
Sarah Frisbie
Personal Code of Ethics
Within the teaching field, there are certain standards, both academic and ethical, that must be followed.
Many of these standards are set forth by the government and some are implied. Although these standards are in
place, this does not necessarily mean that all teachers agree with and will follow said standards. Having a
personal code of ethics is important so as to demonstrate what I believe as an individual who is going into the
teaching profession. These standards, that stem from and are influenced by my own personal beliefs, speak to
the type of teacher that I will strive to be and the values that I will live and work by in my career as a teacher.
Best Interest of the Student –
As a professional and ethical teacher, I shall value the importance of every student; see every student as
equal and created in the image of God; appreciate the diversity of every student; and strive to address
the individual needs of every student – academically and personally.
As a professional and ethical teacher, I shall strive to teach my students how to succeed academically as
well as develop and grow as productive, respectable, and honest individuals.
As a professional and ethical teacher, I shall be a positive role model for my students inside and outside
of the classroom.
As a professional and ethical teacher, I shall believe in the ability of all students to learn and succeed.
As a professional and ethical teacher, I shall live my life and teach in such a way that my students are
able to see the love, grace, and mercy God has shown me, and I will share my faith with them when
applicable, appropriate, and prompted.
As a professional and ethical teacher, I shall strive to “love and defend with all of a mother’s fervor the
child that is not flesh of my flesh” (translated from “The Teacher’s Prayer” by Gabriela Mistral)
Best Interest of the Profession –
As a professional and ethical teacher, I shall never be satisfied with my teaching abilities and always
strive to better myself professionally and personally.
As a professional and ethical teacher, I shall think outside of the box and consider appropriate
perspectives and cultures when creating lesson plans and implementing teaching strategies.
As a professional and ethical teacher, I shall realize that I am human and I will make mistakes; but
instead of letting my mistakes discourage me, I shall turn them into learning opportunities.
As a professional and ethical teacher, I shall use discernment in deciding when to stay silent and when to
speak up.
As a professional and ethical teacher, I shall strive to understand the cultures that each of my students’
families represent.
As a professional and ethical teacher, I shall strive to build and maintain positive and productive
relationships with the parents/caretakers of my students.
As a professional and ethical teacher, I shall explore and investigate all of my responsibilities as a
teacher including, but not limited to, government mandated standards, extra-curricular activities and
duties, and disciplinary procedures.
As a professional and ethical teacher, I shall strive to maintain decorum and possess dispositions that
are respectable, essential, and mandatory to this profession.
As a professional and ethical teacher, I shall remember that I am helping to shape the future; I shall
never take this responsibility lightly.