays. Sprays utilise recycled water. If any mist makes contact with
the skin, follow personal hygiene procedures (see above).
7. Obtain permission/work permit from the Plant Operator for access to restricted / hazardous areas.
8. Not Smoke in QUU vehicles, buildings, hazardous areas or within 4 metres of a public access
9. Not Drink from any taps or hoses on the site as recycled water is used. Only drink from fountains in
designated lunchrooms.
10. Follow instructions given by the Queensland Urban Utilities representative during an Emergency or drill. If
evacuation alarm sounds move to the designated Assembly point. Confirm the identification of the site
Evacuation/Assembly Points. YES
11. Report to the Plant Operator immediately all Incidents, Hazards, Accidents and Injuries. Injuries must be
treated immediately (cuts and scratches must be covered) and documented using the Incident Report Form.
This must be completed and forwarded to the QUU Safety Team within 24 hours.
12. Report immediately to the Plant Operator all environmental incidents. Environmental breaches carry
heavy penalties to individuals/companies found to be at fault and may jeopardise the site’s environmental
licence. This must be completed and forwarded to the Environmental Team within 24 hours.
13. Reported to the plant operator immediately all security incidents. Plant operator will ensure immediate
notification to the site manager and the completion of a Security Incident form. This must be completed and
forwarded to the Business Resilience Group (BRG) within 24 hours.
14. Only use Mobile phones where use does not create a safety risk. Not permitted in hazardous areas.
15. Not take photographs on site unless you have been given approval by the site manager. Any release of
information including images must comply with ICT Security Policy POL54.
16. Not consume drugs and alcohol on site and contractors or visitors who attend site under the influence or
are suspected of being under the influence) will be requested to vacate the site.
17. Obey all road signs and rules. Seatbelts must be worn at all times. No mobile phone use is permitted while
18. Ensure the safe keeping of any CARDAX access cards for any Queensland Urban Utilities site issued to you. If
a CARDAX card, security keys or ID is misplaced, it must be reported for the plant operator/site Manager
Doc Id:
Active Date: 28 September 2012
Queensland Urban Utilities Confidential
Bill Collie
Printed copies of this document should be verified for currency against the published
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electronic copy.
Queensland Urban Utilities
Operations – Treatment & Environment
Sewage Treatment Plant Induction Form
19. Announce their presence at site office on arrival, even if they have CARDAX access.
20. Report to the plant operator immediately any suspicious items found on site. The area should be cordoned
off until the issue is investigated. The Plant Operator will notify the Site Manager immediately.
21. Animal awareness across the treatment plant – Notify the Plant Operator of any abnormal activity
associated with any of the following - Dogs (domestic and wild), other Mammals, Marsupials (Kangaroos,
possums etc.), Insects, Snakes, spiders and any other biting or stinging pests (fire ants).
1. Complete a Work Access Permit in consultation with the Plant Operator before any work is performed
on a WRP. Persons performing work on the site must have a current certificate of competency for
Prescribed Occupations.
2. Supply Risk Assessments/Safe Work Method Statements before performing any work on the Plant and
comply with all the safety requirements of the plant. Personal Protective Equipment must be worn where
indicated by signage.
3. Refer to the WHSA/HSR/QUU Plant Operator for advice on QUU Confined Space Entry requirements
prior to access to a Confined Space and any work being performed. Evidence of Confined Space
competency must be shown to the QUU Plant Operator and permission obtained prior to the
commencement of such work.
4. Not bring any Hazardous Substances onto site without prior approval of the QUU Plant Operator and
a Risk Assessment performed. Hazardous Substances spills must be reported to QUU Plant Operator
5. Show proof of your immunisation status for Hepatitis A/B and Tetanus. (A two week incubation period
must be observed) AND/OR Select the box below of your status and initial that you have read and
INITIALS: __________
6. Comply with the Queensland Urban Utilities Energy Lock Out/Tag Out system before undertaking any
work involving an isolation of an energy source.
7. Comply with the legislative requirements of the Electrical Safety Regulations and the Petroleum & Gas
Act. All certification/competency documentation must be shown prior to any work being performed in
Hazardous Areas.
8. Immediately notify the site representative, if you have a condition that may affect your ability to
perform work safely.
Breaches of any of these conditions by any persons may result in the immediate termination of
the work and the persons being asked to leave the site.
I have read and understood the terms and conditions of the Induction and agree to abide by
Name: ………………………………… Signature: …………………………………... Company: …………………
Inducted By: ……………………………………………. Date: …………………………………………………….
Note: This induction is valid for a period of 12 months.
Doc Id:
Date: 28 September 2012
Queensland Urban Utilities Confidential
Owner Bill Collie
Printed copies of this document should be verified for currency against the published
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electronic copy.