Final assignment Identify 3 features of Quality Feedback present in Mr. Effective Coach’s feedback session with Ms. McRookie. Explain each feature and describe in detail, including short quotes, how each feature is present in the session. The three elements of quality feedback are: 1. Goal-driven accountability: one skill at a time, opportunity and follow through on implementation. 2. forward looking: coachingsession as planning session for how to implement changes 3.Directive coaching: Coach selects goals, set up practice, drives accountability 1. Goal driven accountability: he focuses on one skil at a time (the last big takeaway which was improve students on task time) 2.Forward looking: he says 'let's apply this, what are you teaching tomorrow?", so after giving feedback, ensuring they're on the same page (shared vision), he goes on to exercise and plan with her for to implement the next big takeaway. This also relates to element 3 (set up practice). 3.directive coaching: in the beginning, when discussing the last big take away and how she did he says 'the point is, this is a huge step forward'. So not only does he hold her accountable for last week's big takeaway, he also keep sher focused on one thing at a time which is element 1 goal driven accountability. He also sets up practice: 'make it authentic, stand up', so she acts out the exercise he gave her. What evidence from their coaching session suggests that Ms. McRookie and Mr. Effective Coach share a common Instructional Vision? Use short quotes to specify your examples and explain how your examples suggests a shared Instructional Vision. A shared instructional vision was mentioned when they moved on to the next big takeaway. The coach explicitedly asked what their vision was, and they use certain language like coldcalling and such to connect the ideal situation for the students as a result of the teachers' actions. (see examples below) 1.He asks the teacher ' remind me in a nutshel, what is our vision for student practice?' 2. he asks her question ssuch as 'what was the most rigorous question' 'why is cold calling gonan get us more practice?' to adress the important issues using the defined language. This also adds a sense of urgency, because he asks (in the latter question), why it's important. Using limited direct quotes, indicate with specificity one example of where Mr. Effective Coach and Ms. McRookie pay any Fixed Mindset Tax. Explain how the example constitutes Fixed Mindset Tax. Coach wants to move on to next big takeaway, but teacher says ' but I'm not ready yet, I haven't mastered it yet', and also doesn't seem very happy when the coach gives her a 40/40 on, so I guess it's a "youre wrong I rule", horseman of the fixed mindset but then "you're wrong, i suck variety." The teacher doesn't seem enthousiastic and ready for working on the enxt big step at first. Using limited direct quotes, explain how Mr. Effective Coach responds to Fixed Mindset behavior, and explain how this response effectively lowers the Fixed Mindset Tax. He puts it in perspective for her by saying: look at it this way, you didn't miss 1. You went from missing 7, to missing just 1." He then asks her to say that herself as well, and you can see that she realizes the truth in that statement. Now the teacher seems more willing and ready to work on the next big take away, which is clearly demonstrated in the implementation exercise she does. We would hypothesize that this coaching session suggests that Ms. McRookie is in the middle circle (i.e. “Skill B”) of skill acquisition represented in The Snowman Effect. Explain how the teacher’s behaviors suggest that she is in the middle “Skill B” acquisition loop. Skill B: torso of snowman 1. Coaching session with fewer fixed mindset behaviors 2. Internalize and process feedback (a lot faster this time around) 3. Imperfect implementation 4. Improved implementation & refined feedback (due to confidence and optimism because if first experience of growth mindset) 5. Acquisition of skill B This session moved from one big take away to another one, so this means that there already was a previously learned skill. This is clearly visable in the part where the coach says he wants to move on, but the teacher is reluctant at first due to 'not having completely mastered it yet'. Ofcourse we can't compare the amount of fixed mindsets and how much time it took the teacher to process and internalize feedback, but she seems pretty open to it. Although she is still somewhat reluctant, so this indicates a B-level position. Particularly because there is imperfect implementation( 'you went from missing 7 to missing 1'). Also, the teacher picks up the new skill quit quickly despite 3 little bumps/corrections by her coach, when she acts out the exercise for the implementeation of the new big takeaway. You can see that she struggles, vut she perceveres and nails it in the end.