Parish%20profile%20(3) - Anglican Parish of Auchenflower

Auchenflower-Milton Parish
Parish Profile 2014
Vision statement for the parish of
The parish exists chiefly to:
1. Minister with people in the Auchenflower/Milton area, making
opportunities for outreach, worship, study and prayer and
providing a centre where interest groups may meet and
contribute to the work of extending the Kingdom of God.
2. To be a place of sanctuary in the midst of a busy and noisy city.
3. To provide ministry with people and to be a place where they
can celebrate their important life events (baptisms, marriages,
funerals and other occasions of significance in their lives).
It is envisaged that Christ Church will be a more than ecumenical
centre, where people feel welcome and at home whether they have a
Christian denominational affiliation, are of some other religious
persuasion or claim no religion.
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Auchenflower-Milton Parish
Parish Profile 2014
Parish History
The Milton Parish was founded in 1873. The first services were held in the
mortuary chapel in the Paddington Cemeteries, the original public burial
grounds of Brisbane.
The first church, built in 1874 and subsequently destroyed in an 1890 cyclone,
was located next to the Episcopalian Burial Grounds. A Memorial Cemetery
Reserve (pictured) behind the church is a reminder of that history. Christ
Church has also been referred to as “The Memorial Church”, due to its
proximity to the cemetery and “The Garrison Church”, because of its
connection with and ministry to the nearby Victoria Barracks, which housed the
Queensland Defence Force.
The present distinctive wooden church, with its two verandahs, dates from
1891. The church furnishings, many of beautifully carved silky oak, and its
richly coloured stained glass windows, tell the story of early Brisbane, its
pioneers and history.
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Auchenflower-Milton Parish
Parish Profile 2014
A rectory, still standing, was built in 1883. It is a single storey, wooden
building of the Victorian Gothic style.
From the start, the priests and people of Christ Church were energetically
involved in the welfare of those living in the surrounding western suburbs.
Some pioneering social movements started by Christ Church parishioners
 In the late 1880’s the commencement of the Girls’ Friendly Society
(GFS), Church of England Boys’ Society (CEBS) and the Church Men’s
Institute, all of which greatly added to the spiritual and social lives of
those involved;
 In 1891 the founding of the New Guinea Mission by Father Albert
MacLaren, priest of this parish;
 In 1904 formation of the first Mothers’ Union branch of this diocese and
shortly thereafter the organising of a district nursing service, including
financial support for this work, which eventually evolved into today’s
Anglicare domiciliary nursing service;
 In 1905 the building of a hall to accommodate the more than six hundred
children who attended Sunday School at that time.
Like many other communities, the parish has a long list of participants in The
Great War (1914-1918) and the Second World War (1939-1945). In recent
times, apart from severe storm damage to the spire, which required extensive
repairs in the early 1980’s, the parish suffered from the inner city problems of
increased numbers of businesses taking over residential areas and the
encroachment of highways for increasing traffic demands.
A large number of housing units are rising around us, which may be a new
source of communicant members, providing we can access these people.
We have overcome many obstacles in the past and continue to have faith in our
A few years ago, the parish of Milton amalgamated with St Alban the Martyr,
Auchenflower and St Mary Magdalene, Rainworth. Unfortunately, Christ
Church is now the sole church in the Auchenflower-Milton Parish.
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Auchenflower-Milton Parish
Parish Profile 2014
Vision Statement for the Parish
Parish History
Parish Boundaries
Demographics of the Parish
Parish Staffing
Active Ministries
Financial Information
Photo Gallery
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