COVER SHEET Senior Reflections – Bailey Scholars Program for scholars graduating from the program Name: _____________________________________________Gender: ________________________ Major(s) Other Specializations (if any) Circle the level you joined Bailey First year Second year Third year Fourth year Number of semesters in Bailey:_______________ Future career plans: Please check one: ____ It is okay for Bailey to use portion of my Leaving Reflections for quotes – with my name. ____ It is okay for Bailey to use portion of my Leaving Reflections for quotes – without my name. ____It is NOT okay for Bailey to use portion of my Leaving Reflections. Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ____________________ Bailey Scholars begin their learning journeys at different places and with unique, personalized goals, reflected in the individual learning vision statement and learning journey. Each student benefits from and contributes to the Bailey Scholars Program in many different ways. We wish to honor these differences while capturing thoughts and insights that will help us evaluate the overall effectiveness and value of the Bailey Scholars Program. We believe we will discover a broad range in responses, and there is, of course, no assumed standard or set of expected goals or achievements for any scholar. Please consider the following questions thoughtfully and respond openly and candidly. Your personal responses will only be used anonymously. You may need to spend an hour or more in completing this reflection. Your time and consideration of the questions are greatly appreciated! Learning Vision Statement Consider the role and importance of your Learning Vision Statement(s) during your time as a student as MSU, as you answer this set of questions. 1) What is your Learning Vision Statement, attach a copy if you like. 2) Did your Learning Visions Statement change during your years at MSU? If so, how? Please include revised or new Learning Vision Statement. 3) How significant and intentional was your Learning Visions Statement to you and to your overall Learning Journey as you progressed through the Bailey Scholars Program? Class-Related Learning Activities Consider the variety of learning activities you have experiences in classes. You may not have experienced all of these activities, and/or you may have others to add to the list. Please indicate the course number or name in which you had the opportunity to experience the following (or leave blank if it does not apply to you). Bailey Core Course Practiced public speaking Practiced writing skills Practiced organizing skills Learned about a point of view different than your own Learned about another culture Arranged for a class guest speaker Attended a cultural event Learned during an off-campus field trip Learned during an on-campus field trip Participated in service-learning Participated in an internship Completed an independent study Participated in a study abroad Served as a student learning convener Others Middle 12 Course Other Class CLASS-RELATED LEARNING ACTIVITIES, Continued What was your more memorable in-class learning experience? Why? 4. Bailey Core Courses: 5. Middle Twelves: 6. Other Classes: 7. From which experience did you grow the most? Why? NON-CLASS EXPERIENCES OR ACTIVITIES-SECTION 3 Think about the times and places you had meaningful learning experiences that were not associated with a class. You may not have experienced all of these activities, and/or you may have others to add to the list. Please place a check in the column indicating where you had the experience (or leave blank if it does not apply to you) and name the specific activity, if appropriate. General Bailey Program Served on a university committee Worked on a research project Participated in a service learning activity Participated in a student organization Was an officer in an organization Served on a Bailey committee Organized a Bailey community event Attend Bailey Wednesday lunches Was a guest in a faculty person’s home Participated in a learning circle (writing, poetry, knitting, etc.) Learned from a work experience related to your interests (on or off campus) Served as a mentor or RESA for residence life Attended a special Bailey dinner (celebration, etc.) Attended a cultural event (concert, play, etc.) Participated in a recreational event (IM team, etc.) Participated in a professional conference Other Independent experience or activity NON-CLASS EXPERIENCES OR ACTIVITIES-SECTION 3 What was your most memorable experience not associated with a class? Why? 8. Connected with the General Bailey Program: 9. Connected with the University in general: 10. Engaged in on your own: 11. With respect to non-class learning experiences, which experiences contributed to your personal growth the most? Why? 12. In what ways has the Bailey Scholars Program helped you to find meaningful non-class learning activities? BAILEY CORE COURSES-SECTION 4 Reflect on your learning in the Bailey core courses (ANR 210, 310, 410). Please rank your experience by placing a 5 for excellent, 4 for better than average, 3 for average, 2 for less than average, and 1 for poor in each column, as appropriate. ANR ANR ANR 210 310 410 Overall quality Class size Respectful learning environment Interaction with other scholars Intellectual challenge and stimulation Healthy emotional/social challenge Relevance of course work to everyday life Opportunity to explore something new or different Coverage of useful topics/information Opportunity to apply classroom learning to “real life” issues Opportunity to express yourself/your learning positively and creatively Opportunity to learn valuable skills for your studies and life Received critical feedback that sparked personal growth or learning 13. What was the most challenging aspect of the core courses? 14. What was the most rewarding aspect of the core courses? 15. How could core courses be improved? 16. What do you consider the best core course size range, including all scholars, students and conveners? Choose an answer by placing a checkmark on the appropriate line. ___ 2 to 6 ___ 7 to 11 ___ 12 to 16 ___ over 16 MIDDLE TWELVE COURSES-SECTION 5 Think about the courses you selected as your Middle Twelves when completing the following questions. 17. List your choices for Middle Twelve experiences (Course # and Title): 18. Did you choose your Middle Twevles to sample a multitude of ideas or to focus in greater depth on one or two topics? 19. Did you double count any Middle Twelve credits? If so, which ones? 20. In hindsight, were your Middle Twelve experiences meaningful choices? Why or why not? 21. How did you come to your decisions regarding the choice of your Middle Twelve experiences? 22. In what ways has the Bailey Scholars Program helped you to find meaningful Middle Twelve courses? 23. What was the most challenging aspect of the Middle Twelve courses? Why? 24. What was the most rewarding aspect of the Middle Twelve courses? Why? 25. How can we improve the Middle Twelves? OVERALL LEARNING JOURNEY- SECTION 8 Consider your learning journey overall and your final learning journey presentation as you answer the following open-ended questions. 26. What have been some of the highlights for you during your Bailey Scholar experience? 27. What are the most significant things you’ve learned as a result of your Bailey Scholars experience? 28. How meaningful has the reflection and preparation for your final, senior Learning Journey Presentation been for you? 29. What is your plan for sharing your presentation (where, where, to whom?) BAILEY COMMUNITY LIFE-SECTION 7 In thinking about community life in the Bailey Scholars Program, how often have Bailey Community members provided you with the following? Please check the answer that corresponds to your experience. Often Sometimes Respect (treated like a colleague/peer) Emotional support and encouragement A welcoming, trusting environment in which to learn and grow A place where you feel really listened to A place to build connections and meaningful relationships Help in achieving your personal goals Help in achieving your professional goals Advice and guidance about your educational program Opportunity to work on a research project Encouragement to participate in study abroad Opportunity to work on a research project Help with networking for jobs Encouragement to pursue graduate/professional study Opportunity to publish A letter of recommendation Assistance to improve your study skills An opportunity to discuss coursework outside of class Opportunity to collaborate with other scholars on a project Encouragement to make a difference in the world, however you choose Opportunity to socialize with other scholars (i.e. community events) Opportunity to learn how to use new technologies or computers Other 30. What aspect of community life did you find most fulfilling? Why? 31. What aspect of community life would you wish to see improved? Why? Never BAILEY ENVIRONMENT-SECTION 8 Thinking of your experience in the Bailey Scholars Program, to what extent do you feel each of the following is emphasized? Please circle the number that best matches your experience. Emphasis on developing yourself as a whole person (intellectual, social, spiritual, physical, etc.) Strong emphasis 5 4 3 2 1 Weak emphasis Emphasis on learning and experiencing new things (stretch learning) Strong emphasis 5 4 3 2 1 Weak emphasis Emphasis on connecting personal and professional lives (wholeness, integrity) Strong emphasis 5 4 3 2 1 Weak emphasis Emphasis on understanding values and ethical decision-making Strong emphasis 5 4 3 2 1 Weak emphasis Emphasis on respecting others’ values, backgrounds, and experience (diversity) Strong emphasis 5 4 3 2 1 Weak emphasis Emphasis on seeing and understanding connections (system thinking) Strong emphasis 5 4 3 2 1 Weak emphasis Emphasis on developing collaborative learning/group learning skills (dialogue, teamwork) Strong emphasis 5 4 3 2 1 Weak emphasis Emphasis on developing your leadership skills Strong emphasis 5 4 3 2 1 Weak emphasis Emphasis on becoming a lifelong learner Strong emphasis 5 4 3 2 1 Weak emphasis 32. Which emphasis listed in the table above was the most beneficial to you as a student at MSU? Why? 33. Which were you more likely to receive in Bailey Scholars Program than other places on campus? PEOPLE IN BAILEY-SECTION 9 This question refers to relationships with people associated with the Bailey Scholars Program. Thinking of your overall experience, please circle the number that best matches your experience. Relationships with other student scholars 5 4 3 2 1 Competitive, uninvolved, sense of alienation, or separation Relationships with faculty scholars Approachable, helpful, understanding, 5 4 3 2 1 Remote, discouraging, unsympathetic encouraging Relationships with administrative staff (director, adviser, secretary, student worker) Helpful, considerate, flexible 5 4 3 2 1 Rigid, impersonal, bound by regulations Other Comments Friendly, supportive, sense of belonging or connection 34. How did specific Bailey scholars influence your learning journey? 35. Did these relationships help you as a student at MSU in ways you could not have experienced except through the Bailey Scholars Program? FINAL THOUGHTS-SECTION 10 36. In what ways has the Bailey Community given to you? 37. In what ways have you given back to the Bailey Community? 38. If you had a chance to share something with prospective Bailey Scholars, what would you say to them? 39. Final thoughts?