POST-OPERATIVE INSTRUCTIONS Immediately following surgery: You should keep your head elevated on several pillows when lying down for the first 48 hours. Apply ice compresses to the operative site as tolerated for the first 24 hours. You can either use a frozen bag of vegetables, frozen gel mask, frozen damp wash cloth or other methods to keep the area cold and reduce swelling and pain. The compress can be applied over a thin gauze or tissue. Showering: You may shower the day after your surgery but only let the water run over your face, do not let the water hit you directly in the face. Make-Up: Do not apply make-up on the incision line for two weeks. You may wear make-up on the areas around the incision line. Bleeding: You should expect some oozing of blood from your surgical site for the first day. Some swelling and bruising is expected. If there is a steady stream of blood, place direct pressure over the surgical site with a gauze or clean cloth for 15 minutes. If the bleeding persists call Dr. Linder at the number listed below or go to the nearest emergency room. Pain: Most of our patients experience only mild to moderate discomfort but this varies. You may take Tylenol or if you were given a prescription for pain medicine, take as directed. Ice compresses provide excellent pain relief and this should be used as described above. If you are having severe pain, this is unusual and you should call Dr. Linder. Medication: You were likely given a tube of ointment or drops when you were discharged. The ointment should be applied to the incision line twice daily. Drops should be used four times daily if prescribed. The medicine should be continued for 1 week or until you are seen by Dr. Linder. Activity: Avoid strenuous activity or bending over for the first 5 days. It is best to keep the head of the bed elevated during this time. You can likely resume your normal activities after this. Follow-up Care: Please call the office at (901) 680-1990 to schedule an appointment for 1 to 2 weeks after surgery. I hope you had a pleasant surgical experience and we thank you for giving us the opportunity to treat you. Do not hesitate to call if you have any questions. My cell phone for after hours is (901) 216-3505. Sincerely, James S. Linder, M.D.