Eastborough J I & N School - Curriculum Foundation Stage Autumn 1: All About Me Autumn 2: Mega Structures Literacy / Communication & Language Texts: Fiction – Children’s personal selection in reading area, Funnybones Non-fiction books about ourselves Rule books – ‘we look after our property’ etc Nursery Rhymes and poems in the environment Talk about personal visits to the park Listen to texts/rhymes on the tape-recorder Retell above texts with magnetic story props/small world toys/puppets Set up listening area where children can enjoy rhymes and stories Encourage children to explain their experiences and introduce new vocabulary with responses. Provide EAL children with opportunities to use home language. Children to take home ‘home school communication’ packs with library books and ideas for rhymes and poems to share at home. Adults supporting child led activities and encouraging speaking and listening. Adult led activities modelling language and use of reading and writing. E.g. following a recipe to make playdough Talk about ourselves and our experiences in news time Bring in our favourite toys and talk about them Form letters in name correctly using pens, paints, sand, by labelling models Opportunities for writing in all areas of the classroom – clipboards, dry wipe boards etc Activities which include gross motor skills swirling ribbons, painting, climbing Texts: “The three little pigs” “The house that Jack built?” “Wait and See” “Lucy and Tom go to school” Various non-fiction & Christmas stories. Develop role play area into a home corner, shop, school, hospital, post office, estate agent etc Talk about a personal visit to the shops, hospital, baby clinic, religious building, post office, castle Retell above texts with /small world toys/puppets Describe scene from bedroom window Write shopping lists using packaging Discuss and talk about the constructions children have made. Listen to stories on CD player Retell stories using small world toys/puppets Describe scene from bedroom window Compose sound pattern poems about building a wall Make books in a house shape Contribute to big class information book about buildings Make a thank-you letter to a visitor Contribute to class lift the flap book called “Who’s at the door?” Make Christmas cards Form letters in name correctly using pens, paints, sand, by labelling models + signing up for class surveys. Read, write ink programme for teaching phonics. Eastborough J I & N School - Curriculum Foundation Stage Activities to develop fine motor – popping bubbles, threading activites, small construction Name recognition and writing Read, write ink programme for teaching phonics. Autumn 1 Maths Number rhymes and songs. Sorting and matching colours Counting activities Shape jigsaws Sort/count sets of animals, compare bears, play people, shapes and other classroom objects by size and compare and order Play counting games using fingers (and toes) Use paper/magnetic shapes to make 2d pictures Provide number labels in the environment – e.g bikes, snack tables Encourage mathematical vocabulary during snack time – discuss sharing amounts of objects talk about 1 more, less, full, empty etc Sort cups, plates, knives and forks in home corner Set up colour display and encourage children to sort objects by colour Use pictures and props to illustrate counting rhymes Walk around school and look for shapes in our environment Support construction play and introduce language relating to shape and number Autumn 2 Add numbers in windows to make totals in door in number house Play at adding and subtracting in classroom shop up to 10p (use pennies only) Buy x and y. How many pennies? Make guessing cards for shapes with clues describing attributes Describe shapes when showing models to the rest of the class. Make shape pictures of different types of buildings Count different shapes in classroom Use shapes to make junk and construction models – compare sizes Match 2D shapes to 3D faces Solve simple practical problems e.g. packing belongings into boxes Create a picture of a tall block of flats - answer questions using ordinal number and positional language Compare door numbers (more/less) Use a street scene as a number line Building for a purpose The house that Jack built game. Eastborough J I & N School - Curriculum Foundation Stage Look at and count parts of our bodies Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Understanding the World Touch different fabrics and materials in class feely book/alphabet/names and describe Play feely bag games, describing objects hidden within Draw round a child and name/label body parts Learn about finding books in the library. Walk around the local environment and look at different homes which we live in Make our homes using construction materials Talk about our homes. families and places that we go to, compare to other children and discuss Use photographs and labels around the classroom Discuss weather and changes through the term Show the children how to use ICT such as mini laptops, bee bots and talking telephones. Ask parents to share objects and photographs from home for children to discuss. Provide play maps and small world equipment for children to create their own environments Make an ‘ourselves’ book showing photographs of the different activities we have been doing to tell people about us. Wrapping Christmas presents. Make a small world play mat with houses, shops, a school and other buildings Make individual junk model buildings for play mat Make construction houses and furniture Design and build a school playground using junk materials, construction kits or wood Evaluate models by saying what you like and don’t like about it. Sort range building materials into brick, plastic, metal. Use hammers, screwdrivers and spanners with tiles, bricks, pipes and other building materials Make block of flats using shoe boxes and junk model materials for furniture. Make windows by exploring transparency in materials Build sandcastles with wet and dry sand Make tents/teepees in the outdoor area Make furniture using balsa wood Listen to stories on the CD player Word process classroom labels Draw a building on Dazzle Go on local walks to take photos of children’s doors, find out about local shops, sketch a religious building Discuss functions of the different buildings in the local area. Talk about the outing to a local building site Eastborough J I & N School - Curriculum Expressive Arts & Design Sing songs relating to body parts e.g. “heads, shoulders, knees and toes”, “1 finger, 1 thumb”, “Tommy Thumb”, “Clap your hands and wiggle your fingers”, “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands” Explore using body parts, including voices, to make sounds Clap syllables in children’s names and make into patterns over a steady beat Explore different ways of making sounds with musical instruments Explore tools for painting; brushes, sponges, rags and fingers, use these tools to print patterns Names colours and experiment with them Painting self-portraits, looking in a mirror at our facial features Provide different objects and materials in discovery trays that the children can explore. Adults to encourage vocabulary which will enable children to talk about their experiences. Set up home corners. Contribute to three little pigs collage using, straw, sticks and print with bricks Observation drawings of special building or place of worship Rubbings of textures around the school Print brick patterns for model houses Make a small world play mat using collage/junk Paint junk models of buildings Sing songs relating to buildings “The wise man built his house about the rocks”, “Linstead Market”, “In a cottage in the woods”, “Bob the Builder”, “I can build a house with a chimney tall” Change words to songs you already know e.g. “daddy’s taking us to the shops tomorrow” and record them on a tape-recorder Add sound effects to a story Use repeated patterns of sound to accompany building site poems Role play scenes in the home corner, shop, school, hospital about a visit to the shops, going to a new school, moving house, a hospital drama etc. Make up imaginative stories. Small world play with play people using school playground models, class made play mat Retell the three little pigs story in outside area Use diggers and trucks in sand tray to recreate a building site Eastborough J I & N School - Curriculum Physical Development Personal, Social & Emotional Development Ring, stopping and starting games. Outdoor provision- introduce children to basic equipment and reinforce safety. Use of utensils in Snack Shack. Play starting and stopping on a signal games Acclimatisation to the hall, importance of PE rules and safety and use of space Explore ways of travelling using different body parts (feet only, hands/feet, tummies, etc.) Discuss posters concerning personal hygiene routinesbrush your teeth Take photographs and put in a book ‘about me and the things I can do’ Look at babies and how they need taking care of – compare to what we can do now Move along to favourite songs and action rhymes Provide opportunities for children to explore cornflour, sand, wet paint, dry foods, cooked foods etc Opportunities that give children manipulative skills e.g. cooking, painting, playing instruments. Opportunities for writing in all areas of the classroom – clipboards, dry wipe boards etc Activities which include gross motor skills swirling ribbons, painting, climbing Activities to develop fine motor – popping bubbles, threading activites, small construction Introduce rules, routines and Snack Shack Reinforce personal hygiene and dressing skills Name and feelings games Tour of school, inside and out. Discuss positive class rules together Discuss consequences of breaking rules Teach children to use and care for materials and encourage them to do this independently Play games to develop spatial awareness Explore ways of supporting body weight e.g. using small and large body parts -travel with parts high and parts low -travel on combinations of hands and feet -find ways of making feet high -travel and stop with parts high and low Games skills – sending and receiving -throwing, rolling, bouncing, -send whilst still and travelling - catching from roll, throw, bounce -catch whilst still and travelling -aiming for a -target Make models of houses, shops etc using junk modelling materials Build construction models with range of construction kits e.g. duplo, lego, wooden, Make shape collages of different types of buildings Make sandcastles with wet and dry sand Draw a place of worship/special building using charcoal Print brick patterns Discuss safety aspects of using classroom equipment Find out where resources belong in the classroom discuss how to look after them. Select materials from wide choice on offer in workshop area to make building models Choose how to decorate models without direction. Decide on what type of building to make for class play mat model Choose from a range of activities on offer Eastborough J I & N School - Curriculum Role play rules and manners to establish class protocols Explore stories about caring for each other through roleplay, small world and puppetry. Play circle games and matching games to emphasise turn-taking. Role play area which reflects on children’s own homes. Use workshop materials independently. Discuss safety aspects of using classroom equipment Find out about ways that people celebrate Christmas Make cards for Christmas Circle time to discuss safety on the building site Role play special events such as moving house, starting school, a hospital visit etc. Ask a builder questions about his/her job. Compare buildings in different parts of the world – invite children to bring in photos from holidays/visits they have made Think of 5 special things about your home