MRS. DEVOE’S CLASS RULES EXPECTATIONS 1) BE SELF CONTROLLED: KEEP HANDS AND FEET TO YOURSELF TALK IN A NORMAL VOICE WALK QUIETLY IN THE HALLWAYS WORK NEATLY; COMPLETE WORK ON TIME STAY IN SEAT UNLESS ALLOWED TO GET UP 2) BE RESPECTFUL: RAISE HAND BEFORE TALKING LISTEN WHILE OTHERS SPEAK BE HELPFUL TO OTHERS SPEAK POLITELY AND KINDLY CONSEQUENCES 1) VERBAL WARNING GIVEN. 2) NEGATIVE DOJO. 3) LOSS OF PRIVILEGES. 4) PHONE CALL TO PARENTS. 5) PARENT/TEACHER/PRINCIPAL CONFERENCE. Parent Welcome Letter Hello parents and students! Welcome to Rice Creek School. I am Mrs. DeVoe and I will be your child’s gifted teacher. I am very thankful for the opportunity to be your child’s teacher for this 2015-2016 school term. I am looking forward to a very exciting year with your child! I have an open door policy and encourage any opportunities that you have to volunteer in your our classroom. A very important part of your child’s success is making sure that he or she is growing. We will be doing many projects in class and at home. Again, thank you for this opportunity! If you need anything, please feel free to call me at 912-395-4100. I would love to hear from you! Sincerely, Mrs. DeVoe Important Information School number 912-395-4100 Mrs. DeVoe’s Email cj.devoe Mrs. DeVoe’s Facebook www.facebook./Mrs. DeVoe.1 How to get to our website 1. Go to 2. Click on schools tab 3. Click on Rice Creek 4. Click on teacher/staff 5. Click on CJ DeVoe 6. You are there…check it often Mrs. DeVoe’s School Supply List o 3 ring binder (1 inch) o 2- Loose leaf paper o Pencils/Erasers o 1- spiral notebook o Small pack of dry erase markers o USB stick Optional items to help supply the classroom - Tissues, soap, hand sanitizer, pencils, notebook paper Please make sure you purchase supplies for home as well. Crayons, paper, glue, and construction paper may be needed for homework throughout the year. Thank you, Mrs. DeVoe CONTACT INFORMATION CHILD’S NAME:_________________________ PARENT(S) NAME:_______________________ _____________________________________ Grade:_______ BIRTHDAY: _______________ ADDRESS: _____________________________ PHONE NUMBER:______________________ ALTERNATE PHONE NUMBER:______________ EMAIL ADDRESS_________________________ IMPORTANT MEDICIAL INFORMATION: _____________________________________ _____________________________________ EMERGENCY CONTACT: ___________________ HOW DOES THE STUDENT TRAVEL TO AND FROM SCHOOL: ______________________ OTHER PEOPLE AUTHORIZED TO PICK UP STUDENT: ___________________________________