Presentation by Andrew Nutter, Director of Service Delivery and Deputy Chief Executive, Local Care Direct. 1.What makes you a social enterprise? Choices o The GP opt-out 2004 – decision time o Options Being part of the NHS Federalised model Profit-company Part of a big corporate Aims We wanted a structure and model which: o put patients before profits o was accountable to the communities we serve o promoted flexibility, responsiveness and innovation o gave stakeholders a voice Role of Members o Anyone aged over 16 living in the areas we serve can be a member of Local Care Direct. o Members receive information from the company, can attend the annual meeting and under the rules have certain limited powers. o The appoint members of the Advisory Council which is a wide stakeholder group intended to advise Executive and Board and the Council proposes two of its number to the LCD Board (other Board members are directly appointed for their specific skills and experience) o Involving and engaging with the public/members is difficult and involves clarity of purpose and hard work over a prolonged period to deliver results. o Clarity of the role of members is essential. Don’t pretend you are a member-led organization if members are removed/distant from the decision-making process. If they are involved directly, is your organization structured to make this work? Our Learning o Social enterprises need to define exactly what they are – not worry about how they fit into someone else’s pigeon hole. Define what you are and why and then articulate this clearly to others. There is significant diversity within the social enterprise sector and very few social enterprises are alike. 1 o Make sure your business structure works and be prepared to change it if it doesn’t. LCD had to change its governance structure almost immediately. LCD’s current model is a hybrid of a standard business board and a member-led organization. This fulfills the commercial and business needs of the organization well but is less clear and effective in terms of the role of members and the direct involvement of communities in their services. A member-led organization sounds democratic and empowering at a grassroots level but will it deliver the necessary governance, board level skills and experience to drive the organization forward? o If we are truly a values-driven organization then we must make values real by bringing them into the boardroom and the decision-making process at every level and by being prepared to make hard choices. o Should a social enterprise do more than that for which it is commissioned? LCD’s future business model will look at reinvesting surplus profit in the community as an added value benefit. 2.Are you listening to your stakeholders? Our marketplace Healthcare is a volatile environment in which to trade and is subject to change at national and local level. We have had to be alert to what is happening and quick to respond; adapting ourselves to developing situations. Although original set up to provide out of hours, we quickly identified the increasing integration of urgent and primary care services and were well placed to respond when the Government announced that all areas would have a new Equitable Access Centre. NHS procurement & commissioning World class commissioning has been a mixed bag. Commissioning skills are still variable and understanding of different types of provider organizations and their strengths and weaknesses is not always supported by procurement policy. In particular, we have found that whilst the NHS and social enterprises share common values – commissioner understanding of social enterprise is limited and this can be a serious obstacle to building trusting relationships and securing contracts. We have taken part in numerous NHS procurements – the quality of these exercises varies and is very resource-hungry for small to medium sized organisations Working with the NHS We do all our business with the NHS – Primary Care Trusts and some Acute Trusts – and whilst we try to influence policy we must accept we are vulnerable to short-termism, political change and the NHS way of doing things. LCD has worked hard to develop strong relationships with key 2 individuals and to develop a reputation of being a trusted partner which will not only deliver contracted services effectively but will also challenge, be proactive in solving problems and identifying opportunities to improve services. Our Learning o Never assume that being a social enterprise gives you an advantage in procurement. If you don’t meet the spec, answer the questions and score the points then you won’t get the business. Nor will PCTs “make allowances” because you are new, small, busy, or lack the necessary skills to complete bids. One commissioner told LCD they “didn’t give a damn” about our social enterprise status providing we delivered. Reputation and procurement success is based on trust, track record, quality and price – being an SE only comes into play if you tick all the above. o Don’t let things happen to you. Build relationships locally ( and nationally if possible – become a member of the Social Enterprise Coalition!) and try to influence things. In procurements be prepared to challenge specifications and requirements (at the start of the process, not the end!) o Maintain relationships through customer and contract management – this helps to know what is happening in advance; what your customer thinks about you and shows you are open and listening to them. o Don’t under-estimate the resources needed to take part in NHS procurements or the tight timescales which may be set for your response. If you haven’t got the necessary skills/resources you need to acquire them. Never put in a sub-standard bid – you won’t win and it will damage your reputation for the future. 3.Do you have a sound business model? Business Model o The business model is what links different aspects of our business and seeks to make sense of the tensions between the desire to be a values-driven social enterprise and the necessity of being a viable, sustainable business. o By understanding that we cannot maintain our commitment to the community without being sustainable we avoid the danger of seeing values and business as mutually exclusive. o We have recognized the need to define what we do so we do not set unrealistic goals and expectations and then fail to live up to our core values; and we do not confuse values and principles. Values guide the way we work and think but are a contribution to debate and decisionmaking along with commercial needs. Principles are immutable and are 3 not compromised even when this means potential damage to the organization i.e. a customer asking us to do something which we believe to be inappropriate. o We develop a business strategy and plans and keep these under review constantly. In delivering these plans we aim to grow our business to bring our service to more communities and to increase profitable business to make our business more sustainable and support investment. o We are also seeking to diversify and extend our business portfolio so we are less reliant on our original, core customer base and services. Our learning o Organisations must operate on sound financial basis; no-one will bail you out o There’s no such thing as not-for-profit ( unless you’re a football club!) o The vital importance of doing your homework and getting you’re numbers right so you don’t enter in to a contract which won’t pay its way o Social enterprise and commerce need not be mutually exclusive – but you need to have a business model that supports your approach o The tenure of contracts has a significant bearing on organizational stability o Growth needs to be managed carefully: too fast and you can struggle to deliver, too cautious and opportunities are missed. You must ask yourself: can you mobilize the contract and deliver it without detrimental impact to other business? 4.Do you have the right people and skills? Getting everyone on board o LCD was formed by a relatively small group of like-minded people working in healthcare who saw an opportunity to respond to changes in service provision through a values-based vehicle o The organization inherited most of its people from predecessor organizations through TUPE o Start-up and mobilization required a huge commitment and very long working hours; it also required knowledge and skills which we didn’t have inside our management team – these were acquired externally Attrition and the changing face of LCD o In five years LCD has been transformed in terms of what we do, the way we do it and most importantly the people. Only one member of the original Board remains and only two of the original five executive team. 4 o Over time – in line with the growth and development of the business roles have grown in scale and complexity and changed in focus. As a result personnel have changed – sometimes of their own volition, sometimes the result of the organization needing to change. This is challenging on both a management and emotional level. o Making time to develop our own people when faced with the pace and urgency of organizational development has been a challenge and is an area we can do better. o NHS commissioners require a high standard of people management in their contracts and this places significant demands on organizations and without question, professional HR advice. Our learning o Having people with drive who aren’t afraid of very hard work and long hours…and can deal with stress well o having the right skills o Understanding that organizations change and people need to change but that changes need to be managed sensitively to avoid demotivating the team o We are nothing without our people and we need to make time and provide resource for their continuing development 5 Local Care Direct – the facts and figures We are community benefit society registered with the Financial Services Authority under the terms of the Industrial & Provident Societies Act 1965 We have “members” rather than shareholders who are drawn from the communities we service and which hold a nominal £1 non-transferrable share. We have an asset-lock provision which ensures the assets of the business can only be transferred to a similar organization by member approval We have almost 1,000 members who elect representatives to an Advisory Council from which respresentatives are selected to the Board – which also includes appointees. Mollie Temple CBE is the current Chair and leads a Board of 9 with five nonexecutive directors and three executive directors. Local Care Direct is one of the country’s largest social enterprise health providers Formed in 2004 it has grown in size and reputation and has contributed significantly to Government policy on the role of social enterprises and health procurement and commissioning. Services have grown significantly in five years – LCD now provides a wide range of urgent care service such as GP out of hours cover; but also operates 3 of the new Equitable Access Centres in West Yorkshire and a traditional GP practice. Turnover is now in excess of £20m, all of which relates to NHS contracts LCD has a workforce of around 1000 staff and sessional clinicians The LCD “journey” has been one of continuous improvement and development, difficult choices and lessons learned – often the hard way. Survival and success have been built on three tenets: hard work and commitment; knowledge; and adaptability. Our willingness and ability to adapt and respond to the volatile and changing environment in which we operate has been crucial. The NHS is constantly subject to change driven by Government policy or local strategy and organizations which trade with the NHS must factor this into their business model and plans and beware the risks of a rigid approach. 6 Local Care Direct is generally acknowledged as one of the leading social enterprises in health: a successful provider which has developed strong relationships with its NHS commissioners and a nationwide reputation. Whilst this may be true it is only part of the story. We have made mistakes along the way and on several occasions have had to rethink our ideas and plans. We think this is a strength and how we will continue to learn, grow and serve our communities. 7