Enabling Technology – Available Equipment List Instrument Description Service Center & Location Contact (all phones in (650) area code unless noted otherwise) Upright 2photon/confocal microscope Leica — SP5 2-photon/confocal upright microscope with a Mai Tai DeepSee pulsed laser and environmental chamber CSIF Beckman B050 Jon Mulholland Inverted 2photon/confocal microscope Zeiss — SM 510 with Ti:Sapphire laser for 2-photon excitation - stage top heater and CO2 control available CSIF Beckman B050 Jon Mulholland Inverted spectral deconvolution confocal microscope Leica —SP2 AOBS Confocal CSIF Beckman B050 Jon Mulholland Wide Field Deconvolution Microscope Applied Precision — DeltaVision wide-field deconvolution inverted microscope with temperature-controlled stage/objective CSIF Beckman B050 Jon Mulholland Upright microscope with color camera Leica — DM1000 with color camera CSIF Beckman B050 Jon Mulholland Upright microscope with color camera Leica — DM2000 with color camera CSIF Beckman B050 Jon Mulholland Transmission Electron Microscope JEOL — TEM1230 with a Gatan 967 slow-scan, cooled CCD camera. CSIF Beckman B050 Jon Mulholland Scanning Electron Microscope Hitachi — S-3400N variable pressure SEM is equipped with a tungsten filament and secondary and back-scattered electron detectors CSIF Beckman B050 Jon Mulholland Ultramicrotome Leica — Leica Ultracut S microtome CSIF Beckman B050 Jon Mulholland CSIF Beckman B050 Jon Mulholland Dento —Bench Top Turbo Carbon evaporator (equipped for glow discharge) CSIF Beckman B050 Jon Mulholland Pellco — EM3450 Microwave Oven with load cooler CSIF Beckman B050 Jon Mulholland CSIF Beckman B050 Jon Mulholland Leica — CPC cryo-prep center for rapid plunge and slam freezing CSIF Beckman B050 Jon Mulholland Leica — AFS automatic freeze-substitution apparatus CSIF Beckman B050 Jon Mulholland Glass Knife Maker Carbon Evaporator Microwave Oven Cryo-ultramicrotome EM Cryoprep Freeze Substitution Apparatus Leica — KMR2 glass knife maker Leica — FCS cryo-ultramicrotome http://spectrum.stanford.edu Rev. 8/31/11 – EnablingTechnologyEquipmentList_083111.docx 725-7532 725-7532 725-7532 725-7532 725-7532 725-7532 725-7532 725-7532 725-7532 725-7532 725-7532 725-7532 725-7532 725-7532 725-7532 Page 1 of 6 Instrument 3 Laser Cell Sorter Description Service Center & Location Contact (all phones in (650) area code unless noted otherwise) BD — 12 color BD Digital Vantage with 488nm, Dye Laser, and Krypton-UV laser in a 6-4-2 detector configuration. FACS Beckman Ctr B015A Marty Bigos BD — 12 color BD Aria II Cell Sorter with 488 nm, 640 nm, and 405 nm lasers in a 6-3-3 detector configuraton. FACS Beckman Ctr B016 Marty Bigos BD — 17 color BD Aria II Cell Sorter with 488 nm, 532 nm, 640 nm, 405 nm, and UV lasers in a 2-5-35-2 detector configuraton. FACS Beckman Ctr B016 Marty Bigos BD — 13 color BD Aria III Cell Sorter with 488 nm, 561 nm, 640 nm, and 405 nm lasers in a 2-5-3-3 detector configuraton. FACS Beckman Ctr B016 Marty Bigos BD — 19 color Influx Cell Sorter with UV, 405 nm, 457 nm, 488 nm, 532 nm, 561 nm, and 640 nm lasers in a 2-4-2-2-4-2-3 configuration. FACS Beckman Ctr B017 Marty Bigos In-House Custom — 8 color custom Cell Sorter with 488 nm and 594 nm lasers in a 5-3 FACS Beckman Ctr B017 Marty Bigos BD — 18 color LSRII Analyzer with 405 nm, 488 nm, 532 nm, and 640 nm lasers in a 8-2-5-3 configuration. FACS Beckman Ctr B018 Marty Bigos BD — 14 color LSRII Analyzer with UV, 405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm, and 640 nm lasers in a 2-2-2-5-3 configuration. FACS Beckman Ctr B018 Marty Bigos BD-Cytek — 9 color Cytek upgrade to BD FACScan with 488 nm, 561 nm, and 640 nm lasers in a 3-4-2 configuration. FACS Beckman Ctr B019 Marty Bigos Cellular Technologies — Automated spot counter for ELISPOT plates HIMC Fairchild Sci Bldg D039 Holden Maecker Infinite M1000 Multimode Microplate Reader Tecan — Quad Monochrometer multimode (absorbance, fluorescence, FP, HTRF, luminescence) plate 6 to 1536-well microplate reader with integrated plate stacker and dual injectors HTBC Jason Wu CCSR-0133 725-6004 AnalystGT Multimode Microplate Reader Molecular Devices — Filter multimode (absorbance, fluorescence, FP, HTRF, luminescence) plate 96 to 1536-well microplate reader with integrated plate stackers HTBC David Solow-Cordero CCSR-0133 725-6002 Flexstation II 384 Microplate Reader Molecular Devices — 6 to 384-well Fluorescent microplate reader with internal 8- or 16-tip pipetting head for kinetic experiments (FLIPR, Ca+ and Ion Channels) HTBC Jason Wu CCSR-0133 725-6004 Multidrop Microplate Reagent Dispenser Titertek — 96 or 384-well reagent/cell dispenser. HTBC Jason Wu CCSR-0133 725-6004 3 Laser Cell Sorter 5 Laser Cell Sorter 4 Laser Cell Sorter 7 Laser Cell Sorter 2 Laser Cell Sorter 4 Laser Analyzer (2) 5 Laser Analyzer 3 Laser Analyzer ELISPOT reader http://spectrum.stanford.edu Rev. 8/31/11 – EnablingTechnologyEquipmentList_083111.docx 725-8463 725-8463 725-8463 725-8463 725-8463 725-8463 725-8463 725-8463 725-8463 723-1671 Page 2 of 6 Instrument Description Service Center & Location Contact (all phones in (650) area code unless noted otherwise) Wellmate Microplate Reagent Dispenser Matrix — 96 or 384-well reagent/cell dispenser with 50 plates stacker HTBC Jason Wu CCSR-0133 725-6004 Microplate Plate Washer Biotek — 96 or 384-well microplate washer; specialized for cell washing and ELISAs, fixing and staining washes, includes a 20 plate stacker HTBC Jason Wu CCSR-0133 725-6004 Bravo Liquid Handling Robot Agilent — Automated 96 and 384-tip pipetting head liquid handler with integrated stackers. HTBC David Solow-Cordero CCSR-0133 725-6002 VPrep Liquid Handling Robot Agilent (Velocity11) — For Stand alone 96 tip pipetting head liquid handler for 96- to 96- or 96to 384-well transfers. HTBC David Solow-Cordero CCSR-0133 725-6002 Microplate Heat Sealer Agilent (Velocity11) — For heat sealing microtiter plates HTBC Jason Wu CCSR-0133 725-6004 ImageXpress Micro Molecular Devices — Fully automated inverted Microplate High Content epifluorescence microscope for imaging live or Imager fixed cells in 6-, 24-, 96- or 384-well microplates. Also, contains the phase contrast/brightfield option and stackers. HTBC Jason Wu CCSR-0116 725-6004 Inverted confocal microscope Zeiss — LSM510 Meta confocal microscope, with optional environmental control for live cell imaging NMS Andrew Olson SIM1 Suite G0901 723-8818 Prarie Ultima twophoton in vivo microscope Prairie — Ultima two-photon microscope for in vivo imaging and two-photon photoactivation NMS Andrew Olson SIM1 Suite G0901 723-8818 Prarie Ultima twophoton slice microscope Prairie — two-photon microscope for tissue slice imaging and two-photon photoactivation NMS Andrew Olson SIM1 Suite G0901 723-8818 AxioImager motorized fluorescence microscope Zeiss — AxioImager motorized fluorescence microscope NMS Andrew Olson SIM1 Suite G0901 723-8818 Image Analysis Workstation Image analysis workstation with Imaris, Matlab, Fiji (ImageJ), 24 GB RAM, 4 GB video card NMS Andrew Olson SIM1 Suite G0901 723-8818 Real Time PCR ABI — StepOne Plus PAN Michael Eckart Beckman B065 723-1907 GE Healthcare — Biacore 3000 for SPR analysis of binding PAN Michael Eckart Beckman B065 723-1907 Imtek/Siemens — Imtek/Siemens MicroCAT II/SPECT system SCi3 Tim Doyle Clark S021 724-8250 Biacore 3000 microSPECT/CT http://spectrum.stanford.edu Rev. 8/31/11 – EnablingTechnologyEquipmentList_083111.docx Page 3 of 6 Instrument microSPECT/CT Description Service Center & Location Contact (all phones in (650) area code unless noted otherwise) Gamma-Medica — SPECT-CT scanner with high energy-resolution CZT detectors and multipin-hole collimators. Fast fly CT scanner allows 1 minute whole mouse scans at 170µm resolution. SCi3 Tim Doyle Clark S021 724-8250 Microm — "Microm 500M" Cryostat microtome SCi3 Tim Doyle Clark S021 724-8250 VisualSonics — Vevo 2100 high-resolution ultrasound micro-imaging system. SCi3 Tim Doyle Clark S021 724-8250 VisualSonics — Vevo 770 high-resolution ultrasound micro-imaging system. SCi3 Tim Doyle Clark S021 724-8250 GE/Agilent — Small Animal MRI system consists of a self-shielded 30cm bore 7 Tesla magnet, a 20 cm bore gradient insert and the GEHC "Micro"-Signa software environment. SCi3 Tim Doyle Clark S021 724-8250 Bioluminescent imaging microscope Zeiss/Hamamatsu — Bioluminescent imaging microscope consisting of a Olympus LV200 microscope with a Hamamatsu intensified CCD camera. SCi3 Tim Doyle Clark S021 724-8250 IVIS 100 IVIS — Bioluminescent whole animal imaging (2) SCi3 Tim Doyle Clark S021 724-8250 SCi3 Tim Doyle Clark S021 724-8250 SCi3 Tim Doyle Clark S021 724-8250 SCi3 Tim Doyle Clark S021 724-8250 Cryostat Microtome Ultrasound Ultrasound Small Animal MRI IVIS 200 IVIS Spectrum IVIS 3D IVIS — Bioluminescent whole animal imaging IVIS — Bioluminescent whole animal imaging IVIS — Bioluminescent whole animal imaging Fiber Optic Confocal Microscope Mauna Kea — "Cell vizio" fibre-based fluorescent confocal microscope SCi3 Tim Doyle Clark S021 724-8250 Maestro CRi — CRi Maestro spectral fluorescent whole animal imager SCi3 Tim Doyle Clark S021 724-8250 Pulsed Fluorescence Whole Animal Imager ART Advanced Research Technologies — ART Optix MX2 Time Domain OpticalWhole Animal Imager SCi3 Tim Doyle Clark S021 724-8250 Micro CT GE Medical Systems — RS150 MicroCT System SCi3 Tim Doyle Clark S021 724-8250 Siemens/Concorde — Microsystems MicroPET rodent R4. SCi3 Tim Doyle Clark S021 724-8250 Perkin Elmer — Cyclone Phosphoimager SCi3 Tim Doyle Clark S021 724-8250 MicroPET Phosphoimager http://spectrum.stanford.edu Rev. 8/31/11 – EnablingTechnologyEquipmentList_083111.docx Page 4 of 6 Instrument Description Service Center & Location Contact (all phones in (650) area code unless noted otherwise) Image Analysis Workstations MacPro/PC — Four dual quadcore image analysis computers SCi3 Tim Doyle Clark S021 724-8250 MicroPET/CT Siemens — Inveon Multimodality PET-CT scanner with large-field CT and PET ring SCi3 Tim Doyle SIM1 Barrier 724-8250 7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR System Applied Biosystems — Real-time PCR System SFGF John Coller CCSR 0120 736-2434 AlphaImager 2200 Alpha Innotech — Gel Imager SFGF John Coller CCSR 0137 736-2434 Agilent — RNA, DNA, and Protein Quantification and Sizing System SFGF John Coller CCSR 0120 736-2434 BIO-RAD — Real-time PCR system SFGF John Coller CCSR 0120 736-2434 SFGF John Coller CCSR 0120 736-2434 SFGF John Coller CCSR 0120 736-2434 SFGF John Coller CCSR 0120 736-2434 SFGF John Coller CCSR 0120 736-2434 SFGF John Coller CCSR 0120 736-2434 SFGF John Coller CCSR 0120 736-2434 MJ Research — 96 and 384 well PCR Systems (Tetrads) SFGF John Coller CCSR 0120 736-2434 GE Healthcare — Fluorescence, Storage Phosphor, and Chemiluminesce Imaging System SFGF John Coller CCSR 0120 736-2434 Agilent VNMRS 800 MHz Agilent — NMR spectrometer NMR spectrometer SMRL Corey Liu Organic Chemisty Building 101 724-7445 Varian Inova 600 MHz NMR spectrometer SMRL Corey Liu Organic Chemistry Building 102 724-7445 BioAnalyzer CFX384 Real-Time System DNA Microarray Scanner Agilent — 2mm Microarray Scanner GenePix 4000B Microarray Scanner Axon (Molecular Devices) — Microarray Scanner MX 3000P Stratagene — Real-Time PCR System ND-1000 Spectrophotometer Nanodrop — Low Volume Spectrophotometer Nimblegen 12 Hybridization System Nimblegen/Roche — 12 Bay Hybridization System Odyssey Licor — Infrared Imaging System PTC-225 Thermal Cycler Typhoon Trio+ Varian — NMR spectrometer http://spectrum.stanford.edu Rev. 8/31/11 – EnablingTechnologyEquipmentList_083111.docx Page 5 of 6 Instrument Bruker Avance 500 MHz NMR spectrometer Description Bruker — NMR spectrometer GC-MS Contact (all phones in (650) area code unless noted otherwise) SMRL Corey Liu Fairchild Science Bldg D026 724-7445 SMRL Corey Liu Organic Chemistry Building 104 724-7445 Waters — Open Access: Waters 2795 HPLC system with dual wavelength UV detector, & ZQ single quadrupole MS with electrospray ionization source. SUMS Allis Chien Mudd 175A 723-0710 Agilent — Open Access: GC-MS: HP 7890/5975 GCMS, single quadrupole MS with electron impact ionization source. SUMS Allis Chien Mudd 175A 723-0710 D2O recovery distillation apparatus LC-MS Service Center & Location http://spectrum.stanford.edu Rev. 8/31/11 – EnablingTechnologyEquipmentList_083111.docx Page 6 of 6