C7 Vocabulary and Learning Targets

Chapter 7: A Trip Through Geologic Time
Learning Target
Lesson 1
I can explain how
fossils form . . .
I can identify the
different kinds of
fossils . . .
Vocabulary Word
Facts or Examples
or _________ of living
things. Most fossils form
when living things die
and are buried
A ___________ area in
sediment in the
__________of an
The sediment slowly hardens
into ______and preserves the
shapes of the organisms. Most
fossils form from animals that
lived in or near___________,
lakes or shallow ________.
A solid ________ of the
shape of an organism
petrified fossils
A fossil in which
___________ replace all
of an organism or a
carbon films
trace fossils
An extremely thin
___________of carbon
on rock that occurs
when sediment buries
& organism and some
________ escape.
A fossil that provides
____________ of the
___________of ancient
Often formed when water
deposits ___________ and
sediment into a __________.
Examples include dinosaur
bones and tree trunks. Water
This can preserve delicate
parts of ____________and
Ex. footprints, trails, burrows,
I can describe what
fossils tell about
organisms and
environments of the
past . . .
relative age
absolute age
I can sequence rock
layers by using the
laws of superposition ,
cross cutting and
index fossils . . .
Scientists who study
Lesson 2
I can describe how
geologists determine
the relative age of
An entire organism
can be preserved in
tar or ____________
(tree resin) or from
Law of
La Brea tar pit in California
The fossil record provides
evidence about the
____________of life and past
environments on Earth. Shows
how organisms have
____________over time or
changes in climate
The change in living
things over time.
An organism that no
longer _________ and
will never again live on
The age ___________ to
the ages of other
The number of
_________ that have
passed since the rock
In undisturbed
sedimentary rock
layers, the oldest layer
is at the ___________
Each higher layer is
____________ than the layers
below it.
index fossils
I can explain how
unconformities and
folding can alter the
order or rock layer…
Lava that hardens on
the _________ and
forms ___________
When ________ pushes
into bodies of rock
__________the surface
and cools and
hardens into a mass of
igneous rock
A __________ in Earth's
A fossil that is widely
____________ and
represents an
organism that existed
for a geologically
________ period of
The surface where
new rock layers
________ a much older
rock surface beneath
Extrusion is always _________
than the rocks below it.
Part of the law of cross cutting
(You can't cut a pb & jelly
sandwich until you make one)
An intrusion is always
_________________ than the
rock layers around and
beneath it.
Also the law of cross cutting!
A fault is always
__________than the rock it cuts
through. Geologists find the
_________ age of the youngest
layer cut by the fault.
They can be used to
__________ rock layers from
different ______________.
A ______in the ____________
record. Is shows where rock
layers have been _______ due
to ___________
Sometimes, forces
inside Earth fold rock
layers so that the
_____________ rock
layer may be on
Lesson 3
I can explain what
happens during
radioactive decay …
Atoms of one
__________ break down
to form atoms of
another element
The time it takes for
Radioactive elements release
__________ and __________ in
the process of radioactive
half of the ___________
atoms to ___________
I can describe what
can be learned from
radioactive dating…
Scientists determine
the amount of a
radioactive element in
a rock.
Potassium -40 decays
to argon-40, half life is
_______ billion years
Then they compare that
amount with the amount of
the stable element into which
the radioactive element
Good for dating very old
They use this information
and the half life of the
element to calculate the
age of the rock.
Carbon 14 decays to
Nitrogen 14, half life is
_____________ years
Not good to date fossils older
than ___________ years or
_____________ because they
don’t contain much carbon
geologic time
A record of the
geologic _________
and _____________ of
life forms as shown in
the __________ record.
Because the time span of
Earth’s past is so __________,
geologists use the geological
time scale to show
______ % of Earth’s
history, ended
________million years
Lesson 4
I can explain how
and why the
geologic time scale
is used to show
Earth’s history…
Long units of time
Very few fossils
1. ________________ (fish,
insects, land plants)
2. ________________ (reptiles,
dinosaurs, flowering plants)
3. _______________ (mammals,
grasses & humans)
See picture on next
______ are divided into
smaller units of time
called periods.
Paleozoic has Cambrian,
Ordovician, Silurian,
Devonian, Carboniferous,
Mesozoic has Triassic, Jurassic,
Cenozoic has Paleogene,
Neogene, Quarternary
Lesson 5
Scientists think that
Earth began as a ball
of_________ , rock and
____________ in space.
I can explain how
Earth developed
during the
Precambrian time . . .
A ball of dust, gas, and
ice that orbits the
_____. Volcanic
eruptions &
__________with comets
add CO2, water
vapor, N2, and other
gases to our
____________pulled this mass
together. The __________ from
these collisions raised the
____________________ so high
that the Earth __________.
____________ materials
sank toward the center
forming the __________
core. The Earth is _____
billion years old.
Less than _________ million
Scientists have found
years after the Earth formed,
_________ of single celled
the rock at the surface
organisms from _____
billion years ago.
Lesson 6
I can describe the
major events of the
Paleozoic Era . . .
– invertebrates
in ocean
____________– fish,
Silurian – plants and
insects, _____________ –
Age of Fishes,
___________________– reptiles,
swamp plants turned into
__________ millions of years
__________– Pangea
formed, Mass extinction
_____ ocean species,
____ land species died
Animals without
Animals with a
Ex. Jellyfish, _________,
sponges, Brachiopods and
___________ all lived in
Cambrian ocean.
__________ fish evolved in the
________________ time period
____________ period – plants
became abundant in ________
Devonion Period – plants in
__________ areas
first land plants
early fish
Fish with _______, bony
skeletons, _________
and sharks
_____________ Period known as
the Age of Fishes
An animal that lives
part of its life on
________ and part of its
life in the _________.
The first amphibians evolved
from the ______________.
Animals that have
________skin, lay eggs
that have tough,
___________ shells
Small reptiles evolved during
the ___________________
I can describe the
major events of the
Paleozoic Era . . .
I can describe the
major events of the
Cenozoic Era . . .
Mesozoic Era
known as Age of
Cenozoic Era –
evolved to live
in land, water,
___________– First
dinosaurs appeared,
some small mammals
____________ – land dinosaurs,
first birds
__________ & Neogene
– whales and dolphins,
first grasses, large
mammals and birds
__________________ – glaciers,
Ice Ages, Modern ___________
190,000 years ago.
________________ –
reptiles, birds, flowering
plants. ___ million years
ago – mass extinction.
Learning Targets Chapter 7
Lesson 1
I can explain how fossils form . . .
Most fossils form when ____________________ hardens into ___________, preserving the _________________ of organisms.
I can identify the different kinds of fossils . . .
Fossils include _____________, ________________, ________________ fossils, ____________ films, ______________ fossils, and
________________ remains.
Lesson 2 I can describe how geologists determine the relative age of rocks…
In ____________________ sedimentary rock layers, the _____________ layer is generally at the bottom. Each layer is
________________ than the layers below it.
I can explain how unconformities and folding can alter the order or rock layer…
____________in the geologic record and __________ can change the ____________in which rock layers appear.
Lesson 3 I can explain what happens during radioactive decay …
During radioactive _________, the atoms of one __________ break down to form atoms of another element.
I can describe what can be learned from radioactive dating…
In radioactive dating, scientists compare the amount of a _______________ element in a rock with the amount of the
________________ element into which the radioactive element _______________.
Lesson 4 I can explain how and why the geologic time scale is used to show Earth’s history . . .
Because the time _________ of Earth’s _________ is so great, geologists use the geologic time scale to show Earth’s history.
After Precambrian time, history is broken down into 3 __________________ and then many smaller ___________.
Lesson 5 I can explain how Earth developed during the Precambrian time . . .
Scientists think that Earth began as a ball of ______, rock, and ________ in space. ____________ pulled this mass together.
Lesson 6 I can describe the major events of the Paleozoic Era . . .
During the Paleozoic Era, a great number of different organisms _______________.
I can describe the major events of the Mesozoic Era . . .
_____________ spread widely during the Mesozoic Era.
I can describe the major events of the Cenozoic Era . . .
During the Cenozoic Era, ________________ evolved to live in many different ________________________.