{questionnaire SRS_pre} - Scottish Referendum Study

Scottish Referendum Study Questionnaire
pre-referendum, 2014
{page intro}
This survey is on topical issues, and the results will be used to inform our clients.
Your YouGov Account will be credited with __ points for completing the survey.
We have tested the survey and found that, on average it takes around 20 to 25 minutes to
complete. This time may vary depending on factors such as your Internet connection speed
and the answers you give.
Please click the forward button below to continue.
{end page intro}
[polInterest]{grid roworder=randomize}Some people are more interested in politics than
others. On this scale, please could you tell us how interested you are in:
-[polInterestUK] UK politics in general
-[polInterestScot] Scottish politics in general
-[polInterestForeign] International politics
-[polInterestRef] The Independence referendum
<111> 0 – Not at all interested
<1> 1
<2> 2
<3> 3
<4> 4
<5> 5
<6> 6
<7> 7
<8> 8
<9> 9
<10> 10 – Extremely interested
<99 /"Don't know">
[scotReferendumTurnout]{single} Many people don't vote these days. How likely is it that you
will vote in the referendum on Scottish independence that will be held on 18th September
<5> Very likely that I will vote
<4> Fairly likely
<3> Neither likely nor unlikely
<2> Fairly unlikely
<1> Very unlikely that I will vote
<99> Don't know
[scotReferendumIntention]{single} In that referendum, voters will be asked, "Should
Scotland be an independent country?" Do you think you will vote "Yes" or "No"?
<1> Will vote ‘Yes’
<2> Will vote ‘No’
<3> Will not vote
<99> Don't know
[scotReferendumLeaning if scotReferendumIntention==99]{single} If you had to choose,
what is your best guess at how you will vote?
<1> Will vote "Yes"
<2> Will vote "No"
<99> Really can’t choose
[refChoiceSure if (scotReferendumIntention in [1,2] or scotReferendumLeaning in
[1,2])]{scale 1 7 dk = 1 dk_text="Don't know"} How certain are you that you will vote that
-[refChoiceCertainty] Not certain at all | Completely certain
[refChoiceReason]{single} Please could you briefly explain the SINGLE BIGGEST reason
why you intend to vote that way.
<1> [refChoiceReason_text] {open rows=1 cols=63 prompt="Please write in"}
<98> None
<99> Don't know
[refChoiceTime]{single} Please could you tell us roughly when you decided how to vote? If
you haven’t decided yet, then just choose that option.
<1>I’ve known all along how I would vote
<2>Once the referendum date was announced (in March 2013)
<3>A year or so ago
<4>A few months ago
<5>During the last few weeks
<6> I haven’t decided yet
{page p_scotRefExpectation}
$(page_state).on('after_content_loaded', function () { $('.rule_dk_label').text(" Don't
[scotRefExpectation]{rule 0 100 left="0 - Scotland will definitely choose to stay in UK"
right="100 - Scotland will definitely choose independence" show_value=1 dk=1} On this
scale, how likely do you think it is that Scotland will choose to become an independent
{end page p_scotRefExpectation}
{page p_scotRefExpectationTurnout}
$(page_state).on('after_content_loaded', function () { $('.rule_dk_label').text(" Don't
[scotRefExpectationTurnout]{rule 0 100 left="0% of people will vote" right="100% of people
will vote" show_value=1 dk=1} What proportion of people do you think will turn out to vote in
the Scottish independence referendum?
{end page p_scotRefExpectationTurnout}
[happyScotIndepResult]{scale 0 10 dk=1 dk_text="Don't know"} How happy or how
disappointed would you be if the "Yes" side won the referendum?
-[happyScotIndepResultScale] Extremely disappointed | Extremely happy
[happyScotIndepResultNo]{scale 0 10 dk=1 dk_text="Don't know"} And how happy or how
disappointed would you be if the "No" side won the referendum?
-[happyScotIndepResultNoScale] Extremely disappointed | Extremely happy
[constOptions]{grid} Some people have more than one preference for how Scotland could be
run in the future. Please assess how appealing each of the following options is to you. The
scale runs from 0 to 10 where 0 is not at all appealing to me and 10 is very appealing to me:
-[constIndep] Scotland should be an independent country
-[constDevomax] Scotland should remain within the UK but the Scottish Parliament should
have more powers
-[constStatusquo] Scotland should remain within the UK and the Scottish Parliament should
have the same powers as it has right now
-[constLesspower] Scotland should remain within the UK but the Scottish Parliament should
have fewer powers
-[constAbolishSP] Scotland should remain within the UK but the Scottish Parliament should
be abolished
<111> 0 – Not at all appealing
<1> 1
<2> 2
<3> 3
<4> 4
<5> 5
<6> 6
<7> 7
<8> 8
<9> 9
<10> 10 – Very appealing to me
<99 /"Don't know">
[whoGoverns]{grid} The following questions are about the balance of powers between the
UK government at Westminster and the Scottish Government at Holyrood. Think of a scale
that runs from 0 (Westminster has all the powers) to 10 (Holyrood has all the powers).
Choose a number that best describes each of the following situations?
-[whoGovernsNow] Where Scotland is now
-[whoGovernsOught]Where you would ideally like Scotland to be
-[whoGovernsIndep] Where an independent Scotland would be
-[whoGovernsDevoMax] Where Scotland would be if ‘Devo Max’?
-[whoGovernsNo2] Where Scotland would be _two_ years after a No vote?
-[whogovernsNo10] Where Scotland would be _ten_ years after a No vote?
<111> 0 – Westminster has all the powers
<1> 1
<2> 2
<3> 3
<4> 4
<5> 5
<6> 6
<7> 7
<8> 8
<9> 9
<10> 10 – Holyrood has all the powers
<99 /"Don't know">
[devoResponsibleNew]{grid width=100 roworder=randomize} If Scotland remains part of the
United Kingdom, it would retain control over existing policy areas (such as education and law
and order). When it comes to the following policy areas currently reserved to Westminster,
which institution do you think should make most of the important decisions for Scotland
-[devoResponsibleNewWelfare] Welfare benefits
-[devoResponsibleNewDefence] Defence and foreign affairs
-[devoResponsibleNewTax] The level of taxes
-[devoResponsibleNewImmig] Immigration
-[devoResponsibleNewPens] Pensions
-[devoResponsibleNewEnergy] Energy
<1> The Scottish Parliament
<2> The UK Parliament
<3> Other
<99> Don't know
{end page devoResponsiblePage}
[powersPref]{single} Suppose for a moment that Scotland votes to stay within the United
Kingdom. If you had to choose your top priority out of these three options, which would it
<1>Responsibility over new policy areas
<2>More powerful in existing policy areas
<3>More influence in UK decision-making
<4>Don’t want any of these
[expMorePowers]{single}And if there is a "no" vote in 2014, which of the following do you
think is the most likely outcome?
<1>No change to the relationship between Westminster and the Scottish Parliament
<2>The powers promised in the Scotland Act will be transferred but nothing more
<3>A major transfer of powers from Westminster to the Scottish Parliament
<4>Don't know
{page fairSharePage}
[fairShareGrid]{grid width=100} Would you say that each of these nations gets more or less
its fair share of UK government spending?
-[engFairShare] England
-[scotFairShare] Scotland
-[walesFairShare] Wales
<1> Much less than its fair share
<2> A little less than its fair share
<3> More or less its fair share
<4> A little more than its fair share
<5> Much more than its fair share
<99> Don't know
{end page fairSharePage}
{page certaintyScotPage}
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th:nth-child(7){ max-width:10px;}
td:nth-child(7){ max-width:10px;}
[certaintyScotIndepUnion]{grid width=100 roworder=randomize} How sure are you about
what would happen to Scotland if it became independent or if it stayed in the United
-[certaintyScotIndependence] If Scotland became independent
-[certaintyScotUnion] If Scotland stayed in the UK
<1> I am very unsure what would happen
<2> I am quite unsure what would happen
<3> I am quite sure what would happen
<4> I am very sure what would happen
<99> Don't know
{end page certaintyScotPage}
[independenceRisks]{grid roworder=randomize} If Scotland becomes independent, how
likely do you think it is that…
-[scotIndepEconomy] The general economic situation in Scotland would be worse
-[cooperateRUKGBP] Scotland would keep using the pound
-[scotIndepJoinEU] Scotland would be able to retain membership of the EU on similar terms
-[scotIndepVoice] Scotland would have a weaker voice in the world
-[scotIndepInequality] The gap between rich and poor would become smaller
-[scotIndepNavy] The UK government would stop building naval ships in Scotland
-[scotIndepBorders] There would be passport and border controls between Scotland and
-[scotIndepDefenceCoop] Scotland and the UK would arrange defence cooperation
-[scotIndepBBC] Scotland would continue to contribute to and access services of the BBC
-[scotIndepMeBetterOff] I personally would be better off
<1>Very likely
<3>Neither likely nor unlikely
<5>Very unlikely
[unionRisks]{grid} And if Scotland remains within the UK, how likely do you think it is that…
-[unionBudgetCuts] A UK government would cut the spending available for Scottish public
-[unionInequality] The gap between rich and poor would get wider
-[unionMorePowers] Westminster will transfer substantially more powers to the Scottish
-[unionEULeave] The UK will vote in a referendum to leave the European Union
-[unionTridentStay] Trident submarines would remain in Scottish waters
-[unionBenefitsDown] Welfare benefits will go down
<1>Very likely
<3>Neither likely nor unlikely
<5>Very unlikely
[confidentOptions] Here are three possible options for Scotland: i) no change; ii) ‘devo max’
(Scotland remains part of the United Kingdom but the Scottish Parliament makes decisions
in all areas apart from defence and foreign affairs); and iii) independence. How confident or
worried would each of those make you for Scotland’s future?
-[confidentStatusquo] No change
-[confidentMorepowers] ‘Devolution max’
-[confidentIndep] Independence
<1>Very confident
<2>Quite confident
<3>Neither confident nor worried
<4>Quite worried
<5>Very worried
[euGoodThing]{single} Thinking about the European Union, do you think membership in the
EU is generally a good thing or a bad thing
<1> Generally a good thing
<2> Generally a bad thing
<99> Don’t know
[euLeaving]{single} And which result on 18th September do you think makes it more likely
that Scotland would end up outside the EU: a ‘Yes’ or a ‘No’?
<1> A ‘Yes’ vote
<2> A ‘No’ vote
<99> Don’t know
[argumentsYes]{grid roworder=randomize} Even those who strongly support one side might
sometimes think that the other side makes some valid points. First, here are some
arguments made by the ‘Yes’ campaign. Leaving aside for a moment whether you will vote
that way, how convincing would you say is each of these arguments?
-[yesDiffValues] Scottish political values are different from those in the rest of the UK
-[yesIndepNation] Independence is the natural state of nations like Scotland
-[yesRoleWorld] Scotland should be free to shape its own role in the world
-[yesWrongGovts] Without independence, Scotland will keep on getting governments it
hasn’t voted for
-[yesCloserCitizens] Scottish problems are bound to be better understood in Edinburgh than
in London
<111> 0 – Not at all convincing
<1> 1
<2> 2
<3> 3
<4> 4
<5> 5
<6> 6 – Extremely convincing
<99 /"Don't know">
[argumentsNo]{grid roworder=randomize} Now here are some arguments made by the ‘No’
campaign. Again leaving aside whether you will vote that way, how convincing would you
say is each of these arguments?
-[noWorkTogether] Nations are stronger when they work together rather than going it alone
-[noKnownUnknowns] There are too many unanswered questions about what an
independent Scotland would look like
-[noOilDepend] An independent Scotland would be too reliant on oil
-[noMonetaryPolicy] For as long as Scotland uses the pound and the Bank of England sets
its interest rates, it won’t really be independent
-[noMorePowers] Further devolution will give Scotland more autonomy without the risks of
<111> 0 – Not at all convincing
<1> 1
<2> 2
<3> 3
<4> 4
<5> 5
<6> 6 – Extremely convincing
<99 /"Don't know">
[yesChangeMind if scotReferendumIntention==1]{multiple} Earlier you said that you are
planning to vote ‘Yes’ in the upcoming referendum. Would any of the following lead you to
change your mind? Please select any of the following that would tempt you to switch to ‘No’
or, if none of these would change your mind, choose that option.
<1> If the UK government agreed to devolve full taxation powers to the Scottish Parliament
<2> If the UK government agreed to relocate Trident outside Scottish waters
<3> If it became clear that an independent Scotland would not be able to use the pound
<4> If the UK government gave the Scottish Parliament control over all revenues from oil in
Scotland’s offshore waters
<8> Something else (please write in) [yesChangeMindo]{open}
<111 xor> None of these
[noChangeMind if scotReferendumIntention==2]{multiple} Earlier you said that you are
planning to vote ‘No’ in the upcoming referendum. Would any of the following lead you to
change your mind? Please select any of the following that would tempt you to switch to
‘Yes’ or, if none of these would change your mind, choose that option.
<1> If there were no plans for further devolution to Scotland
<2> If it looked increasingly likely that the Conservatives would win the 2015 UK general
<3> If the UK government agreed to a currency union with an independent Scotland
<4> If opinion polls suggested strongly that the UK would vote to leave the European Union
<8> Something else (please write in) [noChangeMindo]{open}
<111 xor> None of these
[instTrust]{grid roworder=randomize} On a scale from 0 (‘No trust’) to 10 (‘A great deal of
trust’), how much do you personally trust each of the following institutions?
-[scotParlTrust] Scottish Parliament
-[ukParlTrust] UK Parliament
-[scotPartiesTrust] The parties at Holyrood generally
-[ukPartiesTrust] The parties at Westminster generally
-[politiciansTrust] Politicians in general
-[mediatrust] The BBC
<111> 0 – No trust
<1> 1
<2> 2
<3> 3
<4> 4
<5> 5
<6> 6
<7> 7
<8> 8
<9> 9
<10> 10 – A great deal of trust
<99 /"Don't know">
{page leftRightSelf}
[leftRight]{scale 0 10 dk = 1 dk_text="Don't know"} In politics people sometimes talk of left
and right. Where would you place yourself on the following scale?
-[leftrightResponse] Left | Right
{end page leftRightSelf}
{page splits}
split = random(1,2)
{end page splits}
[lrCountries if split==1]{grid roworder=randomize width=25} And where would you place the
following on this similar scale?
-[lrScotland] Scotland
-[lrEngland] England
-[lrEurope] Europe
<222 fixed>
<111> 0 - Left
<1> 1
<2> 2
<3> 3
<4> 4
<5> 5
<6> 6
<7> 7
<8> 8
<9> 9
<10> 10 – Right
<98 fixed>
<99 /"Don't know">
[lrPeoples if split==2]{grid roworder=randomize width=25} And where would you place the
following on this similar scale?
-[lrScots] The average Scottish person
-[lrEnglish] The average English person
<222 fixed>
<111> 0 - Left
<1> 1
<2> 2
<3> 3
<4> 4
<5> 5
<6> 6
<7> 7
<8> 8
<9> 9
<10> 10 – Right
<98 fixed>
<99 /"Don't know">
{page approvalRatingPage}
[approvePerf]{grid roworder=randomize} How far do you approve or disapprove of the job
that the following are doing?
-[approveUKGovt] The UK government
-[approveLabUK] The Labour opposition at Westminster
-[approveScotGovt] The Scottish government
-[approveYes] The Yes Scotland campaign
-[approveNo] Better Together campaign
<1> Strongly disapprove
<2> Disapprove
<3> Neither approve nor disapprove
<4> Approve
<5> Strongly approve
<99><<span style="color:FireBrick">Don't know</span>>
{end page approvalRatingPage}
[leaderLike]{grid width=25 roworder=randomize} How much do you like or dislike each of the
following political figures? (If you come across any that you don’t recognise, just choose
“Don’t know”.)
-[likeCameron] David Cameron
-[likeDarling] Alistair Darling
-[likeSalmond] Alex Salmond
-[likeSturgeon] Nicola Sturgeon
-[likeFarage] Nigel Farage
-[likeBrown] Gordon Brown
-[likeOsborne] George Osborne
-[likeCarmichael] Alistair Carmichael
<111> 0
<1> 1
<2> 2
<3> 3
<4> 4
<5> 5
<6> 6
<7> 7
<8> 8
<9> 9
<10> 10
<99 /"Don't know">
[salmondViews]{grid width=25 roworder=randomize} And thinking now specifically about
Alex Salmond, how good or bad a job do you think he has done or would do in each of these
-[salmondFM] As First Minister of Scotland
-[salmondYes] As leader of the ‘Yes’ campaign
-[salmondPM] As potentially the Prime Minister of an independent Scotland
<111> 0 – Very bad job
<1> 1
<2> 2
<3> 3
<4> 4
<5> 5
<6> 6
<7> 7
<8> 8
<9> 9
<10> 10 – Very good job
<99 /"Don't know">
{end page leaderLikePage}
{page splits}
split = random(1,2)
{end page splits}
{module one if split==1}
[pIDUK1yn]{single}Some people think of themselves as usually being a supporter of one
political party rather than another (even if they might vote for a different party from time to
time). Thinking about _UK politics at Westminster_, do you usually think of yourself as being
a supporter of one particular party or not?
<1> Yes, I do
<2> No, I do not
[pIDUK1 if pIDUK1yn==1 ]Which party is that?
<1> Labour
<2> Conservative
<3> Liberal Democrat
<4> Scottish National Party
<5> Green Party
<6> UK Independence Party
<7> Other [pIDUK1o]{open}
[pIDSco2yn]{single}Thinking now about _Scottish politics at Holyrood_, do you usually think
of yourself as being a supporter of one particular party or not?
<1> Yes, I do
<2> No, I do not
[pIDSco2 if pIDSco2yn==1]Which party is that?
<1> Labour
<2> Conservative
<3> Liberal Democrat
<4> Scottish National Party
<5> Green Party
<6> UK Independence Party
<7> Other [pIDSco2o]{open}
{end module one}
{module two if split==2}
[pIDSco1yn]{single}Some people think of themselves as usually being a supporter of one
political party rather than another (even if they might vote for a different party from time to
time). Thinking about _Scottish politics at Holyrood_, do you usually think of yourself as
being a supporter of one particular party or not?
<1> Yes, I do
<2> No, I do not
[pIDSco1 if pIDSco1yn==1]Which party is that?
<1> Labour
<2> Conservative
<3> Liberal Democrat
<4> Scottish National Party
<5> Green Party
<6> UK Independence Party
<7> Other [pIDSco1o]{open}
[pIDUK2yn]{single}Thinking now about _UK politics at Westminster_, do you usually think of
yourself as being a supporter of one particular party or not?
<1> Yes, I do
<2> No, I do not
[pIDUK2 if pIDUK2yn==1 ]Which party is that?
<1> Labour
<2> Conservative
<3> Liberal Democrat
<4> Scottish National Party
<5> Green Party
<6> UK Independence Party
<7> Other [pIDUK2o]{open}
[elecStakes]{grid roworder=randomize} People disagree about how important are different
types of election. How much of a difference do you think it makes who wins the following?
-[scotElecStakes] Elections to the Scottish Parliament
-[genElecStakes] General elections to the UK House of Commons
-[localElecStakes] Elections to local councils elections
-[euroElecStakes] Elections to the European Parliament
-[refElecStakes] The 2014 referendum on Scottish independence
<1>A great deal
<2>Quite a lot
<4>Not very much
<5>None at all
<6>Don’t know
[elecDuty]{grid roworder=randomize} Some people feel that citizens have a duty to vote in
each election. Others disagree, and think that citizens should choose each time whether to
vote depending on whether they care who wins. For each of these, how far do you agree or
disagree that there is a duty to vote?
-[scotElecDuty] Elections to the Scottish Parliament
-[genElecDuty] General elections to the UK House of Commons
-[localElecDuty] Elections to local councils elections
-[euroElecDuty] Elections to the European Parliament
-[refElecDuty] The Referendum on Scottish independence
<1>Agree strongly
<2>Agree somewhat
<3>Neither agree nor disagree
<4>Disagree somewhat
<5>Disagree strongly
{page satDemPage}
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[satDem]{grid width=100} On the whole, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way
that democracy works in:
-[satDemUK] The UK as a whole
-[satDemScot] Scotland
-[satDemEU] The European Union
<1> Very dissatisfied
<2> A little dissatisfied
<3> Fairly satisfied
<4> Very satisfied
<99> Don't know
{end page satDemPage}
[campaignAssess]{gridroworder=randomize}To what extent do you agree or disagree with
the following statements?
-[debateDifficult] The independence debate is so complicated, I can’t make much sense of it
-[campaignsTruth] I’m not convinced either campaign side has been telling the whole truth
about the consequences of independence
-[conseqestimation] I’m not sure either campaign can accurately estimate the true
consequences of independence
-[ScotEmpwr] The independence debate is giving ordinary people a say in Scotland's future.
-[RefEngage] For the first time in a long time I’m paying attention to politics because of the
referendum campaign
-[refUnder18] It was a good idea to allow 16- and 17-year-olds to vote in the referendum
-[refFairness] Both sides of the referendum debate have had a fair chance to present their
point of view
-[refImportant] This Independence referendum is more important than any other vote in
Scotland in the last fifty years
-[otherSide] Although I’m on one side of the debate, I must admit that the other side has
some strong points
<1>Strongly agree
<3>Neither agree nor disagree
<5>Strongly disagree
[efficGeneral]{gridroworder=randomize}And to what extent do you agree or disagree with
these statements?
-[efficDontCare]Politicians don’t care much about what people like me think.
-[efficNoSay]People like me don’t have any say about what the government does
-[efficComplicated]Sometimes politics and government seem so complicated that a person
like me can’t really understand what’s going on
<1>Strongly agree
<3>Neither agree nor disagree
<5>Strongly disagree
{page splits}
split = random(1,2)
{end page splits}
{module one if split==1}
[polPartic1]{grid} Some people are heavily involved in politics; others have too many other
things going on. Over the past few years, how often have you done the following in relation
to any issue _except_ the referendum?
-[discussPolFamily1] Discuss politics with family and friends
-[discussPolOnline1] Discuss politics via social media or online forums
-[readPol1] Read about politics in newspapers or magazines
-[attendPol1] Attend public meetings
-[campaignPol1] Get involved in grassroots campaigning
<1> Very often
<2> Fairly often
<3> Not very often
<4> Not at all
[refPartic2]{grid} Now thinking specifically about the referendum issue, how often have you
done the following?
-[discussRefFamily2] Discussed the referendum with family and friends
-[discussRefOnline2] Discussed the referendum via social media or online forums
-[readRef2] Read about the referendum in newspapers or magazines
-[attendRef2] Attended public meetings about the referendum
-[campaignRef2] Get involved in grassroots referendum campaigning
<1> Very often
<2> Fairly often
<3> Not very often
<4> Not at all
{end module one}
{module two if split==2}
[refPartic1]{grid} Some people are heavily involved in politics; others have too many other
things going on. First, thinking specifically about the referendum issue, how often have you
done the following?
-[discussRefFamily1] Discussed the referendum with family and friends
-[discussRefOnline1] Discussed the referendum via social media or online forums
-[readRef1] Read about the referendum in newspapers or magazines
-[attendRef1] Attended public meetings about the referendum
-[campaignRef1] Get involved in grassroots referendum campaigning
<1> Very often
<2> Fairly often
<3> Not very often
<4> Not at all
[polPartic2]{grid} And, over the past few years, how often have you done the following in
relation to any issue _except_ the referendum?
-[discussPolFamily2] Discuss politics with family and friends
-[discussPolOnline2] Discuss politics via social media or online forums
-[readPol2] Read about politics in newspapers or magazines
-[attendPol2] Attend public meetings
-[campaignPol2] Get involved in grassroots campaigning
<1> Very often
<2> Fairly often
<3> Not very often
<4> Not at all
{end module two}
[refActivities]{multiple} Which, if any, of the following have you done during the (long) run-up
to this referendum? *Please tick all that apply.*
<1> Tried to persuade family, friends or colleagues to vote Yes or No
<2> Registered online as a supporter of ‘Better Together’ or ‘Yes Scotland’
<3> Signed up to the ‘Yes’ Declaration of Support for Independence
<4> Displayed a poster
<5> Attended a public meeting/speaker event
<6> Joined a local campaign group
<7> Delivered leaflets or canvassed voters
<8> Joined a political party
<111 xor> None of these
[refClimate]{single} This question is about the effect of the referendum campaign on the
Scottish public’s involvement and interest in politics. Which of these statements best
describes your own situation?
<1> I haven’t noticed it making any difference to anyone
<2> I’ve noticed others getting more involved but it hasn’t made any difference to me
<3> It’s got me a bit more involved
<4> It’s got me a lot more involved
[refClimateFuture if refClimate in [3,4]]{grid roworder=randomize} And what do you think will
happen to levels of political involvement – both your own and in the Scottish public as a
whole – once the referendum is over?
-[refClimateFutSelf] Yourself
-[refClimateFutScot] The Scottish public
<1> Will stay more involved
<2> Will go back to normal
<99> Don’t know
[refContact] Has anyone campaigning in the referendum contacted you during the past four
<1> No
<2> Yes
<3> Don't know
[refContactWho if refContact==2] {multiple} Could you indicate which campaigning
organizations or parties have contacted you during the past four weeks? *Please select all
that apply*.
<1> Better Together
<2> Yes Scotland
<3> Scottish National Party
<4> Scottish Labour Party
<5> Scottish Liberal Democrats
<6> Scottish Conservative Party
<7> Scottish Green Party
<8> Any other organization campaigning *for* independence
<9> Any other organization campaigning *against* independence
<111 xor> None of these
{module rongrid if refContactWho.has_any([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])}
[refContactHow] {grid-check roworder=randomize colorder=randomize} Could you indicate
all the ways that you have been contacted, again selecting all that apply?
-[refContactHow_g1] Telephone call
-[refContactHow_g2] Leaflet or letter delivered to your home
-[refContactHow_g4] A visit to your home
-[refContactHow_g5] Contact in the street
-[refContactHow_g6] Email
-[refContactHow_g7] Twitter
-[refContactHow_g8] Facebook
-[refContactHow_g9] Text message (SMS)
-[refContactHow_g10]{fixed=1} Other Ways
<1 if 1 in refContactWho> Better Together
<2 if 2 in refContactWho> Yes Scotland
<3 if 3 in refContactWho > Scottish National Party
<4 if 4 in refContactWho > Scottish Labour Party
<5 if 5 in refContactWho > Scottish Liberal Democrats
<6 if 6 in refContactWho > Scottish Conservative Party
<7 if 7 in refContactWho > Scottish Green Party
<8 if 8 in refContactWho > Any other organization campaigning *for* independence
<9 if 9 in refContactWho > Any other organization campaigning *against* independence
{end module rongrid}
[debateViewing] There have been two televised debates between Alistair Darling and Alex
Salmond during this campaign: the first (on 5 August) on STV and the second (on 25
August) on BBC Scotland. So far as you can remember, did you happen to see either, both
or neither of these?
<1> Didn’t see either of them
<2> Only saw the first one on STV
<3> Only saw the second one on BBC Scotland
<4> Saw both of them
<5> Can’t remember
[debateHelp if debateViewing in[2,3,4]]{single} Which of these best describes any impact
that the debates had on your choice?
<1>Didn’t have any impact – my mind was already made up
<2>Made me think but didn’t change my mind
<3>Got me seriously thinking about the other side
<4>Changed my mind completely
[debatePerf if debateViewing in[2,3,4]]{single} Based on what you saw, and leaving aside
your personal preferences, who do you think won the debates?
<1>Alistair Darling
<2>Alex Salmond
<3>Too close to call
<4>Can’t remember
[fairConductRef]{grid roworder=randomize} How fairly or otherwise do you think the following
have behaved during the referendum process?
-[fairElecComm] The Electoral Commission
-[fairBBC] The BBC
-[fairYesCamp] The ‘Yes Scotland’ campaign
-[fairNoCamp] The ‘Better Together’ campaign
-[fairUKGovt] The UK government
-[fairScotGovt] The Scottish government
<1> Very fairly
<2> Quite fairly
<3> Neither fairly nor unfairly
<4> Quite unfairly
<5> Very unfairly
<99> Don’t know
[subjKnowOverall]{single} On the whole, how well informed do you feel about the
<1>I feel I know enough
<2>I don’t know enough but that’s because you can’t really know with issues like this
<3>I don’t know enough because the Yes and No campaigns have not provided enough
[subjKnowledge]{grid roworder=randomize} Sometimes in this campaign it has been hard to
distinguish facts from opinions or guesses. For each of the following, could you say whether
you think it is a matter of _fact_ (that is, we can know the answer before the referendum –
even if some people get it wrong) or whether you think it is a matter of _opinion_ (that is, we
can only guess at this stage).
-[subjKnowEU] Whether an independent Scotland would be an EU member
-[subjKnowCurr] Whether an independent Scotland would retain the pound
-[subjKnowQueen] Whether the Queen would remain Head of State of an independent
-[subjKnowCurr] Whether the average household would be better or worse off under
-[subjKnowDevo] Whether more powers would be devolved to the Scottish Parliament after a
‘No’ vote
-[subjKnowTrid] Whether Trident would be moved from Scottish waters after a ‘Yes’ vote
<1> Completely a matter of fact
<2> Mostly a matter of fact
<3> Mostly a matter of opinion
<4> Completely a matter of opinion
Postcode sector/ward
[econPersonalRetro]{single} Finally, a few questions about you. First, how does the
*financial situation of your household* now compare with what it was 12 months ago? Has
<1> Got a lot worse
<2> Got a little worse
<3> Stayed the same
<4> Got a little better
<5> Got a lot better
<99> Don't know
[dependents if RESPONDENT NOT IN THE BESIP]{multiple} Do you have day-to-day caring
responsibilities for any of the following in your family? *Please tick all that apply.*
<1> Pre-school aged children
<2> School aged children
<3> Sick, disabled or elderly adults
<9 xor> None of the above
[nationalIdentities]{scale 1 7 dk = 1 dk_text="Don't know"} Where would you place yourself
on these scales?
-[britishness] Not at all British | Very strongly British
-[scottishness] Not at all Scottish | Very strongly Scottish
-[englishness] Not at all English | Very strongly English
[scotBrit]{single} And which, if any, of the following best describes how you see yourself?
<1>Scottish not British
<2>More Scottish than British
<3>Equally Scottish and British
<4>More British than Scottish
<5>British not Scottish
<6>Other description (please write in) [scotBrito]{open}
<7>Don't know
[socialTrustScale]{scale 0 10 dk = 1 dk_text=”Don’t know”} Generally speaking, would you
say that most people can be trusted, or that you can't be too careful in dealing with people?
Please answer on the following scale.
-[socialTrust] You can’t be too careful | Most people can be trusted
[riskscale]{grid roworder=randomize} Now here is a scale where 0 means “unwilling to take
risks” and 10 means “fully prepared to take risks”. How willing are you to take risks:
-[riskGeneral] In general?
-[riskFinancial] In financial matters?
<111> 0 – Unwilling to take risks
<1> 1
<2> 2
<3> 3
<4> 4
<5> 5
<6> 6
<7> 7
<8> 8
<9> 9
<10> 10 – Fully prepared to take risks
<99 /"Don't know">
[impatienceScale]{scale 0 10 dk = 1 dk_text=”Don’t know”} In general, how patient or
impatient would you say that you are?
-[impatience] Very impatient | Very patient
{page splits}
split = random(1,2)
{end page splits}
{module one if split==1}
[Imagine that you win £1,000 in a lottery. Almost immediately after you collect, you receive
the following financial offer from a reputable bank, the conditions of which are as follows: you
have a 50% chance of doubling your money within two years; but you have a 50% chance of
losing half of whatever you invest. How much of the £1,000 would you choose to invest?
{end module one}
{module two if split==2}
[Imagine that you have £1,000 of savings. You receive the following financial offer from a
reputable bank, the conditions of which are as follows: a 50% chance of doubling your
money within two years; but a 50% chance of losing half of whatever you invest. How much
of the £1,000 would you choose to invest?
{end module two}
[RelAttendance]{single} Apart from such special occasions as weddings and funerals, how
often do you attend religious services nowadays?
<1> Once a week or more
<2> At least once a month
<3> At least twice a year
<4> At least once a year
<5> Never or practically never
[ParentsPOB]{grid} In what country were each of your parents born?
-[MotherPOB] Your mother
-[FatherPOB] Your father
<1> Scotland
<2> England
<3> Northern Ireland
<4> Republic of Ireland
<5> Wales
<7> Other {open prompt= "please specify"}
<99> Don't know
[RGoAbroad]{single} Roughly how often do you travel outside the UK, either for business or
on holiday?
<1> Several times a year
<2> Once or twice a year
<3> Once every few years
<4> Less often than that
<5> Never or practically never
[RLiveAbroad]{single} Have you ever lived outside Scotland for a period of three months or
<1> Yes
<2> No
[RLiveAbroadWhere if RLiveAbroad==1]{multiple} And where was that? *Please tick all that
<1> England
<2> Northern Ireland
<3> Republic of Ireland
<4> Wales
<5> Somewhere else in the European Union {open prompt= "please specify"}
<6> Somewhere outside the European Union {open prompt= "please specify"}
[RLiveAbroadLong if RLiveAbroad==1]{single} For how long in total have you lived outside
<1> Less than 6 months
<2> Between 6 months and 1 year
<3> Between 1 and 5 years
<4> More than 5 years
[prolificResp]{single} Finally, in the past 12 months, roughly how often would you say that
you have completed polls or surveys that included questions on politics?
<1> This is the first
<2> Only once or twice
<3> Once every two or three months
<4> Around once a month
<5> More often than that