COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Preparing ethical, reflective professionals for quality service in diverse communities Unit Assessment System Measures Used to Monitor Candidate Performance Decision Point Evaluation Questions Program MIT 11/06 Admission Does the applicant demonstrate potential for graduate study? Does the applicant demonstrate potential for ethical, reflective, professional practice in diverse communities? GPA 3.0 or better last 90 credits Autobiography Recommendations West-B West-E (content area only) Group Interview Writing Sample Content Review Form (elementary) Endorsement Verification Form (secondary) Holistic Rating Candidacy Internship Completion Follow-up Does the candidate demonstrate knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary for more advanced study? Does the candidate demonstrate knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary for the internship? Has the candidate demonstrated the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary for professional practice? Has the program adequately prepared graduates for ethical, reflective, professional practice in diverse communities? Personal and Professional Competencies Evaluation Completion of BLOCK I (GPA of 3.0 or better in all courses) Lesson Plan meets expectations Self Assessment of Dispositions Personal and Professional Competencies Evaluation Completion of BLOCK II (GPA of 3.0 or better in all courses) Unit Plan(s) Grade of B or better Personal and Professional Competencies Evaluation Completion of BLOCK III (GPA of 3.0 or better in internship) Performance-Based Pedagogy Assessment (PPA) Positive Impact on Student Learning Project Survey of graduates Survey of graduates’ employers Page 1 of 6 Decision Point Evaluation Questions Program MIT with Special Education Endorsement Curriculum and Instruction 11/06 Admission Does the applicant demonstrate potential for graduate study? Does the applicant demonstrate potential for ethical, reflective, professional practice in diverse communities? GPA 3.0 or better last 90 credits Autobiography Recommendations West-B West-E (content area only) Group Interview Writing Sample Content Review Form (elementary) Endorsement Verification Form (secondary) Holistic Rating GPA Recommendations Candidacy Internship Completion Follow-up Does the candidate demonstrate knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary for more advanced study? Does the candidate demonstrate knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary for the internship? Has the candidate demonstrated the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary for professional practice? Has the program adequately prepared graduates for ethical, reflective, professional practice in diverse communities? Personal and Professional Competencies Evaluation Completion of BLOCK I (GPA of 3.0 or better in all courses) Lesson Plan meets expectations Self Assessment of Dispositions Personal and Professional Competencies Evaluation Completion of BLOCK II (GPA of 3.0 or better in all courses) Unit Plan(s) Grade of B or better Personal and Professional Competencies Evaluation Completion of BLOCK III (GPA of 3.0 or better in internship) Performance-Based Pedagogy Assessment (PPA) Positive Impact on Student Learning Project West-E – Special Ed Survey of graduates Survey of graduates’ employers Current cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better in the first 15 credits that include EDUC 500 and CUIN 510 CUIN 510 score on key assignment Faculty Evaluation of Professional Dispositions Student Self-Evaluation of Professional Dispositions CUIN does not have an internship Current cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better CUIN 513 score on key assignment CUIN 519 score on key assignment Comprehensive exam Survey of graduates Survey of graduates’ employers CUIN 511 score on field assignment Page 2 of 6 Decision Point Evaluation Questions Program Admission Does the applicant demonstrate potential for graduate study? Does the applicant demonstrate potential for ethical, reflective, professional practice in diverse communities? Candidacy Internship Completion Follow-up Does the candidate demonstrate knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary for more advanced study? Does the candidate demonstrate knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary for the internship? Has the candidate demonstrated the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary for professional practice? Has the program adequately prepared graduates for ethical, reflective, professional practice in diverse communities? Site supervisor internship evaluation SU supervisor internship evaluation Candidate selfevaluation of internship PEAB interview of candidate Comprehensive exam Current cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better Current LITC cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better Practicum Evaluation Positive Impact on Student Learning Evaluation Reflection Evaluation (student selfevaluation) Evaluation of PostReflection and Goal Setting Comprehensive Exam Survey of graduates Survey of graduates’ employers Educational Administration GPA of 3.0 or better, or GRE or MAT 1 year teaching/work experience Professional Résumé Recommendations (2) Faculty Interview Writing Sample Philosophy Statement Current cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better in the first 15 credits Completion of practicum activities Completion of EDAD 572 (principals only) Current cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better Literacy for Special Needs GPA Recommendations Washington state teaching certificate Work experience (at least two years; generally, full-time teaching) Current cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better in the first 15 credits Grade of B or better on LITC 525 review of research paper Current cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better Grade of B (3.0) or better in LITC required program courses Pre-practicum personal and professional dispositions evaluation (faculty evaluation) – Evaluation of Personal and Professional Dispositions Reflection evaluation (student selfevaluation) LITC 528 Evaluation of Pre-Practicum Reflection and Goal Setting 11/06 WEST-E Survey of graduates Survey of graduates’ employers Page 3 of 6 Decision Point Evaluation Questions Program Admission Does the applicant demonstrate potential for graduate study? Does the applicant demonstrate potential for ethical, reflective, professional practice in diverse communities? School Counseling GPA of 3.0 or better, or GRE of 2 subtests above 50 percentile Recommendations (2) Group Interview Writing Sample Letter of Intent Professional Vita School Psychology GPA (3.0 post-BA; 3.25 post-MA) Recommendations (2) Group Interview Rating Autobiographical Statement Overall Rating 11/06 Candidacy Internship Completion Follow-up Does the candidate demonstrate knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary for more advanced study? Does the candidate demonstrate knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary for the internship? Is the candidate prepared for professional practice? Has the program adequately prepared graduates for ethical, reflective, professional practice in diverse communities? Courses required for candidacy as specified in the Graduate Bulletin COUN 511 Philosophy paper Current cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better in the first 20 credits Personal and Professional Competencies Assessment Clinical Competencies Assessment Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better in the first 20 credits (courses required for candidacy as specified in the Graduate Bulletin) Clinical Competencies Assessment Faculty rating of Personal Competencies All courses completed, except for COUN 518 COUN 509 Guidance Unit Current cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better Personal and Professional Competencies Assessment Clinical Competencies Assessment Comprehensive Exam Internship Evaluation Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better Clinical Competencies Assessment Professional Portfolio Survey of graduates Survey of graduates’ employers Current cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better Grade of B or better in SPSY 553, 554, 555 Clinical Competencies Assessment Faculty rating of Personal Competencies Practicum supervisor’s rating of practicum performance Comprehensive exam or PRAXIS II exam Site supervisor evaluation of internship competencies Site supervisor evaluation of professional dispositions and behaviors Faculty evaluation of internship portfolio Survey of graduates Survey of graduates’ employers Page 4 of 6 Decision Point Evaluation Questions Program Admission Does the applicant demonstrate potential for graduate study? Does the applicant demonstrate potential for ethical, reflective, professional practice in diverse communities? Candidacy Internship Completion Follow-up Does the candidate demonstrate knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary for more advanced study? Does the candidate demonstrate knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary for the internship? Is the candidate prepared for professional practice? Has the program adequately prepared graduates for ethical, reflective, professional practice in diverse communities? Current cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better Practicum evaluation Philosophy statement Case study evaluation Professional standards evaluation Comprehensive exam WEST-E Internship competencies verified Current cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better Survey of graduates Survey of graduates’ employers Special Education GPA Reference Letters Current cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better in the first 15 credits Professional Standards Evaluation Current cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better Professional Standards Evaluation Superintendent Certificate Masters degree in Education or related field Leadership demonstrated in work experience GPA of 3.0 or better, or GRE or MAT Professional Résumé Recommendations (2) Faculty Interview Writing Sample Personal and Professional Growth Plan – satisfactory on all competencies/skills Current cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better in the first 15 credits Internship Review Self-Assessment Supervisor Assessment University Assessment Current cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better Personal and Professional Growth Plan: Superintendent Internship Work Plan 11/06 Survey of graduates Survey of graduates’ employers Page 5 of 6 Decision Point Evaluation Questions Admission Implementation Does the applicant demonstrate potential for graduate study (Graduate option only)? Has the candidate successfully completed the Preassessment Seminar with an approved Professional Growth Plan? Does the applicant hold a Washington State Residency Certificate? Does the candidate demonstrate knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary for more advanced study? Is the applicant currently teaching in a Washington State public school or a state-approved private school? Program Has the candidate successfully completed provisional employment status? Completion Follow-up Has the candidate successfully completed the “core” requirements of completing 9 credits from a Master’s degree program (Graduate option), or the activities identified for professional growth on the Professional Growth Plan (Post –Master’s option), or a Portfolio of evidence independently (Advanced Track option)? Has the program adequately prepared graduates for ethical, reflective, professional practice in diverse communities? Does the candidate demonstrate knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary for the completion of a Portfolio of evidence? Does the applicant demonstrate potential for ethical, reflective, professional practice in diverse communities? Professional Certification for Teachers ALL OPTIONS Residency certificate Verification of completion of provisional status Entry Requirement: Dispositions SelfAssessment Preassessment Seminar Grade Dispositions Evaluation by Faculty o Graduate Option 3.0 GPA Professional Growth Plan Evaluation: 1. Preassessment Plan 2. Teaching and Learning Plan o Continuing Ed Option (Post-Master’s) Master’s Degree Professional Growth Plan Evalution: 1. Preassessment Plan 2. Teaching and Learning Plan Current GPA Culminating Seminar Grade Portfolio Evaluation Implementation Seminars I, II, III Grades Portfolio Evaluation: 1. Fall Quarter 2. Winter Quarter 3. Spring Quarter o Transfer Students (Grad and CE only) Preassessment Seminar Grade Approved Professional Growth Plan Verification of 5 years outof-state teaching experience Portfolio Completion Plan Portfolio Evaluation o Advanced Track Option 11/06 Survey of graduates Survey of graduates’ employers Page 6 of 6