2014 TACRAO Summer Admissions Workshop

2014 TACRAO Summer
Admissions Workshop
Friday July 25, 2014
7:30am – 3:00pm
Middle Tennessee State University
Cost: $35/person (includes lunch)
RSVP Deadline: July 16, 2014
Dress: Casual
Make checks payable to TACRAO
Hotel Information:
Mail Registration and check to:
Attn: Richard Spencer
University of Tennessee
Undergraduate Admissions
320 Student Services Building
Knoxville, TN 37996
DoubleTree by Hilton
1850 Old Fort Parkway
Murfreesboro, TN 37129
Deadline June 27 to reserve your room!
Ask for the TACRAO Room Block
rate for $89 per room
Questions? Contact Richard, TACRAO VP of
Admissions and Financial Aid, at 865-974-9287
or rspencer@utk.edu
Or click here to book a room!
Admissions Workshop Schedule
July 25, 2014
Middle Tennessee State University
Student Union- Parliamentary Room
Highlight of changes from last year:
A focus on the new TN Promise program
TSAC Update will include a Financial Aid 101 session
Round table discussions and icebreakers where new and seasoned staff can interact, network
One-track system which keeps everyone together throughout the day
7:30-8:15 Registration/Breakfast
8:15-8:30 Opening Remarks
8:30-9:00 Networking/Meet and Greet/Business Card Exchange
9:00-9:45 Financial Aid 101- James Snider TSAC
9:45-10:00 Roundtable #1 (How to ‘sell’ your institution)
10:00-10:05 Break
10:05-11:00 HOPE/TSAC Update + Promise- 2 TSAC/TN Achieves Reps
11:00-11:15 Roundtable #2 (Promise Think Tank- How will it affect you?)
11:15-12:00 How to Recruit a Transfer Student (2-3 Transfer Counselors from across the state)
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00-2:00 Recruiting Out of State/Travel Planning
2:00-2:15 Roundtable #3 (Travel Tips)
2:15-3:00 Closing Remarks, Open Forum Q&A, Door Prizes
Financial Aid 101
What is EFC? How do I qualify for work study? What is the Pell Grant? How do I qualify for Achieve the
Dream, HOPE, or GAMS? Often times we hear these questions and have to defer students to our
respective Financial Aid offices. James Snider from TSAC will be providing a crash course in the Financial
Aid process so we may all be better prepared to serve our students.
Roundtable #1
Split into small groups to discuss how you address the Financial Aid process at a college fair or
recruitment event. What are the best ways to explain the process? How do you advertise scholarships?
What are the best ways to address the ‘value’ of higher education? How can we better assist students
across the state with this process?
HOPE/TSAC + Promise Updates
The Tennessee Promise program will begin in Fall 2015 allowing all Tennessee residents who graduate
high school the opportunity to attend any two-year community college or technical school free of
tuition. Come hear updates on the program and how it will affect your institution. Updates from TSAC
and the HOPE Scholarship will also be provided as they relate directly to TN Promise.
Roundtable #2
Split into small groups, mixture of seasoned veterans and fresh faces. Discuss how you feel Promise will
affect your institution and brainstorm ideas on how to best recruit students in this new era.
How to Recruit a Transfer Student
With Tennessee Promise becoming a reality next year, the number of prospective transfer students to
four-year institutions is expected to grow tremendously by 2017. Come hear from various colleges on
how they currently recruit/admit/yield transfer students and ways to make the transfer process
relatively seamless in the coming years.
Recruiting Out of State/Travel Planning
As more Tennessee students begin to explore the possibility of attending two-year institutions straight
out of high school, many institutions will look out-of-state to help fill their Freshman class. Hear tips
from on how to sell that out-of-state tuition and where emerging/productive markets are located. How
do other states organize their college fairs? We will also discuss efficient travel planning to get the most
bang for your buck.
Roundtable #3
Split into groups based on travel territory: West, Middle, and East TN. Meet your fellow road warriors
and swap travel tips from your regions.
*Schedule is subject to change
If you are interested in contributing to one of these
presentations or have any questions, please contact Richard
Spencer at rspencer@utk.edu or 865-974-9287.
2014 Summer Admissions Workshop
July 25, 2014
Middle Tennessee State University
Please complete the registration information below:
Institution: ________________________________________________________________
Registrant Name
Phone Number
Registration Fee: $35 per person (Due by July 16, 2014)
Please make checks payable to TACRAO
Registration fee: $35 per person x (__) # of participants attending
Total Amount Enclosed: $_________
Mail registration form and fee to:
Attn: Richard Spencer
University of Tennessee
Undergraduate Admissions
320 Student Services Building
Knoxville, TN 37996