Plagiarism Rubric

Plagiarism Rubric
(Adapted from Plagiarism Reference Tariff)
Assign points based on the following criteria:
1. Plagiarism History
1st Time Offence
100 points
2nd Time Offence
150 points
3rd Time Offence
200 points
2. Amount/ Extent of Plagiarism
Below 5% AND less than two sentences
80 points
As above but with critical aspects* plagiarised
105 points
Between 5% and 20% OR more than two sentences but not more than
two paragraphs
105 points
As above but with critical aspects* plagiarised
130 points
Between 20% and 50% OR more than two paragraphs but not more than
five paragraphs
130 points
As above but with critical aspects* plagiarised
160 points
Above 50% OR more than five paragraphs
160 points
Submission purchased from essay mill or ghost written
225 points
*Critical aspects are key ideas central to the assignment
3. Years
Year 1
30 points
Years 2,3,4
60 points
4. Value of Assignment
Standard Weighting (> 20% of 5ECTS/ >10% 10ECTS)
30 points
Large Project
60 points
5. Additional Characteristics (At the lecturers’ discretion)
Evidence of deliberate attempt to disguise plagiarism by changing words,
sentences or references to avoid detection 40 points
6. Penalties
Summative Work
In all cases a formal warning is communicated in writing by the Head of
Department and a record made.
Available Penalties
 Assignment awarded 0% - resubmission required, with no penalty on
 Assignment awarded 0% - resubmission required, with no penalty on
 Assignment awarded 0% - resubmission required but mark capped or
 Assignment awarded 0% - resubmission required but mark capped or
 Assignment awarded 0% - no opportunity to resubmit
 Assignment awarded 0% - no opportunity to resubmit
 Disciplinary Board Issue (no contact with student and refer the
matter to the Head of Department)
 Disciplinary Board Issue (no contact with student and refer the
matter to the Head of Department)
*Students in these categories may also be required to attend workshops on
plagiarism at the discretion of the lecturer
Formative Work (e.g. non-graded assignments)
Available Penalties
Informal Warning
Formal Warning, with record made contributing to the student’s history