GATE 2 GATE 3 After Program Completion GATE 4 COE tracking specialist checks to ensure candidate has earned a GPA 2.75 in emphasis areas and teacher education professional core during development of planned program. Advises students to correct if necessary. b. Pedagogical content knowledge and integration of technology Overall GPA of 2.75, EKU GPA of 2.75, Teacher Education Core GPA of 2.75, and emphasis area GPA of 2.75 are verified during transition and admission to Student Teaching. Technology Competence Exemplars documented and evaluated through the eportfolio assessment (KY Teacher Standard 6). Knowledge in emphasis areas is assessed as component of Student Teaching Evaluation. Emphasis area GPA of 2.75 Technology Competence documented and evaluated through the e-portfolio (KY Teacher Standard 6). and is assessed by the student teaching supervisors and/or cooperating teacher Praxis II Content Exam(s) Program GPA Graduation Check-out . PLT (0522, 0523, or 0524) candidates in dual certification programs TRANSITION POINT FOUR – AT PROGRAM COMPLETION EKU GPA of 2.75 required for Admission to TEP Content exemplars documented and evaluated through the e-portfolio assessment (KY Teacher Standard 1). SURVEYS TRANSITION POINT THREE – AT COMPLETION OF STUDENTG TEACHING Overall GPA of 2.75 required for Admission to TEP. Items in the column below must be completed before candidate transitions to gate 4 Items in the column below must be completed before candidate transitions to gate 3 TRANSITION POINT TWO - PRIOR TO STUDENT TEACHING 1. State Licensure Test a. Content knowledge for teacher candidates 2. Content Assessments a. Content knowledge for teacher candidates Items in the column below must be completed before candidate transitions to gate 2 TRANSITION POINT ONE - AT ENTRY TO PROGRAM MIDDLE GRADES UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS FOR INITIAL CERTIFICATION . . GATE 1 as a component of the e-portfolio review for exit from student teaching. c. Professional and pedagogical knowledge and skills for teacher candidates Foundations of education Ways children and adolescents develop and the relationship to learning Professional ethics, laws, and policies Use of research in teaching Roles and responsibilities of the professional communities Diversity of student populations, families and communities Consideration of school, family and community contexts and the prior experiences of students EDF 203ePortfolio evaluation •Foundations of education •Professional ethics, laws, and policies •Roles and responsibilities of the professional communities •Diversity of student populations, families and communities Diverse School Contextual Analysis completed in EMG 430 prior to Admission to Student Teaching. School Contextual Analysis (from KTIP-TPA) completed during student teaching and included in the eportfolio. 3. Assessment of candidate ability to plan instruction KTIP Lesson Plans developed for content methods courses and demonstrated in field experiences (EMG 491, 492, 493, &/or 494). Student teaching / lesson and Unit Plans included in eportfolio which is assessed by the Supervisor and/or cooperating teacher for exit from student teaching. . 4. Assessment of Clinical Practice Personal Learning Theory (EDF 319 Common Assessment) •Ways children and adolescents develop and the relationship to learning Student Teaching final evaluations •Consideration of school, family, and community contexts and the prior experiences of students 5. Candidate impact on student learning or on providing a supportive environment for student learning. a. Student learning for teacher candidates Ability to asses and analyze student learning Make appropriate adjustments to instruction Monitor student learning Develop and implement meaningful learning experiences Ability to help students learn Ability to create positive environments for student learning b. Professional Dispositions 6. Self-Assessment EDF 413 Assessment Project Evaluation of student learning as a result of the Videotaped Teaching Episode in each emphasis area using KTIP Teacher Performance Assessment lesson plan with Task C Analysis of Instruction. (EMG 491, 492, 493, 494) Dispositions Evaluation – EDF 203 Dispositions Assessment by Cooperating Teachers during field experiences (EMG 491, 492, 493, 494) Professional Growth Plan and evidence of Independent Field Experience Professional Development Activities. (EMG 430, 4 47, 491, 492, 493, 494). Included in the e-portfolio as evidence of KTS 9. Student teaching Supervisor’s Observations of Teaching during student teaching. Student Teaching Classroom Management Plan / Creating a positive learning climate is included in the eportfolio which is evaluated by the student teaching supervisor and/or cooperating teacher for exit from student teaching. Dispositions Assessment by Cooperating Teachers and University Supervisor Professional Growth Plan and evidence of Professional Development Activities during student teaching and included in the eportfolio as evidence of KTS 9.