Post-Operative Care of Circumcision

Celeste Hollands, M.D.
USA Surgical Specialist Center
1720 Center St. Suite 103
Mobile, AL 36604-3301
DIET: Encourage liquids initially; then resume regular diet as tolerated.
Day of Surgery: Give Tylenol or Ibuprofen as needed for pain. Leave dressing in place.
If dressing falls off there is no need to replace it, but wait until the day after surgery to
begin the care listed below. Call if there is bleeding that does not stop in 5 to 10 minutes.
Begin Day after Surgery and Continue until stitches dissolve: Daily, place child in warm
water bath for 5 minutes, wash surgical area gently with soap and water, using cotton
balls or “Q-tips”. Dry and apply Neosporin or Triple Antibiotic Ointment. Apply this
ointment 4 times or day and with each diaper change if your child is still in diapers.
After stitches dissolve: Daily bath, at least. Clean wound and apply ointment like A&D
or Intensive Care lotion to keep incision clean and soft until healing is complete (about 6
weeks from the date of operation).
(It is usual for the surgical incision to become swollen immediately after circumcision;
often a yellowish coating develops about the incision area lasting 7-14 days. When
sutures are used, they are self-dissolving in about the same time).
CLOTHING: May be fully dressed or diapered. Older children often have less
discomfort if a plain gauze or tissue is wrapped about the penis and briefs are worn to
prevent contact with outer clothing.
MEDICATIONS: Tylenol drops, syrup, tablets or Ibuprofen in proper dosage may be
given every 4-6 hours for irritability or discomfort.
ACTIVITY: As tolerated, no special limitations except no bicycle riding or physical
education for 1-2 weeks. May return to school when comfortable, usually 5 to 7 days
after surgery.
TEMPERATURE: If elevation is greater than 101, of if other concern arises, please
contact us.
FOLLOW-UP EXAM: Please call the office the next working day after discharge for an
appointment in approximately two weeks.
CALL FOR: Please call the office immediately if your child is unable to urinate, if there
is bleeding that does not stop when gentle pressure is applied for 5-10 minutes, if the
penis turns dark blue or black, if the site looks infected, if your child develops a fever or
is acting sick. Please call if you have any other concerns following surgery even if they
are not listed.