Title: Year 2 – Phase 1 Word Reading Read accurately by blending the sounds in words that contain the graphemes taught so far especially recognising alternative sounds for graphemes Read accurately words of two or more syllables that contain the same graphemes as above Read suffixes by building on the root words that have already been learnt Read most words at an instructional level, i.e. 93-95 per cent of words read quickly and accurately, without overt sounding and blending, when they have been frequently encountered Names: Comments: Themes and Conventions Listen to, discuss and express views about a wide range of contemporary and classic poetry, stories and nonfiction at a level beyond that at which they can read independently Clarify Use the grammar of a sentence to decipher new or unfamiliar words Check that the text makes sense to them as they read and correct inaccurate reading Comprehension Monitor and S&R Summarise Identify and discuss the main events or key points in a text Retell a story clearly and with appropriate detail Make comparisons between books, noting similarities, differences and preferences between: Extract information from the text and discuss orally with reference to the text Understand how to use alphabetically ordered texts to retrieve information Inference Respond and Explain Participate in discussions about books, poems and other works that are read to them and those they can read for themselves by: • taking turns and listening to what others say • expressing views • asking questions Make simple predictions, linking to own experience Make simple inferences about characters’ thoughts and feelings and reasons for actions Language for Effect Identify rhyming and alliterative words Identify key themes and discuss reasons for events in stories Make predictions about expectations of a text by skim reading, title, contents, illustrations Guided Reading Session Breakdown: Book Introduction and strategy check: Independent Reading: Teacher: Listens in, observe reader’s behaviour to gather evidence of strategy used. Interact with children to assist problem solving. Praise! Floating Questions: Return to text (after reading): Child: Reads to themselves softly of silently and request help in problem solving when required. Title: Year 2 – Phase 2 Word Reading Read accurately by blending the sounds in words that contain the graphemes taught so far especially recognising alternative sounds for graphemes Themes and Conventions Make comparisons between books, noting similarities, differences and preferences between: Read accurately words of two or more syllables that contain the same graphemes as above Read suffixes by building on the root words that have already been learnt Read most words at an instructional level, i.e. 93-95 per cent of words read quickly and accurately, without overt sounding and blending, when they have been frequently encountered Names: Comments: Identify how features are linked to purpose, e.g. why an information text has subheadings or why characters and settings in stories are described Clarify Use the grammar of a sentence to decipher new or unfamiliar words Check that the text makes sense to them as they read and correct inaccurate reading Comprehension Monitor and S&R Summarise Discuss the sequence of events within a book and how items of information are related Identify or provide own synonyms for specific words within the text Use bibliographic knowledge to help retrieve specific information Inference Language for Effect Make simple predictions, linking to own experience Begin to understand the effects of different words and phrases, e.g. to create humour, images and atmosphere Respond and Explain Identify cause and effect in narrative and non-fiction, e.g. character motivation; why certain information has been included Make simple inferences about characters’ thoughts and feelings and reasons for actions Identify key themes and discuss reasons for events in stories Make predictions about expectations of a text by skim reading, title, contents, illustrations Guided Reading Session Breakdown: Book Introduction and strategy check: Independent Reading: Teacher: Listens in, observe reader’s behaviour to gather evidence of strategy used. Interact with children to assist problem solving. Praise! Floating Questions: Return to text (after reading): Child: Reads to themselves softly of silently and request help in problem solving when required. Title: Year 2 – Phase 3 Word Reading Read accurately by blending the sounds in words that contain the graphemes taught so far especially recognising alternative sounds for graphemes Themes and Conventions Make comparisons between books, noting similarities, differences and preferences between: Read accurately words of two or more syllables that contain the same graphemes as above Read suffixes by building on the root words that have already been learnt Read most words at an instructional level, i.e. 93-95 per cent of words read quickly and accurately, without overt sounding and blending, when they have been frequently encountered Names: Comments: Identify how features are linked to purpose, e.g. why an information text has subheadings or why characters and settings in stories are described Clarify Use the grammar of a sentence to decipher new or unfamiliar words Check that the text makes sense to them as they read and correct inaccurate reading Comprehension Monitor and S&R Summarise Discuss the sequence of events within a book and how items of information are related Use bibliographic knowledge to help retrieve specific information Inference Respond and Explain Identify cause and effect in narrative and non-fiction, e.g. character motivation; why certain information has been included Make predictions using experience of reading books in the same genre, by the same author or based on similar themes Identify or provide own synonyms for specific words within the text Language for Effect Identify how vocabulary choice affects meaning, identifying or providing own synonyms for specific words within the text/ Guided Reading Session Breakdown: Book Introduction and strategy check: Independent Reading: Teacher: Listens in, observe reader’s behaviour to gather evidence of strategy used. Interact with children to assist problem solving. Praise! Floating Questions: Return to text (after reading): Child: Reads to themselves softly of silently and request help in problem solving when required.