
Hiren V. Dossani
hiren.dossani@gmail.com (C) 416.432.2301
Senior Developer position for architecture, design and development of enterprise application
Profile Summary
 A dedicated software professional with demonstrated results in the creation of mission-critical
enterprise applications for various business verticals
 Demonstrated ability to lead and mentor development teams.
 Several years of hands-on implementation experience using industry best practices, meeting
business requirements and Quality of Services
Technical Skills
 Experienced in developing distributed applications using technologies such as JMS, JAX-WS, JAXRS, JSF, JAXB, JAXP, JPA, JDBC, XML, XSL, XPATH, Servlets, JSPs and EJB components
 Big Data Ecosystems : Hadoop Mapreduce, HDFS, Pig, Hive, Flume, Oozie, Sqoop
 Knowledge and experience in using ORM such as Hibernate and Toplink for Oracle, IBM DB2 and
MySQL databases
 Knowledge of developing applications using NoSQL database e.g. MongoDB
 Knowledge and experience in using multiple web development frameworks/technologies such as
Struts, Spring framework, Seam and RichFaces, along with jQuery, Javascript, JSON, Ajax, HTML
and CSS.
 Experienced in test driven development using Junit, EasyMock and Power mock
 System design using architectural patterns, design patterns and idioms, using GoF and core J2EE
 Design and development of Web services and business processes using Oracle SOA Suite and
 Middleware development using Oracle Weblogic and IBM Websphere application servers
 Message oriented middleware development using Weblogic JMS and IBM MQ
 Development using IDEs such as IBM RAD, JDeveloper, MyEclipseIDE and Eclipse Kepler
 Documenting architecture views using UML tools like Rational Rose, Enterprise Architecture, Star
 Operating System experience : Linux, Solaris, Windows XP, Window 7
 Experience in using version control softwares such as CVS, Clearcase, SVN and GiThub and
creating deployment artifacts using Maven
 Knowledge and experience with software process methodologies and approaches such as RUP,
Agile methodology.
Employment Experience
Senior Developer, FourSource, April 2014 – September 2014, Toronto, ON, Canada
Project Description: NavXzy is a JEE based web application to support seniors find their vacation
destinations based on their wants and needs.
 Developed mobile web application using KendoUI framework and single page architecture
 Created Restful web services using JBoss's RestEasy implementation
 Designed and developed UI flows using PrimeFaces JSF components.
 Developed document data model to use with mongoDB NoSQL database
 Created reports for the BI team using Sqoop to export data into HDFS and Hive
Technical Environment: Eclipse IDE, JBoss 7.1, Java6, JEE5, Spring 3.3, Hibernate 3, SVN, HTML5,
KendoUI, JQuery, JSON, Ajax, Javascript, JAX-RS, PrimeFaces 3.5, Hadoop 2
Senior Developer, Wellpoint, November 2011 – March 2014, Richmond, VA, USA
Project Description: WAW (Wellpoint advocate workstation). JEE components based web application
to support call center agents.
 Developed UI flows using Rich Faces JSF components.
 Developed business services using Spring framework to consume web services deployed on
SOA infrastructure
 Designed and developed workflows using CRM solution e.g. Chordiant framework to meet
business requirements
Modularization of existing application into multiple EARs to meet client's requirements of
plug-and-play module.
Technical Environment: RAD8, Websphere7, Java6, JEE5, SOAP Web Services, Spring 3.3, Seam
2.2, RichFaces 2.2, jQuery, Javascript, Ajax, Chordiant 6.7, Junit 3.8, EasyMock 3.2, Powermock 1.5,
SLF4J 1.7, Hibernate 3
Technical Lead, Rogers, May 2011 – November 2011, Toronto, ON
Project Description: Network Provisioning Platform (NPP) – is a strategic enterprise level application
that was designed to replace a number of legacy provisioning platforms for various Network Elements (IP
phones, soft clients, SMS, MMS, etc). The platform provides unified high-level provisioning interface that
hides the complexity of underlying provisioning logic and specifics of assorted Network Elements.
 Designed and developed business processes using Oracle BPEL PM and SOAP based web
 Designed and developed services based on system QoS requirements and SOA design
 Developed restful web services to simulate behavior for variety of platforms using JAX-RS
jersey implementation
 Developed groovy scripts for SOAP UI test cases
Technical Environment: JDeveloper 11.1 , Oracle SOA suite 11.1, Weblogic 10.3.5, Java EE 5.0,
SoapUI, SOAP Web Services, Groovy 1.8, Scientific Linux on VMWare
Team Lead (Chordiant Consultant), CIBC, May 2010 – May 2011, Toronto, ON
Project Description: CWL project is for servicing customer loan applications.
 Designed Single Sign-on(SSO) solution using Weblogic Security architecture and Chordiant
Security features
 Designed and developed graphical user interface using Apache Trinidad tag libraries , JSF
and Chordiant CAFÉ tag library.
 Designed and developed business services using EJB3.0 architecture
 Designed customization of out-of-the-box Chordiant framework features to support client
Technical Environment: J2SE 1.5, Java EE 5.0, MyEclipse 7.5 ,Rational ClearCase, Rational Clear
Quest, Oracle 11, Weblogic 9.2, Chordiant 6.4, Javascript, Ajax
Software Consultant, TELUS, February 2009 – May 2010, Toronto, ON
Project Description: Holborn is project to introduce new HSPA network for TELUS subscribers
 Designed and developed standalone, concurrent java application flow to persist large volume
of incoming data in Oracle database
 Designed integration solution between application components and AMDOCS component, e.g.
Mediation manager
 Designed and developed Error Management for the business process flow.
Technical Environment: J2SE 1.5, MyEclipse 7,Rational CC, Rational CQ, Rational Rose, Oracle 11
Senior Designer, CTFS, August 2008–January 2009, Welland, ON
Project Description: Excalibur is a project to handle incoming customer calls for CTFS’s
Mastercard/VISA accounts
 Designed/developed Chordiant business service components to interact with external system
like Transunion
 Developed database access components using JPA specification and Hibernate
 Designed/developed MQ components to interact with TSYS
 Implemented model driven architecture by generating code for business
components/business services for ease of development
Technical Environment: J2SE 1.4, J2EE 1.2, Websphere 5.1, Oracle 10, WSAD5.1, RAD 6,
Chordiant 5.7, CVS, WebSphereMQ, TSYS
Lead Chordiant Designer, Citigroup, May 2007 – August 2008, Baltimore, USA
Project Description: Symphony project at CitiGroup is to automate the payments process using
Chordiant framework.
 Interpreted use cases into high level technical design documents
 Designed and developed service endpoints for handling web service requests
 Designed and developed business objects using Hibernate ORM implementation
 Developed user interface screen using JSF and Trinidad components
 Conducted, participated in design/code reviews using tools like Hummarapi
Chordiant SME
Project Description: Maverick project at CitiGroup is to automate the Auto lending process using
Chordiant framework.
 Designed/Developed ESB components to interact with TIBCO using JCA
 Designed optimistic locking functionality using Hibernate ORM implementation
 Designed and developed dynamic service flows with Queuing and Routing capabilities
 Coached and mentored team members on essential Chordiant skills like JSF and Workflow
Technical Environment: J2SE 1.5, J2EE 1.3, Websphere 6, Oracle 10, RAD 7, Chordiant 6.2.1,
Clearcase, TIBCO
Senior Designer, IBM - Global Business Services, August 2006 – April 2007, Charlotte, NC,
Wachovia MCS Project
Description: MCS project at Wachovia Bank is to automate the Deposit Account Opening process
using Chordiant framework.
 Interpreted use cases into high level technical design documents
 Created detailed design documents for offshore development team using Chordiant taskflows
 Created storyboards/user interface mock-ups based on functional/non-functional
 Developed business workflow components using Chordiant tools like Business Process
Technical Environment: J2SE 1.4, J2EE 1.3, Websphere 6, DB2 8.1, WSAD 5.1, Rational Rose EE
2003, MSVisio 2003, CVS, Chordiant 5.7
Software Programmer, ROGERS, April 2006 – August 2006, Toronto, ON
Project Description: RTI is the project for Rogers/Sprint Canada integration. Rogers dealer
application will offer Sprint Canada products from the dealer web application.
 Designed interface with web services using AXIS implementation.
 Created XML schema for generating code using JAXB implementation
 Designed and created business process flows using Spring framework and Spring web flow
 Developed database access strategy using Oracle Toplink
Technical Environment: J2SE 1.4, J2EE 1.3, Weblogic 8.1, Oracle 9i, Rational Rose EE 2000,
JUnit, XMLSPY, Spring Framework 2.0
Senior Systems Designer, CIBC, May 2004 – April 2006, Toronto, ON
Project Description: CIS is a call center application serving the largest credit card banking
application in Canada. Software provides real time account information, details for the end user.
 Developed business workflow components using Chordiant tools like Business Process
 Designed and developed a Test Bridge application using IBM MQ Series API’s that checks the
data packets coming from TSYS
 Participated in maintaining Software Architecture Document and Application Design
Document for achieving higher quality
 Coached and mentored team members on essential Chordiant skills set like setting up the
development environment, Chordiant code generation from model required for the project.
Technical Environment: J2SE 1.3, J2EE 1.3, Weblogic 8.1, Oracle 9i, Chordiant 5.6, Rational Rose
EE 2000, JUnit, XMLSPY, MQ Series, Windows 2000, ClearCase, ClearQuest.
Senior J2EE Developer, MFX Fairfax Inc, June 2003 - May 2004, Toronto, ON
Project Description: Service enabled workflow through a Web-based application service. The
product enabled asynchronous communication in a synchronous communication with the end user.
 Implemented persistent tier functionality with Hibernate ORM solution.
 Implemented MVC-based presentation layer using Struts Framework.
Designed and developed asynchronous communication using Weblogic JMS.
Creating a validation engine based on existing business rules related with Worker’s
Compensation Insurance
Technical Environment: J2SE 1.3, J2EE 1.3, WebLogic 6.1, Oracle 8.1.7, Rational Rose EE 2000,
JUnit, XMLSPY, Windows 2000, ClearCase
Software Developer, Devtopia, October 2002 - May 2003, Toronto, ON
Project Description: Maintaining/updating ING Direct Bank’s existing application for banking.
 Developed web applications using JSP/Servlets on Websphere Application Server 5.0
 Created XSL style sheets for XML data using Xalan processor.
 Refactored the application to implement Struts framework for ease of development and
Technical Environment: WSAD5.0, XMLSpy 4.0 , WAS5.0, Oralce 8i, Rational Rose EE 2000, MQ
Series, Struts Framework, Windows 2000, VSS
Software Developer, 724 Solutions Inc, March 2001 - September 2002, Burlington, ON
Project Description: Alerts based application for credit cards product. The system delivered an
application that allowed multi-channel users to receive event based notifications for their card
 Involved with the software development life cycle of the project creating use-case driven
requirements specification, system design using UML and implementation of J2EE software
components based on the class/sequence/collaboration diagrams
 Developed XML schemas for constraining XML documents according to the requirements.
 Designed and Developed Java SWING based tool for applications like Business Logging
 Created DIML and WML for presentation layer
Technical Environment: JBuilder 6.0, XMLSpy 4.0, Rational CC, Rational CQ, ClearQuest, WebLogic
6.1, JUnit, ANT, Rational Rose EE, Windows NT
Java Programmer, EC Webworks Inc, March 2000 - February 2001, Burlington, Ontario
Project Description: ecBizDocs is an application service used to allow transactions between trading
partners. The system delivered a Web-based application that allowed users to receive orders,
invoices, shipping notices and the like while providing advanced administrative and reporting
 Creation, coding, testing, debugging, and documentation of application components used for
invoice extraction.
 Significant refactoring of existing application components to use Java programming language
in an effort to clarify and extend the processes.
 Developed presentation tier using XSLT.
Technical Environment: VisualAge For Java , XMLSpy, CVS, BugZilla, WebSphere4.0, Rational Rose
Certification / Education
Cloudera Certified Apache Hadoop Developer – 2014
SOA Architect Professional Certificate - 2012
Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Oracle Certified EE6 Web Services Developer – 2012
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE5 – 2009
IBM Certified Specialist -- Rational Unified Process – 2006
IBM Certified Enterprise Developer – 2004
WebSphere Studio V5.
Sun Certified Business Component Developer – 2004
Sun Certified Web Component Developer - 2003
Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform - 2000
Diploma in Computer Programming and Systems Analysis – 2000
Seneca College, Canada