Chapter 7: A Trip Through Geologic Time Learning Target Lesson 1 I can explain how fossils form . . . I can identify the different kinds of fossils . . . Vocabulary Word fossils molds Definition Facts or Examples ______________remains or _________ of living things. Most fossils form when living things die and are buried in__________. A ___________ area in sediment in the __________of an organism. The sediment slowly hardens into ______and preserves the shapes of the organisms. Most fossils form from animals that lived in or near___________, lakes or shallow ________. cast A solid ________ of the shape of an organism petrified fossils A fossil in which ___________ replace all of an organism or a part. carbon films trace fossils An extremely thin ___________of carbon on rock that occurs when sediment buries & organism and some ________ escape. A fossil that provides ____________ of the ___________of ancient organisms Often formed when water deposits ___________ and sediment into a __________. Examples include dinosaur bones and tree trunks. Water evaporates. This can preserve delicate parts of ____________and ____________. Ex. footprints, trails, burrows, nests Symbol/Picture preserved remains I can describe what fossils tell about organisms and environments of the past . . . paleontologists extinct relative age absolute age I can sequence rock layers by using the laws of superposition , cross cutting and index fossils . . . Scientists who study _________________ evolution Lesson 2 I can describe how geologists determine the relative age of rocks… An entire organism can be preserved in tar or ____________ (tree resin) or from freezing. Law of superposition La Brea tar pit in California The fossil record provides evidence about the ____________of life and past environments on Earth. Shows how organisms have ____________over time or changes in climate The change in living things over time. An organism that no longer _________ and will never again live on Earth. The age ___________ to the ages of other rocks. The number of _________ that have passed since the rock ___________ In undisturbed _______________ sedimentary rock layers, the oldest layer is at the ___________ Each higher layer is ____________ than the layers below it. extrusion intrusion fault index fossils I can explain how unconformities and folding can alter the order or rock layer… unconformity Lava that hardens on the _________ and forms ___________ rock When ________ pushes into bodies of rock __________the surface and cools and hardens into a mass of igneous rock A __________ in Earth's crust A fossil that is widely ____________ and represents an organism that existed for a geologically ________ period of time. The surface where new rock layers ________ a much older rock surface beneath them. Extrusion is always _________ than the rocks below it. Part of the law of cross cutting (You can't cut a pb & jelly sandwich until you make one) An intrusion is always _________________ than the rock layers around and beneath it. Also the law of cross cutting! A fault is always __________than the rock it cuts through. Geologists find the _________ age of the youngest layer cut by the fault. They can be used to __________ rock layers from different ______________. A ______in the ____________ record. Is shows where rock layers have been _______ due to ___________ folding Sometimes, forces inside Earth fold rock layers so that the _____________ rock layer may be on the_______________. Lesson 3 I can explain what happens during radioactive decay … radioactive decay Atoms of one __________ break down to form atoms of another element half-life The time it takes for Radioactive elements release __________ and __________ in the process of radioactive decay half of the ___________ atoms to ___________ I can describe what can be learned from radioactive dating… Scientists determine the amount of a radioactive element in a rock. Potassium-argon dating Potassium -40 decays to argon-40, half life is _______ billion years Then they compare that amount with the amount of the stable element into which the radioactive element decays. Good for dating very old _____________ They use this information and the half life of the element to calculate the age of the rock. Carbon-14 dating Carbon 14 decays to Nitrogen 14, half life is _____________ years Not good to date fossils older than ___________ years or _____________ because they don’t contain much carbon geologic time scale A record of the geologic _________ and _____________ of life forms as shown in the __________ record. Because the time span of Earth’s past is so __________, geologists use the geological time scale to show Earth’s____________. Precambrian Time ______ % of Earth’s history, ended ________million years ago Lesson 4 I can explain how and why the geologic time scale is used to show Earth’s history… eras Long units of time Very few fossils 1. ________________ (fish, insects, land plants) 2. ________________ (reptiles, dinosaurs, flowering plants) 3. _______________ (mammals, grasses & humans) See picture on next page periods ______ are divided into smaller units of time called periods. Paleozoic has Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian Mesozoic has Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous Cenozoic has Paleogene, Neogene, Quarternary Lesson 5 Scientists think that Earth began as a ball of_________ , rock and ____________ in space. I can explain how Earth developed during the Precambrian time . . . comet A ball of dust, gas, and ice that orbits the _____. Volcanic eruptions & __________with comets add CO2, water vapor, N2, and other gases to our atmosphere. ____________pulled this mass together. The __________ from these collisions raised the ____________________ so high that the Earth __________. ____________ materials sank toward the center forming the __________ core. The Earth is _____ billion years old. Less than _________ million Scientists have found years after the Earth formed, _________ of single celled the rock at the surface organisms from _____ formed______________________. billion years ago. Lesson 6 I can describe the major events of the Paleozoic Era . . . ________________ – invertebrates in ocean ____________– fish, Silurian – plants and insects, _____________ – Age of Fishes, amphibians ___________________– reptiles, swamp plants turned into __________ millions of years later __________– Pangea formed, Mass extinction _____ ocean species, ____ land species died out. invertebrates Animals without ______________ vertebrates Animals with a ___________ Ex. Jellyfish, _________, sponges, Brachiopods and ___________ all lived in Cambrian ocean. __________ fish evolved in the ________________ time period ____________ period – plants became abundant in ________ areas. Devonion Period – plants in __________ areas first land plants Ferns early fish Fish with _______, bony skeletons, _________ and sharks _____________ Period known as the Age of Fishes amphibian An animal that lives part of its life on ________ and part of its life in the _________. The first amphibians evolved from the ______________. reptiles Animals that have ________skin, lay eggs that have tough, ___________ shells Small reptiles evolved during the ___________________ period. I can describe the major events of the Paleozoic Era . . . I can describe the major events of the Cenozoic Era . . . Mesozoic Era known as Age of ____________ Cenozoic Era – ________________ evolved to live in land, water, air ___________– First dinosaurs appeared, some small mammals ____________ – land dinosaurs, first birds __________ & Neogene – whales and dolphins, first grasses, large mammals and birds __________________ – glaciers, Ice Ages, Modern ___________ 190,000 years ago. ________________ – reptiles, birds, flowering plants. ___ million years ago – mass extinction. Learning Targets Chapter 7 Lesson 1 I can explain how fossils form . . . Most fossils form when ____________________ hardens into ___________, preserving the _________________ of organisms. I can identify the different kinds of fossils . . . Fossils include _____________, ________________, ________________ fossils, ____________ films, ______________ fossils, and ________________ remains. Lesson 2 I can describe how geologists determine the relative age of rocks… In ____________________ sedimentary rock layers, the _____________ layer is generally at the bottom. Each layer is ________________ than the layers below it. I can explain how unconformities and folding can alter the order or rock layer… ____________in the geologic record and __________ can change the ____________in which rock layers appear. Lesson 3 I can explain what happens during radioactive decay … During radioactive _________, the atoms of one __________ break down to form atoms of another element. I can describe what can be learned from radioactive dating… In radioactive dating, scientists compare the amount of a _______________ element in a rock with the amount of the ________________ element into which the radioactive element _______________. Lesson 4 I can explain how and why the geologic time scale is used to show Earth’s history . . . Because the time _________ of Earth’s _________ is so great, geologists use the geologic time scale to show Earth’s history. After Precambrian time, history is broken down into 3 __________________ and then many smaller ___________. Lesson 5 I can explain how Earth developed during the Precambrian time . . . Scientists think that Earth began as a ball of ______, rock, and ________ in space. ____________ pulled this mass together. Lesson 6 I can describe the major events of the Paleozoic Era . . . During the Paleozoic Era, a great number of different organisms _______________. I can describe the major events of the Mesozoic Era . . . _____________ spread widely during the Mesozoic Era. I can describe the major events of the Cenozoic Era . . . During the Cenozoic Era, ________________ evolved to live in many different ________________________.