Cellular Respiration

Unit 5
Photosynthesis &
Cellular Respiration
Name _______
Period ____
Key Understandings
1. ___________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________
Unit 5 Vocabulary
1. Aerobic respiration - Respiration that requires oxygen
2. Anaerobic respiration - Respiration that does not require oxygen
3. ATP main energy source that cells use for most of their work
4. autotroph An organism that makes its own food
5. Calvin cycle reactions of photosynthesis in which energy from ATP and NADPH is used to build highenergy compounds such as sugars
6. cellular respiration process that releases energy by breaking down glucose and other food molecules
in the presence of oxygen
7. chemosynthesis when organisms use chemical energy to produce carbohydrates
8. chlorophyll green pigment in plants that absorbs light energy used to carry out photosynthesis
9. chloroplasts organelles that capture the energy from sunlight and convert it into chemical energy in a
process called photosynthesis
10. glycolysis first step in releasing the energy of glucose, in which a molecule of glucose is broken into
two molecules of pyruvic acid
11. heterotroph an organism that depends on complex organic substances for nutrition
12. Krebs cycle second stage of cellular respiration, in which pyruvic acid is broken down into carbon
dioxide in a series of energy extracting reactions
13. light dependent reaction Reactions of photosynthesis that use energy from light to produce ATP and
14. photosynthesis process by which plants and some other organisms use light energy to convert water
and carbon dioxide into oxygen and high-energy carbohydrates such as sugars and starches
Extra Notes Page
Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration Notes
*ATP = ________________________________________________
*______________ + _______________+ 3 ___________________
*Phosphates have a large amount of chemical energy. Whenever a bond holding a phosphate is broken,
a large amount of usable cellular energy is released.
*Occurs __________________________ in cells
*About 10 million new ATP molecules are made in every cell every second!!!!!!!
*Overall Equation
*Occurs in __________________________
*Two Types of reactions –
1. _______________________________
2. _______________________________
*Light dependent reaction
Occurs in ___________________________
*Photolysis of H2O
* Make _________________________________________
*Light Independent Reaction - __________________________________
Occurs in _____________ of _____________________
*Use of _________________ to create _________________________________
Use of ATP and NADPH from Light reactions
*Must cycle through ________ times to create one glucose molecule
*Occurs in the ____________________
*Water is absorbed through _________________.
*Sunglight enters the ________________________, causing ______________
molecules to _______________.
*O2 leaves as a _________________ product through the _________________.
*NADP+ picks up the H+ ions (becoming NADPH) and moves them to the __________________ for the
*_________________________________ from the atmosphere enters
*_______ breaks off from NADPH____________________
*NADP+ returns to the _____________________________________________
*_______________________________ becomes “fixed” with the H= producing the
__________________ molecule (________________________)
1. The Calvin Cycle includes
a. Light dependent rxns
b. electron transport chain
2. The Calvin Cycle takes place in the
a. Mitochondria
b. stroma
c. nucleus
c. light independent rxns
d. thylakoid membrane
3. What product of the light dependent rxn is used in the Calvin Cycle?
a. Oxygen
b. carbon dioxide c. NADPH
d. chlorophyll
4. What is used in the first step of the Calvin Cycle?
a. Oxygen b. carbon dioxide
c. hydrogen
d. water
5. How many rounds of the Calvin Cycle are needed to form one glucose molecule?
a. One
b. six
c. two
d. three
6. Describe the two energy storing steps of photosynthesis.
*Where does the ___________________________ & _________ from photosynthesis go?
*Used by both ______________ and __________________ cells to create _____!!!
* __________________________________
Cellular Respiration Equation:
*Occurs in ________________________
*Requires presence of ______________
* ______ Pyruvates from ______________
Transformed into Acetyl CoA and enters cycle
Net Production of:
*____ ATP
*Remaining energy of _______________
In electrons carried by NADH and FADH
*FADH and FADH enter ______________
____________________ ________ in
______________________ cristae
*Produces __________ more ATP
*_____________________________________________ (Yeast)
Pyruvate + NADH
Ethanol + NAD + CO2
Used in baking, beer and wine production
Pyruvate + NADH
Lactic Acid + NAD
Strenuous exercise = Can’t get all the O2 your cells need so use lactic acid fermentation = Sore
*________________________ uses energy released from _________________ reactions to produce
_________________ for organisms.
*Organisms that carry out chemosynthesis are ___________________________
(_____________________) that live far from the ________, such as deep on the
Observing Photosynthesis in Elodea Lab
Objective: Observe the process of photosynthesis in Elodea plants.
Background: Photosynthesis is the cellular process in which autotrophs capture light energy and convert
it to chemical energy (glucose) using carbon dioxide and water. The chemical reaction for
photosynthesis is:
Photosynthesis occurs within the chloroplasts of plant cells. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll that
capture the energy from light. Within the chloroplasts, water is split into hydrogen and oxygen atoms,
and then through a series of chemical reactions, the hydrogen forms with carbon dioxide in the plant
and forms glucose (sugar). Oxygen is released by the plant into its environment.
 safety goggles
 lab aprons
 Elodea plant (3 sprigs)
 light source (window or lamp)
 Bromothymol blue solution
 dropper
labeling pencil
3 test tubes (able to hold
at least 25 mL)
3 test tube stoppers
test tube rack
straw (1 per student)
graduated cylinder (25
foil (large piece)
1. Wear your safety goggles and lab aprons throughout the investigation.
2. Label your test tubes #1, #2, and #3 and with your group name/initials.
3. Cover the outside of test tube #2 with foil. Ensure all of the test tube is covered.
4. Measure and pour 15 mL of water into each of the three test tubes.
5. Add 3–5 drops of Bromothymol blue indicator solution to test tube #1.
6. Using your straw, gently blow into the test tube until you notice a color change to yellow. Do not suck
in through the straw. The indicator solution turned yellow because you blew carbon dioxide into the test
tube. You have added carbon dioxide to the environment in the test tube. Remember that plants use
carbon dioxide to carry out photosynthesis.
7. Place a sprig of Elodea and then a stopper into the test tube. Place test tube #1 in a test tube rack
near sunlight or a lamp, and record the appearance of test tube #1 in the data chart.
8. Add 3–5 drops of Bromothymol blue indicator solution to test tube #2. Using your straw, gently blow
into the test tube until you notice a color change to yellow. Place a sprig of Elodea and then a stopper
into the test tube. Place test tube #2 in a test tube rack in a dark location, as instructed by your teacher.
Record the appearance of test tube # 2 in the data table.
9. Add 3–5 drops of Bromothymol blue indicator solution to test tube #3. Using your straw, gently blow
into the test tube until you notice a color change to yellow. Place a stopper in the test tube, and then
place test tube #3 in a test tube rack near sunlight or a lamp. Record the appearance of test tube #3 in
the data table.
10. Leave the test tubes overnight. At the beginning of class tomorrow, collect your test tubes and
record your observations in the data table below.
11. Clean up your materials according to your teacher’s instructions. Dispose of your materials
appropriately. For example, recycle the aluminum foil.
12. Answer the analysis questions.
Analysis Questions
1. Which test tube(s) showed a color change?
2. What does a change in color indicate?
3. What caused the difference in the amount of the gas product produced in the two test tubes?
4. What is the purpose of photosynthesis?
5. What are the reactants in photosynthesis?
6. What are the products in Photosynthesis?
7. How does this lab relate to photosynthesis?
8. Where does the plant cell get the original energy that is used to make energy (ATP)?
9. What organelle carries out photosynthesis?
Cellular Respiration with Yeast Demonstration
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cprFWKjpECI
1. What is the purpose of this demonstration?
2. What provided the energy (food) for the yeast to carry out cellular respiration?
3. What would be the control?
4. What solution would be used for a control?
5. What is the product of the reaction?
6. List 5 safety rules that need to be followed during this lab.
7. What could be reused in this lab?
8. Draw a picture of the yeast demonstration lab.
The Effect of Exercise on Cellular Respiration and Production of Carbon Dioxide
Objective: Conduct an experiment to determine how exercise affects cellular respiration.
Background: Cells in plants and animals must conduct cellular respiration to obtain useable energy for
their functions. Cellular respiration uses oxygen to breakdown glucose into carbon dioxide, water, and
energy. The rate at which carbon dioxide is produced can be used to determine the rate of cellular
 2 small test tubes
 25 mL graduated cylinder
 marking pencil
 Bromthymol blue indicator solution
 2 straws (1 per student)
 stopwatch or clock with a second hand
 goggles
 aprons
Prediction: How do you think exercise will affect your body’s production of carbon dioxide? Record your
1. Label one test tube “before” and the other test tube “after”.
2. Measure and pour 15 mL of water into each test tube.
3. Put five drops of Bromthymol blue indicator solution into each test tube.
4. Prepare the stopwatch or watch the clock. When your partner says “Go”, slowly blow air
through a straw into the solution in the “before” test tube. Caution: Do not inhale through the
straw OR blow too hard through the straw.
5. When the solution changes to a yellow color, stop the timer and stop blowing into the test tube.
Record the amount of time it took for the color change to happen.
6. Jog in place for one minute.
7. Immediately after jogging for one minute, repeat steps 4 & 5 using test tube marked “after”.
8. Discard your straw, and clean out both test tubes. (Follow teacher instructions for solution
9. Trade roles with your partner and repeat steps 2–8.
**If there are more than 2 people to a group, repeat steps 2-8 as necessary.
Results Reporting:
Make a bar graph of your data that includes before and after results for both you and your partner(s).
Conclusion and Analysis:
1. How did exercise affect the time for the solution to change color for each person?
2. What process in your body produces carbon dioxide?
3. How does exercise affect the process that produces carbon dioxide? (aerobic vs. anerobic)
4. Were there differences between the members of your group? Explain possible reasons for this.
5. Was your prediction correct? Explain your answer.
Sketch, Label, and Color the Chloroplast.
Equation for Photosynthesis:
What are the two stages of photosynthesis?
In which part of the chloroplast does each occur?
What plant pigments are involved in photosynthesis?
How do cells store the sugar that is produced in photosynthesis?
Cellular Respiration
Sketch, Label, and Color the Mitochondria.
Equation for Cellular Respiration:
When and where does our body use lactic acid?
What are the 3 steps of cellular respiration?
Compare and Contrast aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
Putting it Together
Type of Organism
reaction takes place in
Main organelle
reaction takes place in
Energy Source
(reactant) needed to
do reaction
Reactants for reaction
Cycle names (steps of
Cycle Location – for
each step (could be
organelle or part of
Products of reaction
Waste Product
Chemical Equation
Cellular Respiration
Released EOC Questions
1. Which of these statements best explains the process of energy conversion that takes place in
the mitochondria?
a. Energy is required for carbon dioxide molecules to form six-carbon sugar molecules.
b. Water molecules and radiant energy are necessary for anaerobic respiration to take place.
c. Oxygen molecules release energy in the form of heat during combustion reactions.
d. The energy in the bonds of glucose molecules is transferred to the phosphate bonds in ATP.
2. Which of the following correctly describes how a diagram of cellular respiration would differ
from a diagram of photosynthesis?
a. The cellular-respiration diagram would show electromagnetic waves as the final
b. The cellular-respiration diagram would show glucose as the main source of energy.
c. The cellular-respiration diagram would show energy stored in large protein molecules.
d. The cellular-respiration diagram would show water as the main source of chemical
3. Which organism is most likely to use anaerobic respiration?
a. Bird
b. Moss
c. Tree
d. Yeast
4. Two different species of bacteria are examined. Scientists find that Species X always produces
CO2 and H2O during cellular respiration. Species Y always produces ethyl alcohol and CO2 . Which
conclusion can be made from these observations?
a. Only Species Y is aerobic.
b. Only Species Y is anaerobic.
c. Both Species X and Y are aerobic.
d. Both Species X and Y are anaerobic.
5. In which way are photosynthesis and cellular respiration different?
a. Cellular respiration stores ATP, while photosynthesis releases ATP.
b. Cellular respiration produces oxygen, while photosynthesis uses oxygen.
c. Photosynthesis releases energy, while cellular respiration stores energy.
d. Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide, while cellular respiration produces carbon dioxide.
6. Which is the most likely function of a group of cells that contains a high number of chloroplasts?
a. Respiration
b. Transpiration
c. Fermentation
d. Photosynthesis
Unit 5 Test Review
1. Define autotroph and give an example of one —
2. Define heterotroph and give an example of one—
3. What are the three parts of an ATP molecule?
6. How is energy released from an ATP molecule?
7. What is formed when ATP releases energy?
8. What does ATP provide for a cell?
9. What is the equation for photosynthesis?
10 . What are the reactants in the above equation?
11. What are the products of the above equation?
12. What are the end products of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis?
13. What is the Calvin cycle another name for?
14. What is a product of the Calvin cycle?
15. What is the correct equation for cellular respiration?
16. What are the reactants in the above equation?
17. What are the products of the above equation?
18. What are the three stages of cellular respiration in the correct order?
19. What is released during cellular respiration?
20. How many molecules of ATP do you get from 1 molecule of glucose in cellular respiration?
21 What part of cellular respiration occurs in the cytoplasm?
22. What is the net gain of ATP from glycolysis alone?
23. What is the starting molecule for glycolysis?
24. What are the two main types of fermentation?
31. Where does lactic acid fermentation occur?
32. What process is used to produce beer and wine?
33. In the presence of oxygen, what will follow glycolysis?
34. Cellular respiration is considered an aerobic process because it requires what gas?
37. What is the starting molecule for the Kreb’s cycle?
38. In eukaryotes, where does electron transport take place?
39. How are cellular respiration and photosynthesis almost opposite processes?
41. In what cells does photosynthesis occur?
42. In what cells does cellular respiration occur?
43. How do the reactants and products of photosynthesis and cellular respiration compare?
44. How many ATP molecules are produced by glycolysis , the Kreb’s cycle and electron transport?
45. Which of the above processes requires oxygen?
46. If an Elodea plant is placed in a test tube near light, what gas will collect in the test tube?
47. Which energy processes do plants carry out?
48. What do glycolysis, fermentation and cellular respiration all have in common?
49. What biomolecule is a glucose. Draw an example of this biomolecule.
50. What is the purpose of the electron transport chain?
51. What is the purpose of the Krebs cycle?
52. What is the purpose of a control in an experiment.