OPS001 Safeguarding Adults at Risk of Harm



Safeguarding Adults at

Risk of Harm

June 2013

Named and post of person responsible for policy:

Contact: Jonathan Senker, Chief Executive



Policy Statement


1. Responsibilities

2. Definitions

3. Recognition

4. Action to be taken in cases of Alleged/Suspected Abuse

5. Additional Actions and Guidance for All Safeguarding Alerts

6. Recording Procedures for Cases of Alleged/Suspected Abuse

7. Investigations

8. Follow Up

9. Confidentiality

10. Further Safeguarding Adults at Risk of Harm

11. Internal Reporting

Appendix A1

– Summary flowchart of actions where alleged perpetrator is not a member of VoiceAbility staff

Appendix A2 – Summary flowchart of actions where alleged perpetrator is a member of VoiceAbility staff

Appendix B – Indicators of Abuse

Appendix C

– Preserving Evidence

Appendix D

– Guidance when making a Safeguarding Adults at risk of harm alert

Appendix E – Guidance for when to contact other agencies

Appendix F – Recording Guidance

Appendix G – VoiceAbility Safeguarding Report Form

Appendix H – VoiceAbility Follow Up recording form


Policy Statement

VoiceAbility is committed to promoting the rights of all people to be safe and secure and to be free from any form of abuse. All VoiceAbility staff and volunteers have a duty to be alert to the possibility of abuse and to work to safeguard adults at risk of harm from abuse.

All VoiceAbility employees and volunteers will be appropriately trained and supported to adhere to the ‘Safeguarding Adults at Risk’ Policy and Procedures.

Appropriate recruitment checks will be made for new staff and volunteers in line with our

Recruitment and Selection policy (Policy HR017) and for relevant roles Disclosure and

Barring Service update checks will be made in line with any statutory guidance in force.

VoiceAbility will take all suspicions of abuse seriously and respond to them following the procedures outlined in this document.


This policy applies to all people working on behalf of VoiceAbility including employees, agency workers, consultants, contractor, volunteers and trustees. There is a separate policy covering suspicions of abuse of Children & Young People.

This policy covers:

Suspicions of abuse perpetrated by a member of VoiceAbility workforce (paid and voluntary).

Suspicions of abuse perpetrated by someone or an institution outside of


1. Responsibilities

Staff & Volunteers in local services have a responsibility to:

Read, understand and work in line with their local Multi Agency Procedure.

Recognise the signs of potential abuse and raise concerns in line with this policy.

Where appropriate and in line with this policy, decide if they need to take immediate action and raise safeguarding alert.

Keep records in line with this policy.

Follow up on concerns with the aim to ensure individuals are safeguarded and get positive outcomes.


Staff & Volunteers not working in client facing services have the responsibility to:

Read, understand and work in line with their local Multi Agency Procedure.

Recognise the signs of potential abuse and raise concerns in line with this policy.

Where appropriate and in line with this policy, decide if they need to take immediate action and raise safeguarding alert.

Service Managers and other managers within our client facing services (e.g.

Managing Advocate or Project Leaders) have a responsibility to:

Ensure that members of staff and all volunteers in services that they have a responsibility for, understand and are compliant with this procedure and policies in operation locally.

Ensure that staff in their teams are adequately trained in safeguarding

(Normally trained to equivalent of level 1-3 via an external agency and attend VoiceAbility Safeguarding Training).

Make decisions where appropriate as to whether concerns that are brought to their attention meet the threshold for making safeguarding alerts (always erring on the side of caution where there is uncertainty) and ensure that alerts are raised appropriately.

Analyse safeguarding data in their areas of responsibility to: o Make links where there are a number of concerns about potential abuse and take appropriate action in relation to them o Identify and report as appropriate on gaps in safeguarding practice and/or compliance with our policy o Provide Regional Directors and others with reports on safeguarding as required.

Liaise with the statutory agencies regarding concerns of potential abuse by a member of their team as required by VoiceAbility.

Ensure that alerts are followed up and that clear outcomes are achieved

Regional Directors have a responsibility to:

Check compliance with this policy at a regional level.

Ensuring their management teams are compliant with this policy and procedure.

Ensure that their managers are adequately trained in safeguarding (to the equivalent of level 3

– 4 and attend VoiceAbility Safeguarding Training).).

Provide guidance to service managers on complex safeguarding issues.


Liaise with the statutory agencies regarding concerns of potential abuse by a member of VoiceAbility staff or volunteer where it is more appropriate that the Regional Director takes this responsibility.

Undertake investigations, where this is deemed appropriate, in consultation with the relevant statutory authorities.

Analyse data on safeguarding at a Regional level, decide on appropriate action and report as required to executive team.

Regional HR Business Partners have a responsibility to:

Provide advice and guidance to managers when a suspected perpetrator of alleged abuse is a member of VoiceAbility workforce.

Maintain record of and collate data on concerns raised about suspected abuse allegedly conducted by a member of VoiceAbility workforce.

Provide Regional Directors and the HR Director with reports on safeguarding allegations against VoiceAbility staff and volunteers as required.

To maintain a Regional Safeguarding File with details of all safeguarding allegations made against members of staff and volunteers within that region.

HR Director has a responsibility to:

Ensure appropriate referrals are made to the Disclosure and Barring

Service in the event of a reportable allegation against a member of

VoiceAbility staff or VoiceAbility volunteer.

Heads of Service (e.g. Heads of Finance/IT) have a responsibility to:

Ensure that staff and volunteers in their teams are adequately trained on safeguarding (equivalent to level 1 or 2 and attend VoiceAbility

Safeguarding Training).) and about this policy.

Liaise with statutory authorities if the suspected perpetrator is in the service team and undertake investigations, where this is deemed to be appropriate in consultation with the relevant statutory authorities.

Executive Management Team has a responsibility to:


Check organisational compliance with this policy.

Ensure that Regional Directors and Heads of Services are compliant with this policy.

Ensure that Regional Directors and Head of Quality are adequately trained in safeguarding (normally equivalent to level 4 attend VoiceAbility

Safeguarding Training).)).

Report on safeguarding to the board of Trustees.

Liaise with statutory authorities if the suspected perpetrator is at regional director or Head of Service level.

Chief Executive has responsibility to:

Ensure there is a named and suitably trained organisational lead for safeguarding adults at risk of harm. The lead may be the Chief Executive or another member of the Executive Management Team.

The Organisational Lead has responsibility to:

Ensure the organisation holds and implements a fit for purpose policy

Ensure that Executive team members are adequately trained on safeguarding.

Ensure appropriate liaison with statutory authorities if the suspected perpetrator is a manager in VoiceAbility at executive level.

Undertake investigations, where this is deemed to be appropriate, in consultation with the relevant statutory authorities,

Ensure there are internal reporting, management and governance systems in place to ensure the robustness of VoiceAb ility’s practice and to learn from safeguarding experience.

To report to the Executive Management Team and Board of Trustees on any safeguarding matters, including any safeguarding allegations made against a member of VoiceAbility staff or volunteer.

Trustees have responsibility to:

Hold the Chief Executive to account in relation to safeguarding performance of the organisation.

Ensure the Chief Executive is adequately trained in safeguarding

(Equivalent to Level 4 and attend VoiceAbility Safeguarding Training).

Ensure effective liaison with statutory authorities and ensure investigations are undertaken, where appropriate, if the suspected perpetrator is at Chief

Executive level.



2.1 For the purpose of this policy an adult at risk of harm is defined as anyone 18 years of age and over, who is, or maybe, in need of community care services for

 example:

People with mental needs or mental illness

People with a physical disability

People with drug and alcohol related problems

People with sensory impairments

People with a learning difficulty/ disability

People who are elderly and frail

People with acquired brain injury

People with ASD

2.2 People who abuse include:

People who are well known to their victims

A relative, spouse or partner, friend or neighbour, as paid or voluntary worker or a health or social care worker

People that are strangers to their victims

Another person who uses services

In some cases, people who abuse may not realize they are abusing. For example, carers who act out of character and abuse because of the stress of

3 caring.

2.3 Abuse can take place anywhere, including:

The persons own home

A carers home

Day centre

A care home

A hospital

The workplace

Educational institutions

Community and public places




The ‘No Secrets’ (DH 2000) Guidance on developing and implementing multiagency policies and procedures to protect adults at risk from abuse defines abuse as “the violation of an individual’s human and civil rights by any other person or persons”.

3.2 The abuse of adults at risk can take many forms (see Appendix B for Indicators or Abuse), such as:

3.3 Physical Abuse

Physical abuse may include physical assault ranging from rough, inappropriate or careless handling, to direct violence

– hitting, slapping, pushing or kicking. It can include medical mistreatments such as the misuse of medication, withholding or inappropriately alerting medication or treatment regimes. It is also the misuse of restraint.

3.4 Psychological/Emotional Abuse

Psychological or emotional abuse may include verbal abuse, threats, bullying, racial abuse, deprivation of contact, humiliation, blaming, controlling, intimidation, coercion, harassment, isolation or withdrawal from services or supportive networks.

3.5 Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse may include rape and sexual assault, or sexual acts and inappropriate touching to which the adult has not consented, or could not consent, or was pressured into consenting or acts of a sexual nature where one of the participants is in a position of trust, power or authority (Sexual Offences

Act 2003).

3.6 Financial or Material Abuse

Financial abuse may include improper use of , or withholding , a person’s money or property; theft, fraud, exploitation or pressure in connection with wills, property or inheritance.

3.7 Neglect or Acts of Omission


Neglect could include ignoring medical, physical or social care needs, failure to provide access to appropriate health, social care or educational service, the withholding of daily living needs, such as medication, food and drink, and heating.

3.8 Discriminatory Abuse

Discriminatory abuse may include racist or sexist remarks or comments based upon a person’s impairment, origin, colour, disability, age, illness, sexual orientation or gender, and other forms of harassment, slurs or similar treatment.

3.9 Institutional Abuse

Institutional abuse includes the collective failures of an organsiation to provide an appropriate and professional service to vulnerable people. It can be seen or detected in processes, attitudes and behaviour that amount to discrimination through prejudice, ignorance, thoughtlessness, stereotyping, or, malicious intent.

It includes failure to ensure necessary safeguards are in place to protect vulnerable adults and maintain good standards of care in accordance with individual needs, including training of staff, supervision and management, record keeping and liaising with other care providers.

3.10 Self Harm and Suicidal Behaviours

In their own right, self-harming and/or suicidal behaviours do not fall under the safeguarding procedures. However, these behaviours may be an indicator that an individual has been, or is being, abused.

In the event of self harm or suicidal behaviours yo u must consult VoiceAbility’s

Confidentiality Policy OPS005.

In the event of life threatening action having taken place, ring 999.

VoiceAbility has also produced guidance on responding to callers who are suicidal, which should be consulted where appropriate.

3.11 In addition to this Policy and No Secrets there are additional sources of information and guidance. These include, but are not limited to Local Authority

Multi Agency Policies, Procedures and Guidance, including guidance produced by local authority on reporting procedures, thresholds of abuse and significant harm, conduct of investigation and other related matters.


3.12 Where any Policy and Guidance produced by a Local Authority places a higher burden of action or a lower threshold of abuse than is considered within this policy, VoiceAbility expects all staff and volunteers within that Local Authority area to follow the burdens and thresholds imposed by the Local Authority policy and guidance.


If you have any concerns about an adult at risk

’s safety or treatment by others that may be possible abuse, you must take the action described in section 4 at the earliest opportunity, and no later than the same day.


4.1 A summary of these actions can be found in Appendix A1 where the alleged perpetrator is not a member of the VoiceAbility workforce, and Appendix A2 where the alleged perpetrator is a member of the VoiceAbility workforce.

4.2 It is not the responsibility of VoiceAbility staff and volunteers to investigate suspected abuse. It is the responsibility of VoiceAbility staff and volunteers to report suspected abuse and to work with the person at risk of abuse to ensure that they can be free from abuse in the future.

4.3 This is because undertaking our own investigations may compromise future investigations by the police or local authority and will run counter to the clear statutory guidance in place.

4.4 Emergency Services

4.4.1 If any person is in danger, first ensure they are safe and, if immediate help is needed, call the emergency services on 999.

4.4.2 If the person is seriously injured seek immediate medical treatment and inform your line manager at the earliest opportunity after doing so.

4.4.3 Immediately alert the emergency services if delay may increase the prospect of evidence being contaminated and/ or increases the prospect of successful prosecution. Notify your line manager that 999 have been contacted immediately, on the same day.

4.5 Preserve Evidence


4.5.1 Ensure that evidence is preserved. See appendix C for further information and guidance.

4.6 Making an Alert

4.6.1 If you discover or suspect potential abuse, and believe that it would constitute abuse (under the categories listed in Section 3) you must report this to the local authority following their local authority multi agency procedure.

4.6.2 Further guidance in reporting potential abuse can be found in Appendix D. This must be done at the earliest opportunity and no later than the same day as the abuse is discovered or suspected.

4.6.3 You must give consideration as to whether the person at risk of harm can be supported to raise the alert themselves.

4.6.4 Where you are in any doubt whether abuse has happened, or might happen, a

VoiceAbility manager will work with you to decide if a safeguarding alert should be raised or if a different course of action is required. For example, if it is suspected poor practice rather than suspected abuse.

4.6.5 When deciding if it is poor practice or abuse you will need to consider the level and frequency of any previous concerns recorded about poor practice.

4.6.6 Concerns about poor practice which are not considered to constitute abuse under safeguarding procedures must be reported to the individual’s line manager or other suitable management representative.

4.6.7 You must contact your manager as soon as possible and certainly quickly enough to ensure that the matter is reported to the Local Authority on the same day if such a report is required.

4.6.8 If your line manager is not available then you should contact any Service

Manager, Regional Director, Quality Assurance Manager or Head of Quality and

Development to discuss and agree what action to take.

4.7 Written Record


4.7.1 It is vital that a written record of any incident or allegation causing concern about crime or abuse is made as soon as possible after the information is obtained, and kept by the person raising the concern. See Section 6 for guidance.

4.8 Reporting

4.8.1 As soon as possible, complete the Local Authority reporting form (if the Local

Authority stipulates they require this) or VoiceAbility form in appendix G.

4.8.2 This should be no later than the day that the abuse is suspected or identified.

4.8.3 Ensure it is recorded when and to whom within the local authority the suspected abuse was reported.

4.8.4 Copies of the forms should be uploaded to MAAVIS; see appendix F for guidance on recording.

4.8.5 Documentation may be required for criminal proceedings.

4.9 Follow up In Writing

4.9.1 The alert is to be followed up in writing to the Local Authority on the same day.

See section 8 for guidance about follow up actions.

4.10 Recording

4.10.1 Record all suspicions of abuse regardless of whether an alert was made on

MAAVIS (VoiceAbility Database) the same day following the recording procedure

& guidance in Appendix F.

4.10.2 Do not record the notes, allegation or suspicions of abuse on MAAVIS when it relates to a member of VoiceAbility workforce.


Where the alert is about a member of the VoiceAbility workforce

4.11 If a member of VoiceAbility staff is thought to have abused , the procedure outlined in sections 4.1 to 4.5 must be followed. You must also: a) Contact your manager as soon as possible and certainly quickly enough to ensure that the matter is reported to the Local Authority on the same day if such a report is required. b) If your line manager is not available then you should contact any

Service Manager, Regional Director, Quality Assurance Manager or

Head of Quality and Development to discuss and agree what action to take. c) If a delay caused by trying to contact an appropriate manager might jeopardise the safety of any person, or jeopardise any subsequent investigation, then immediately contact the Local

Authority to report the potential abuse using the Local Authority

Multi Agency reporting procedure. Then contact your line manager or appropriate VoiceAbility manager. d) It is vital that a written record of any incident or allegation causing concern about crime or abuse is made as soon as possible after the information is obtained, and kept by the person raising the concern. See Section 6 for guidance. e) Where abuse is suspected, managers will need to consider what immediate actions need to be taken to ensure that any person at risk of harm remains safe and that evidence is maintained.

Managers should seek urgent advice from a Regional HR Business

Partner. f) The role of the Regional HR Business Partner is to offer advice to the appropriate manager about how any employment issues should be dealt with, that have arisen as a result of the allegation. This will include ensuring that any relevant organisational policies are followed. The Regional HR Business Partn er’s role is not to offer advice about whether any thresholds of abuse are likely to be met and the local authority informed.


g) When deciding if it is poor practice or abuse you will need to consider the level and frequency of any previous concerns recorded about poor practice. h) Where there is doubt as to whether the matter is a safeguarding one, the line manager or Regional Director will decide if a safeguarding alert should be raised or if a different course of action is required.

For example, if it is suspected poor practice falling short of suspected abuse.

Concerns about poor practice which are not considered to constitute abuse under safeguarding procedures must be reported to the individual’s line manager and will be addressed through the appropriate process. For employees this could mean action under the Capability Procedure HR027 or Disciplinary Procedure HR026 i) The manager must alert the local authority to the safeguarding issue as soon as possible and always on the same day. j) If the alert has already been raised with the local authority, the manager will make contact with the local authority on the same day as the manager becomes aware of the potential abuse. k) The alert is to be followed up in writing to the Local Authority on the same day. See Section 8 about follow up actions. l) Managers must inform their Regional Director of the allegations or suspected abuse on the same day as they become aware of the potential abuse.

. m) Record any allegations and subsequent actions taken following the guidance in paragraph 6.3. n) Follow up actions should recorded on Appendix H




5.1 If the allegation of abuse comes from a third party this needs to be reported as described in section 4; you need to be clear with the local authority where the allegation has come from. This should be recorded on MAAVIS and on the reporting form in Appendix G or on the Local Authority safeguarding report form if that is completed instead. Refer to Appendix D for further guidance on making the alert.

5.2 If a third party informs you that they have already reported the potential abuse to the appropriate local authority, you must still report the allegation to the local authority independently.

5.3 Where necessary or appropriate you might need to contact the Police in addition to the local authority. In some situations this will need to be done straight away; see sections 4.4 and 4.11 for more guidance.

5.4 Where necessary or appropriate, VoiceAbility managers need to consider contacting the Care Quality Commissioner in addition to the local authority.

Guidance on the sort of situation this may arise in can be found in Appendix E.

5.5 If the adult at risk of harm is funded by another local authority then you need to alert to the authority where the person resides, as well as the authority with responsibility for funding. The authority where the person lives will usually have responsibility for any investigation.



6.1 It is vital that a written record of any incident or allegation causing concern about a crime or abuse is made as soon as possible after the information is obtained, and kept by the person raising the concern. Written records must reflect as accurately as possible what was said and done by the people initially involved in the incident either as a victim, suspect or potential witness. The notes must be kept safe as it may be necessary to make records available as evidence and to disclose them to a court.

You must make an accurate record at the time (certainly on the same day) , including:

I. Date and time of the incident/disclosure


II. Exactly what the person (the adult at risk, other person raising the concern) said, using their own words (their account) about the incident and how it occurred or exactly what has been reported to you.

III. Appearance and behaviour of the adult at risk, or the other person raising the concern

IV. Any injuries observed

V. Name and signature of the person making the record

VI. If you witnessed the incident, write down exactly what you saw

VII. The date and time of your record, including any notes made at the time of the incident or disclosure - which you must retain.

VIII. The record should be factual. However, if the record does contain your opinion or an assessment, it should be clearly stated as such and be backed up by factual evidence. Information from another person should be clearly attributed to them.’

(Based on SCIE 2011, SCIE Report 39, Protecting Adults at Risk,, P57)

Only ask the person sufficient questions to establish what has happened i.e. was it an accident or possible abuse. All questions asked must be open questions.


See Appendix F for further information about recording any safeguarding adults at risk of harm issues on MAAVIS and the alleged perpetrator is not a member of the VoiceAbility workforce.

6.3 Where the alleged perpetrator is member of the VoiceAbility workforce, you must: a. keep original copies of your notes in a private locked cabinet and send copies to the manager you contact. Do not record the notes, allegation or suspicions of abuse on MAAVIS when it relates to a member of VoiceAbility Workforce. b. Managers are to keep copies of written records, reports, correspondence and actions log are to be kept in a locked cabinet. and copies sent to Regional HR Business Partners. c. Send copies of all documents and logs to Regional HR Business




7.1 VoiceAbility will always co-operate fully with any investigations by the statutory authorities.

7.2 In all usual circumstances VoiceAbility will seek the consent of the relevant statutory authority before undertaking its own investigations in order to avoid any risk of compromising those investigations.

7.3 Investigations into allegations about a member of VoiceAbility staff will follow the procedures in the Disciplinary Policy HR026.


8.1 Safeguarding children and adults at risk of harm is a key strategic aim of

VoiceAbility. All staff will treat serious concerns about risk of harm from both disclosures and observations as an advocacy issue. All staff have a duty to ensure that:

 the person’s voice is heard;

their interests are respected;

concerns and allegations about significant risk of harm are investigated; and

their right to live a life free from abuse is upheld.

8.2 Following any alert being made , the member of VoiceAbility staff that made the alert must have contact with the local authority to ensure that action has been taken to safeguard the person from abuse.

8.3 If you have concerns that no, or insufficient, action has been taken when you follow up, or during the progression of the case, then contact your line manager.

8.4 Taking care to not compromise any investigation, as far as possible, try to ensure that the person who is the subject of the alleged abuse is kept appropriately involved in any safeguarding investigation and informed about any protective measures being discussed or actions taken. Further guidance on how to involve the person without compromising any investigation can be gained from your line manager or the investigating authority.


8.5 Record all follow up on MAAVIS or, in the case of allegations against a member of VoiceAbility workforce, a written log is to be kept and securely stored in the

Regional Safeguarding File held by the VoiceAbility Regional HR Business


8.6 Ensure the adult at risk of abuse has access to

VoiceAbility’s support throughout the Safeguarding Issue. This might include, but is not limited to:

I. supporting them to prepare and raise their voice at any meetings

II. support them to access services that might reduce the risks of them being abused or to help them achieve their desired outcomes and goals

III. asking questions of any professionals investigating the potential abuse or involved in any plan to ensure their safety

IV. ensure the their rights are supported, especially their right to be free from abuse.

8.7 Where you have raised a Safeguarding Alert, but the Local Authority does not believe this reaches the threshold of abuse you should support the person at risk of abuse to access advocacy support to resolve the issue e.g. by conducting a piece of professional advocacy with them to raise the issue with any appropriate manager of the service and escalating as appropriate to obtain a positive outcome.

8.8 Record the outcomes of the safeguarding concern/issue.

9 Confidentiality

9.1 People have a right to expect that all staff and volunteers will deal sensitively and sympathetically with their situation. It is important that information remains confidential and that only those with a ‘need to know’ should be privy to it.

9.2 In line with VoiceAbility’s Confidentiality Policy OPS 005, other people in the individual life (e.g. parents or carers) should not be automatically informed. They may be informed, following discussion with the relevant statutory authorities where the person consents to this, or, if the person lacks capacity to decide this and it is decided that disclosure is in the best interests of the person.

9.3 In cases where the suspected perpetrator is a member of VoiceAbility workforce records relating to the safeguarding will not be kept on MAAVIS.


9.4 Access to client records held on MAAVIS should always be accessed on a ‘need to know’ basis and in line with VoiceAbility’s Data Protection policy COR 005.

10 Further Safeguarding adults at Risk of Harm

10.1 Safer recruitment

VoiceAbility aims to ensure that employees and volunteers in relevant posts are suitable to work with children or adults in vulnerable circumstances. VoiceAbility undertakes a range of safer recruitment checks on prospective employees and volunteers, including Disclosure and Barring Service checks at the appropriate level and barred list checks for relevant posts. Further details are in the

Recruitment and Selection policy and procedure (HR017).

10.2 Referrals to Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS)

VoiceAbility is committed to its duty to make referrals to the DBS in line with the

Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006. It is the responsibility of the Director of Human Resources to ensure appropriate referrals are made to the DBS when an employee or volunteer has been dismissed or removed from working with children or vulnerable adults (or would or may have if the person had not left or resigned etc.). Referrals will be made in line with DBS guidance when an employee or volunteer has:

1. Been cautioned or convicted for a relevant offences; or

2. Engaged in relevant conduct in relation to children and/or vulnerable adults (i.e. an action or inaction (neglect) that has harmed a children or vulnerable adult or put them at risk of harm); or

3. Satisfied the Harm Test in relation to children and/or vulnerable adults.

(i.e. there has been no relevant conduct (i.e. no action or inaction) but a risk of harm to a child or vulnerable adult still exists).

(DBS Factsheet 1)


If an employee has sufficient concerns that suspected abuse perpetrated by a member of VoiceAbility staff have not been properly reported to the relevant statutory authority or are not being taken seriously, they can contact the Chief

Executive of VoiceAbility about this and/ or contact the local authority. There will not be any sanctions taken by VoiceAbility for members of staff contacting the local authority in these instances if done in good faith and without malice.


Furthermore, for concerns of public interest, whistle blowing is protected in law as outlined in

VoiceAbility’s Whistle Blowing Policy HR004.

11 Internal Reporting - Effective Governance, Management and Learning

11.1 VoiceAbility will ensure it has a robust process in place to collate and review data regarding safeguarding concerns.

11.2 VoiceAbility will continually review best practice in recognising and reporting safeguarding concerns across the organisation.

11.3 This data together with feedback from staff and volunteers, managers, people we work with, commissioners and safeguarding professionals will be reviewed with the Safeguarding Lead on a quarterly basis to support the development of an organisation-wide Action Plan.


Appendix A1

Where alleged perpetrator is not a member of VoiceAbility workforce

Summary of Actions and reporting procedures

Allegation or suspicion of abuse by someone external to VoiceAbility

Is the person in immediate danger, requiring urgent medical attention or is immediate response needed by the emergency services to preserve evidence

/ increase chances of successful investigation?

If yes: call 999

Notify your manager immediately that 999 have been contacted

Line manager to advise regarding alert and agree course of action with team member

Need to take into account any previous concerns

If no alert , notes of the discussion and reason for decision should be held on the person’s MAAVIS file.

If no (or after calling 999):

Preserve evidence

If sure it is possible abuse either support the person to alert, or use

Local Authority reporting procedure

If unsure , contact your line manager for advice and support

Make written record

Alert to be made according to the local multi-agency safeguarding procedures.

Refer to local policies on this.

Fill out VoiceAbility or Local Authority safeguarding reporting form

Follow up alert in writing.

Record on MAAVIS and attach the reporting form and copies of original notes to person ’s MAAVIS record

Follow up on alert and record action taken by local authority as appropriate.

If no action is taken by Local Authority report to line manager and agree actions to be taken.


Appendix A2 - Where member of VoiceAbility workforce is the alleged perpetrator of abuse

Summary of Actions and reporting procedures

Is the person in immediate danger, requiring urgent medical attention or is immediate response needed by the emergency services to preserve evidence

/ increase chances of successful investigation?

If yes: call 999

Notify your manager immediately that 999 have been contacted

If no (or after calling 999):

Preserve evidence

Line Manager:

Contact your Line Manager at the earliest opportunity, this must allow for an alert to be made on the same day

1. Make sure person is immediately safe and gain advice from HR Business Partner.

Ensure you have all the relevant information

2. If there is a significant concerns about practice take into account any previous concerns when deciding if concerns constitute abuse.

3. If unsure, contact your line manager for advice and support

Is abuse suspected?

If delay in contacting line manager would jeopardise the safety of any person or future investigation contact the local authority, then contact your line manager

Make written record



Record concern raised on

VoiceAbility reporting form, record rationale for not alerting send information to HR business partner

Make alerts following local procedures at the earliest opportunity and always on the same day

Follow up alert in writing

Inform Regional Director on the same day.

Address any practice concerns through Capability or Disciplinary


Send copies of all paperwork to HR business partner. undertaking its own investigations.

22 circumstances VoiceAbility will seek the consent of the relevant statutory authority before

Appendix B

– Indicators of abuse

This is not a comprehensive list of indicators. Be alert to indicators and record such things you observe in your notes on MAAVIS. You will then be able to review your records to see a bigger picture if needed.

Physical Abuse:

Unexplained bruising; some types of bruising are particularly characteristic of physical abuse. Bruising may be faint or severe. There may be a pattern to the bruising e.g. when and where it occurs

Non-accidental injury;

Hand slap marks

Marks made by an implement

Pinch or grab marks, or grip marks – this could indicate that the person has been shaken, inappropriately restrained, or forcibly removed

Black eyes

Psychological /Emotional Abuse:

Appears scared, anxious or withdrawn

Unexplained sleep disturbances

A reluctance to accept medical attention

Humiliated in front of others

Not being able to do things they used to

Not being able to concentrate or focus

Too eager to do everything they are asked

Financial Abuse:

Sudden inability to pay bills

Apparent lack of knowledge of income

Disparity between income and satisfactory living conditions

 Extraordinary interest from other in person’s finances

Unauthorised disposal of property, possessions

Under pressure to make or alter a will

Sexual Abuse:

Disclosure by means of hints and veiled comments

Torn, stained or bloody underclothes

Fear of pregnancy that may be exaggerated

Difficulty in walking/sitting with no apparent explanation


Bleeding, bruising, torn tissue or injury to the rectal and vaginal area


Institutional Abuse:

Is unacceptable practice encouraged, tolerated or left unchallenged?

Are service users respected and treated with dignity?

Are the staff well treated and do they enjoy their work?

Are the staff given appropriate training?

Is there a high staff turnover?

 Does the organization have a safeguarding adults’ policy?


 Unusual weight loss, malnutrition, dehydration, deprivation of meals may constitute “wilful neglect”

Absence of appropriate privacy and dignity

Untreated physical problems, such as bed sores or failure to give prescribed medication

 Unsanitary or unsafe living conditions: dirt, bugs, having no running water, soiled

 bedding and clothes

 Sensory deprivation - lack of access to glasses, hearing aids etc.

Absence of method of calling for assistance or ignoring calls for help

 Unsuitable clothing or covering for the weather

Desertion at a public place or the adult at risk of harm being left alone all day

 A carers refusal to arrange access for visitors

Carers who are unable to meet properly the needs for daily care of the cared for

 person or refuse to accept help and support to meet these needs properly

Poor relations and/or communication between the cared-for and carers, including lack of respect or courtesy

 The carers have little insight or understanding of the vulnerable person’s

 condition or needs

The carer/cared for person have frequently requested help but problems have not been solved

The carer has their own needs that are unmet e.g. physical or mental health problems, the cared for person being aggressive and violent towards the carer, the carer is over burdened.


Discriminatory Abuse

Discrimination demonstrated on any grounds including sex, race, colour, language, culture, religion, politics, sexual orientation, disability or age

Harassment and slurs which are degrading

Hate crime

Being refused access to services or being excluded inappropriately

 Adult at risk of harm’s loss of self-esteem

Resistance or refusal to access services that are required to meet need

Expressions of anger or frustration

Tendency to withdraw and isolation

Fearfulness and anxiety


Appendix C - Preserving Evidence

In most circumstances you may not need to do anything except record the events that have given cause for concern. The best way to preserve evidence is to report the matter as quickly as possible.

However, there may be occasions when it is important to follow certain rules

Make a written record of messages (e.g. answer-phone) to ensure they are not lost. Include the date and time and sign them

Ensure written records (notes, letters, bank statements, medication records etc.) are kept in a safe place

 Don’t tidy up, wash clothes, bedding or other items.

Do not try to clear or tidy anything up

Try not to touch anything unless you have to for the immediate wellbeing of the victim – if you have to try to make a record of what you have done

If any sexual offence is suspected try, to discourage the victim from washing, drinking, cleaning their teeth or going to the toilet until the police are present

Preserve anything used to warm or comfort the victim e.g. a blanket

Try to ensure that no one else enters the premises or alleged scene of crime until the police arrive

If you can, try and ensure that the alleged perpetrator does not have any contact with the victim

Record any physical signs or injuries using a body map or hand drawing.

Write a description of any physical signs or injuries including size, shape, colour etc.

Always remember to sign and date your notes and any other records you have made

If the alleged perpetrator is a member of staff, it may be necessary in some circumstances, to retain equipment (i.e. mobile phone, laptops etc), gain passwords and/or ensure the alleged perpetrator can’t access VoiceAbility systems to preserve evidence.


Appendix D

Making a Safeguarding Alert for Adults at Risk of Harm

1. Follow your Local Authority Multi Agency procedure for making a Safeguarding referral.

2. Give information about the suspected abuse:

I. Date and time of the incident/disclosure

II. Where the event or disclosed event took place

III. Exactly what the person (the adult at risk, other person raising the concern) said, using their own words (their account) about the incident and how it occurred or exactly what has been reported to you

IV. Appearance and behaviour of the adult at risk, or the other person raising the concern

V. Any injuries observed or that you are aware of

VI. If you witnessed the incident, exactly what you saw

VII. Any details of previous concerns raised or incidents of abuse

VIII. Is there any evidence, or do we have any information, that indicates that there is a decline in the individual’s health or condition

IX. Were there any other witnesses. Pass on any names and contact details.

X. Your account should be factual. However, if the record does contain your opinion or an assessment, it should be clearly stated as such and be backed up by factual evidence. Information from another person should be clearly attributed to them.

3. Give any necessary information that might help any work with the adult, such as:

I. The adult at risk of harm’s support needs, condition or disability

II. Their communication needs

III. Any information that we have been given about any risks that we have to be aware of when working with the adult, whether these are risks to any workers or to the person themselves

IV. Any other information that will support any third parties work with the adult

4. When making the alert, ensure you obtain and record the following details:

I. Who are you speaking to, what is their role and what are their contact details

II. What time and date did you speak to them

III. What action will they now take

IV. When will someone contact you to give feedback about any action taken

V. Who will contact you to give you this feedback


Appendix E

– Contacting Regulators, Police and Other Agencies

In some situations it may be necessary or appropriate for VoiceAbility managers to contact the Police, Care Quality Commission or other regulatory body. Examples of such situations are:

Contacting the police if a suspected criminal offence has occurred. The police should be urgently contacted where evidence needs to be preserved.

Where the person at risk of harm is concerned about their safety, is it possible to support them to build a relationship with local Police Community Support so that they feel reassured about contacting them should they feel concerned about their own safety in the future.

 Supporting an Adult with Learning Disabilities to access and use their local “Keep

Safe” initiative.

Contacting the Care Quality Commission if there is evidence suggesting widespread poor practice in a residential, supported living service or nursing home.

Contact your local Healthwatch where you are concerned about poor practice for anyone, or a group of people, receiving any health and social care.

Contacting the Commissioner or a provider service where you are concerned about the quality of service being received by someone or a group of people.

In some circumstances relating to services for children and young people, it may be appropriate to contact Ofsted.


Appendix F

Recording Guidance for safeguarding concerns where the alleged perpetrator is not part of VoiceAbility workforce.

Recording for instances where the alleged perpetrator is a member of

VoiceAbility workforce is outlined in sections 5.7.

This guidance relates to the keeping records only. The full reporting procedure must be followed at all times.

1. Written record of incident or allegation

1.1. Please note, and follow the guidance below:


It is vital that a written record of any incident or allegation causing concern about crime or abuse is made as soon as possible after the information is obtained, and kept by the person raising the concern. Written records must reflect as accurately as possible what was said and done by the people initially involved in the incident either as a victim, suspect or potential witness. The notes must be kept safe as it may be necessary to make records available as evidence and to disclose them to a court.

You must make an accurate record at the time (and certainly on the same day) , including:

I. Date and time of the incident/disclosure

II. Exactly what the person (the adult or child at risk, other person raising the concern) said, using their own words (their account) about the incident and how it occurred or exactly what has been reported to you.

III. Appearance and behaviour of the adult or child at risk, or the other person raising the concern

IV. Any injuries observed

V. Name and signature of the person making the record

VI. If you witnessed the incident, write down exactly what you saw

VII. Put date and time of your record, including any notes made contemporaneously- which you must retain.

VIII. The record should be factual. However, if the record does contain your opinion or an assessment, it should be clearly stated as such and be backed up by factual evidence. Information from another person should be clearly attributed to them.’

(Based on SCIE 2011, SCIE Report 39, Protecting Adults at Risk,, P57)

2. Recording a concern

2.1. Recording a concern about a person we are currently working with (Existing


2.1.1. Record your concern as a new issue under the referral on MAAVIS, coded as

‘Safeguarding adult - alert’ or 'Safeguarding children and young people - alert', as


2.2. Recording a concern about a person we are NOT currently working with.


Please note : Where you have any concerns about potential abuse it does

not matter whether we are working with the person who is subject of your

concerns, nor whether that person fits the criteria for the particular service

for which you work.

2.2.1. You may be concerned about potential abuse of someone who we are not

currently working with. In this case, try to find out the person's name and add

them to MAAVIS as a new referral and then record your concern as in 1.1 above.

Following our Data Protection Policy COR005, tell the person that we will keep a


2.2.2. If you are unable to establish their name, add them to MAAVIS as a new Referral called “SG.[servicelocation].[number]". For the first such alert in Newham it would

therefore be “SG.Newham.1” You should then try to ascertain the person’s name

at the earliest opportunity and update MAAVIS when you have this.

2.3. You must record your concern even if, after discussion with your line manager, no external alert is raised.

3. Keeping your record safe.

3.1. You must ensure that you have signed and dated any handwritten notes that you made at the time. Once signed and dated, your notes must be scanned and attached under the Referral record in MAAVIS using the Notes and Attachments function. Keep originals in a locked filling cabinet so that they can be made available if required.

3.2. If after discussion with your manager (although you should not delay reporting a safeguarding concern based on a managers availability ), a formal alert is to be made, you must use the reporting form, VoiceAbility Safeguarding Vulnerable

Adults Policy Appendix G, or the appropriate local authority safeguarding reporting form to record the alert. You must attach the completed form to the Referral record on MAAVIS, by using the Notes and Attachments function as above.

4. Recording Actions Taken

4.1. Record all follow up or further actions taken on MAAVIS on the same calendar day. These actions may include making an external safeguarding alert, and then following up on the aler t until the case’s conclusion. In some circumstances another course of action may be decided upon by your line manager. The recording should be done by the person taking the action.

4.2. When selecting the “Record Type” on the Issue page, select the type of advocacy that the Referral is for i.e. if it is an IMCA referral, select IMCA.


4.3. Where an external safeguarding alert is to be made, this must be recorded on

MAAVIS within the Issue. This is done by selecting the appropriate option of the

“Response to the Potential Abuse” pick list (Where you chose not to make an external alert, make brief notes in the “Reason no alert made or accepted” field and refer to any detailed notes in a Task record if appropriate.

4.4. Where the Local Authority Safeguarding Team did not accept the Alert, make brief notes in the “Reason no alert made or accepted” field and refer to any detailed notes in a Task record is appropriate.

4.5. Select the appropriate type of abuse from the “Type of Abuse” multi-picklist on the

Issue page.

5. Record the outcomes

5.1. It is the responsibility of the person raising the alert to the Local Authority to record the outcomes for the safeguarding issue on MAAVIS. All issues should have a recorded outcome on MAAVIS before the issue is closed.

6. Risk Assessment

6.1. Where appropriate you should conduct a Risk Assessment, or review any current

Risk Assessment. Any records of this should be saved as a Note & Attachment under the Partner record and the risk section of the Partner Record should be updated.

7. Closing a Safeguarding Alert Issue

7.1. A safeguarding alert issue may only be closed with the approval of your line manager . You must record your discussion with your line manager and the decision taken on MAAVIS under ‘Tasks’.

Appendix G - Reporting Form

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults


Please return the completed form immediately to your line manager


Details of Service User:

Name: Telephone:


Age/DoB: Gender:

Information necessary needed to work with service user:

Does the service user have any support needs (disability, impairment or condition)?

How does the service user communicate (including any steps to make the service accessible, such as translators)?

Has service user given consent for referral?

Any information we have been given about any risks that we have to be aware of when working with the adult, whether these are risks to any workers or to the person themselves

Any other information that will support any third parties work with the adult

Details of Carer (if relevant):

Name: Telephone:

Address (if different from above):


Relationship to vulnerable person:

Are you reporting your own concerns or passing on those of somebody else? Please give details:

Date and time of incident(s)/disclosure:

Where the event or disclosed event took place

Exactly what the person (the adult at risk, other person raising the concern) said, using their own words about the incident and how it occurred or exactly what has been reported to you

Appearance and behaviour of the adult at risk, or the other person raising the concern

Any injures observed or that you are aware of

If you witnessed the incident, exactly what you saw

Any details of previous concerns raised or incidents of abuse

If there any evidence, or do we have any information, that indicates there is a decline in the individual’s health or condition

Were there any other witnesses. Provide names and contact details.

Details of alleged perpetrators (if known):

Name: Telephone:



Relationship to vulnerable person:


Print Name:

Internal Use Only:



Was this concern reported to the Local Authority Safeguarding team? Yes/No

If no, please outline the reasons why not reported and who agreed this course of action.

If yes:

Name of person reported to

Job Role

Contact Details

Date & Time Reported

What action they will take

Who will contact you to give you feedback

When will they contact you to feedback

Which address the follow up in writing sent to



Print Name:

For completion by your line manager

Date/Time received:

Reference no./Case no.




Appendix H

– Follow Up Action for Concerns regarding about a VoiceAbility staff or volunteer

Details of further action taken (person(s) contacted and when) :

Details of follow up:

Date Person(s) contacted

Details Action Taken

Signed: Print Name:

Date: Time:

Copies of this form should be held with the person’s file and by the Line Manager.

