Student’s Name___________________ Intervention Level 1 Week 1 This week’s word study focus is common A patterns: short A (flat), a_e (shake), ar (charm), ay (sway). T he _ in a_e represents any consonant. Please review and add 2 words of your own each night Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. short A flat a_e Shake ar charm ay sway Thursday: Write a sentence with one word from each vowel pattern: 1.__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 4.__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Student’s Name___________________ Intervention Level 1 Week 2 This week’s word study focus is common I patterns: short I (brick), i_e (bike), iCC (mind), ir (birth). The _ in i_e represents any consonant and the CC in iCC represents any two consonants. Please review and add 2 words of your own each night Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. ie field igh high y cry short I brick Thursday: Write a sentence with one word from each vowel pattern: 1.__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 4.__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Student’s Name___________________ Intervention Level 1 Week 3 This week’s word study focus is common O patterns: short O (spot), o_e (rope), or (torn), oa (float). The _ in o_e represents any consonant. Please review and add 2 words of your own each night Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. short O Spot o_e rope or torn oa float Thursday: Write a sentence with one word from each vowel pattern: 1.__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 4.__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Student’s Name___________________ Intervention Level 1 Week 4 This week’s word study focus is common O patterns: oo (look, pool) , ou (found), ow (cow). Please review and add 2 words of your own each night Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. oo look oo pool ou found ow cow Thursday: Write a sentence with one word from each vowel pattern: 1.__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 4.__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Student’s Name___________________ Intervention Level 1 Week 5 This week’s word study focus is common U patterns: Short U (crust), u_e (cute), ur (curve). The _ in u_e represents any consonant. Please review and add 2 words of your own each night Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. ue Blue ui build ui fruit Thursday: Write a sentence with one word from each vowel pattern: 1.__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Student’s Name___________________ Intervention Level 1 Week 6 This week’s word study focus is common E patterns: short E (less), ee (queen), er (serve), ew (chew). Please review and add 2 words of your own each night Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. short E less ee queen er serve ew chew Thursday: Write a sentence with one word from each vowel pattern: 1.__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 4.__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Student’s Name___________________ Intervention Level 2 Week 7 This week’s word study focus is r-controlled vowels ar (star), ir (third), or (core), ur curve, er (perk). Please review and add 2 words of your own each night Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. ar star Ir tird or core ur curve er perk Thursday: Write a sentence with one word from each vowel pattern: 1.__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 4.__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________