03) Adopted Board Minutes 10-20-14 (Autosaved)

Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
Adopted Minutes
Monday, October 20, 2014
Closed Session 5:30p.m. Open Session 6:00p.m. Horicon School Staff Room
1. Call to Order: 5:3 pm Establishment of a quorum
Board Members Present: Trustee Spencer, Trustee Williamson, Trustee Frye, Trustee Macedo,
Trustee Baker
Staff present: Troy Sherman, Shanna Cissna, Patti Pomplin, Marc Haveman
2. Approval of Agenda
Trustee Macedo/Trustee Spencer approved as presented
3 Public Comments on items to be heard in Closed Session: None
4. Recess to Closed Session as per: 5:30 p.m.
Government Code: 54597
Title: Review Superintendent Goals
Government Code: 3549.1 & 54957.6
Title: Discuss Sunshine Items
Government Code: 54957
Title: Active Recruitment of Potential Board Members
Government Code: 54597
Title: Request Potential Grant Application – Update on Action Network
6:00 P.M.
5. Reconvene to Open Session: 6:28 p.m.
6 .Reportable Action(s) from Closed Session: None
7. Pledge of Allegiance
Board President Baker led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
8. Public Comment on Non Agenda Items: None
9. Consent Agenda
9.1 Approval of Minutes from the September 12, 2013 meeting
9.2 Approval of Warrants
9.3 Approve 1st Quarter Williams Complaint Report
9.4 Approve MOU School Nurse
9.5 Approve 2- Inter-district transfers
MSP Vote: 5-0 Trustee Spencer/Trustee Frye approved as presented
10. Reports and Communications
10.1 Governing Board Members
Trustee Williamson – Trustee Williamson shared Soul Shoppe program and presenter Joseph well worth
the investment at Horicon. Good program and great response from students, staff and parents.
Trustee Baker – commented the beginning of the school year is going well.
10.2 Superintendent /Principal Report
Mr. Sherman reported on the following: Enrollment, Facilities & New Maintenance Director,
Staff Development, Science STAR test results, Water Certification, Soul Shoppe. Full details of
report in October 20, 2014 Board Packet. Additional information was shared: PTSA Boxtops
deadline, upcoming all school Innisbrook fundraiser, Holiday Family Bingo Night, National
School Lunch Week, Community Service very successful, Bus driver injury – no school bus for a
few days, Document tracking.
10.3 Business Manager Report
Ms. Patti Pomplin – Business Manager reported on the following: Unaudited actuals, Secured
taxes from 1986/86
10.4 Staff Members: Mr. McFarland updated the following:
K/1 class – Started a unit about Fall/Autumn. Students wrote a poem about apples, preparing
garden beds for fall planting, first graders working on watercolor/oil pastel art project. Room 2
would like to express gratitude to Mrs. Cissna, Ms. Pomplin and Trustee Spencer for purchasing
books from the Library book Fair.
2/3 class- Finishing up our measurement unit and continuing to use measurement to monitor class
PE Thursdays – Continuing to work on stretching and aerobic fitness, doing yoga, running, relay
and other games to build coordination and athletic skills.
After School Tutoring Program – Program has 19 students enrolled and attending weekly 2nd-6th
grade. Have 30 volunteers who are trained and work 1:1 with students. Coordinator manages the
scheduling to try to always have enough tutors with their various schedules.
4/5 class – Grateful for the able assistance of Ms. Olie Garcia subbing for Ms. Gonzales –
classroom IA while she is away. Made delicious squash soup from classroom garden and gave
soup to Ms. Gonzales and her family. The new CA. Environmental Education Initiative
curriculum is proving to be very interesting and engaging for the students. Class is studying the
“Earth’s water” 5th grade unit. Classroom looking forward to a field trip visit to the California
Academy of Sciences on Nov. 20th
Middle School – Science - continuing their study of erosion and deposition and its effects on the
land surface, Social Studies – finishing the study of the French-Indian war and how the fallout led
to the American Revolution. ELA – students are halfway through Fever 1793; a novel about the
Yellow Fever epidemic in Philadelphia
Music – Middle School and 4/5 classes - finishing up songs on their congas, 2/3 class – learning
clapping and fingersnapping songs, K/1 class – learning the “8 locomotions” (walk, hop, jump,
skip, stride, gallup... etc.) to a beat/rhythm
10.5 Comprehensive School Safety Plan Update:
Mr. Sherman shared that school will work with local law enforcement and practice “shooter on campus”.
Monthly fire drills will continue and to schedule upcoming drop/cover and lock down drills. The board
discussed the following: that we continue to keep talking about safety plan and to add antibullying, start
working on goals, emergency preparedness drills, all staff be trained in First Aide/CPR/ AED training.
Mr. Sherman shared that majority of staff members are up to with this training and were certified last
spring. He will move forward to have remaining staff members get the training.
11. Items Scheduled For Information, Discussion
11.1 Redwood Empire School Insurance Group’s Annual Report
Information was presented by Ms. Pomplin. The Board reviewed and discussed.
11.2 Board Policy Review 5141.33 Head Lice
Information of policy was presented by Mr. Sherman. The Board reviewed first reading and discussed
board policy.
11.3 Prop. 39 – Discussion on Solar Panel
Information was presented by Mr. Sherman. The Board reviewed and discussed.
12 Items Scheduled For Information, Discussion and Action
12.1 Approve Unaudited Actuals for 2013-14 (As of 9/15/14)
MSP Vote: 5-0 Trustee Frye/Trustee Williamson approved as presented
12.2 Gann Limit resolution:#091514-02 (As of 9/15/14)
MSP Vote: 5-0 Trustee Spencer/Trustee Frye approved as presented
13 Items scheduled for Future Board Meetings
1. Approve Staywell Resolution
2. Technology Plan Updates
3. School Site Council Revised Action Plan
4. Board policy review and update
5. Document Tracking Approval
6. Promethean Boards
7. Action Network Pre-school updates
8. Comprehensive School Safety Plan Update
9. Prop 39
10. Sunshine Items
14. Reconvene to Closed Session: None
15. Adjournment: 8:05 pm
Trustee Frye/Trustee Spencer approved as presented
Next Regular Board Meeting
Monday, November 17, 2014
Notice to the Public
Members of the School Board have an opportunity to review Agenda items prior to their meeting. Audience comment, at the Board's meeting, on agenda items is welcome. The Chair will recognize those
members of the audience who wish to speak and may set a time limit on each person's remarks if he/she feels it necessary. Each person wishing to speak will be asked to identify himself/herself prior to
speaking. Generally the Chair will ask the public for their remarks after Individual Board Members have had an opportunity to speak. At the Chair's discretion, agenda items may be considered in other than
numerical order.
Written materials distributed to the Board within 72 hours of the Board meeting are available for public inspection immediately upon distribution at the Horicon Elementary School District Office, 35555 Annapolis
Road, Annapolis, CA 95412.
In Compliance with Government Code ss54954.2(a), the Horicon School District, will, on request, make this agenda available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section
202 of the Americans with Disabilities Acts of 1990 (42 U.S.C. ss12132), and the federal rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. Individuals who need this agenda in an alternative format or who
need a disability-related modification or accommodation in order to participate in the meeting should contact Shanna Cissna, School Secretary of the Horicon School District, 35555 Annapolis Road, Annapolis, CA
95412, telephone (707) 886-5322.
Respectfully Submitted by: __________________________________
Mr. Troy Sherman, Superintendent/Principal
Linda Frye, Board Clerk