13.12.15 sport premium fundingstatementAut2015

Autumn 2015 Sport Premium Impact Statement
Sport Premium Publication 2015
At Tregolls School we believe PE & Sport plays an important role in
making our vision statement a reality for every pupil, with the potential
to change young people’s lives for the better.
We welcomed the Government’s announcement in June 2013 to provide
additional funding for 2 years to improve provision of physical education
(PE) and sport in primary schools. The first year was very productive and
we are committed to continue with using this resource in developing high
quality PE lessons, alongside greater opportunities for sporting
competitions and clubs for all our young people.
Sport Premium Grant
Funding for schools will be calculated by the number of primary aged
pupils (between the ages of 5 and 11) as at the annual census in January
2013. All schools with 17 or more primary aged pupils will receive a
lump sum of £8,000 plus a premium of £5 per pupil. Smaller schools will
receive £500 per pupil.
Total no of primary aged pupils between the ages of 5-11 April 2015 175
Total amount of Sport Premium Grant received £8650
What does the Sport Premium mean for my School?
‘Schools must spend the additional funding on improving their provision
of PE and sport, but they will have the freedom to choose how they do
this’ (DfE June 2013).
At Tregolls School we have split up the funding by the three key areas for
consideration; Physical Education, Healthy Active Lifestyles and
Autumn 2015 Sport Premium Impact Statement
Competitive Sport. We have decided to spend the Sport Premium Grant
on the following:
Total Number of Pupils On Roll Eligible
Whole school
Total Amount of SPG Received (£)
Summary of Spending 2015
Objectives in Spending 2015:
FSM/PP – Continuing to raise the participation level of this group of
children in sport in and out of school.
Quality of teaching – To raise the standards further in the teaching of
‘Outstanding’ PE lessons and use of Higher order questioning to promote
thinking skills. Use ICT regularly to improve reflection and outcomes
Wider opportunities/variety of sports – To raise the awareness of
different sports and activities through guest PE specialists and extended
units of work within curriculum time.
Lunchtime provision – To develop sports leaders programme within
school for the year 5 (future year 6) children to lead by Summer 2015.
(Now postponed until Spring 2016)
Providing sports equipment for participation at lunchtimes
Healthy schools – promoting healthy tuck and healthy lunchboxes in
Summary of Spending and Actions Taken for Autumn so far:
Autumn 2015 Sport Premium Impact Statement
Specialist football coach KS1/2
Golfing coach
Multiskills coach
Sports Equipment
Total Number of Pupils On Roll Eligible
Spent budget
Future investment in new and continued sports opportunities: Boxercise,
multi-skills, athletics, dodgeball, golf, surfing and street dance
PE equipment ordered for lunchtime activities.
Breakdown of Impact
Physical Education:
Raising standards of all of our children in Physical Education
To increase teachers
Specialist Football coach worked with KS1 and 2
subject knowledge
working on basic skills and confidence alongside
and confidence in
teachers. Golfing coach employed to teach
teaching specific
sports- employing
specialist coaches to
alternative sports- improving hand eye coordination and club skills.
Basic skills coach has been teaching in EYFS to
Autumn 2015 Sport Premium Impact Statement
enhance learning for
improve throwing/catching/team skills at an
More Able
early age. Monitoring of lessons has shown a
higher level of confidence and skill development
amongst learners and aided subject knowledge of
To develop high
quality questioning
within sport to
understanding of
PE monitoring has indicated high level of
performance and sustained ‘good’ teaching of PE
in Autumn, PE co-ordinator to continue
monitoring and audit children’s views. HO
questioning is being used regularly to support
understanding and deeper thinking
Promote use of ICT in Monitoring has indicated positive use of ICT as a
PE to improve
reflection and teaching tool- monitoring to be
continued throughout year.
Healthy Active Lifestyle:
Ensuring all of our children have access to regular exercise
(For children to have the exposure/opportunity of more than two hours
exercise each week)
To increase activity
levels of FSM and PP
Data analysis to focus on non-participants of PP
children and summer term clubs to be catered
toward their needs. Trends showing PP
attendance increased since 2014 (currently at
45% PP against 55% non PP)
To increase activity
Contact made with Penair to support Tregolls
levels at lunchtimes
with the training of lunchtime sports leaders
(postponed until Spring 2016) Football and
dodgeball at lunchtimes, other equipment
promoting regular participation and activitysupported by lunchtime supervisors.
Healthy diet
Audit of packed lunches, healthy diet promoted
through Science learning and cookery club –
assembly planned to further promote healthy
Autumn 2015 Sport Premium Impact Statement
Competitive School Sport:
Increasing pupils’ participation in extra-curricular sport
To improve the
Monitored termly and trend showing increased
provision (and
participation since 2014.
attendance) of
School parliament are now taking a more active role in
selecting the after-school clubs that children wish to
attend Football was requested (for Autumn 2015)
Audit to ascertain choices for Spring term.
To improve the
All competitive ‘cluster’ sporting events continue to be
performance of
attended. Successes in football league, bisi-badminton,
sporting teams
dodgeball. Participation in athletics, tri-golf, dance.
in competitions