Guidelines for Faculty Recruitment

Guidelines for Faculty Recruitment
This packet includes basic guidelines for conducting searches and hires for tenure track
faculty as well as material that may be useful to departments and programs during their
recruitment process. Recruitment procedures are also described in Section IV. A. in the
Faculty Handbook.
Securing Approval for a Tenure-Track Search
All departments and programs must seek approval for any tenure track search.
Submit proposals to the Dean of the College, who will discuss proposed searches
with the chair or director and the FEC, and make a recommendation to the President.
The President gives final approval for all searches.
Proposals for the reauthorization of a position vacated by retirement or resignation
are due by the end of Week 3 in Block 7. Authorized searches will take place during
the following academic year.
Proposals must include:
1) A brief description of the position; 2) an explanation of the need to fill the
position; 3) a statement of how the position fits into the long-term goals of the
department or program, how it contributes to general education requirements,
and how the position might contribute to diversity in the curriculum and/or the
community; 4) an initial draft of a job announcement.
Starting the Search: Search Committee
After securing final approval to conduct a search, the department or program will
select a search committee. According to the Faculty Handbook, “A search committee
normally consists of members of the hiring department plus two non-departmental
faculty members. If a departmental member is being replaced, he or she does not
serve on the search committee. If a department has fewer than four members, it may
augment its departmental membership with faculty from other departments.” All
committee members participate in every phase of the search and hiring process.
It is important to try to organize a search committee by Commencement of the
year before the hiring process. The process includes appointing two voting
members from outside the department.
1) The Minority Concerns Committee (MCC) appoints one of these voting
members directly. Please contact the committee chair to secure the appointment.
Once an appointment is made, provide this information to the Associate Dean of
the Faculty.
2) Each department should also submit at least two or three names to the
Associate Dean of the Faculty as candidates who may serve as a cognate
representative. After consulting with the appropriate divisional executive
committee and the Women's Concerns Committee, the Associate Dean will
contact the department to discuss a final appointment. The department then
contacts the colleague to ask if he or she is willing to serve. If the proposed
candidate does not agree to serve, the Associate Dean will consider alternative
candidates and consult with the department again until the committee is
The entire search committee (including the two outside members) must agree upon
the final draft of the job announcement. The Women’s Concerns Committee,
Minority Concerns Committee, and the Associate Dean of the Faculty must also
approve the final version of the announcement before the Department Chair
places it in appropriate publications and websites. If your department is willing to
consider a split appointment, the job announcement should include that possibility.
Job Advertisements for Faculty Hires
The College prefers that applications are processed using PeopleAdmin, an on–line
hiring process managed through Human Resources. Please contact HR for help in
setting up the on-line search. If your department wishes to use another hiring
process, please contact the Dean’s Office to discuss this. The department will be
expected to help support the extra expense.
The Dean’s Office places a single ad in major national venues for departmental
hiring. These venues may include:
The Chronicle of Higher Education
Inside Higher Ed
Latinos in Higher Ed
Hispanic Outlook
Outlook in Higher Education
The Academic Network
Asians in Higher Ed
This replaces the old practice of individual departments paying for their own ads in
the same journals. Now, the office pays for one ad in each of these locations
commonly used by all departments. The group ad lists the department, and field
being sought, and refers prospective applicants to the CC faculty employment
website for details of the position as they become open. Be sure to send the final
approved job description to the Associate Dean of the Faculty for posting on that
Please check with the Dean’s Office to discuss where group ads are placed. The ads
are normally submitted for print by early to mid-September to assist the many
departments that are searching early every year. Let the Associate Dean of the
Faculty know if a department needs to place ads even earlier. Departments should
also get Associate Dean approval for expenses required to place their ads in venues
appropriate to their discipline. These venues may include minority sites appropriate
to the discipline. Remember that ads are expensive; please be concise and precise.
Please include the following statement in all ads:
Colorado College is committed to diversity and inclusion and is intentional about
creating a learning and working environment that recognizes the value of individual
and group differences. As an equal opportunity employer, we welcome and
encourage inquiries from applicants who will contribute to the cultural and ethnic
diversity of our college. Colorado College does not discriminate on the basis of
race, ethnicity, age, color, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation,
disability, religion, or national origin in employment or in our educational programs
and activities.
See samples of ads in Appendix 1
Diversity Goals
To strengthen our collective efforts to diversify the faculty and the curriculum we
must make every effort to recruit highly qualified candidates who contribute to
diversity and ensure that they are represented in the final round. In addition to the
journals and sites where the Dean’s Office posts college ads, the Minority Concerns
Committee has identified journals and sites that are especially valuable for diversity
recruitment. While advertising is crucial, note that advertising is usually not enough
to accomplish our goals; we encourage departments to use multiple approaches to
enhance the diversity of the candidate pool. In addition to contacting universities and
professional associations, many of which have Web pages, search committees can
access sources in Appendix 2 below. Please be aware that the President may cancel a
search if a search committee has failed to make strong efforts.
See Sites for Improving Diversity in Recruitment in Appendix 2
Candidate Interviews and Communication with the Dean's Office
If search committees have questions or concerns that are not addressed in the Dean’s
Office guidelines, the Dean or Associate Dean of the Faculty can meet for a few
minutes with the full search committee (including outside representatives) sometime
between the placement of the job announcement and when the committee begins
reading applications.
Please provide the Dean’s Office with:
Names of MCC and cognate members of search committee (submitted to
Associate Dean of the Faculty before Commencement of preceding year)
Number of applicants in the pool, and the number and percentage of
identifiable women and minority candidates. These numbers should be provided
before the department meets to identify a short list of candidates to interview.
For disciplines and fields that are likely to require start-up funds for labs, it would
be helpful to provide an estimate of start-up funds for a potential new hire. The
estimate could be based on a median and range of funds provided to a sample of
recent hires in the department. The current policy is to provide new tenure track
faculty with $6000 in start-up funds. With these funds the new colleague can
purchase a computer system. The balance constitutes a discretionary fund to
support professional development.
Arranging and Conducting Interviews
Departments often interview a short list of candidates at professional meetings.
We can use our recruiting budget to support expenses for one or two faculty
members to interview candidates at professional meetings. Of course we can
reduce expenses if faculty who plan to attend meetings for professional
development can also participate in recruitment. Departments may choose to
move from the short list to on campus interviews through telephone interviews as
When the department or program has selected the final three candidates to
interview, please send the Dean (care of Pam Leutz) copies of the application
letters, CVs and recommendation letters of the proposed three candidates, as
well as the materials for the other two or three candidates on the short list. Once
the Dean approves the campus visits, the department may arrange the on-campus
interviews. A department or program may ultimately propose to hire a foreignborn candidate. In some cases, the College needs to support a candidate’s
application for a visa or a green card, a process that will require additional
information about the search. Please follow the guidelines for international hires
that is included in this document.
For on-campus interviews, we try to maintain a practice of inviting three
candidates, usually for two or three nights, and three days. Please consider
whether certain dates will result in lower airfares. Only in exceptional
circumstances do departments receive authorization to interview a fourth
Departments and programs arrange agendas for campus visits. Candidates
participate in a public presentation and/or discussion open to the College
community. Please schedule a 30-minute interview for each candidate with the
President and a 45-minute interview with the Dean of the College and Faculty.
Provide both offices with a copy of each candidate's CV and application letter.
Please include reference letters for the Dean as well. (The Dean’s Office should
already have these materials from earlier stages of the recruiting process; make
sure to provide the President with the application letter and CV). Candidates may
find it useful to visit not only classes, but also the library, the Director of Faculty
Research and Support, the fitness center and other centers, downtown, and other
areas and neighborhoods of Colorado Springs.
See Comments from New Faculty in Appendix 3
Treat visiting candidates well, but remember that with many candidates on
campus, costly meals can deplete the recruiting budget. In particular, eliminate or
limit expenses for alcoholic beverages. Spouses do not attend working interviews
at meals. For expenses, please call Pam Leutz at x6682 to receive budgets, charge
codes and spending guidelines. The search committee chair (or designate) and the
candidates must keep all search-related receipts charged to the College. The
following guidelines apply:
For tenure-track hires:
1) Travel to conferences for recruiting:
a) Up to two faculty supported from Dean’s Office
b) $300/day for up to three days for food, lodging, ground transportation and
baggage fees (with receipts), plus lowest-cost airfare, and registration for
the conference if this is necessary.
c) Please take advantage of free spaces provided for interviewing. If it is
essential to use a hotel suite, the Dean’s Office will cover the difference in
cost between one hotel room and a suite for interviews.
2) Candidate’s on-campus visit
a) Please ask the candidate if he/she wishes to arrange his/her own least-cost
round trip airline reservation, or would prefer that you arrange it.
b) Use preferred hotels with CC rates found on the CC Finance and
Administration Secure Information page:
c) Dean’s Office will pay up to $2200 total for meals/food/entertainment
during on-campus interviews for the normal three candidates. For
departments with 8 or more tenured/tenure-track faculty, the Dean’s
Office provides up to $2400.
d) For transporting a candidate in Colorado Springs, you may use a CC
vehicle, in which case insurance is provided by the College.
( If a
faculty member uses his or her own vehicle to transport the candidate
during the visit, the faculty person’s personal insurance provides coverage.
For year-long visitor hires:
The procedures for recruiting a year-long visitor differ from those for a tenuretrack search. A department usually brings in only one candidate. A department
should be fairly confident that the candidate would be a good fit for the position
before inviting him or her for an interview. The visit is shorter, about one and a
half days. Typically the candidate’s itinerary includes a meeting with the
Associate Dean of the Faculty, a class visit, a presentation, and a campus tour.
1) #1 above does not apply
2) Candidate’s on-campus visit
a) Please ask the candidate if he/she wishes to arrange his/her own least-cost
round trip airline reservation, or would prefer that you arrange it.
b) Use preferred hotels with CC rates found on the CC Finance and
Administration Secure Information page:
c) Dean’s Office will pay up to $500 total for meals/food/entertainment
during on-campus interviews for the normal one candidate. For
departments with 8 or more tenured/tenure-track faculty, the Dean’s
Office provides up to $600.
d) For transporting a candidate in Colorado Springs, you may use a CC
vehicle, in which case insurance is provided by the College.
( If a
faculty member uses his or her own vehicle to transport the candidate
during the visit, the faculty person’s personal insurance provides coverage.
All recruitment expenses should be paid by the department’s operating
budget, using account 773531 “recruiting/interviews” (instead of using
accounts for meals, lodging, airfare, etc.) and recorded on the Recruitment
Form available on the Dean’s Office website. At the conclusion of the search,
please submit the Recruitment Form to the Dean’s Office. The Dean’s Office
will transfer funds into the department operating fund (account 773531) to
cover the approved expenses. If departments have concerns about this
procedure, please contact the Dean’s Office to discuss alternative options.
Choosing Final Candidates
After candidates have been interviewed, the search committee chair solicits
comments from those who met with the candidates, and arranges and facilitates
discussions among the search committee. Once the search committee has voted and
decided on a candidate to recommend, the committee chair contacts the Dean of the
Faculty and College to discuss the committee’s choice, and the level of support
within the department for the recommended candidate. The committee chair DOES
NOT make an offer. The Dean reports the department’s and his or her own
recommendation to the President. Official offers cannot be made without the
President’s approval. Once secured, the Dean or the President will notify the search
committee chair, who may then contact the candidate to inform the candidate that the
College is interested in making a job offer. If the candidate is interested in
entertaining an offer, the Dean will contact the candidate and offer an appointment
on behalf of the College. The Dean will discuss salaries, start-up funds, tenure clocks
and moving expenses with candidates. If the terms of the appointment are accepted,
the Dean sends the candidate a letter of appointment.
Candidates often want to negotiate, especially if they have, or anticipate having other
offers. Although it is hard to predict what will matter most to candidates, possible
spousal employment is increasingly an issue. Of course, it is not permissible to
inquire about these and other kinds of personal issues; however, it is permissible to
respond if a candidate asks.
Keep on file all documents pertaining to the recruitment process including records of
the candidates’ files for three years.
Information from the Minority Concerns Committee
The Minority Concerns committee and its representatives work within college hiring
committees to 1) ensure that qualified minority candidates receive fair consideration
and 2) evaluate the candidates as contributors to an inclusive and respectful campus
environment for all its members. We believe that the second objective is the one
most overlooked by the campus community; therefore we hope to make all CC
employees more attentive to this aspect of diversity at Colorado College.
A primary responsibility of our committee is to “encourage the development of a
campus climate hospitable to minority and women faculty, administrators, staff, and
students.” As a result, we monitor the college’s hiring practices and encourage the
practice of the college’s equal opportunity policy. Dedicated representatives for
Minority Concerns are appointed to all hiring committees for permanent positions at
Colorado College.
The MCC representative should be given the opportunity to question each candidate
about their perceptions of the College as a culturally and ethnically diverse
community and their role or contribution within that context. The representative will
commonly ask each candidate how they would work to develop an atmosphere of
mutual respect and fairness for all individuals under their supervision and on the
campus as a whole and about any experience they might have regarding potential
minority issues. In fairness to the job applicants, we request that search committee
chairs inform the candidates about the presence of our representatives on the
For MCC Representatives
Contact the department or search committee chair to confirm the scheduling of the
 Job description posting
 Application deadline
Compilation of the “long” list
Phone/conference interviews
Compilation of the short list
Campus interviews
Decision meeting
Reporting back to the MCC
Points of consideration
Whenever possible, you want to assure that minority candidates are
represented at all stages of the decision.
The College needs to hire people who will be sensitive to how race issues,
culture, gender, sexual identity, inequality, and privilege operate,
especially in higher education (of course, some candidates will have
higher proficiencies in particular areas).
You want to ensure that minority candidates are not being discarded as
ideologues or as representing a “special interest.”
You need to identify candidates who not only can support and promote the
College’s diversity goals, but who can survive and thrive at the college.
You should work with the Women’s Concerns Committee/Cognate
Discipline representative (your counterpart on the search) to advance the
college’s stated goal to increase the diversity of the college community
and curriculum.
For the MCC representative, a “winning” decision is not one in which a minority is
hired. A winning decision is one in which a candidate is chosen based on good
criteria. Sometimes, the minority is not the best candidate. If you are convinced the
decision was fair, you have served your role.
What can I ask? How do I ask it?
Family Status
Do you have any
responsibilities that conflict
with the job attendance or
travel requirements? Must be
asked of all applicants.
None (You may inquire about
availability for weekend
What is your address?
Are you married? What is
your spouse's name? What
is your maiden name? Do
you have any children? Are
you pregnant? What are
your childcare
What is your race?
What is your religion?
Which church do you
attend? What are your
religious holidays?
Do you own or rent your
If hired, can you offer proof
that you are at least 18 years
of age?
Have you ever been
convicted of a crime? (You
Arrests or
must state that a conviction
will be considered only as it
relates to fitness to perform
the job.)
Can you show proof of your
eligibility to work in the
U.S.? Are you fluent in any
languages other than English?
(You may ask the second
question only as it relates to
the job.)
Are you able to perform the
essential functions of this job
with or without reasonable
home? Who resides with
Are you male or female?
How old are you? What is
your birth date?
Have you ever been
Are you a U.S. citizen?
Where were you born?
Are you disabled? What is
the nature or severity of
your disability?
Examples of Questions to Ask in On-Campus Interviews
Colorado College seeks to encourage cultural and ethnic diversity on our
campus. What contribution can you make to that overall effort, and what
efforts have you made during your current or prior employment?
What actions do you take in the classroom/workplace to develop an
atmosphere of mutual respect and fairness for minority students/staff?”
In what ways have you mentored, supported, or encouraged minority
students on your campus/in your department?
In your opinion, what are the three major problems (challenges) for
minority students in higher education (or in your field)?
Sometimes we find that minority students do not participate in class as
often as white students. Have you encountered this issue? If so, how have
you addressed it?
Have you ever incorporated discussions of race, class, sexual identity or
gender-related issues in your teaching? Can you give some examples?
Have any of your students ever written about gender/sexual identity or
other diversity issues in their term papers? Can you give some examples?
In your current position, have you ever seen a minority student/female
student or colleague treated unfairly? Will you describe the situation and
how you handled it?
How did/would you deal with a colleague (staff/faculty member) who says
disparaging things about minorities/women?
Evaluating the Search
Report back to the MCC Chair with a short, written summary of the
If the department hires a woman and/or minority candidate, consider the factors that
may have enabled it to do so and keep a record of good practices and successful
searches for future reference. What diversity/inclusion related questions were asked
during the interview? What responses to questions were noteworthy?
If the applicant pool was not as large, as qualified, or as diverse as was anticipated,
 Could the job description have been constructed in a way that would have
brought in a broader pool of candidates?
 Could the department have recruited more actively?
 Were there for criteria for this position that were consistently not met by
women or candidates of color?
If women and/or minority candidates were offered positions that they chose not to
 What reasons did they offer? Consider as many factors as you can
identify. Are there things that the department and college could do to
make it more attractive to such candidates in the future?
Be sure that any analysis and insight is shared with departmental decision-makers
and is part of the process of initiating future searches.
Colorado College Guidelines for Employing International Faculty in a TenureTrack Position
An international faculty member who is not a permanent resident (green card holder)
will need a J-1 or H-1B visa to work in the USA. The J-1 visa is valid for a period
of up to five years only, and the faculty member in most cases must then return
home for at least two years. The H-1B visa is valid for a maximum six years only,
and the visa holder then must leave the USA for at least one full year.
If an international faculty member is employed in a tenure track position, the faculty
and The College will need to navigate not only the H-1B visa application (an
employment-based visa category) but also the process of becoming a lawful
permanent resident or US citizen because of the aforementioned 6 year limit.
The College applies for, sponsors and finances the H-1B visa. This process should
begin 5 months before the faculty member is expected to begin work on campus. The
College determines which immigration lawyer to use for this purpose. The faculty
member agrees to cooperate with the Office of International Programs throughout
the application process. If the faculty member is accompanied by dependents, they
are given the H-4B classification. At no point is a spouse eligible to work as an H4B visa holder.
If the new international faculty has not completed the Ph.D. but is in the very final
stage, the OPT (Optional Practical Training) permit will allow the faculty to begin
the new position. The OPT is valid for one year only after which time the H-1B visa
will be required.
The process of obtaining lawful permanent residence (the green card) is long and
expensive. It is recommended the international faculty member initiate the process
no later than during the fourth year of employment. If the tenure track hire is
evaluated as successful, The Dean of the College and the faculty member will meet
to discuss the process and financial implications of obtaining lawful permanent
residence (the green card).
The faculty member must contact the International Programs’ Office to initiate the
application process. The College determines which immigration lawyer to use for
this purpose. The faculty member agrees to cooperate with the Office of
International Programs in the application process. The immigration lawyer
estimates the additional costs for the faculty member’s dependents. Should the
faculty member decide to apply for lawful permanent residence for any dependents,
the faculty member is responsible for any additional expenses incurred.
Becoming a lawful permanent resident is a requirement for applying for US
citizenship. But a lawful permanent resident does not need to naturalize to remain in
the USA.
The College will not assist the faculty or any dependents with obtaining US
The Office of International Programs will, however, assist with advice.
Record-Keeping for Tenure-Track Hires
Please share this memo with your staff assistants. They are likely to provide
logistical support throughout the advertising and hiring process of new tenure-track
When we hire a foreign national without a green card, the College must sponsor first
an H-1B visa and later a green card. This is an expensive process in the best of
circumstances. If we do not keep appropriate records, we can be forced to redo the
search. Such a measure greatly increases the time and the expense involved in the
hire, not to mention the annoyance.
Since we do not usually know the visa status of our candidates, we need to keep the
necessary documentation routinely, just in case.
According to the Colorado College Guidelines for Employing International Faculty
in Tenure Track Positions, CC employs an immigration lawyer who assists the
Office of International Programs in preparing the various immigration applications.
To help the College support green card sponsorships for international tenure track
hires in the recent past, the academic departments will need to keep the following
Hard and digital copies of all position advertisements, including dates,
year and title of journal or newspaper.
A list of first and last names of all applications.
A list (date, location, and name) of applicants selected for preliminary
interviews and the reasons why they were not chosen for the on-campus
A list of the final candidates, including dates of campus visits.
A paragraph about the final candidate and reasons why this person was
selected over the other finalists.
The following materials will be kept by the Dean’s Office:
The CV of the person we hire.
A hard copy of the initial contract letter.
Although it is time-consuming to collect this information, it is still more arduous to
reconstruct it after the fact. Without it, we make it both difficult and more expensive
to regularize the status of newly-hired international faculty, and without the H-1B
visa and the green card, they cannot continue their employment at the college.
Appendix 1: Samples of Announcements (mostly fictional but helpful examples)
Tenure-track position. The English Department at Colorado College seeks an
Assistant Professor of English in English Renaissance and Shakespeare beginning
(STARTING DATE). We are particularly interested in candidates with demonstrable
additional interests in Gay and Lesbian Studies/Queer Theory and/or Milton.
Opportunity to teach courses in broad undergraduate liberal arts curriculum. Ph.D.
required. Commitment to undergraduate teaching and an active program of
scholarship essential. Colorado College is a distinguished liberal arts college with a
history of innovative and interdisciplinary teaching. To apply, please visit the
Colorado College is committed to diversity and inclusion and is intentional about
creating a learning and working environment that recognizes the value of
individual and group differences. As an equal opportunity employer, we welcome
and encourage inquiries from applicants who will contribute to the cultural and
ethnic diversity of our college. Colorado College does not discriminate on the basis
of race, ethnicity, age, color, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual
orientation, disability, religion, or national origin in employment or in our
educational programs and activities.
The Department of Philosophy at The Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO has
an opening for a tenure track position as an Assistant Professor, beginning
(STARTING DATE). We are a five-person department in a distinguished liberal arts
college, with a thriving undergraduate program in philosophy. An active program of
scholarship is expected. (For more information about Colorado College, see AOS: Social and Political Philosophy, Ethics.
AOC: History of Philosophy, with a strong interest in feminist, comparative, or
cross-cultural traditions and methods. Ph.D. required and teaching experience
preferred. The Department of Philosophy is committed to increasing the diversity of
the College community and curriculum; candidates who can contribute to that goal
are particularly encouraged to apply and to identify themselves and their relevant
experience. Send complete dossier (including CV, copies of transcripts, at least three
letters of recommendation, relevant syllabi of courses taught, and a writing sample)
to Professor xxxx, Chair, Department of Philosophy, The Colorado College, 14 East
Cache La Poudre, Colorado Springs, CO 80903. (For more information, contact Deadline for applications is (DEADLINE DATE).
EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER: Colorado College is committed to diversity
and inclusion and is intentional about creating a learning and working environment
that recognizes the value of individual and group differences. As an equal
opportunity employer, we welcome and encourage inquiries from applicants who
will contribute to the cultural and ethnic diversity of our college. Colorado College
does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, age, color, gender, gender
identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability, religion, or national origin in
employment or in our educational programs and activities.
The Department of Political Science at Colorado College invites applications for a
tenure-track appointment at the assistant professor level beginning (STARTING
DATE). The successful candidate will teach departmental offerings in International
Relations, American Foreign Policy, and International Political Economy. The
applicant will be expected to teach the introductory course to the Political Science
major and to teach in, and contribute to, one or more of the following
interdisciplinary programs: International Political Economy, Environmental
Sciences, History/Political Science, and Women’s Studies. Expertise in International
Political Economy is particularly desirable, but we are seeking the best candidate
and can accommodate a variety of specializations and perspectives. The crucial
factors are the candidate's commitment to and potential for excellence in teaching
and scholarly research. All requirements for the Ph.D. should be completed by the
starting date. The Department is committed to increasing the diversity of the College
community and curriculum; candidates who can contribute to that goal are
particularly encouraged to apply and to identify themselves and their relevant
experience. Along with an introductory letter of application, candidates should
submit a curriculum vitae, a statement of research and teaching interests, transcripts
from college and graduate school, and three letters of recommendation to
International Relations Search Committee, Department of Political Science, 14 E.
Cache la Poudre Avenue, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO 80903. The
Colorado College is committed to diversity and inclusion and is intentional about
creating a learning and working environment that recognizes the value of individual
and group differences. As an equal opportunity employer, we welcome and
encourage inquiries from applicants who will contribute to the cultural and ethnic
diversity of our college. Colorado College does not discriminate on the basis of
race, ethnicity, age, color, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation,
disability, religion, or national origin in employment or in our educational programs
and activities. Additional information about the college is available at
Appendix 2: Sites for Improving Diversity in Recruitment in Appendix 2 (courtesy of
Minority Concerns Committee)
Journal of Blacks in Higher Education
National Society of Black Physicists
The Black Leadership Forum
Black Chamber of Commerce
The Black Employment and Entrepreneur Journal
The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Black Coaches and Administrators
World Dance Alliance - Asian Pacific, primary voice and
support group for dance in the Asia-Pacific region
World Dance Alliance-USA, including, but not limited to
domestic minorities in dance
World Dance Alliance-Europe
links to various diverse sites such as the African American
Leadership Institute, Denver Hispanic Chamber of
Commerce, Mi Casa Resource for Women, Urban League
of the Pikes Peak Region, Latina Chamber, etc.
The Multicultural Advantage
Insight Into Diversity is dedicated to providing career and selfdevelopment information to all minorities, specifically
African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans,
Native Americans and women.
National Society of Hispanic Physicists
Colorado Springs Hispania News
The National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies
Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native
Americans in Science
Native American Sports Council
Women in Higher Education
Women Sports Jobs
Academic 360
Additional Websites for Improving Diversity (These are sites that have been useful to
some departments in the past. You may or may not find them relevant to your search) –
American Association of University Women –
American College Personnel Association
Association of Higher Education Facilities Officers –
Association of College Administration Professionals -
Diverse Issues in Higher Education - –
Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce Nonprofit Partnership –
Denver Weekly News – –
El Hispano –
Experience National Job Network –
HACU (Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities) –
Hire Diversity –
Hire Potential –
Higher Ed Jobs –
Hispania News (local) -
Inside Higher Ed – –
Latino Perspectives in Higher Education –
Latinos in Higher Ed -
La Voz –
NACUBO (National Association of College and University Business Officers) –
NASPA (Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education) –
National Association for Female Executives –
National Society of Hispanic Professionals –
Pueblo Chieftain –
University Faculty Voice –
Wall Street Journal –
Appendix 3: Comments from New Faculty
Recently hired tenure-track faculty members have provided the following
suggestions about the on-campus interview process. Candidates may welcome:
1) More information about travel opportunities, funding within the department
and division, summer awards for research and student-faculty collaboration,
sabbatical and leave policies;
2) More information about teaching and what is expected within the department
or program, how course schedules are arranged each year, how faculty
members within the department manage their time, how faculty organize
courses and design assignments, whether or not teaching every day of the
week is expected;
3) More information about class size: be open about 'average' class size and
range of class sizes;
4) A tour of the TLC and the Library (and other relevant facilities on campus);
5) Good (non-breakfast) contact with students; lunch is best; open-ended is
6) Mention of the high number of tenure-track faculty joining the College; a
large cohort of fellow rookies sounds welcoming;
7) Mention of the importance of student majors to the search process; be clear
about the importance of student perspectives upon the candidates;
8) Opportunities to interact with faculty outside the discipline and to make nondiscipline-specific connections.