Name: Photosynthesis Review Sheet Define and give an example of

Photosynthesis Review Sheet
Define and give an example of:
Autotrophs- An organism that can make its own sugar using the sun’s energy
Heterotrophs- Organism which consumes organic material for energy
Here is a diagram of an ATP molecule:
Label: Adenine, Ribose and the phosphate groups
How many phosphate groups does ATP have? 3
Describe what happens when ATP gets converted to ADP: Loses a phosphate group
Which is a fully charged battery – ATP or ADP? ATP
Energy in molecules is stored in their: Bonds
The word photosynthesis means: To make energy with light
Describe what Jan van Helmont discovered with his 5 year experiment
Helmont discovered plants gain mass by absorbing water
What did Priestly discover about photosynthesis?
Plants give off O2 as a byproduct
Jan Ingenhousz showed the effects of Priestly’s experiment only happens when the plants are exposed to
Together the experiments of these scientists led to our basic understanding of photosynthesis
Write the formula for photosynthesis
6 CO2 + 6H2O + Sun  C6H12O6 + O2
Pigment- Chemical compound that absorbs and reflects light energy
Chlorophyll- Main pigments in plants
Please write the colors of the 3 accessory pigments:
Carotenoids- Orange, Yellow, Brown
Anthocyanin- Red and Blue
Xanthophyll- Yellow (Do not worry about this one)
How does the energy compare of waves in the EM spectrum that have longer vs. shorter wavelengths?
Longer wavelengths have less energy and shorter wavelengths have more
How can you remember the colors of the rainbow? Which color has the most energy and the least?
ROYGBIV, Violet has the most energy and Red has the least
Plants appear green to us because they _reflect____ green wavelengths and __absorb____all of the other
colors of wavelengths.
What would be happening to the light if an object appears yellow? (use your answers from above to help you)
Reflects yellow, absorbs everything else
Here is a diagram of a leaf’s structure:
Guard Cells
Label and define the following structures:
Cuticle- Waxy coating on leaves to allow for water displacement
Mesophyll- Cells which contain chlorophyll and undergo photsynthesis
Stoma- Opening which allow for the transfer of CO2 and H2O
Vein (includes xylem and phloem)- vessels which allow for the transport of H2O and sugar
Guard cells- Open and close the stoma
On this chloroplast diagram, label thylakoid, granum, and stroma - also state which part of photosynthesis
they are active in:
Stroma- Calvin Cycle
Grana- Light Rxns
Thylakoid- Light Reactions
Use the diagram121 to get answers
for this one
In this Diagram of photosynthesis, label light, water, oxygen, CO2, sugars, NADP+, ADP, NADPH, ATP, light
dependent reaction, Calvin cycle, granum, stroma
Light Dependent Reaction
Light Independent Reaction
Aka: Calvin Cycle
Thylakoids (Grana)
Raw Materials
Sunlight, H2O, NADP+ & ADP
Glucose, NADP+ & ADP
Rates of Photosynthesis:
Explain how each of the following could affect the rates of photosynthesis (increase it or decrease it):
Light Intensity: As light increases rate increases until it plateaus
Amount of water: As water increases rate increases until it plateaus
Temperature: As temperature increases rate increases until the temp is too high and then the rate drops back
Surface Area of leaves: As surface area increases rate increases until it plateaus
What environmental factor is the cause for leaves to start to change color?
Shortening of days
Why is it that we see reds, yellows, and oranges on the leaves in the fall?
The chlorophyll is absorbed back into the tree for the winter leaving the accessory pigments behind to reflect
their colors.