Uric acid level in blood will increase due to some problems in functioning of the kidney. It will cause joint
pain and swelling then slowly it level got increased and results in joint failure.We can come to know the
level of uric acid through blood test. if it exceeds the normal level(2.5 - 7.7) 5mg/di symptoms of this
disease can be seen. Joint pain ans shoulder pain would be there. We can completely cure this disease
through our treatment. Immediate relief also can be observed. While taking the medicine we should limit th
elevel of salt (Take more water and tender coconut)
Food decipline: Dals,rice,carbohydrates,tamarind,chicken should be avoided.
Kidney Stone
Stones are formed because of acidic, calcium, salt excretory substances which are not properly excreted
due to improper function of kidney. Extract of water, banana stem, nerunji will dissolve the salt stones. But,
calcium and acidic stones can be dissolved or sent out only through our m edicine. Stones will be formed in
kidney, urinary bladder, tube and liver. Our medicine will dissolve and totally remove the stone within 75
days and prevents from future stone formation. For stones in liver medicine to be taken for 1 year. If the
stone doesnt dissolve still then, dont worry.Take 5 dosage of medicine as 1 dose every morning and
evening 6'o clock (30 drops mixed with water) for 15 days. 2 ounces of tonic should be taken before
morning and night food. If more tiredness persists, take 10 cashe wnuts and tumbler hot milk.
Avoid heavy food like tomato, milk, cucumber, spinach,oily substances parota ,etc,.Take easily digestable
food substances.
Stone size - upto 7mm 75 days 5 bottle
upto 10mm 150 days 10 bottle
upto 15mm 225 days 15 bottle
Food decipline: Avoid coffee,tea,tobacco,smoking,alcohol,meat.No restrictions in food.
Our medicines will guarentee 100% cure.Medicines should be strictly taken as per the doctors advice.
Medicines should be taken every day without fail and removal of stone sho uld be confirmed by scan
Pulse :
Human body contains totally 72 thousand Naadis and are classified into vaadha, pitha and silethumam.
Vaadha flow like swan's pace with 1 maathirai, pitha flow like peacock's pace with 1/2 maathirai and
silethumam flow like snake's pace with ¼ maathirai. We have to use our fingers to study the pulse rate.
Thumb is known as Sukraviral and helps to determine the potency. Index finger is known as Guruviral and
helps to determine the functionalities of Pancreas, liver, kidney, heart etc. Middle finger is known as
Suryaviral and helps to determine confidence, fear, supremacy, etc., Little finger is known as BudhaViral
and helps to determine the intelligence, discipline, thoughts etc., Clarify your doubts about pulse read ing in
the practical class.
Ways to identify diseases:
We can identify the disease to the extent by observing the patient while coming in. Those who are
suffering from stomach pain or kidney stones will have severe pain in their stomach and hence they wa lk
with bent forward.
Phlegm in the spinal cord results in biliousness, vomiting, allergy, back pain, neck pain etc,. The powder
specified in our book is a good medicine for all phlegm related problems. It is a very good medicine to
control the blood pressure.
For those who have swelling in the foot and body can be treated with the paste made up of venkuvalai
flower and mixed with rice porridge in empty stomach. Swelling can be controlled by taking kovai leaf
extract mixed with curd in empty stomach.
Severe Dysentery can be controlled by taking kovai leaf extract with buffalo curd. Ammaan pacchari leaf
can also be taken.
Poppy seeds should be powdered and mixed with hot water to control dysentery.
Sappota or pomegranate can be powdered and mixed with curd to stop dysentery. Bleeding for females
can be controlled by mixing milagaai kaattu pasiri with buffalo curd.
Extract from Coconut buds can also be taken. Aiyyampanai leaf can be grained and taken to stop the
By taking a mixture of 10 drops of coconut oil with butter milk will stop bleeding and dysentery.
Heart Problems
We can give simple cure for valve problems, valve blockages, heart functional problems, excessive heart
beat,chest pain,weak heart(pace maker) etc.,
Aalam ver,Porumbi ver,hibiscus legyam,tender coconut,butter milk,garlic, pepper,Agathirai are good for
treating heart problems.
Blocks in blood vessels can be completely cured and heart attacks would be avoided through our
medicine. Our medicines can be used by both the patie nts having heart blocks and/or undergone heart
surgery earlier.We can use it as a preventive medicine for heart attack.Medication period - 3months only.
Diabetes (Sugar)
Fredrick ponting, who invented insulin, left many research references to cure diabet es. Our siddhas gave
us various medicines to treat the disease. Various rasavadha treatments, herbs where revealed by them
after deep research. But somehow we are not using it. This disease is caused because of pancreatic
disorders. Glucose got prepared from our food and mixed with blood. For active functioning of body,
glucose need to be converted into starch and distributed to various body parts. The harmone, Insulin helps
us in the above conversion
If the Secretion of insulin decreases, unconverted gluc ose got stagnated in the blood. Body parts feel tried
without energy from glucose. By the mean time, kidney helps us by removing excess excretory materials.
Kidney got overloaded when it segregates sugar while excreation. This may cause kidney failure. Due to
this more urine got excreted. Inorder to reduce the sugar level from the blood urinal excretion increases
and results in triedness, dehydration.
Englih medicines generally controls the sugar level in blood. But the medicines prescribed by
siddhas,induces the pancreas and increases the insulin secretion.So our medicine gives perfect cure.
Medicine made up of Maha vilvam(16 petals), Karu nochchi,should be taken with strict food discipline can
cure diabetes within 24 days completely.
"Aavaarai poothirukka saavaarai kandathundo " - proverb
Food discipline :General rules : Food discipline is very much important for diabetes. It is a bad
conception of taking wheat, raagi food products instead of rice.It is important to consider the
quantity of food rather than the type of food.
It is good to avoid,fatty substances like ghee,butter,oil products,inorder to control cholestrol in blood and
avoid heart diseases. Significantly fat people have to restrict the calorie level in food. Taking food in right
time is very important. Practicing walk is a must.
By increasing green vegetables and avoiding cooked food, sugar level would be reduced automatically.By
taking cloves, pepper, garlic,avarai,chenna,grain items,aavaaram poo,aalam pattai,arasampattai water, 4
inch sugarcane in early morning will keep sugar under control.
Eat only half stomach.Always keep the half empty.
Symptoms of decrease in blood sugar level
Blood sugar level decreases if the quantity of food decreases or by taking more medicines or unu sual
strain. Symptoms like sweating,giddiness,hunger,tiredness,headache,biliousness,etc., may appear.By
taking sugar or sweet immediately we can raise the sugar level to normal.
Blood Urine Test
Once in a month,diabetes patients have to take blood test o ne and a half hours after meals. Urine should
be tested weekly once.
Cauliflower,banana flower,bitter gourd,spinach,banana
stem,pepper,noolkose,cabbage,cucumber,tomato,masala powder,small onion,lemon juice can be taken in
a moderate level.
Brinjal,peas,ladys finger,chicken,bun,bread,fish(fresh water),egg(white yolk), dried grapes can be taken in
a very less quantity.
Non-vegetarians:Afternoon 1 cup rice or 1 chapathi 1 egg or 75 grams of mutton(2 piece) or 100 gram
chicken or 100 gram fish can be taken.
Things to be avoided
Vegetarians :Tubers,beetroot,carrot,drumstick,ghee,maize,beans,butter,sesame,ground
Non-vegetarians : pork,SeaFish,egg(yellow yolk), liver, chats, canesugar, honey, sweets, cake, ice
cream, chocoltes, milk kova, cheese, horlicks, bournvita, complan, cooldrinks etc.,
Fruits : Suppota,grapes,jack fruit,mango,pine apple.
1.Have Vendhayam powder with water and walk 4 km a day.
2.Take the seed of mango.Cut the part inside the seed and prepare pickle out of it .This should be taken
regularly for permanent cure.
Medicine with food discipline (pathiyam) available for Permanent cure for diabetes.Contact us within 48
days with test reports.
Patients using our medicine should regularly take blood test and consult t he doctor in the interval of
4,8,12,30,45,60,90,120 days.
Take food items of soar taste for controlling the blood sugar level.Rice varieties such as
mattakkari,saamai,thinai,moongilarasi will control blood sugar level.
Cactus soaked in coconut oil will cure the disease.Along with this take the cactus fruit.
Take aavaarai flower in empty stomach along with our thirumeni sooranam will cure the disease.
Take Thumbi extract along with honey.
High blood pressure or diabetes will cause blood clot in the brain and results in storke. It is possible to
dissolve the blood clot and cure the patient completely. Patient should be brought within 15 days. It is
Surgeories were happend in siddha medicine before 2000 years. On those days people used to walk
frequently. They used to take stagnant water in road side ponds. By the time, while drinking the water, it
reaches a secured vibratory ring called as cerebellum. Inside the cerebellum frog eggs from the water got
hatched and tadpoles will create serious pain in the head. For curing this, we need to tonsure the head
apply the extract of thirumeni leaf. Then cut the ucchikaala varmam with hot knife. This will open the skull
Then take some water in a bowl and stir it with stick. Tadpole will jump from the head to the water bowl.
Then close the skull with heated boar skin and tie it hard. with in three days the patient will be cured
There are many names for the skin allergy called soriyasis. Indra got skin disease because of his conduct
with agalya. Inorder to get cured from the disease he stayed in suryanar kovil near Kumbakonam for 48
days and taken curd rice in vellerukkan leaf. He got cured completely from the disease. English medicines
can only control the skin disease. But by taking siddha medicine for 150 days permanent cure can be felt.
Fish, chicken,tamarind,bean,green chilly,rice, papaya, mango.
mix 2kg neem leaf with little turmeric powder in hot water and take bath daily.
Our medicine can cure all types of joint related problems completely. Medicines like milagaranai,
mudakkatraan leaf, thirumeni leaf, sirukan peezhai, thirunee rpattri, should be properly processed and
taken both morning and night regularly with food descipline. This will cure all the joint problems
All sour substances, rice, fish, egg,papaya,mango,jack fruit,chenna,potato, yam, brinjal.
A small outgrowth at the junction of large and small intestine is called as apendix. This can be cured by
ffile:///home/lite1/Desktop/clients/Kongu_siddha/siddhamedicines2 2.6.2010/treatements.htmlood descipline
or big expenditure.
Our medicines immediately cures all the abnormalities caused by 8 vaayus. It also prevents the problems
in advance.
Our herbal medicine cures all types of painless cancers. Number of Red blood corpuscles in blood will
increase above 50000 within 3 days of treatment. Cancers of initial stage can be cured completely.
Complete upavaasa, without taking any food is the best medicine for all types of cancer. This can be
proven easily. Life span of a cancer patient can be increased by observing whole day upavaasa once in a
week regularly. Medicines like thuththi leaves, vilva leaves, sirukanpeezhai,perukanpe ezhai, chiruthuththi,
Extracts of grass from wheat,rice,thuththi,vilvam are having important medicinal values in treating cancers.
file:///home/lite1/Desktop/clients/Kongu_siddha/siddhamedicines22.6.2010/treatements.html Our medicine
can cure all types of ulcers permanently.
To dissolve Cancer Tumors:
Mathuram pattai should be grained and applied over the tumors. It can also be taken orally to dissolve
them. Porumbilai extract, small onion, cumin seeds can be mixed and taken for all types of cancers. Thuthi
leaves, siruporumbi, perumpoolai, aavaarai, karunocchi, vilva m, small teak also can be used to cure
Take aakaasha garudan extract along with honey for 5 days in empty stomach will come breast
cancer.Start the medication in a Thiruvathirai star.
Mouth cancer can be cured in 48 days by taking thoothuvalai extract along with honey in empty stomach.
Extract the honey from thuthi Flower and worship the god and have it for 48 days.
Sivakaranthai leaf in the best medicine.
Low and high blood pressure can be completely cured with immediate relief. Donating blood once in six
months will prevent high blood pressure.
Orthoritis is heart related disease. MIcrobes affecting the heart will also affect the joints and results in
rheumantic orthoritis. The major factor for this disease is blood deficiency. In the initial stages it is called
as saravaangi.
When the human body starts functioning after a rest, pain will occur in heal,joints , due to blood clot.
Walking for a while will cure the problem. Medicine to be taken for 2 years when identified in final stage. In
initial stages, this can be cured within 3 days without any expenditure.
Food descipline: Gasious substances, chenna,chicke n,fish,egg,smoking and drinking should be
Bleeding :
1.The ground Milagaaikaattupisiri with buffalo curd and should be taken for 3 days in empty stomach will
control the bleeding.
2.Iyyampalai leaf extract with curd should also be taken
3.Aavaaram young leaves ground with white goat milk should also be taken
4.Arasampattai ground with buttermilk
5.uthirampattai ground with buttermilk
6.The rice like substance that emanates from pre tender stage of a coconut palm extract should be given
7.Mix sadayaththi powder with butter milk should also be taken
White discharge and Uterus Problems:
white dischage causes various diseases such as head ache,hip pain,stomach pain, itches,insomnia,mental
pressure,lack of appetite etc. The above specified symptoms are caused because of white discharge. Our
medicine can permanently cures and strengthens the uterus within 45 days. It results in a healthy delivery.
All types of uterus tumers, discharges, menstrual problems can be cured by our medicine immediatel y.
Menses and Uterus Problems:
1.dry ginger, kuppaimeni leaf extract, neem oil should be boiled and taken in empty stomach for about 1
2.Cows ghee boiled with Thuthi leaf should be taken regularly.
3.Deoiled cake (Til) mixed with tender coconut taken along with palm sugar.
4.Banyan seeds are powdered and sieving using thin clothes and mixed with ghee. This should be helpful
for getting pregnant.
5.Mix palm sugar with til and have it orally.
Biliousness and body heat:
Mix one litre of gingelly oil with karunchiththakeerthi flower and apply it on the head daily before getting up
from the bed. Then apply it completely over the body and take bath after an hour. Eat pepper soup for the
whole day.
Hair fall:
Iron deficiency, body heat, allergy are the major reasons for hair fall. Gooseberry leaves, curry leaves,
karisilanganni leaves, hibiscus leaves extract can be taken ¼ litre respectively. Mix vembalam pattai,
idamberi, valamberi, black cumin seeds, rose buds, nannaari root, vetty ver, vilamich ai ver, etc., and add 2
litre coconut oil. Boil and filter the oil and apply over the hair. We offer the oil free of cost.
Boil the neem leaves in hot water and taking bath for three days will control hair fall.
Hearing Problems:
2 drops of Thaivelai leaf extract should be applied into the ear. 2 drops of Nilamporandi leaf extract mixed
with gingelly oil also can be applied.
Constipation and Piles:
Big onion should be taken along with dinner everyday. Arasampattai should be mixed with water and taken
Ulcer, allergy, Burp and Hiccups:
Kovai leaf extract should be mixed with fresh curd and taken in empty stomach for 48 days.
Who will get AIDS?
It is an unknown fact that AIDS wont affect everyone. People with weak lungs are having possibilities of
getting affected by HIV. Strong lungs without phlegm will not get affected by HIV. Those who are easily
susceptible to cold may get affected by HIV. Continous cold,fever,loss of immunity are the initial stages
caused by HIV. Aadaathodai extract and naaipaalaikirutham along with medinice for cold should be taken.
This will give immediate relief from the above specified symptoms. Considerable relief can be felt within 3
days of taking our medicine.
Medicines like
ndi ver etc are good for healing HIV patients.
HIV can be easily spread by needles or syringes. But it wont spread by musquitos.Why???
Musquitos have the ability to separate the tissues from the b lood. A type of medicine taken from the blood
reservoir of musquitos is a very good preventive medicine for HIV. The same medicinal aspect is there in
panankallu. So HIV is not an incurable disease. It can be prevented with the help of herbs. Lots of
medicines avaliable to cure HIV even after getting affected.
Head ache:
1.Mix vellaivelai leaf extract with salt and pour the drops into the ear of the side where the migraine pain
exist. 2.Grind dry chilli with small spinach root and make it as cake and fry it in 1 litre of coconut oil. Apply
the cake in the head and take a hot water bath and have pepper soup for that day alone will control the
head ache.
Follow the above medications with the guidance of a doctor.
In 13 th century AD, Maalik Kafoor the Lt.General of Alauddin kilji, The emperor of Delhi, conquered South
India upto Pandiya Kingdom and exploited the wealth. While returning back via Srirangam, many of the
soldiers died due to unknown fever and cholera. But no one in Srirangam was affect ed. This was because
the Tulsi water distributed in Temple. Our Siddhas classified the types of fever as 64(includes swine flu,
chicken guniya, Dengue, typhoid, brain fever etc,.) and defined the corresponding vaccine and medicines
for the fevers.
Soak all the above herbs in drinking water and have an ounce a day in empty stomach. This will prevent us
from many kinds of fever.
Joint Pain:
1.Grind Thalinji,Mudakatran,vatha narayanan leaves and apply in the joints for half an hour will cure joint
2.Take dry coconut and black oomatham leaves in a small piece of cloth.Then take white stone and heat
it.The heated stone should be dropped in the cloth piece.The leaves will boil in that heat and the leaf paste
will act as a best medicine for joint medicines.
3.Taking 10 leaves of Milagaranai morning and evening will cure the joint pain.
4.The best way to cure the joint pain is to apply the paste of drumstick root.
5.Apply the paste of mavilangam leaves.
There are lots of medicines available for joint pain. Follow the medications with the guidance of a doctor.
Eye Problems:
1.Single drop of poolai leaf extract will cure the eye problem within 3 days.
2. Small onion extract will cure Madras eye.
3. All the eye problems can be cured with a single drop of palm extract.
Jaundice :
We have thousands of medicines for the disease whereas foreign medicine lacks even one .
Some of them are,
1.grind and mix keezhanelli root with goat urine and give it for 3 mornings.
2.Heat Aloevera root, stem and give the extract for 3 days.
3.Mix Yellow karisilanganni with goat milk and taken for permanent cure.
4.Regular intake of sugarcane juice.
5.Chicken should be boiled with vennsangu poo leaf extract and taken orally
6.castor oil boiled with komatti kaai should be taken for cure.
Snake bites:
We should not run once bitten by snake. Banana stem extract for about one tumbler s hould be given as a
first aid. Five peppers with betel leaves should be taken orally to control the distribution of poison through
out the body. There are chances for being alive after a snake bite for about 36 hours. If the eye ball
remains in the same place for a while, declare the patient has dead. If it is on the sides then the life is in
danger. Immediate treatment is needed.
1.Poison will come out through vomiting when we give the extract of vishapaalai root.
2.Avuri root can also be ground and given.
Scorpion bite:
We have hundreds of medicines for scorpion bites. Vellai erukku milk mixed with tobacco should be
applied at the bitten spot of the body. We have free medicines for various types of scorpion bites.
We can cure other poisonous bites free of cost if noted immediately.
Severe Wound :
1.Little amount of thuthi leaves, one small onion should be ground without water and mixed with oil. Then
apply the mixture on the wound and tie it with bandage.
2.Kiluvan leaf or touch me not leaf can also be used for severe wounds.
3.For more details on medicines contact the doctor.