1 EVANGEL UNIVERSITY HELPING RELATIONSHIP THEORIES AND SKILLS SYLLABUS PSYC/SWK 333 Fall 2008 Tues./Thurs. 11:00am -12:15pm Jean Orr, Psy.D. Ext. 8617 833-1023 orrj@evangel.edu COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to expose students to core communication skills essential to helping relationships. Students are presented with basic listening and action-oriented skills within the context of professional values and a multidisciplinary theory base, including issues related to working with diverse populations. Emphasis is upon experiential role-playing and practice in non-verbal expression, active listening, exploration, constructive confrontation, conflict resolution, and other interviewing/helping skills essential to a professional helper. Prerequisite: Upper division standing. OBJECTIVES Upon successful completion of the course, the student should be able to: 1. Understand the helping process from an empowerment and strengths-based perspective. 2. Develop self-awareness and understand how it impacts the helping process. 3. Demonstrate the ability to apply foundational skills in building trust and respect in helping relationships. 4. Demonstrate micro skills appropriate to helping relationships such as attending, listening, observation, identifying and reflecting feeling and content, summarizing, confrontation, focusing, probing, reframing, and appropriate use of self-disclosure. 5. Demonstrate awareness of how ethnicity, diversity, and culture impact communication styles and relationship development. 6. Develop skills supported by knowledge and guided by values to appropriately interact and engage in the helping process with diverse populations (e.g., populations defined by age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, physical and intellectual disabilities, social class, etc.). 2 7. Understand the professional values that under gird the helping process. 8. Integrate personal, professional and Christian values in the helping process. 9. Understand and apply the various theories from which helping skills have developed. REQUIRED READINGS Ivey, A. E., & Ivey, M. B. (2007). Intentional interviewing and counseling: Facilitating client development in a multicultural society (6th ed.). Pacific Grove, California: Thomson Brooks/Cole. Stevens, R. P. (1999). Calling in a post-vocational age. In R. P. Stevens, The other six days (pp. 71-105). Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. (chapter on reserve in the library) METHODOLOGY Lecture to discuss skills, and educate on theories Extensive “lab” type role plays in and out of class Videotaped examples of skills Videotaping of students 2 times throughout the semester to demonstrate skills learned Class discussion Group activities COURSE REQUIREMENTS Attendance: Due to the nature the course, material including lecture, videotapes, role-plays and group activities, it is imperative students attend each class. Missing class equals missing valuable information that may not be available in the text, yet will reappear on the test. Therefore, attendance will be noted and may affect grades, as borderline grades will be determined by participation and attendance. Attendance will be taken in the first five minutes of class. After a total of 7 absences, students will be dropped from the class. It is students’ responsibility to withdraw from class by the University deadline in order to avoid a failing grade. Please note, “excused absences” will count toward total absences allowed. Plagiarism and Cheating: Plagiarism and cheating are against God’s, the University’s, and this instructor’s policies. Any discovery of such will result in a failing grade for the particular assignment, test or paper, and the possibility of failing the course. Students will 3 be reported to the department chair and the administration should this occur. Class Behavior: As assumed with any college course, students are required to be respectful at all times of the instructor, their peers, and guest speakers. Specifically, talking in class outside of class discussion and questions is distracting and not accepted. When watching videos or skill demonstrations students must refrain from talking or other distracting behavior. Should disrespect become a problem at any time during the semester, the instructor reserves the right to ask the student in question to leave the class for that class period. Personal Technology: While it is common practice to carry cell phones and pagers to all activities, these devices are extremely distracting and disruptive to a classroom setting. All electronic devices must be turned off when entering class. Should a student need to keep it on for an emergency situation, it must be turned to a silent mode and monitored in that fashion. It is never appropriate to answer a phone while still in the room. Should this become an issue, the student will be asked to leave the class for that class period. Cell phones will not be allowed in the classroom on exam days. Exams: There will be 4 exams throughout the semester, each worth 50 points. All exams will be a combination of objective questions in the form of multiple choice, and short answer, and will be derived from readings, lectures, video clips, role plays and any other information presented in class. Missing an exam may only be done in an emergency and with prior approval from the instructor. Failure to obtain this approval may result in a zero for that test. If approval is granted, the test must be made up within one class period of the original test date. Late Assignment Policy: It is expected that all assignments and papers will be handed in on the assigned dates at the beginning of the class period. Late papers will not be accepted unless there is an emergency and prior approval is obtained from the instructor. If students receive authorization to turn in late papers, 10% will be deducted/per day late. 4 Assignments: Client Description Exercise (5 points)- Due 9/4 Code of Ethics Exercise (10 points)- Due 9/9 Reaction Paper (10 points)- Due 9/11 Self Awareness Paper (20 points)- Due 9/18 Role Play # 1 (Attending) (10 points)- Due 9/23 Role Play # 2 (Questions) (10 points)- Due 10/7 Role Play # 3 (Reflecting Feelings) (10 points)- Due 10/16 Role Play # 4 (Reflecting Content) (10 points)- Due 10/23 Role Play # 5 (Summarizing) (10 points)- Due 10/28 Role Play #6 (Confrontation) (10 points) – Due 11/13 Videotaped Session # 1 (30 points)-Videotaping to be scheduled Thurs. 10/23 through Wed. 10/29 (excluding weekend) during business hours. Due Thurs. 10/30. Videotaped Session # 2 (50 points)-Videotaping to be scheduled Tues. 12/2 through Mon. 12/8 (excluding weekend) during business hours. Due Tues. 12/9. Paper Format: All papers must be typed and double-spaced. Top and bottom margins will be set at 1 inch, and left and right set at 1.25 (standard on most word processing programs), and font of Arial 12pt. Grammar and spelling will be noted. Excessively short or long papers will result in a loss of points. All assignments must be in APA format. Tutoring is available in APA style of writing if necessary from the Write Place. 5 Evaluation: The final course grade will be determined based on the combined scores on all assignments, papers, exams, and videotapes. Attendance and class participation will be considered in cases of borderline grades. Grades will be determined by dividing the total number of points earned by the total possible number of points. A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF = 93-100% = 90-92% = 87-89% = 83-86% = 80-82% = 77-79% = 73-76% = 70-72% = 67-69% = 63-66% = 60-62% = 59% and below 6 TENTATIVE COURSE SCHEDULE This schedule is tentative and subject to change. You will be notified of any changes. DATES READINGS/ASSIGNMENTS 8/28 Topic: Introduction to Course/Syllabus Reading: Preface 9/2 Topic: Introduction to Helping Skills Reading: Ch. 1 9/4, 9/9 Topic: Ethics, HIPAA, Multicultural Competence Reading: Ch. 2 Assignment Due 9/4: Client Description Exercise Assignment Due 9/9: Code of Ethics Exercise 9/11 Topic: Called to Help Reading: “Calling in a Post-vocational Age” Assignment Due 9/11: Reaction Paper 9/16 Exam I: Preface, Ch. 1 & 2, “Calling in a Postvocational Age” 9/18 Topic: Attending Behavior Reading: Ch. 3 Assignment Due 9/18: Self-Awareness Paper 9/23, 9/25 Topic: Observation Skills Reading: Ch. 5 Assignment Due 9/23: Role Play # 1 (Attending) 9/30, 10/2 Topic: Questions Reading: Ch. 4 10/7, 10/9 Topic: Reflecting Feelings Reading: Ch. 7 Assignment Due 10/7: Role Play #2 (Questions) 10/14 Exam II: Ch. 3, 4, 5, 7 10/16 Topic: Reflecting Content; Paraphrasing Reading: Ch. 6 Assignment Due 10/16: Role Play #3 (Reflecting Feelings) 7 10/21 FALL BREAK – NO CLASS 10/23 Topic: Summarizing Reading: Ch. 6 Assignment Due 10/23: Role Play #4 (Reflecting Content) 10/28 Topic: Integrating Listening Skills Reading: Ch. 8 Assignment Due 10/28: Role Play #5 (Summarizing) 10/30 Topic: Review of Videotapes by Clinicians Assignment Due 10/30: Videotaped Session #1 11/4, 11/6 Topic: Confrontation Reading: Ch.9 11/11 Exam II: Ch. 6, 8, 9 11/13, 11/18 Topic: Focusing the Interview Reading: Ch. 10 Assignment Due 11/13: Role Play #6 (Confrontation) 11/20, 11/25 Topic: Meaning Reading: Ch. 11 11/27 12/2, 12/4 THANKSGIVING BREAK – NO CLASS Topic: Influencing Skills Reading: Ch. 12 12/9 Topic: Review Videotapes by Clinicians Assignment Due 12/11: Videotaped Session #2 12/11 STUDY DAY – NO CLASS 12/16 Tuesday 10:00am Exam III: Ch. 10, 11, 12 8 HELPING RELATIONSHIP THEORIES AND SKILLS ASSIGNMENT: CLIENT DESCRIPTION DUE: 9/4 5 points possible During this course, you will be conducting multiple role-plays with peers. For efficiency and to provide consistency, you will develop a “client profile”. Using the following guidelines, create the client that you will portray throughout the semester. You may not play yourself. Use these headings for your paper and respond to 1 through 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Keep your Name Keep you Gender Age Educational Level Race/Ethnic Background Immediate Family Structure (provide some detail here) Socioeconomic Status Presenting Problems; describe in some detail a. Financial Problems b. Housing Problems c. Academic/Educational Problems d. Occupational Problems e. Relationship Problems f. Substance Abuse/Dependence g. Lack of Parenting Skills h. Medical Condition/Pain i. Discrimination j. Legal Problems k. Disability l. Psychological Disorder (a variety exist; use more common one like adjustment disorder, depression, anxiety; nothing extreme like schizophrenia or DID) 9 HELPING RELATIONSHIP THEORIES AND SKILLS ASSIGNMENT: CODE OF ETHICS DUE: 9/9 10 points possible In order to be an effective practitioner, one must practice with ethics. Most of the formalized helping professions have developed their own unique Ethical Codes. Select the Ethical Code most closely related to your career choice and read through it. Options include: 1. American Counseling Association (ACA) 2. American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) 3. American Psychological Association (APA) 4. National Association of Social Workers (NASW) 5. American Association of Christian Counseling (AACC) Some of various web sites are located on page 36 in your textbook. The Codes will be on reserve in the Behavioral Sciences Department to check out and read there. After reading the Code, type a 2-page paper to include: 1. Title page (APA style) 2. Code chosen and how it is relevant to you 3. Identify and discuss three ethical behaviors with which you identify 4 Discuss one part of the Code that you didn’t agree with or believed was lacking in some way 10 HELPING RELATIONSHIP THEORIES AND SKILLS ASSIGNMENT: REACTION PAPER: CALLING IN A POSTCONVENTIONAL AGE DUE: 9/11 10 points possible 1. APA title page 2. Two pages of reaction to this reading. Do not summarize the material, but respond to it. What did you like? Dislike? What made sense to you? What did not make sense? How helpful was this reading to you? How does it fit with your Christian world view? 11 HELPING RELATIONSHIP THEORIES AND SKILLS ASSIGNMENT: SELF-AWARENESS PAPER DUE: 9/18 20 points possible Without self-awareness practitioners can harm clients, harm themselves, and be ineffective. This assignment will help you to explore issues relevant to selfawareness. Complete a typed 3 – 4 page paper (not counting title page) that answers the following questions (please use each question as a heading): 1. What is the purpose and process of the helping relationship? 2. What makes you think that you can help anybody? What strengths and abilities make you effective in working with other people? 3. How have your family experiences and the way you were raised affected your approach to working with people? 4. What values or prejudices/biases do you hold that might affect work with clients? 5. What client population(s) will prove most difficult for you to work with (other races, cultures, sexual orientation, faiths, etc.)? 6. How will your Christian faith enhance and at times hinder work with clients? 12 HELPING RELATIONSHIP THEORIES AND SKILLS ASSIGNMENT: 6 ROLE PLAYS DUE: SEE SYLLABUS 10 points possible per role play In order to become competent in helping skills, one must practice them. Therefore you will meet in groups of 4 people to conduct role plays utilizing the skills learned in class. When meeting for the role plays, complete the following requirements: 1. Each person takes a turn as helper, client, and observer (15-20 minutes each) 2. Role play scenarios are determined by the client profile developed in the beginning of the semester 3. While in the role as helper, focus on the specific skills identified for that role play, yet still incorporating the previous skills learned in class 4. Role plays should be conducted with the same individuals each time and the problem(s) should be on-going for all sessions (similar to a real practice setting where a client returns several times) 5. After the role play, the client and observer(s) provide the helper with verbal and written feedback (using forms provided). Remember to utilize the information on the form, “Giving Feedback to Self and Others” (you’ll get this form in class). In order to receive full credit, each student must turn in the Helping Skills Checklist forms for each skill of focus. An example for attending skills is provided. 13 HELPING SKILLS ATTENDING=10 POINTS Fall 2008 Orr Name of Student:__________________________________________________ Name of Clinician Providing Feedback:_________________________________ Rating Scale: 1 point = poor, needs significant improvement 2 points = weak, needs improvement 3 points = average, minimally acceptable (this is where most of you will be) 4 points = good, acceptable 5 points = excellent Attending Skills (5 points possible): Relaxed posture Body positioned toward other/leaning forward Absence of distractive behaviors (fidgeting, yawning, gazing out window, looking at watch) Appropriate gestures Warmth and concern reflected in facial expressions Appropriately varied and animated facial expressions Moderate tempo of speech Warmth and concern reflected in tone and voice Voice clearly audible/ not too loud or soft Direct eye contact but not staring Conveying acceptance/Nonjudgmental attitude Conveying genuineness Conveying empathy 1 2 3 4 5 14 Used Client’s Name 2 times (2 points possible): 1 2 Use of Supportive Sounds/Encouragers (uh-huh, mm-hmm, I see, ah, etc.) (5 points possible): 1 2 3 4 5 Comments_______________________________________________________ 15 HELPING SKILLS VIDEOTAPE REVIEW = 30 POINTS Fall 2008 Orr Name of Student:__________________________________________________ Name of Clinician Providing Feedback:_________________________________ Rating Scale: 1 point = poor, needs significant improvement 2 points = weak, needs improvement 3 points = average, minimally acceptable 4 points = good, acceptable 5 points = excellent 2 points if used client’s name 2 times 1 point if student clinician is clearly visible on videotape 2 points if audio is loud enough on videotape Attending Skills (5 points possible): Relaxed posture Body positioned toward other/leaning forward Absence of distractive behaviors (fidgeting, yawning, gazing out window, looking at watch) Appropriate gestures Warmth and concern reflected in facial expressions Appropriately varied and animated facial expressions Moderate tempo of speech Warmth and concern reflected in tone and voice Voice clearly audible/ not too loud or soft Direct eye contact but not staring Conveying acceptance/Nonjudgmental attitude 1 2 3 4 5 16 Conveying genuineness Conveying empathy Used Client’s Name 2 times (2 points possible): 1 2 Use of Supportive Sounds/Encouragers (uh-huh, mm-hmm, I see, ah, etc.) (5 points possible): 1 2 3 4 5 Questioning Skills (5 points possible): 1 2 3 4 5 Reflection of Feelings (5 points possible): 1 2 3 4 5 Reflection of Content (5 points possible): 1 2 3 4 5 Student clinician is clearly visible (1 point poss) 1 Audio is loud enough (2 points poss) 1 Began session with open question Used closed questions Used open questions Used more open than closed questions 2 Total Points (30 points possible) Comments_______________________________________________________ 17 HELPING SKILLS VIDEOTAPE REVIEW = 50 POINTS Fall 2008 Orr Name of Student:__________________________________________________ Name of Clinician Providing Feedback:_________________________________ Rating Scale: 1-2 points = poor, needs significant improvement 3 points = weak, needs improvement 4 points = average, minimally acceptable 5 points = good, acceptable 6-7 points = excellent 4 points if used client’s name 2 times 1 point if student clinician is clearly visible on videotape 2 points if audio is loud enough on videotape Attending Skills (7 points total): Relaxed posture Body positioned toward other/leaning forward Absence of distractive behaviors (fidgeting, yawning, gazing out window, looking at watch) Appropriate gestures Warmth and concern reflected in facial expressions Appropriately varied and animated facial expressions Moderate tempo of speech Warmth and concern reflected in tone and voice Voice clearly audible/ not too loud or soft Direct eye contact but not staring 1…… ……. ……. ……7 18 Conveying acceptance/Nonjudgmental attitude Conveying genuineness Conveying empathy Used Client’s Name 2 times for 4 points (5 points if used 3x): 1 2 3 4 5 Used Appropriate Head Nods (5 points total) 1 2 3 4 5 Use of Supportive Sounds/Encouragers (uhhuh, mm-hmm, I see, ah, etc.) (5 points total): 1 2 3 4 5 Questioning Skills (7 points total): 1……………………………7 Began session with open question Used appropriate closed questions Used appropriate open questions Used more open than closed questions Reflection of Feelings (use 2x) (7 points total): 1……………………………7 Reflection of Content (use 2x) (7 points total): 1……………………………7 Summarization (use 1x) (7 points total) 1……………………………7 Student clinician is clearly visible (may subtract points) Audio is loud enough (may subtract points) May add up to 5 extra credit points for any additional skills that student displayed 1 2 3 4 5 Total Points (50 points total (55 with extra) Comments_______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________