Children`s Service Engagement Schedule

HCC - Shaping Services for the Future 2015 – 2016
Children’s Services Department Departmental responsibility: Felicity Roe 01962 846374
This document provides a summary of forthcoming developments for the Children’s Services Department and how you can get
involved in shaping services, strategies and programmes.
We aim to involve service users, interest groups, existing and potential service providers and other organisations at the earliest
possible point when reshaping services. We are, however, open to ideas and comments at any point as part of our commitment to
continual improvement.
This information will be continually updated to ensure it sets out our programme for at least the next 12 months. It does not
therefore represent a reference of all policies, services, projects or potential business opportunities within the Department.
There is a named manager and contact details for each item on the schedule. If you cannot find anything you would expect to see
or have any feedback on the way this information is presented, then we will be pleased to hear from you by contacting the Children
Services Procurement Unit:
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July 2015
HCC - Shaping Services for the Future 2015 – 2016
Children’s Services Department Departmental responsibility: Felicity Roe 01962 846374
County Services
Adult Learning
Young People’s Learning
Services for Young Children
Children with Disabilities
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July 2015
HCC - Shaping Services for the Future 2015 – 2016
Children’s Services Department Departmental responsibility: Felicity Roe 01962 846374
Programme Description
Access route and links to
programme involvement
Lead Officer contact
Children’s Residential Capital Project –
Stakeholder Group
This group will remain in place to ensure
that all stages of the design, build and
equip have the input of young people who
will be living in the homes.
Susan Lomax
County Services
This group provides residential staff and
young people living in residential care with
the opportunity to feedback their
experiences and to help with the design
and build of the new residential estate.
Residential Service Manager
Adult Learning
August 2015 - July
Leisure Learning
A programme of leisure learning which
provides a ‘universal offer’ for Hampshire
residents including courses in health,
wellbeing, community participation and
Courses are funded through Skills
Funding Agency Community Learning
Consultation through local learning
partnerships, community-based learning
networks and with current learning
providers on leisure learning provision.
Learning providers are required to consult
with local residents on the community
learning offer.
Further information on all Adult and
Community Learning provision can be
obtained via the website:
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July 2015
Julia Gahagan
Programme Manager
(Apprenticeship, Learning &
01962 847121
HCC - Shaping Services for the Future 2015 – 2016
Children’s Services Department Departmental responsibility: Felicity Roe 01962 846374
August 2015 - July
Neighbourhood Learning in Deprived
Supports community based learning which
will build the capacity of local
communities. It aims to attract underrepresented groups into learning activities.
Programmes should promote
neighbourhood renewal and active
citizenship skills and deliver preemployment support and training to
enable adults to move into sustained
Liaison with community-based learning
networks across the county. Discussions
take place with Voluntary and Community
Sector (VCS) providers to establish local
need and effective ways of working in local
Learning providers in deprived
communities are required to consult with
local residents on the need for local
learning projects and the role of local
voluntary organisations.
Julia Gahagan
Programme Manager
(Apprenticeship, Learning &
01962 847121
Programmes of learning are funded
through Skills Funding Agency
Community Learning funding
August 2015 – July
Family Learning.
Consultation with primary schools,
children’s centres, VCS providers and
Programmes of learning designed to
through Early Help Hubs on learning needs
support different generations of family
of parents and children, particularly those
members to learn together. It has the aims
who are disadvantaged.
of: developing the skills and knowledge of
both parents/carers and child participants; Learning providers are required to consult
enabling parents/carers to be more active with local parents and families, particularly
in the support of their children’s learning
through children’s centres and primary
and development and to understand the
schools, to identify local need.
impact of that support.
Programmes include:
Family English, Maths and Language
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July 2015
Julia Gahagan
Programme Manager
(Apprenticeship, Learning &
01962 847121
HCC - Shaping Services for the Future 2015 – 2016
Children’s Services Department Departmental responsibility: Felicity Roe 01962 846374
Wider Family Learning
Programmes of learning are funded
through Skills Funding Agency
Community Learning funding.
August 2015 – July
Qualification Courses
Programmes of learning that lead to
qualifications recognised within the
Qualifications and Credit Framework
(QCF). Qualification courses are funded
through Skills Funding Agency Adult Skills
Budget (ASB) funding. This area of work
supports adult to gain qualifications that
will help them enter employment.
Consultation through local learning
partnerships, Job Centre Plus, Housing
Associations and other key stakeholders to
identify relevant qualifications to meet
needs of learners, the needs of local
business and the requirements of
Awarding Bodies and ASB funding
Julia Gahagan
Programme Manager
(Apprenticeship, Learning &
01962 847121
Young People’s Learning
August 2015 – July
A Traineeship programme prepares young
people to make a successful transition to
Adult life and to provide high quality
progression opportunities to
Apprenticeships. The programme works
toward a Princes Trust qualification
alongside a work placement.
Consultation through partnerships with
other county council services including the
Children in Care Teams, Youth Offending
Teams, District and Borough Councils,
voluntary organisations and forums that
include young people from all over the
Programme Manager
(Apprenticeship, Learning &
01962 847121
Traineeships are funded through the
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July 2015
Julia Gahagan
HCC - Shaping Services for the Future 2015 – 2016
Children’s Services Department Departmental responsibility: Felicity Roe 01962 846374
Education Funding Agency.
August 2015 – July
Hampshire Award Programme
This programme prepares young people
to make a successful transition to adult life
and offers an alternative for vulnerable
learners and young people at risk of being
identified as NEET (Not in education,
employment or training). The programme
provides support for personal
August 2015 – July
The planning, Development and delivery
of apprenticeship training programmes
within Hampshire County Council
Consultation through partnerships with
other county council services including the
Children in Care Teams, Youth Offending
Teams, District and Borough Councils,
voluntary organisations and forums that
include young people from all over the
Consultation through the steering group
and operational group of the Hampshire
Youth Investment Programme.
Julia Gahagan
Programme Manager
(Apprenticeship, Learning &
Julia Gahagan
Programme Manager
(Apprenticeship, Learning &
01962 847121
Services for Young Children
Summer 2015
Autumn 2015
Spring 2016
Early Years Education
Consultation with early years and
childcare providers regarding proposed
Web on-line survey which will be
announced in our SfYC blog to providers
and promoted during Termly briefings to
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July 2015
Tracey Messer, /
Linda Hutchings;
HCC - Shaping Services for the Future 2015 – 2016
Children’s Services Department Departmental responsibility: Felicity Roe 01962 846374
changes to early years education delivery
and funding.
Initial survey to provide information from
the market regarding proposed changes
to hours of early years education and
effect this may have on their operation.
It is likely this will be followed by further
national consultation when the
Department for Education release further
details and guidance later in the year.
Children with Disabilities
Children with Disability Short Break
Supporting the development of the
provider market to deliver short break
Short breaks Partnership Board
The Short breaks programme is part of
the transformation work alongside all
children with disabilities services.
Representative providers of specialist
Twice yearly provider forums to be held for
sharing good practice, sharing information
and responding to comments/questions.
Integrated Disability Manager
For 2015, additional workshops run by
Action Hampshire to support sustainability
and partnership working.
Short breaks providers are completing a
survey during June 2015 for all activity
providers to take part in. The leads will
ensure programme developments and
ideas are shared and discussed with other
activity providers, as well as the
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July 2015
Kieran Lyons
01962 843670
Kieran Lyons
Integrated Disability Manager
01962 843670
HCC - Shaping Services for the Future 2015 – 2016
Children’s Services Department Departmental responsibility: Felicity Roe 01962 846374
short breaks are members of the board,
and are a route for all short breaks activity
providers to be involved in the future
shape of the short breaks programme.
communication HCC already has with all
Hampshire Parent / Carer Network
Children’s social care and SEN ensure
parent representation on strategic groups
and partnership boards.
Support to the parent carer network to
continue. To organise and be the point of
contact for all Parent/carer participation
and engagement.
The Network will also be supported in its
work as required by Parent Voice
Information & Participation service.
Kieran Lyons
Integrated Disability Manager
01962 846370
The Network will facilitate parent/carer
representatives as required for example for
short Breaks Grants panels that make
funding recommendations; as well as the
development and transformation of
Parents/carers can get involved by visiting
the HPCN website:
and Parent Voice website:
Disabled Children and Young Persons
Representation and Participation
To develop and enhance the voice of
disabled children and young people in
service development and improvement.
Engage with school councils, youth groups
and existing groups of children and young
Develop a model of representation with
disabled children and young people that is
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July 2015
Kieran Lyons
Integrated Disability Manager
HCC - Shaping Services for the Future 2015 – 2016
Children’s Services Department Departmental responsibility: Felicity Roe 01962 846374
01962 846370
During 2015, continue to develop a Core
Children with Disabilities Participation
group including Children’s Services
Participation team, Disabled Children’s
teams, a school representative, voluntary
sector representative.
Short Break Units Parent & Children /
Young People’s Engagement
To develop the participation and
engagement of children and young people
and parents/carers in the development
and improvement of our short break units
Continue with young peoples meetings in
the units. To hold parent engagement
sessions on a regular basis in the units.
(Timescales and dates vary and are set by
the unit and children who stay at the units
and their parents/ carers are informed
directly. Please contact the Registered
Manager at each unit for more details).
Kieran Lyons
Integrated Disability Manager
01962 846370
Continue with satisfaction surveys of
parents and service users.
Continue to develop and improve
communication methods to improve
engagement with children and young
people, including the use of technology.
Short Breaks Activities Programme
Parent/ carer representatives were
involved in locally held panels
recommending Short Breaks grants for
services to be delivered during 2015-16
Parents / Carers can find out more by
contacting Hampshire Parent / Carer
Or Parent Voice:
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July 2015
Kieran Lyons
Integrated Disability Manager
01962 846370
HCC - Shaping Services for the Future 2015 – 2016
Children’s Services Department Departmental responsibility: Felicity Roe 01962 846374
The Short Breaks programme is part of a
Transformation Project alongside all
Children with disabilities services.
Parents/carers are part of a Partnership
Board looking at options for the future
short Breaks programme.
If further public consultation is required,
parent/carer representatives will be
involved in the planning of this process.
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July 2015