DRAFT: Burden of Suicide in Wisconsin: A Comprehensive Examination (2007-2011) I. Executive Summary (1 page) II. Why We Should Care about Preventing Suicide in Wisconsin (1-1.5 pages) A. Broad burden statement (US rate, top cause of death) B. Costs to individuals, families, and communities 1. C. D. III. Include qualitative data/story Costs to society 1. Economic loss/lost productivity 2. Years of potential life lost 3. Inpatient hospitalization and ED visit costs Preventability of suicide What We Know about Suicidal Behavior in Wisconsin (the results) A. Introductory paragraph B. What is the prevalence of suicidal behavior in Wisconsin? C. D. 12-10-2013 1. Avg. rate of deaths over time & rate per year: WVDRS 2. Avg. rate of attempts over time & rate per year: ED and inpatient as indicators 3. Percentage of teens who have thought about (considered it, made a plan) suicide 4. Takeaways Where does suicidal behavior occur in Wisconsin? 1. Map of average rate of deaths for WI counties: WVDRS 2. Map of average rate of attempts for WI counties: ED and inpatient as indicators Who is affected by suicidal behavior in Wisconsin? 1. Race: attempts and deaths 2. Age: attempts and deaths 3. Sex: attempts and deaths DRAFT: Burden of Suicide in Wisconsin: A Comprehensive Examination (2007-2011) E. 4. Marital status: deaths 5. Education: deaths 6. Veteran status: deaths (also include prior empirical research) 7. LGBT status: YRBS, maybe WVDRS (also include prior empirical research) How do people die by suicide/mechanisms/means? 1. Means/methods used: deaths and attempts, overall and by age and sex 2. Distribution of deaths vs. attempts by mechanism/means; case fatality rate 3. Drug-associated deaths avg., and over time, by age, sex, drug type F. Why does suicidal behavior occur in Wisconsin/What leads to suicidal behavior/What circumstances/risk factors are associated with suicidal behavior? 1. Intro paragraph that cites empirical research to demonstrate that mental illness, substance abuse, interpersonal problems, life stressors, and prior suicide attempts are risk factors; cite studies that indicate that risk factors might vary by age and sex 12-10-2013 2. Mental Illness/Substance abuse 3. Interpersonal circumstances 4. Life stressors 5. Prior suicide attempts 6. Risk factors at higher social-ecological levels (use other empirical research for support) DRAFT: Burden of Suicide in Wisconsin: A Comprehensive Examination (2007-2011) IV. Suicide Prevention in Wisconsin (implications of the report) A. In what direction does our data point us for prevention? 1. Mental health treatment is needed (about 50% had mental health issues) a) Mental health practitioners/counseling availability is low b) Mental health provider: population ratio, and by county (county health rankings) demonstrates that availability is dependent on where people live 2. Evidence-based/effective mental health treatment is needed (40ish% had received or were receiving treatment; ___% were taking anti-depressants) 3. Better recognition of the signs of intent and taking action (1/3 had signs of intent) 4. Intimate partner problem resolution/better interpersonal skills (1/3 had intimate partner problems) 5. B. Means restriction (data point to certain means restrictions) What can we do/what are we doing? 1. Team up/Join forces a) Map of Wisconsin indicating counties with at least one suicide/mental health coalition; show need for networking and collective impact/systems work 2. Implement evidence-based programs/practices a) 3. 12-10-2013 QPR Training Provide resources a) For those considering death by suicide b) For practitioners/coalitions/stakeholders