Welcome To Clements High School

Welcome to Clements! Tips & Helps for New Families
Front Office
Registrar Office
Counselors Office
Global Studies Academy
281-634-2150 (main switchboard)
281-634-2178, Ms. Hoogerwerf, RN BSN
281-634-2173, Ms. Mickey Wong
281-634-2176, Ms. Brown
281-634-2170, Ms. Schrock; 281-634-2159, Ms. Micheaux
281-634-2230, Ms. Anne Beckman
Great source of quick information.
District www.fortbendisd.com - Great source of information including the FBISD school calendar, the
parent handbook, athletic forms, bus schedules, volunteer registration information, etc.
RangerWire (e-news) - http://rangerwire.wordpress.com Clements current events, daily announcements,
resources, counselor helps, twitter
Clements www.fortbendisd.com/campuses/chs - **faculty emails**, links, and some resources
Counselor Resources http://clementscounseling.wordpress.com/ - accessible via RangerWire also
Skyward’s Family Access http://www.fortbendisd.com/departments/technology/family-access
○ Sign up first; once in the system you will have access to your student’s grades, absences,
teacher notes, plus. ID and Password Protected. Remember your ID & password.
○ Student’s have their own access and can check their grades, absences, and sign up for classes
each year.
Teachers sometimes have their own websites, or may use the CHS website to post important classroom
Global Studies Academy http://www.globalstudiesacademy.us
Volunteer Email volunteerclements@gmail.com - contacts V.I.P.S. Coordinators
Y.E.S. (Youths Expanding Services) http://www.chsyes.info all needed info and forms
○ This is a great, optional, program here at Clements, designed to promote student volunteerism.
Students who achieve 100 volunteer hours (per specific guidelines) receive special recognition
and a medal at graduation.
Fine Arts, Sports, Boosters (also see RangerWire)
Band http://clementsband.com/
Choir http://www.clementschoir.com/
NJROTC http://clementsnjrotc.com/
Football http://www.rangerfootballfans.org/
Tennis http://clementstennis.wordpress.com/
Baseball http://www.clementsbaseball.org/
Boys Soccer www.rangersoccer.org
Information & “How To’s”:
Ranger Camp is Aug. 16, 2013
Clements Staff offer an orientation for all incoming freshmen & new students.
○ At the end of their day, the students may stay for a fun dance.
● VIPS will hold a parent orientation for interested parents in the library at the start of camp.
First Day of School 2013
August 26, 2013; 7:30am - 2:30pm, doors open at 6:30.
Students, look for lists posted on windows.
■ Go to your assigned advisory room.
● You will receive your schedule and locker assignment.
Staff and student aides are available to help with directions.
■ Encourage your student to ask for directions if needed.
■ You will have a few days before tardies are strictly enforced.
All lunches are 5th period.
■ There are three 30 minutes lunches, A, B, & C, starting at 11:10am.
■ Bring a lunch the first few days to avoid long lunchroom lines.
Getting Here
If your student can use the bus, please do. Efficient and easy!
Doors Open at 6:30 am, Classes start at 7:30. Come early to avoid the carpool lines.
Cars may drop-off and pick-up students in three ways::
○ Front Drive, two lines form, the right exits right, the left exits left.
○ Student Lot (nearer Sweetwater), Enter far right, drop off by auditorium, avoid bus area, exit
middle driveway.
○ Teacher Lot (left of building), Enter far left, form line far right aisle only, exit right only.
Student Parking - Seniors and Juniors only with permit.
■ Permits go on sale mid-August. Seniors may pay extra for an assigned spot upon which they
paint their name. A drawing to fairly assign and select those spots is done after school one day
during the first two weeks.
What to Expect
Textbooks will be assigned using your student’s student ID number and a barcode system.
○ New to FBISD? Have your student memorize their ID number.
Photos for ID cards and yearbook will be taken sometime the first week or two..
Tons of homework! Often that first progress report is not great (it could be based on one grade only) but
your student should bring up their grade, try not to worry.
In November, freshmen are checked for height, weight (confidential) and blood pressure in the clinic.
Sick? Send in a note the next day. Your student takes the note to the attendance office in the far
right, back corner of the school.
Doctor Appointments? Send in a parent note the same day as the appt.. AND GET A DOCTOR
■ Your student keeps the note with them then until it is time to go. They show their teacher the
note to be excused from class, then goes to the attendance office to be signed out by a parent
with photo ID.
■ You may park by the attendance office (in the far left corner of the student lot) briefly while picking
up your student.
■ After the appointment, your student must take the doctor’s note to the attendance to make it an
excused absence.
Things you may not learn from your student
Agendas, specific to Clements, will be for sale during lunches the first few weeks.
Daily announcements are viewed in most classrooms. The video is also on the RangerWire.
Clements Spirit Wear is sold by the Athletic Booster Club (CABC) at various venues,
including some lunches and football games.
Discounted football game tickets are on sale the day before and the day of all varsity games
during lunch on the stage. Season tickets are available, see the FBISD website.
Many clubs and boosters sell food items to raise money during lunch or before or after school. Feel free
to support these worthwhile groups. They cover expenses the school district cannot for our kids’
Announcements occasionally are made during the lunch period by administrators on the stage, though it
can be hard to hear.
Homecoming football game and dance are ___TBA________ this year.
Pro-grad means Project Graduation and is a great all-night event for seniors on the night of graduation.
Open House - Sept. _TBA__
Parents are invited to visit their student’s classes for brief talks by each teacher.
○ Learn about class syllabus, conference times, class expectations, grading system
Bring your student’s class schedule. If possible, map it out beforehand, as you’ll have 5 minutes to find
the next class.
Student clubs & many elective classes set up tables in the commons during open house.
Students are invited to visit with these groups while their parents “attend” classes.
Clubs & Organizations
Clements has many great after (or before) school clubs and organizations. You student may show an interest in a
club, and please encourage this if possible. Joining a club, sport, society, etc. all help students learn new skills,
meet other students, and develop leadership skills. Many are listed on the Clements Website, under Services.
Visiting and Volunteering:
Visiting Campus
Visitors are welcome.
Visitor and Volunteer Parking Areas
○ In the front circle drive, spots without designation.
○ You may park in the teacher lot (left side of building), spots without designation
■ During marching band season in the fall, move cars out before 2:30pm.
Your drivers license will be scanned on your first visit each year.
Wear the printed badge while on campus, and return it to the front office upon leaving.
If you want to meet specifically with a staff member, make arrangements via email first.
Volunteers are needed and welcomed at Clements.
○ ALL VOLUNTEERS first complete an annual criminal history online form at the district’s website:
https://winocweb.fortbend.k12.tx.us/WINOCHR/volunteer/ .
■ When you receive your approval from FBISD, FORWARD it to
volunteerclements@gmail.com and to your booster club or organizations.
○ On campus, check in at the front office first. Let them know you are a volunteer.
■ Volunteer hours are totaled and sent to the district monthly. .
■ Please estimate your off-campus and after-school volunteer time each month.
● Send hours to Fran Steele at fpsteel@attglobal.net .
Here are some ways to help out:
○ VIPS (volunteers in public schools) assist staff and teachers with school-wide needs & supply
food for hospitality events.
■ Email volunteerclements@gmail.com to get started!
■ When volunteer needs are e-mailed to you, sign up when you can help. Easy!
○ Booster clubs support sports, fine arts, and some electives.
■ These are all 501(3)(c) organizations and are run with volunteer boards.
○ Various Clubs and Organizations occasionally need adult volunteers for chaperones.
○ P.A.C. (Parent Advisory Council) meets monthly on the last Tuesday of each month (generally) at
lunch to share information between.the boosters, VIPS, and administration.
○ Hospitality - Several volunteers coordinate special days of food and fun for the staff and
teachers. If you are on the VIPS distribution, you will receive these emails.