New Curriculum Year Plan: Year 1 2014- 15 English Autumn 1 Stories with familiar settings Autumn 2 Poetry trophy Children will be given the opportunity to read stories with familiar settings and will be given the chance to write their own stories. This will allow them to link reading to their own experiences. Reciting poetry. Writing riddles. Daily: Phonics and grammar: The children will learn to match graphemes to phonemes. The children will learn to leave spaces between words. The children will begin to use basic punctuation. Guided reading: The children will learn to read accurately by blending sounds and make simple predictions. Handwriting: Children will learn to form lower case and upper case letters correctly. Maths Science Daily: Phonics and grammar: The children will learn to match graphemes to phonemes. The children will learn to leave spaces between words. The children will begin to use basic punctuation. Guided reading: The children will learn to read accurately by blending sounds and make simple predictions. Handwriting: Children will learn to form lower and upper case letters correctly. Daily: Phonics and grammar: The children will learn to match graphemes to phonemes. The children will learn to leave spaces between words. The children will begin to use basic punctuation. Guided reading: The children will learn to read accurately by blending sounds and make simple predictions. Summer 1 Non-fiction information texts Summer 2 Fiction Planning and writing stories using adjectives to describe the children’s chosen settings. Explore explanations texts. Discuss the significance of title and events. Children will have the chance to build up their own stories using the skills that they have learnt throughout the year. Daily: Phonics and grammar: Daily: Phonics and grammar: Daily: Phonics and grammar: The children will learn to match graphemes to phonemes. The children will learn to leave spaces between words. The children will begin to use basic punctuation. Guided reading: The children will learn to read accurately by blending sounds and make simple predictions. Handwriting: Children will learn to form lower and upper case letters correctly. The children will learn to match graphemes to phonemes. The children will learn to leave spaces between words. The children will begin to use basic punctuation. The children will learn to match graphemes to phonemes. The children will learn to leave spaces between words. The children will begin to use basic punctuation. Guided reading: Guided reading: The children will learn to read accurately by blending sounds and make simple predictions. The children will learn to read accurately by blending sounds and make simple predictions. Handwriting: Handwriting: Children will learn to form lower and upper case letters correctly. Children will learn to form lower and upper case letters correctly. Handwriting: Children will learn to form lower and upper case letters correctly. Subtraction and addition word problems. Use vocabulary related to time. Halving and doubling numbers. Division by 2, 5 and 10. Place value using money. Introduction to fractions. Looking at fractions of a whole. Number bonds. 1 more / 1 less and 10 more 10 less using a 100 square Estimate a number of objects and check by counting. Read and write numbers and position these on a number track. Adding up to 20. Numbers in the 10 times table. Using money and finding change. Geometry- looking at 2D and 3D shapes. Estimate, measure, weigh and compare objects, choosing and using suitable uniform non-standard or standard units and measuring instruments. Review time by answering word questions. Addition and subtraction- looking closely at missing numbers. Fractions of lengths. Multiplication - Solve practical problems that involve combining groups of 2, 5 or 10. Number patterns Review money- use of correct vocabulary in word problems. Maths trophy Seasonal changes (Autumn) Materials Describe and compare the properties of everyday materials. Distinguish between the object and the material that it is made from. Identify and name common materials. Compare and classify materials. Science Trophy Seasonal changes (Winter) Seasonal changes (Spring) Observe the ways in which nature is effected by Spring. Animals (diets) Chicks Plants Nature walk to observe nature in Autumn. Observe changes of day and season Seasonal changes (Summer) Animal habitats Growing plants Changes over time Identify basic plant parts Keyboard skills. Communicate online safely and respectfully Organise, store, retrieve and manipulate data. Graphics- Use a paint package to create pictures and effects Bonfire night Learn about key events in history. Guy Fawkes Observe the ways in which nature are effected by Winter. Animals and humans (Senses) Explore the ways in which the body senses the outside world. The children will investigate their own sense of smell, taste, touch, hearing and seeing. We will explore how other animals sense the world. Identify and name basic body parts. E-safety Introduction to the computer suite. Introduction to computer skills. History Re-telling and sequencing. Focus on characters and settings This will give the children an understanding of sequencing. It will include following instruction as well as writing their own instructions. The children will learn to use imperative verbs. Spring 2 Fantasy settings Counting, estimating and ordering numbers. Place value, partitioning and addition. Number bonds, 1 more, 1 less and subtraction. Geometry- naming shapes Money- naming coins, paying for items and finding totals Plants Computing Traditional tales Spring 1 Science Big Write Instruction writing Multimedia and word processing- Combine text, images and possibly other features to create either a printable document or a simple multimedia presentation Elizabeth I and Queen Victoria Use of IT outside the classroom Explore the history of IT and how the use of computers has changed. Research- Explore a variety of resources to access a range of information for a topic. Identify basic plants. Classifying plants. Finding plants around the school. Comparing different plants and flowers. Addition and subtraction. Number bonds Geometry and symmetry Measures – focus on Capacity Data Handling Answer and ask questions, record information in bar graphs Identify where animals live and why they live there. Look at similarities and differences between our own habitats. The children will investigate the diets of different animals. We will explore the food chain. Identify and compare common animals. Visit to the zoo Algorithms Use knowledge of instruction writing to understand that a computer needs instructions to carry out actions. Modelling- Explore options in simple simulations making choices to achieve an outcome. Human robot and Beebot programming Make a simple programme. Write and test a simple program. Logical reasoning to make predictions. Control- Guide a floor robot to visit specific locations on a floor map related to another subject, recording the instructions. Olympic Stadium Changes in living memory. Events of local importance. New Curriculum Year Plan: Year 1 2014- 15 Learn about significant historical figures. Toys Children will have the opportunity to learn about the lives of significant figures, including comparison of those from different periods. Visit to the toy museum Geography Art Geography trophy Weather in the UK and around the world UK countries and capital cities Explore what the weather is like in England. Compare this to other countries around the world. The children will investigate how the weather affects the way people live their lives and the land that they live in. Use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to local and familiar features. Use four compass directions and simple vocabulary. Map reading skills. Collage bonfire night Art Trophy Study Monet to create Spring paintings. Use a range of materials Printing Develop techniques of colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space. Learn about a range of artists, craftsmen and designers. Design Tech Cooking (Ginger bread man) Toys Mechanisms Design purposeful, functional and appealing products. PE Master basic movements: Catching and throwing. Participate in team games. Perform dances linked to simple movements. Agility and co-ordination. Gymnastics. Master basic movements: Travelling with the ball Catching and throwing. Links to the KS1 production. Sculpture (junk) Use a range of materials to build sculptures of animals that we have studied. Cooking The children will create and follow instructions to cook certain foods. Dance Dance Gymnastics Games Core task Exploring Patterns and pathways though structured task; Developing a repertoire. Travelling Sending Games Dance Creating games Understand the purpose of team sports Gymnastics Receiving Transferring weight form one body part Telling a story and responding to a music stimulus Participate in team games. Music Singing KS1 production Make and combine sounds musically. Rhythm Gain an understanding of a beat. Playing un-tuned instruments Music trophy Put together with singing. Understand how to put a tune together. To work collaboratively. Learn about percussion instruments. RE PSHE/ Citizenship Christian harvest Christmas Divali Recognise that Harvest festival is a time when Christians say thank you to God for food Recognise that Christians use the symbol of light to remind them of Jesus. Learn about different ways that Christians celebrate Advent and Christmas. Understand that light is associated with good. Learn about the traditions of Divali. Linked to value. Focus on the importance of change and new environments. Linked to value. Linked to value. To help the children to settle into their new surroundings. Playing tunes instruments. Growing up in a Jewish family Growing up in a Muslim family Holi stories of Krishna Learn that on Shabbat Jews thank God for making the world and everything in it. Understand the importance of being grateful. Understand that Muslim children learn how to behave from their religion. Focus on the importance of rules. Krishna shows Hindus how to be loving and forgiving. Focus on the importance of caring for others and granting forgiveness. Linked to value. Linked to value. Linked to value.