Apache 2.0 Hardening Guide

Hardening Apache
First, please check the Apache website for
Apache HTTP Server Version 2.2 Security Tips
Apache HTTP Server Version 2.0 Security Tips
http://xianshield.org/guides/apache2.0guide.html has some nice tips on how to harden your
apache server. Especially, check your httpd.conf and make sure the configurations are fine.
Directive and setting
ServerSignature Off
Prevents server from giving version info on error pages.
Prevents server from giving version info in HTTP headers.
With this setting, when people test the site with
ServerTokens Prod
% telnet www.host.com 80
It won't show the apache version.
Listen 80 (remove)
If you don't have to run your server on port 80, then remove
the “Listen” directive – we’ll set this directive only in ssl.conf,
so that it will only be available over https.
User webserv (or whatever you created for
Ensure that the child processes run as unprivileged user
the web server)
Group webserv (or whatever you created
in step 2 above)
Ensure that the child processes run as unprivileged group
ErrorDocument 404 errors/404.html
ErrorDocument 500 errors/500.html
To further obfuscate the web server and version, this will
redirect to a page that you should create, rather than using the
default Apache pages.
ServerAdmin -webmaster@xianco.com
Use a mail alias – never use a person’s email address here.
UserDir disabled root
Remove the UserDir line, since we disabled this module. If you
do enable user directories, you’ll need this line to protect
root’s files.
<Directory />
Order Deny,Allow
deny from all
Deny access to the root file system.
TraceEnable off
Trace option appears to allow XSS or credential theft. See
Cross Site Tracing for details.
LimitExcept prevents TRACE from allowing attackers to
find a path through cache or proxy servers.
<LimitExcept GET POST>
deny from all
The “-“ before any directive disables that option.
FollowSymLinks allows a user to navigate outside the doc
tree, and Indexes will reveal the contents of any directory
in your doc tree.
Options -FollowSymLinks Includes -Indexes -MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Includes allows .shtml pages, which use server-side
includes (potentially allowing access to the host). If you
really need SSI, use IncludesNoExec instead.
AddIcon (remove)
IndexOptions (remove)
AddDescription (remove)
ReadmeName (remove)
HeaderName (remove)
IndexIgnore (remove)
Remove all references to these directives, since we disabled
the fancy indexing module.
Alias /manual (remove)
Don’t provide any accessible references to the Apache manual,
it gives attackers too much info about your server.
AllowOverride None will prevent developers from
overriding these specifications in other parts of the doc
This article, Secure Installation of Apache Web Server in Linux Exposed, is kinda old, but it still
has a lot of values.
If you run Apache inside chroot, Using Chroot (in Linux Exposed) is a good read. To check the
status of the files and directories in a chroot directory, do the following:
# find world writable dir/file
root# find /chroot_dir -perm -2 -ls
# find suid files
root# find /chroot_dir -type f -perm -04000 -ls
# find guid files
root# find /chroot_dir -type f -perm -02000 -ls
Strong Encryption
The options below will create an HTTPS server supporting only the SSL v3 and TLSv1
protocols, and only allowing strong cipher suites to be accepted by the web server:
SSLProtocol -all +SSLv3 +TLSv1
SSLCipherSuite HIGH
SSL/TLS Strong Encryption: How-To
SSL/TLS Strong Encryption: FAQ
Apache Chrooted
Semantec has a series of articles on this topic:
Securing Apache 1.3, Step-by-step
Securing Apache 2, Step-by-step
Securing PHP, step-by-step
Apache with SSL/TLS, step-by-step, Part I
Apache with SSL/TLS, step-by-step, Part II
Apache with SSL/TLS, step-by-step, Part III