STATE OF WISCONSIN, DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS 201 West Washington Avenue, P.O. Box 7843, Madison, WI 53707-7843 (608) 266-1311 1-800-WIS-VETS (947-8387) Wis. Stats. Chapter 45 APPLICATION FOR AMERICAN INDIAN VETERANS SERVICE GRANT The information requested on this form is authorized for collection by Ch. 45, Wis. Stats. and VA 15, Wis. Adm. Code. The information collected is used to determine eligibility for programs administered by the department. Completion of this form is voluntary; however, failure to furnish the requested information may result in denial of eligibility for programs. Personally identifiable information collected on this form is not likely to be used for any other purpose. This department does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in employment or provision of services. Pursuant to Section. 45.82(4), Wisconsin Statutes, Tribe, hereby applies for an American Indian Veterans Service Grant for the Fiscal Year beginning , and ending July 1, 2015 , for the purpose of extending and strengthening service of veterans of this tribe. June 30, 2016 Personnel now employed, with present and proposed monthly salary, by this tribe to operate the Tribal Veterans Service Office (TVSO) are: Job Title Tribal Veterans Service Officer (TVSO) Choose one: Full-Time or Part-time Others: (Insert Tribal Job Title) Salary $ $ $ $ $ $ (List any added positions proposed for the office for the coming Fiscal Year, with salaries.) The application is hereby agreed to by the Tribal Council of include all of the following conditions: Nation to 1. The TVSO shall be appointed in accordance with VA 15.03. 2. The Tribal Veterans Service Office will be maintained, open and staffed during normal tribal or band office hours; and 3. The grant received will not be allocated “for use by another tribal department nor may the tribe reduce funding to a tribal veterans service office based upon receipt of a grant.” Grant funds shall be maintained in a separate account subject to audit by Wisconsin Department of Veteran Affairs. Tribal Veterans Service Officer Tribal President/Chairperson Or Designated Tribal Council Official Please submit with this application a signed grant agreement (WDVA 0056C), federal benefit report (WDVA 0056D) and statement in the application cover letter which addresses success in meeting the previous year goals and objectives and include the goals and objectives for the current fiscal year (71/1/15 – 6/30/16). WDVA 0056B (09/15) W:\Templates\ You can access the most recent version of this form from the WDVA website at STATE OF WISCONSIN, DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS 201 West Washington Avenue, P.O. Box 7843, Madison, WI 53707-7843 (608) 266-1311 1-800-WIS-VETS (947-8387) Wis. Stats. Chapter 45 GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS AND TRIBAL VETERANS SERVICE OFFICER This agreement is made and entered into effective this day of , 1st July 2015 between the Department of Veterans Affairs (hereinafter referred to as the “Department”), the Nation and the Nation Tribal Veterans Service Officer (hereinafter referred to as the TVSO). , The TVSO shall file a grant application with the Department of Veterans Affairs for the current fiscal year, which shall include a federal benefits service delivery report for the preceding fiscal year (7/1/14 – 6/30/15). The attached statement of goals and objects for July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 is a part of this agreement. The TVSO agrees to provide the Department with relevant information pertaining to the achievement of those goals and objectives. The provision of services to former military personnel, dependents and survivors covered by this agreement shall be from through . July 1, 2015 June 30, 2016 The Department shall twice yearly reimburse the TVSO’s tribe for documented expenses subject to the statutory annual reimbursement limit under Wis. Stats. s. 45.82(4) provided the TVSO and the TVSO’s tribe have abided by the terms and conditions of this agreement. STATE OF WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS NATION OF STATE OF WISCONSIN BY: BY: James Bond Division Administrator Division of Veterans Benefits TVSO WDVA 0056C (09/15) W:\Templates\ You can access the most recent version of this form from the WDVA website at STATE OF WISCONSIN, DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS 201 West Washington Avenue, P.O. Box 7843, Madison, WI 53707-7843 (608) 266-1311 1-800-WIS-VETS (947-8387) Wis. Stats. Chapter 45 AMERICAN INDIAN VETERANS SERVICE GRANT — FEDERAL BENEFITS REPORT The information requested on this form is authorized for collection by Ch. 45, Wis. Stats. and VA 15, Wis. Adm. Code. The information collected is used to determine eligibility for programs administered by the department. Completion of this form is voluntary; however, failure to furnish the requested information may result in denial of eligibility for programs. Personally identifiable information collected on this form is not likely to be used for any other purpose. This department does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in employment or provision of services. REPORT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR From July 1, 2014 ; FOR 2015 , to TVSO June 30, 2015 FEDERAL BENEFITS ACTIVITY 1. Power of Attorney Indicate the number of new VA Form 21-22s submitted to WDVA/Other VSOs for representation NUMBER COMMENTS / 2. Disability Compensation Indicate the number of new VA Form 21-526s, reconsiderations VA 21-526 or 21-527 or other communications submitted for compensation benefits to WDVA/VA or other VSO 3. Pension Indicate the number of VA Form 21-527s or other communications submitted for veterans Pension benefits to WDVA/VA or other VSO 4. Medical Expenses for Pension Indicate the number of VA Form 21p-8416s submitted for Unreimbursed Medical Expenses for pension and death pention to WDVA/VA or other VSO 5. Loan Guaranty Indicate the number of Federal Home Loan applications submitted 6. Educational Indicate the number of Federal Educational benefit applications submitted 7. Vocational Rehabilitation Indicate the number of Federal VocRehab applications submitted 8. Medical Indicate the number of VA Form 1010EZ forms submitted for enrollment into VA Healthcare 9. USDVA Notices of Disagreement Indicate the number of Notice of Disagreements, VA Form 21-0958, DRO Request forms submitted to WDVA/VA or other VSO 10. USDVA Waiver Requests Indicate the number of requests for waivers of Federal benefits regulations submitted 11. BVA Appeals Indicate the number of VA Form 9s submitted to WDVA/VA or other VSO 12. Insurance Indicate the number of applications for VA Insurance programs submitted 13. Burial Allowances Indicate the number of applications for VA Burial Allowance submitted 14. Flag Applications Indicate the number of applications submitted for Burial Flags 15. Marker Applications Indicate the number of applications submitted for Burial Markers 16. DIC Indicate the number of applications for Dependency and Indemnity Compensation, VA Form 21-534, submitted to WDVA/VA or other VSO 17. Survivor’s Pension Indicate the number of applications for VA Death Pension, VA Form 21-534, submitted to WDVA/VA or other VSO 18. Discharge Correction Indicate the number of applications for discharge upgrades submitted 19. Miscellaneous Indicate the number of applications for other federal benefits, not listed, submitted by your office. Include types in comments. WDVA 0056D (09/15) W:\Templates\ You can access the most recent version of this form from the WDVA website at STATE OF WISCONSIN, DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS 201 West Washington Avenue, P.O. Box 7843, Madison, WI 53707-7843 (608) 266-1311 1-800-WIS-VETS (947-8387) Wis. Stats. Chapter 45 TRIBAL VETERANS SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT GRANT WORKSHEET Reimbursement Grant Period: 7/1/15 – 12/31/15 Reimbursement Grant Period 1/1/16 – 5/31/16 Tribal Nation: Notice: Information requested on this form is required by the Department when applying for a reimbursement of eligible expenses. The Department will not consider your payment request unless you complete and submit this form. Instructions: Itemize all expenses and attach legible photocopies of proof of expenses and payments for each item listed. See reverse for instructions. Use additional worksheets as necessary, numbering each. Date Expense Incurred Invoice/Statement Proof of # Payment Type and # WDVA 0056F (09/15) W:\Templates\ Payee Eligible Expense Description Eligible Cost of Expense Amount Requested for Reimbursement Total $ $ You can access the most recent version of this form from the WDVA website at INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING TRIBAL VETERANS SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT GRANT WORKSHEET Use the worksheet to itemize all proposed eligible expenses. • Attach legible photocopies of proof of expenses and payments for each item listed. • Use additional worksheets as necessary. • Submit Worksheet(s) and attachments to: WDVA, Division of Veterans Benefits, Grants Unit, 201 West Washington Avenue, Madison, WI 53703 or email to Date Field and Column Definitions Date Expense Incurred: Date of invoice, purchase, or service rendered. • Costs incurred prior to the beginning date or after the ending date of the grant reimbursement period are not eligible for reimbursement. Invoice/statement #: Number on vendor invoice or bill associated with the purchase or service. • Combined Costs: If an invoice combines costs for multiple grants or expenses, identify and explain specific costs associated with each grant expense. Attach a copy of this invoice, as well as proof of payment identified below. Use as many lines as necessary. Proof of Payment type and #: Copy of a receipt, number on check or money order used to pay the expense. If no proof of payment number, leave blank. Attachments required: • Expenditure Proof of Payment Examples: Copy of receipt; canceled check, with front side of check containing the amount of the check digitally printed by the bank under the signature line; Non-canceled check with bank statement showing check cleared account; payroll vouchers; Credit card statements. For acquisition expenditures, acquisition closing statements. • Combined Proofs of Payment: If a proof of payment covers multiple expenses or grants, identify payments related to the particular grant expense on a copy. Payee: Name of consultant, contractor, vendor, supplier, etc. to whom payment was made. Eligible Expense Description: Describe expense briefly. Include only eligible expenses as specified in Wis. Stats. s. 45.82(5): Information technology. Transportation for veterans and service to veterans with barriers. Special outreach to veterans. Training and services provided by the department and the federal department of veterans affairs. Salary and fringe benefit expenses incurred in 2015; salary and fringe benefit expenses incurred in 2016, except that total reimbursement for such expenses shall not exceed 50 percent of the applicable maximum grant. Eligible Cost of Expense: The cost of the expense paid by the Tribe or Band. Enter only actual expenditures in this column. Amount Requested for Reimbursement: Requested reimbursement. WDVA 0056F (09/15) W:\Templates\ You can access the most recent version of this form from the WDVA website at I certify that the information provided in the Tribal Veterans Service Reimbursement Grant Worksheet for this grant is accurate. Grant funds shall be maintained in a separate account subject to audit by the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs. I further agree to fully cooperate in any review and audit of grant expenditures by the department, including the provision of any relevant single audit document that establishes that grant funds previously received have been audited. I understand that pursuant to s. 45.47 Stats., if a county fails to comply with the above requirements, the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs may, in addition to any other legal remedy available, reduce, suspend, or terminate the grant provided to the applicant. The person signing below this line must be a designated Tribal Council Official, authorized to certify the completed Tribal Veterans Service Reimbursement Grant Worksheet is complete and accurate. Name: Position: Please print legibly Phone Number: ( Email: ) Signature: Date: Reimbursement check should be made payable to: Payee: Address: C For WDVA Use Only. Total amount requested for reimbursement: $ Total amount not approved: $ Total amount approved for reimbursement: WDVA 0056F (09/15) W:\Templates\ $ You can access the most recent version of this form from the WDVA website at