joyfully sharing the love of Christ for the common good


Monday 25 th May Ven Bede and Aldhelm

Tuesday 26 th May - Augustine, John Calvin, Philip Neri

Wednesday 27 th May

7.30 pm Ladies Group Parish Centre

Thursday 28 st

Speaker: Mrs Sue Hearn

May – Lanfranc

Beacon Quilters Exhibition

Friday 29 nd May

St Petroc

10.30 am Eucharist St Petroc

Saturday 30 th

Beacon Quilters Exhibition St Petroc

May. Josephine Butler, Joan of Arc,

Apolo Kivebulaya.

31 st

Saint Petroc’s

Beacon Quilters Exhibition St Petroc

May – The Feast of the Holy and Indivisable Trinity

8.00 am

10.00 am

The Eucharist

Parish Eucharist for the Feast of Trinity

12.00 noon Holy Baptism

4.00 pm Café Church

Saint Stephen’s

St Petroc

9.30 am

Saint Hydroc’s

The Eucharist

9.45 am Holy Communion

12.00 noon


Holy Baptism

11.00 am The Eucharist

Saint Meubred’s

9.30 am

4.00 pm

The Eucharist

Café Service in celebration of Saint

Meubred’s Day.

The wine for the Eucharists at Saint Petroc’s has been given today by Rose in thanksgiving for John.

May the Lord keep you in his hand and never close his fist too tight

Sunday, 24 th May, 2015

The Feast of Pentecost

A warm welcome to all who worship with us today.

Saint Petroc’s

8.00 am

10.00 am

The Eucharist

Parish Eucharist for the Feast of

Pentecost attended by the Mayor

12.00 noon and Town Council of Bodmin

Holy Baptism

1.00 pm Holy Baptism

Saint Stephen’s

9.30 am

Saint Hydroc’s

The Eucharist

9.45 am


Holy Communion

11.00 am The Eucharist

Saint Meubred’s

9.30 am Morning Worship

Pentecost (Ancient Greek : Πεντηκοστή [ἡμέρα],

Pentēkostē [hēmera] , "the fiftieth [day]") is the

Greek name for Shavuot, the Feast of Weeks, a prominent feast in the calendar of ancient Israel celebrating the giving of the Law on Sinai. This feast is still celebrated in Judaism as Shavuot.

Later, in the Christian liturgical year, it became a feast commemorating the descent of the Holy

Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of

Jesus Christ (120 in all), as described in the Acts of the Apostles 2:1 –31. Pentecost is described by

Christians today as the "Birthday of the Church".

The feast is also called White Sunday , or

Whitsunday . Pentecost is celebrated fifty days after Easter Sunday, hence its name. Pentecost falls on the tenth day after Ascension Thursday

(which falls 40 days after Easter)

For Your Prayers

We pray this week for those who are ill in hospital or at home

including: Revd Fran, Father Philip, John, Miriam Walters, Ian

Denholm, Joan Butler, Stephen Hignell, Rosie Waldron. and for those who are known to us personally.

The departed and those who mourn.

We continue to pray for Nepal together with the neighbouring countries who have also been affected.

We pray for our local communities and all its homes, shops, schools, surgeries and leisure facilities; that we as Christians may bring

Christ’s life and brightness to them so they are infused with care

We pray for Mayor of Bodmin, the Town Council and all those who serve the the town.

We pray for our young people at the time of school and college exams, may our young people put their trust and hope in the Lord and the promise of His love for them

We pray for all who are on holiday this week that they may find it a time of refreshment.

Arrangements for Baptisms, in any of our Team Churches can be made at St

Petroc’s Parish Centre on Thursdays between 6.00 and 7.00 pm

[no appointment is necessary] or alternatively telephone 01208 73867

For all other matters including weddings please contact Father Graham to make a mutually convenient appointment. His contact details are:

The Rectory, Barons Meadow, Bodmin. PL31 2DD

Tel: 01208 73867 Mobile: 07799884061.


Copy for ‘5 Together Bulletin’ should be received by 9.00 am on

Thursday. Email by post or hand to The Rectory.

Outing to Looe for Children, Parents,

Grandparents, Friends – in fact all who would like to come………… 0 - ????

The date: Sunday July 19th

Leaving: Saint Petroc’s Church

Time: 11.30 am

Returning: 5.00 pm

Adults: £7:00

Children: £3:50

Please bring a packed lunch and beach things including ‘Crab Lines’.

Bookings with payment to Bernice Gresswell ASAP.

Cheques payable to St Petroc’s Church Children’s


NB. All children must be accompanied by an adult.

“That which happened at Pentecost is the biggest thing that ever happened. And now the biggest question of all is, has it happened to you and me?

Have ye received the Holy Ghost?

Samuel Chadwick
