YWIES YANTAI 2014 WEEKLY PLANNER TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED BY 4PM ON THE TUESDAY OF THE PRECEEDING WEEK WEEKLY LESSON PLAN SUBJECT: C Sc SEMESTER: 1 YEAR LEVEL: 12 WEEK: 11 - 20 TEACHER: Ravuru Paul UNIT TITLE: Fundamental problem-solving and programming - Algorithm design and problem-solving KEY VOCABULARY/TERMS Corrective maintenance - Adaptive maintenance - Structured Chart - Algorithm design and problem-solving - Algorithms Design Symbols and controls. Main memory , Input, output and storage devices, Client- and server-side scripting, IP addressing, Networks, Number Representation, Images, Sound, Video & Compression techniques. KEY CONCEPTS / SKILLS / UNDERSTANDINGS Corrective maintenance ACTIVITIES / ASSIGNMENTS Demonstrate the use of dry runs (desk checking) on simple arithmetic programs with loops. • perform white-box testing by: ASSESSMENTS Checking student active Participation Start with algorithms/programs without errors. Lesson 1 o o selecting suitable data using a trace table DIFFERENTIATION http://yewwahcsc.wikispaces.com/ Students present their understanding in their sites for the topics we are covering. Then give learners algorithms/programs with a simple error that they can find as a result of doing a dry-run. They should then be able to correct the error and check the revised algorithm/program works correctly. Reaching the targets set for the tasks. Adaptive maintenance • make amendments to an algorithm and data structure in response to specification changes Give learners an algorithm/program they can amend. For example: A program that reads in 20 numbers using a FOR loop could be amended so it reads in numbers until some terminal value. Students present their understanding in their sites for the topics we are covering. • analyse an existing program and make amendments to enhance functionality The following bubble sort algorithm could be improved: FOR value1 1 to (n-1) FOR value2 1 to (n-1) COMPARE List[value1] with List[value2] IF greater THEN swap elements ENDFOR ENDFOR • identify any error(s) in the algorithm by using the completed trace table RESOURCES Notes and exercises on trace tables: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Alevel_Computing/AQA/Problem_Solvi ng,_Programming,_Data_Representat ion_and_Practical_Exercise/Problem_ Solving/Trace_tables Lesson 2 • amend the algorithm if required Learners complete 9608 Specimen Paper 2 Q4. Checking student active Participation Reaching the targets set for the tasks. http://yewwahcsc.wikispaces.com/ 9608 specimen paper: Specimen Paper 2 Q4 YWIES YANTAI 2014 Corrective maintenance WEEKLY PLANNER TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED BY 4PM ON THE TUESDAY OF THE PRECEEDING WEEK Demonstrate the use of dry runs (desk checking) on simple arithmetic programs with loops. • perform white-box testing by: Start with algorithms/programs without errors. o o selecting suitable data using a trace table Lesson 3 • identify any error(s) in the algorithm by using the completed trace table • amend the algorithm if required Adaptive maintenance • make amendments to an algorithm and data structure in response to specification changes Then give learners algorithms/programs with a simple error that they can find as a result of doing a dry-run. They should then be able to correct the error and check the revised algorithm/program works correctly. Give each group time to brainstorm a solution, put all solutions together and see if that fulfils the original task. In this instance it does not matter if the group's solutions work – if not it is better to provoke discussion about definition of each group's task, what we asked them to do, what input they required and what output they were expected to give. This should develop the idea of modular notation (on input, process, on output) as used in standard programming techniques. Checking student active Participation Students present their understanding in their sites for the topics we are covering. Reaching the targets set for the tasks. http://yewwahcsc.wikispaces.com/ Structured programming: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Alevel_Computing/AQA/Problem_Solvi ng,_Programming,_Data_Representat ion_and_Practical_Exercise/Fundame ntals_of_Programming/Fundamentals _of_Structured_Programming Lesson 7 Lesson 6 Lesson 5 Lesson 4 • analyse an existing program and make amendments to enhance functionality RAPTOR, free program flowchart interpreter software that allows learners to draw a flowchart and check its functioning by executing it: http://raptor.martincarlisle.com/