Chapter 3 Powerpoint Presentations Group members: Your task will

Chapter 3 Powerpoint Presentations
Group members: _________________________________________________________________
Your task will be to create a Power Point slide show of between 8 and 12 slides. Your title slide will
count in your total. You may add in additional pages of full-page pictures if this helps your show be more
Your topic will relate to the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages, demonstrating to the audience how the
church played a central role in many different ways in the lives of most Europeans during this time. By
the time your show is done, the audience will be an expert on your topic, too.
Remember, don’t make your show Powerpointless! No complete paragraphs should be used in a Power
Point show—the information has to be easily read and understood by all audience members by the time
you switch to the next slide, and paragraphs do not allow this to be done. Short bullets are the best.
You can provide details to the audience about each of your points and add interest to your show with
fascinating pictures related to your topic.
Avoid unnecessary sound effects, animations, and words or letters that take too long to appear. You do
not want your interesting show to become tedious or annoying to the audience through unnecessary
distractions. Place pictures thoughtfully—if you have too many pictures to fit neatly on one slide, create
another slide to show more.
You will have class time and lab time to create your show. Your group should plan out your slides on
paper, then set about completing them on the computer, including text, pictures, and graphics. There
will be a task for everyone in your group to contribute to the presentation. Finally, everyone should
have several slides to read to the class, with supplementary information as well (you may bring up a
note card or two to help you with your extra info.) Not all your info will appear in text on the screen!
You will be graded as a team on your PowerPoint and your presentation in class. Inform Ms. Stover
immediately about any slackers in your group—such persons will lose individual participation points
from their own grades!
Be sure to COPY and PASTE any completed slides to “Shared Docs” for your class period. This will make
your information accessible to your team in the event that you are absent. You should designate
someone’s slides as the “Master”, into which the other members’ slides will be copied and pasted.
Your topic is:
3.3 Sacraments and Salvation in the Middle Ages
Read this section in the book. Answer the questions in your packet for this section, working as a
group. Fill in the title at the top of the section and create a cartoon to represent your topic.
B. Begin to create your Power Point show on your topic. Including your title slide, you should have
between ten and fifteen total slides in your show. Answer the following questions and include
the following information in your show:
1. How did people in the Middle Ages believe humans could gain eternal life?
2. What did people believe about eternal punishment?
3. Tell the audience what the Seven Sacraments were and why they were important to the
church. Be sure they understand that the Sacraments are still a vital part of the Catholic
faith in 2011.
4. Create a slide for each one of the Seven Sacraments, including definitions and pictures.
Explain what occurs in each one and what its purpose is. You may use the table in 3.3, but
please put the information in your own words. You will also have the fact cards handout
from the teacher for details about each one of the Seven Sacraments.
5. Create an audience quiz at the end with five to seven questions on your main topics for the
audience to try to answer.
Your topic is:
Section 3.4 Pilgrimages and Crusades
A. Read the section and answer the questions in this section in your workbook.
Fill in the title at the top of the section and create a cartoon to represent your topic.
B. Begin creating your Power Point show. Including your title slide, you should have
between ten and fifteen total slides. Include answers to these questions and include the
following information in your show:
1. Why did pilgrims go on long journeys during the Middle Ages? What were popular
destinations and why?
2. How did travelers on pilgrimages stay safe?
3. One of the most popular pilgrimage destinations was Canterbury Cathedral in England
a. Find some modern pictures of this cathedral
b. Research what happened to Saint Thomas Becket at this cathedral. Who was he and
how and why was he killed? Find a picture of his death on his reliquary casket. Find
your answers on Google images and a webpage on the topic. Tell the audience what
relics were.
4. What were the Crusades? Why was the Holy Land so named? Why, when and where
did they occur? What different reasons did Crusaders have for going on this dangerous
journey? Include pictures of the Crusades in your show.
5. Create a quiz of five to seven questions at the end of your show, covering your main
Your topic is:
3.5 Art and Architecture
A. Read this section in your workbook and answer the questions with your group. Fill in the
title at the top of the section and create a cartoon to represent your topic.
B. Begin working on your Power Point show. Including your title slide, your show
should have between ten and fifteen total slides. You should include answers to the
following questions and information about these topics during your show:
1. What was a cathedral? Where did the word come from? What did a cathedral
look like from the air? What are the important architectural features of a
cathedral? Include the nave, transepts, and flying buttresses. How long did
some cathedrals take to build?
2. Find pictures of Notre Dame cathedral in Paris, France. Include photos of
stained glass, the interior of the cathedral, and the gargoyles on the exterior.
3. Explain to the audience the purpose of stained glass windows in cathedrals.
4. Find a picture of Suzzalo Library on the University of Washington campus.
Demonstrate to the audience that this building is modeled after a cathedral in
its design, and it has grotesques (human gargoyles) on its roofline.
5. Create a quiz of five to seven questions at the end of your show, covering your
main topics.
Your topic is:
3.6 Education
A. Read this section in your workbook with your group and answer the questions.
Fill in the title at the top of the section and create a cartoon to represent your topic
B. Begin working on your Power Point show. Including your title slide, your show
should have between ten and fifteen slides. Include answers to the following
questions and include the following information in your show:
1. Why did Charlemagne encourage convents, monasteries and cathedrals as places of
learning? How did writing change as a result of the church schools?
2. How did universities start? What were common areas of study in these schools?
Find some pictures of church schools, such as the one in your book on page 38.
3. Find some Internet pictures of one of the world’s most famous ancient universities,
Oxford, in England.
4. Who was Thomas Aquinas? How did he try to bridge the gap between the faith of
of the church and the ancient teachings of Aristotle?
5. What was natural law? What did the church eventually do with Aquinas’ teachings?
6. Create a quiz of five to seven questions at the end of your show for the audience
to answer, covering your main topics.
Your topic is:
3.7 Holidays
A. Read this section in your book and answer the questions for this section in your
workbook. Fill in the title at the top of the section and create a cartoon to represent your
B. Begin creating a Power Point on this topic. Including your title slide, you should have
between ten and fifteen slides. Answer the following questions and include the following
information with your group’s slides:
1. Why did Europeans celebrate holidays? What were many of the days in the
calendar dedicated to? Where does the word “holiday” come from?
2. Provide details about the two most important holidays in the Christian calendar,
Easter and Christmas:
a. What did each of these holidays represent?
b. How were they each celebrated during the Middle Ages?
c. Find Internet pictures of each of these holidays, dating from the Middle Ages.
d. Be sure to tell your audience about Lent when creating your slides about
Easter. What is its purpose and what do Catholics do during Lent?
3. What were important parts of all medieval festivals? Provide details to your
audience about music, performances, foods and games. Find pictures where
4. Create a quiz of five to seven questions at the end of your show, covering your
main topics, for the audience to answer.
Your topic is:
3.8 Monks, Nuns and FRIARs
A. Read this section in your textbook and answer the questions there with your group.
Fill in the title at the top of the section and create a cartoon to represent your topic.
B. Begin creating a Power Point show on this topic. Including your title slide, you should
have between ten and fifteen slides. Answer the following questions and include the
following information as you create your show:
1. Who were monks and nuns? What was life like for each? What were their daily
tasks? How were their monasteries and nunneries laid out?
Why did people become monks and nuns? Who were the Benadictines, and what
three important vows did they make and keep?
2. What were illuminated manuscripts? Where and why were they created? Show
the audience some pictures of illuminated manuscripts and illuminated letters.
3. Who were mendicants? Find pictures and information about the most famous
mendicant, Saint Francis of Assisi. Who was he, what did he teach, and how
does he still have a huge influence on the world today?
4. Who were the Franciscan friars? How did their life differ greatly from that of
monks? Find a picture of Friar Tuck from the “Robin Hood” film—how did his
life of poverty reflect the real lives of friars in Europe?
5. Create a quiz of five to seven questions at the end of your show, covering your
main topics, for the audience to answer.