Staff Advisory Council Charter Ratified April 10, 2000 Amended December 10, 2001 Amended January 8, 2004 Amended January 30, 2009 Amended May 7, 2010 Amended May 7, 2011 Amended May 13, 2014 Table of Contents Mission and Purpose Statements Section 1 – Representation Section 2 – Meetings Section 3 – Nominations, Elections and Terms of Office Section 4 – Officers Section 5 – Committees Section 6 – Amendment Procedures 1|Page Florida Gulf Coast University Staff Advisory Council Charter MISSION The mission of the Staff Advisory Council (SAC) is to facilitate effective communication between the Staff, the President and the Administration. As a proactive partner in the University’s Shared Governance processes, SAC will provide a forum that will directly address the issues and concerns of the Staff at Florida Gulf Coast University, and strive to ensure a campus climate that reflects a strong, enthusiastic and positive quality work life. PURPOSE The purpose of the Staff Advisory Council is to review issues presented to the Council by Staff, the University President and Administration, and to make recommendations to the University President and Administration. 1. REPRESENTATION 1.1. The Staff Advisory Council, hereafter referred to as “SAC”, is the duly elected body that represents University Staff. Staff is defined as all employees holding Support Personnel (SP) or Administrative and Professional (A&P) positions. 1.2. The SAC shall consist of twenty-four (24) elected Representatives, twelve (12) SP employees, and twelve (12) A&P employees. 1.2.1.The number of Representatives serving on SAC may be increased by re-evaluating growth based on analysis of the ratio of FTE by division. SAC may be increased by increments of two seats per A&P and SP based on an affirmative of two-thirds (2/3) majority vote by SAC. 1.2.2.If a balance between A&P employees and SP employees is not able to be maintained, there will be no less than one-third and no more than two-thirds representation of one position type (A&P or SP) over the other. 1.3. A University Vice President will serve as the SAC Liaison to the University Administration. 1.4. Representation will be based on the ratio of FTE by Division. A Division is defined for Representation purposes as follows: President/Athletics Administrative Services & Finance Academic Affairs Student Affairs Advancement Legal Affairs 1.4.1.SAC will determine future growth or reapportionment by re-evaluating representation based on analysis of the ratio of FTE by division. SAC may consider the effect of changes to 2|Page the organizational structure of divisions and by a two-thirds majority vote redefine “Division” for the purposes of representation. 2. MEETINGS 2.1. SAC 2.1.1.The SAC shall meet on a regular basis, at least quarterly, at times established at the June meeting. One half plus one of the total SAC Representatives shall constitute a quorum. 2.1.2.Special meetings may be called at any time by the University President, the Administrative Liaison, the SAC President, or by written request of three (3) SAC Representatives. 2.1.3.Any employee may request to address the SAC. Public Comments at SAC Meetings – Staff members who wish to address SAC shall register their intent to speak using a request form provided at each meeting. All comments are limited to a maximum of three minutes per person. SAC has the discretion to refer these items to the appropriate SAC committee, University Department or University Committee for review. Request for Agenda Items – The request shall be made to the SAC President and Secretary not less than seven (7) calendar days prior to the next scheduled SAC Meeting for items that require action from SAC. SAC has the discretion to refer these requests to the appropriate SAC committee, University Department or University Committee for review prior to placing the request on the agenda. 2.1.4.An agenda will be circulated to SAC Representatives prior to scheduled meetings. 2.2. STAFF ASSEMBLY 2.2.1.An Annual Staff Assembly, open to all SP and A&P employees, shall be held in April. 2.2.2.The SAC President may call a special Staff Assembly. 2.2.3.The SAC Officers will also serve in their respective positions for the Staff Assembly. 2.3. All meetings shall be conducted using the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised. 3. NOMINATIONS, ELECTIONS, and TERM of OFFICE: 3.1. NOMINATION/ELECTION COMMITTEE: The SAC President will appoint a committee chair and at least two (2) Representatives who are not running for election from the current SAC. The committee will design and distribute nomination forms, solicit nominations, and prepare a calendar designating dates for nominations, voting, and notification of elected Representatives. The schedule will be designed to ensure that elections are completed prior to June 1st. 3.2. NOMINATIONS. 3.2.1.To be eligible for nomination, a staff member must have been employed in a SP or A&P Position on or before June 1st of the year prior to nomination. 3.2.2.A nominee becomes an eligible candidate when they accept the nomination. 3.2.3.All eligible candidates will be presented at the Annual Staff Assembly. 3.2.4.If there are not enough eligible candidates for SAC membership in proportion to each University division, SAC will work with the University’s Administration to identify potential candidates for SAC membership. 3.3. ELECTIONS: Each staff member may vote for eligible candidates according to the instructions on the election ballot. 3|Page 3.3.1.Elections will be conducted by secret ballot using an appropriate medium. The ballots are to be returned to the Nomination/Election Committee and tally results given to the Secretary for retention. 3.3.2.The ballot will reflect Divisional Representation and candidates will appear on the ballot within their pay plan. 3.3.3.Ties will be decided in favor of the candidate with the earliest FGCU Staff hire date. 3.3.4.The SAC President will immediately notify elected candidates of their election to the SAC. The SAC Secretary will communicate names of newly elected SAC Representatives to the University Community. 3.3.5.Divisional Seats will be filled by the candidate with the highest vote tally within that division and that pay plan. If there are no candidates on the ballot within a Division the seat will be filled by the next highest vote tally in the pay plan. 3.4. TERMS OF OFFICE: Terms of office will begin on June 1st. SAC Representatives will serve two (2) year terms. Each year one half of the seats on SAC will be up for election to create a rotation of half of the Representatives. All Representatives shall be limited to 2 consecutive full terms. 3.5. VACANCIES: A SAC seat shall be declared vacant when: 3.5.1.An insufficient number of eligible candidates have accepted nominations 3.5.2.A representative is no longer employed at FGCU in a SP or A&P Position 3.5.3.A representative has resigned from SAC 3.5.4.A representative has been removed from SAC 3.6. REMOVAL. The SAC President may remove a SAC Representative for just cause. Three (3) absences from SAC meeting without written or verbal notice to the SAC President of the extenuating circumstance will be considered cause for removal. The Representative will be notified in writing of this removal. Such Representatives may appeal to the full SAC for reinstatement within two (2) weeks of the delivery of the written notice of removal. The appeal shall be heard at the next SAC meeting. 3.7. FILLING OF VACANCIES. The SAC President shall fill any vacancy from the candidates not elected using the most recent election results. Seats shall be filled by the candidate with the next highest vote tally by Division and by Pay Plan. If there are no remaining names in the Division the seat will be filled by the next highest vote tally of At-Large Candidate in the pay plan. If there are no remaining names, the President may then fill that vacancy by appointment. Balance of representation as described in Section 3.3 will be maintained. The person appointed to this seat will serve the remainder of the vacated term. Such appointment shall count as a full term provided that the replacement serves three-quarters or more of that term, i.e.; a year and a half or more of service. The SAC Secretary will communicate names of newly appointed SAC member to the University Community. 4. OFFICERS 4.1. SAC Officers will be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer and shall serve one (1) year term of office. Officers will serve no more than 2 consecutive terms in their respective office. 4.2. ELECTIONS: The nomination process will commence during the regularly scheduled May meeting. A special meeting will be held on or after June 1st for the purposes of closing the 4|Page nomination process and electing incoming officers. Nominations for Officers will only be accepted from the floor at either meeting. The election shall be by signed ballot. The elected officers will take office at the regularly scheduled June meeting. 4.3. DUTIES. 4.3.1.The President shall lead the SAC, conduct meetings, represent the SAC to the University Administration, appoint representatives to other University Committees as requested and perform such duties as are usual for the office. 4.3.2.The Vice President shall act in the absence of the President, serve as Parliamentarian, assist Committee Chairs with committee protocol, gather committee reports each month and forward them to the Secretary for publication in the meeting agenda. 4.3.3.The Secretary shall be responsible for recording the minutes of meetings, assist in distributing meeting information, prepare meeting agenda, keep all committee reports on file, keep the official Representation roll, and ensure that minutes, committee reports and other official SAC documents are placed on the SAC website. In addition the Secretary is responsible for issuing notices of meetings to staff via email, website or other means and conducting correspondence as needed for SAC. SAC may appoint an assistant for the Secretary if so needed. 4.3.4.The Treasurer shall be responsible for the oversight and management of the SAC budget process including but not limited to recording keeping and reporting of all transactions. 4.4. VACANCIES: In the case of a vacancy of the SAC President, the Vice President shall assume that office. In the case of a vacancy of the Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer an election will be held by signed ballot at the next SAC meeting. 5. COMMITTEES 5.1. The SAC President shall appoint committees as needed. 6. AMENDMENT PROCEDURE 6.1. Amendments to the Charter may be considered by the SAC upon written request by a SAC member. Proposed amendments to the Charter must receive an affirmative two-thirds (2/3) vote of the SAC before the amendment(s) is presented to the Administration Liaison for review. The Administration Liaison shall either indicate support of the amendment or refer the amendment to the SAC for reconsideration. No action from the Administration Liaison within thirty (30) days shall indicate support. 6.2. Proposed amendments will be presented at a Staff Assembly. 6.3. Proposed amendments will be voted on by Staff and must receive an affirmative two-thirds (2/3) majority of the votes. Voting will be conducted by secret ballot. 6.4. An amendment shall become effective at such time as it receives the Staff approval. 5|Page