Sunday, November 10 th

Sunday, November 10th
9:00 am Stanley & Gertrude Pruchnicki
11:00 am Jessie Dylong
Monday, November 11th
No Morning Mass
Veterans Day
Tuesday, November 12th
8:30 am Norbert Nieszczur
Wednesday, November 13th
No Morning Mass
Thursday, November 14th
8:30 am Clara A. Semproch
Friday, November 15th
8:30 am Joseph Hezoucky
Saturday, November 16th
4:00 pm St. John Nepomucene Parish
Sunday, November 17th
9:00 am Anne Iglai
11:00 am Bruce Krushinski
Stewardship of Treasure
Sunday, November 3rd
All Saints Day
Praise the Roof Fund
Thank You & God Bless you for your
continued generosity & support!
Sanctuary Guild Volunteers for
November 13th thru November 26th
Loretta Delagarza & Gloria Seneff
Sick Calls – Please call the rectory to
arrange for Father Jasany to bring the
Sacraments when a member of your family
is hospitalized.
Weddings – Parishioners are asked to call
the rectory office at least 6 months in
advance of the wedding to schedule an
appointment with Father Jasany
Baptisms – The 2nd & 4th Sunday of the
month at 12:00 pm. Parents are required to
attend Pre-Baptism Class. Arrangements
must be made a minimum of 2 weeks prior
to the date of baptism. Before parents
baptize their child Diocesan and parish
policy requires you to complete a Baptism
Preparation Class. The next class will be
on January 5, 2014 at Our Lady of
Lourdes Parish at 12:30 pm. Reservations
are needed; please call 216-641-2829 for
information or to make your reservation.
Godparent and Sponsor Certificate –
Sponsors for Baptism or Confirmation must
be registered and practicing members of the
Church, attending weekly and Holy Day
Masses for a minimum of 3 months prior to
the celebration of the Sacraments for which
they have requested the certificate.
Please note individuals 18 years of age and
older, no longer in school, need to register
as adults
Pre-Cana Program for couples preparing
for the Sacrament of Marriage at the Jesuit
Retreat House on January 26, 2014 at
12:45 pm. This program satisfies the
requirement for marriage preparation as
stipulated by the Catholic Diocese of
Cleveland. Register at 440-884-9300 or
online at
Sunday, November 10th
“Lord, when your glory appears,
my joy will be full.”
(Psalm 17)
 What is your vision of life after
death? How does this vision affect
your daily decisions/actions?
 Do you really believe that you shall
live again after death? How has your
decision been formed?
 How often do you share this hope
with unbelieving co-workers?
Holy Name Society French Toast
Breakfast from 9 AM – 1 PM. $6.00 per
person, children 10 and under $5.00.
Breakfast includes Sausage & Beverage.
Tickets available at the door. To-Go Orders
also available.
World Apostolate Holy Hour at 2 PM.
Benediction, Rosary and Chaplet of Mercy.
Everyone is invited to this Holy Hour.
The Collection for the Archdiocese for the
Military Services will help provide spiritual
support to the men and women of the US
Armed Forces wherever they serve.
Envelopes for this collection were in last
week’s bulletin. If you would like to
contribute and did not bring the envelope,
please use a pew envelope and mark it
“Military Services”. Checks should be
made payable to St. John Nepomucene
Readings for the Week of November 10th
Sunday: 2 Mc 7:1-2, 9-14/2
Thes 2:16-3:5/Lk 20:27-38 or
20:27, 34-38
Wis 1:1-7/Lk 17:1-6
Tuesday: Wis 2:23--3:9/Lk 17:7-10
Wednesday: Wis 6:1-11/Lk 17:11-19
Thursday: Wis 7:22b--8:1/Lk 17:20-25
Wis 13:1-9/Lk 17:26-37
Saturday: Wis 18:14-16; 19:6-9/Lk 18:1-8
Next Sunday: Mal 3:19-20a/2
Thes 3:7-12/Lk 21:5-19
Monday, November 11th
Veterans Day
Prayer for Veterans
Heavenly Father,
on this day, help us
remember those who gave of
themselves to keep us safe
and secure.
Enkindle in our consciences a desire
to serve those who served their country
Give us the grace to aid those who have
given aid and protection to us and others
both here and overseas.
Let us never forget the causes for which they
fought or the bravery they showed on the
May we be always be mindful of those
who paid the price for our freedom,
just as your Son gave his life
to free us from the bondage of sin. Amen
PSR 6:30 – 8 PM
Tuesday, November 12th
Stewardship Meeting 7 PM Rectory
Wednesday, November 13th
Zumba Class 6:30 PM School Hall
New class rates $2/class.
Choir Rehearsal 7 PM New members
may call Ralph at 216-641-7988
Adult Ed – “The Gospel of Luke” at
6:30 PM in the rectory
Saturday, November 16th
Trinity High School Placement Test from
9 AM – 12:30 PM. To register call the
Admissions Office at 216-581-1061 or go to
the website,
For those who
are sick and those
who care
for them, may
they receive
comfort and
strength through our prayers, remembering
especially Frank Aiello, Mildred Aiello,
Mary Ann Betliskey, Noella Burrows,
Corrine Dawe, Marcia Cordy,
Diane Dufalla, Jose Dybzinski,
Terrence Harp, Madeline Koston,
Milton Kostyack, John Leader,
Cindi Magyar, Jeanette Morrow,
Mildred Pytel, Nancy Recko, Albina Selva,
Chris Toth, Virginia Turowski, Ed Vitigoj &
Brittany Wexler.
For the Safety of the Men & Women
serving in the military, especially those from
our parish and their families.
May our Loved Ones who have died,
rest in eternal happiness in heaven,
remembering especially Henry Riegelmayer
whose funeral was this week.
Our St. Vincent DePaul Society is
participating in The Acme Fresh Market
Community Cash Back Program. If you
shop at Acme, save your receipts and drop
them in the collection basket. All proceeds
from the program will go to help those in
need in our Parish & our Community.
FOR RENT – Single Family Home for
Rent. Newburgh Hts Area. Four Bedroom,
2 Car Garage. Newly updated. New carpet
throughout. Call Larry at 216-641-4192 if
Masses for 2014 are now being booked.
Please call the rectory office at 216-6418444 if you are interested in booking Masses
for your loved ones.
In today’s second reading,
we hear St. Paul urging the
members of the community
at Thessalonica to direct
their hearts to God’s love
through Christ. He wants them to be laserfocused on Christ, and nothing else. He
desires that they be strengthened by the Lord
and shielded from what is not Christ-like.
Good stewards cultivate a “lasersharp” focus on Christ; not on things that
could give them false or superficial images
or ideals. Let’s think about our own daily
focus: Do we direct our hearts toward Christ
or are there other “gods” that claim our
attention? Our career? Material
possessions? Sexuality? Favorite sports
team? Political leanings? Does our daily
life point to Christ so that those who are
younger and less mature in their faith learn
from our example?
OOPS! I would like to make the following
correction to the THANK YOU to the
accidentally forgot to include two more
people who also worked hard cleaning our
Church. They are TONI SUCHY &
ROSEANN LOZAR. They gave of
themselves to do a fantastic job as all of the
other workers did. I would also like to give
thanks and praise to all the SANCTUARY
GUILD workers who give to our Church by
cleaning it every week. In addition,
COMMITTEE and all the women & men
who helped. Without their help, our Church
wouldn’t look as good as it does.
Again, thank you!
Joanne Ciesla
Karen’s Corner
Did you know that in the September 30th
edition of the magazine “America” there is
an account of Pope Francis’ lengthy
interview with Antonio Spadaro, S. J.?
When asked by Antonio “Who is Jorge
Mario Bergoglio?” The pope replied, “I do
not know what might be the most fitting
description. I am a sinner. This is the most
accurate definition. It is not a figure of
speech, a literary genre. I am a sinner.”
Later in the interview, the pope referred to a
painting by Caravaggio called “The Calling
of St. Matthew”. In the painting, Jesus is
pointing to Matthew, but Matthew is holding
onto his money as if to say, ‘No, not me!’
When he was asked in conclave if he would
accept election as pope, he said “I am a
sinner, but I trust in the infinite mercy and
patience of our Lord Jesus Christ, and I
accept in a spirit of penance.” That
statement is so humble and at the same time,
so profound! We are all sinners, none of us
is exempt. We all make mistakes, lose our
tempers, judge other people, and give in to
the temptation to eat just one last piece of
cake or candy! But what we all need to
understand and recognize is that it’s okay!
Jesus still loves us! The Catechism tells us
that “Sin is an offense against reason, truth,
and right conscience; it is failure in genuine
love for God and neighbor caused by a
perverse attachment to certain goods. It
wounds the nature of man and injures
human solidarity. It has been defined as ‘an
utterance, a deed, or a desire contrary to the
eternal law.’” (CCC 1849) In considering
our sinfulness, we must always remember
that God is rich in mercy and love! God’s
mercy is greater than sin. The very heart of
the Gospel is the revelation of the mercy of
God in Jesus Christ. In order to receive this
mercy, we must be willing to admit our
sinfulness. I think this can be the sticking
point for many of us. “It’s not my fault!”
“I didn’t do/say that!” “I didn’t do anything
wrong.” It is difficult to admit that we are
sinners, that we are not perfect, that we have
hurt other people. It goes against the social
norm of “Me first, no matter what!” But we
are not talking about social norms here; we
are talking about our relationship with the
Lord and His people. When we break those
relationships, than we have to face the fact
that we have sinned. I cannot even begin to
count the number of times I have said
something and then wish I could call the
words back into my mouth! Am I a sinner?
Darn right I am. But the wonderful part
about that is that I know that God loves me
and will ALWAYS take me back! I just
have to turn to Jesus in prayer and admit my
shortcomings and be willing to do better.
Sorrow for sin and admitting the sins are
signs of conversion of heart that opens us to
God’s mercy! There is nothing wrong with
admitting we made a mistake, in fact it’s a
good thing to do and then to ask the Lord for
His mercy and love! If the pope can admit
he’s a sinner, so can we!
Last week’s question was: What best
describes the mission of the Church on
1) To save souls; 2) To proclaim and
establish Christ’s kingdom; 3) To convert
the unbaptized.
The answer is #2. (CCC 768)
This week’s question is: True or False?
One of the effects of the Sacrament of the
Sick is the forgiveness of sins.
See you soon!
Please remember these individuals, who
have been called to the priesthood in your
daily prayers.
Sunday, Nov. 10th – Bishop Roger Gries
Monday, Nov. 11th – Stuart Turk
Borromeo Seminary
Tuesday, Nov. 12 – Max Cole
St. Mary Seminary
Wed., Nov. 13 – John Mulhollan
St. Mary Seminary
Thurs., Nov. 14 – Patrick McCarthy
St. Mary Seminary
Friday, Nov. 15 – David Stavarz
Borromeo Seminary
Saturday, Nov. 16 – Brother Conrad Wald
St. Mary Seminary
Sunday, Nov. 17 – Bishop Richard Lennon
The Catholic Community Foundation
would like to remind you that you can make
your year-end gift by taking advantage of
the extension granted by Congress through
December 31, 2013. Individuals who are
age 70-1/2 or older can make a tax-free gift
to qualified charitable organizations using
funds transferred directly from their IRAs.
You can transfer any amount up to $100,000
through the end of 2013 and not incur any
income taxes on the distribution. For further
information call Patrick Grace at
216-696-6525, ext. 5750.
Bethesda the House of Mercy is a ministry,
which provides a community of hope for
persons wounded by abortion. We are
looking for donations of old religious
medals, crucifixes, broken rosaries and
beaded costume jewelry. These donations
are used to make rosary bracelets, which are
sold to help support our apostolate. Please
put all donations in the box marked
BETHESDA by the doors of the church.
The box will be in church for one month.
For questions call 1-800-482-4100.
Thursday, November 21st is Pro
Orantibus Day (“For Those Who Pray”),
honoring cloistered men and women. The
faithful around the world are encouraged to
develop their own way of commemorating
the day and honoring cloistered women and
men religious, in other special ways, such as
by offering up their prayers, by making
visits to monasteries and cloistered
convents, by sending cards or letters to
contemplative religious, and by coordinating
school or catechetical activities. For more
information visit
Enclosed in this week’s bulletin is a list of
the cloistered women religious in the
Diocese of Cleveland.
Warm Up America wants your leftover
yard to be used to make afghans and other
items for the needy. These items are
donated to USO, Birthright, VA Hospitals
and Hospices and more. If you have yarn
that you would like to donate, it may be
brought to the parish rectory. This is
sponsored by St. Vincent DePaul “Warm Up
America” group of St. Columbkille Parish.
Altar Society News – The Gift Card
Christmas Tree Raffle will be held on
Sunday, December 1st. Currently, there are
two prizes – The first prize has a value of
$200 in certificates and the second prize is
valued at $100. Hopefully, there will be a
third prize. Tickets are available at the
entrances of the church. Tickets are $1.00
each or 6 for $5.00. Hurry and get your
tickets before December 1st!
THIS WEEK - is America Recycles Day
Bonus Week! As a thank you for our
recycling efforts and Keeping America
Beautiful during the Bonus Week, we will
be paid an extra $5/ton for our paper by
River Valley Paper Company.
Praise the Roof Fund
Balance Remaining
As of October 13th
Praise the Roof Memorials & Gifts
In Loving Memory of Barbara Weglewski
from Eileen & Sheila Van Nort
& Corey Seliga
Sacred Heart Distribution
In Loving Memory of Evelyn Krejci
from Joseph Kocab
10/21 Praise the Roof
- 284.00
In Loving Memory of Ed Span
from his wife, Carol
10/24 Rooted in Faith
A gift from Marilyn Schickler
10/27 Praise the Roof
- 653.00
In Loving Memory of
Achilles & Josephine Rasoletti
from Norma Rasoletti
Memorials thru October 31st
- 345.00
The figures represent memorials and
contributions thru October 31st. Thanks to
the generosity of our parishioners and our
fund raising efforts, we have raised
$52206.38 towards our $88,800.00 Roof
ORGAN CONCERT by Chris Toth, our
Saturday organist, with Joy Parker, piano on
Tuesday, November 12th at 12:10 pm.
Messiah Lutheran Church, 21485 Lorain
Road in Fairview Park. Freewill offering.
Bring Lunch. Coffee, tea and cookies
provided. STRAUSS: “Thus Spoke
Zarathustra”; BOWEN: Fantasia;
MATHIAS: Fenestra;
PLAYAVSKY: Four Pieces for 2
Keyboards; STOUGHTON: Persian Suite;
HERBERT: March of the Toys from “Babes
in Toyland”.
In Loving Memory of
Ben & Helen Walczak
from their daughter, Pat Emrisko
In Loving Memory of
Joseph Rasoletti from
Norma Rasoletti
All are welcome to attend Mass on
Friday, November 22nd for the repose of
the soul of John F. Kennedy on the occasion
of the 50th anniversary of his death. The
Mass will be celebrated at the Cathedral of
St. John the Evangelist at 12 Noon.
Arrangements have been made to free up a
significant number of parking spaces in the
ground lot and the garage.
The 2013 Slavic Village Community
Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service will be
held at Elizabeth Baptist Church, 6114
Francis Avenue on Monday, November 25th
at 6:30 PM. A reception will follow the
service. Those attending are asked to bring
canned food items. This is a family focused
service and everyone is welcome to attend.