Falcon Marketing Club Constitution and By-laws Prepared by Elizabeth Nelson Section 1. Article I: Name, Mission, and Purpose Falcon Marketing Club Section 2. The mission of the Falcon Marketing Club is to provide marketing experience and knowledge to members about a wide range of tactics and strategies as a not-for-profit club. Section 3. The purpose of the Falcon Marketing club is to provide students further education about marketing careers, specialties, and tactics involving branding, advertising, networking, etc. Members will have the chance to participate in serving local businesses and our university by utilizing marketing skills. Section 1. Article II: Membership Membership shall be open to UWRF students enrolled for a minimum of one semester hour of credit at UWRF and interested in Marketing. Section 2. Students who want to join must fill out a short application, which directors will review and approve/disapprove. Section 2. This organization accepts responsibility to guarantee equal opportunity in all aspects of its sanctions for all qualified persons regardless of age, ethnicity, gender (except as otherwise permitted by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972), disability, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation or veteran status, Section 3. Voting Member Criteria a. Every member of the club becomes a voting member. b. Three quarters of the club must be present during a meeting where voting take place. c. Among the present voters, three quarters must approve an action for it to take place. d. when voting takes place, an email will be sent out to all members at least one week before voting. Section 4. Removal of Members: Members who miss more than 4 meetings a semester, will be contacted by an officer to discuss their member status. Once contacted, the member will have the opportunity to defend their situation. Three quarters of those in office must be present to vote on member removal. Once removed, the removed member has one week to present to officers for acceptance back into the organization. Article IV: Officers Section 1. Officer Qualification Officers must maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA for an entire school year while holding office as well as being enrolled as a “half time” student as specified by UWRF Student Senate. Section 2. Election a. Current Board of Directors shall seek to appoint three candidates for each Director role, which the club shall then vote on. b. All officers shall be chosen by secret ballots. Candidates receiving a majority (three-fourths) of all votes shall be elected. c. Officers will be elected at the spring of each year to serve the following year. d. In the case that a Director cannot fulfill his/her full term, an election may be held if deemed necessary by the Board. Section 3. The Board of Directors: President Executive Vice President Director of Communications Director of Recruitment Director of Advertising and Promotions Director of Activities Secretary Article V: Duties of the Executive Board of Directors Section 1. The faculty advisor will be the advisor for the whole year. He/she shall aid and advise the group on matters relating to the club and its members. Section 2. The president’s duties shall be to run and schedule all meetings, prepare and submit a marketing plan for the club to the advisor and to be the chairperson for the Board of Directors. The president will keep in contact with advisors and student senate. Section 3. The vice presidents duties shall be to perform all duties of the President in his or her absence. If the President is unable to hold Presidential office, the Vice President will perform all presidential duties until a vote is held. Section 4. The director of communications shall keep all records and important documents and be responsible for event and club promotions of various activities on social media outlets that may include but are not limited to: facebook, twitter, or any other form necessary. This person will also be responsible for duties delegated by the President. Section 5. The director of activities shall be responsible for coordinating, planning, and obtaining speakers and entertainment for the club. Speakers should be from the following fields of importance: marketing, advertising, public relations, social media/event planning. Duties may also include other projects and seminars and other duties delegated by the President. Section 6. The director of recruitment will be in charge of an aggressive campaign to find more members while also finding ways to retain them. They will work with the promotions committee for advertising the clubs needs. Section 7. The director of advertising and promotions will be in charge of developing a plan to promote club activities and information to students on campus. This director will be in charge of the committee that produces and distributes posters around campus on building corkboards where accepted while maintaining appropriate language and visual on those posters. This director will also be in charge of promoting upcoming meetings and/or special events. He/she will attend all meetings and perform tasks that the president shall assign. Section 8. The Director of Ethics will oversee all activities going on within the Falcon Marketing Club. They will hold the club to high standards when it comes to business ethics. This director will also conduct all voting. They will also help with all conflicts within the club. Along with the ethics committee, a matter deemed unethical must be voted on and approved by a majority of committee members to deem this matter unethical. Section 9. The secretary will be responsible for bookkeeping duties that include keeping files, taking minutes during the club and at officer meetings. He/she will distribute minutes to club members the day after the meeting. Section 10. The treasurer shall attend all meetings and evaluate the need for funding, keep a record of all financial activities, and advise the club of finances. Section 1. Section 2. Section 1. Article VI: Faculty Advisor The faculty advisor will be the advisor for the whole year. He/she shall aid and advise the group on matters relating to the club and its members. Additional faculty may be asked to join with the faculty advisor but only one faculty may vote as a board member. Article VII: Committees There will be the following committees made up of board members and club members: The Board of Directors, activities committee, recruiting committee, and promotion committee. Section 2. The Board of Directors consists of elected officers and a faculty advisor. The members are responsible to follow, be knowledgeable, and enforce policies as well as provide advice for the club Section 3. Under the supervision of the director of activities, the activities committee will be responsible for planning speakers and events. They can work with the promotions committee to create posters and use other marketing tactics. Section 4. The recruiting committee will work under supervision of the director of recruitment to form a plan to obtain and retain members of the club. They may work with promotions committee and activities committee to form the most effective plan. Section 5. The promotions committee will work under the director of promotions and advertising. They will work towards promoting the club to the River Falls campus, community and faculty. Section 6. The ethics committee will work under the supervision of the Director of Ethics. They are responsible for bringing forth matters that seem unethical to the club as a whole, which will then be voted on as a whole club. Section 7. The president shall appoint any other special committee as he/she see fit. Article VIII: Meetings Section 1. Meetings shall be conducted bi-weekly and called as the Board of Directors see fit. Section 3. Parliamentary Authority: the president will direct the meetings and ask for updates. Section 2. Three fourths of the club must be present for official club business to occur. Section 1. Section 1. Section 2. Article IX: Records The records of the University of Wisconsin-River Falls Falcon Marketing Club shall consist of the book of minutes, membership records, and any other records the club deems necessary. Article X: By-laws and Amendments The constitution and the by-laws shall serve as the operation basis of the club. The constitution may be amended by a majority vote of at least three fourths of club members present after all members have been notified of the voting prior to the meeting. Section 3. By-laws may be added or amended by a majority vote of at least three fourths of club members present after all members have been notified of the voting prior the meeting. By-laws of the University of Wisconsin-River Falls Falcon Marketing Club Section 1. A copy of the University of Wisconsin-River Falls Falcon Marketing Club constitution shall be provided for the Board of Directors and reviewed annually to ensure proper guiding principle of the club as a whole. Section 2. The Board of Directors shall determine the number, location, and times of the meetings. The director of communications will notify all members about meetings via email or any way he/she see fit not less than five days in advance for the date set of a meeting. Section 3. The whole club is responsible to vote on issues that may be reported unethical by the Ethics committee. A majority vote is required by the club as a whole to veto an action