Primary Eye Care North East Minor Eye Conditions and Treatment Service (MECATs) Version 1 Feb 2015 (Review annually) Minor Eye Conditions and Treatment Service (MECATs) Contents Flashes and Floaters Pathway Maculopathy Pathway Red Eye Pathway MECS Triage Documentation Sub-contractor Declaration North East Urgent Care Provision Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire MECATS Some useful Links for information and Patient Leaflet Downloads Primary Eyecare North East Ltd Safeguarding Policy Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) checks Interpreting Services for Primary Care Contractors Version 1 Feb 2015 (Review annually) Flashes and Floaters Pathway Version 1 Feb 2015 (Review annually) Maculopathy Pathway Version 1 Feb 2015 (Review annually) Red Eye Pathway Version 1 Feb 2015 (Review annually) Darlington and Durham Minor Eye Conditions Service (MECATS) Triage Sheet (Patients with GP’s in Darlington, Durham Dales, Easington and Sedgefield CCGs) Patient’s Personal Details First Name: Last Name: Address: Patient’s GP Practice Details GP Name: Practice Name: Address: Postcode: Postcode: DOB: Phone number: NHS Number: Phone: Fax: Email: Date and Time of Referral Received: Referral From: NHS 111*/Pharmacy*/GP*/Self-referral*/Optometrist*Other?__________________ (*Circle as applicable) Reason for Referral (please note presenting symptoms):_______________________________________ NB: Contact lens related red eyes can only be seen under MECATS if the patient cannot see their own contact lens practitioner Q.1 – Is it Painful? Eye Pain Eye Discomfort Sore/Irritated Eye Red Eye Dry Eye Watery Eye Eye Lumps/ Bumps Reduced Vision Disturbed Vision Distorted Vision Double Vision (check with Optometrist) Yes – see within 24hrs No – go to Q.2 Q.2 – Is there sensitivity to light? Yes – see within 24hrs No – go to Q.3 Q.3 - Is there any change in vision? Q.4 – Has it developed suddenly? Yes – see within 48hrs No – see within 14 days, also check with Optometrist Yes – see within 48hrs No – go to Q.5 Q.5 – If gradual, when did it start? Less than 2 months – see within 14 days More than 2 months – refer out of pathway for Sight Test Less than 6 weeks; sudden; increasing; cloud; curtain or field loss – see within 24hrs or next appointment Flashes and / or Floaters Q.6 – When did it begin or change or become worse? 6 weeks to 2 months stable symptoms 6 weeks to 2 months increasing symptoms More than 2 Months See within 2 weeks See within 24hrs or next appointment Likely to exit service Notes: This sheet is for guidance only. Always check with an optometrist anyway to refine each decision. If you do not have an appointment available at your Practice, you must arrange an appointment elsewhere likely at the Practice next chosen by the patient. Advise the patient to contact you or a Listed Practice at any time if symptoms become worse or concerned at all, or if out of hours for any MECATS Practice then contact GP or NHS 111 for further guidance. If no other advice is available then patient should know to go to a hospital A & E Eye Department (sheet available with Contact details for this emergency) or to seek medical advice in any event if the patient is generally unwell. Version 1 Feb 2015 (Review annually) Sub-contractor Declaration The Agreement is for the provision of:Minor Eye Conditions Assessment and Treatment Services (MECS) By entering your name and clicking the "Agree" button you confirm that the subcontractor (normally a practice owner) agrees to follow the clinical protocol as described in the Agreement between the sub-contractor and Primary Eye Care (North East) Ltd. In particular you agree that: All qualifying patients will be processed through the service The sub-contractor has a current GOS contract. The sub-contractor is currently compliant with Quality in Optometry (QiO) Level 1 (GOS compliance) and agrees to work towards QiO NHS Standard contract sub-contractor compliance. The sub-contractor requires its performers to have a current DBS (formally CRB) certificate or will have made application for one. The sub-contractor agrees to facilitate the agreed patient satisfaction survey. The sub-contractor complies with any clinical governance arrangements agreed with Primary Eye Care (North East) Ltd The clinical protocol has been read by the sub-contractor and provided to all performers delivering the service The sub-contractor is responsible for monitoring compliance of performers providing this service. Performers will always check entries filled by someone else and then enter the sign-off number themselves. The sub-contractor will be responsible for providing the following equipment and consumables: Applanation Tonometer Volk/ Headset indirect ophthalmoscope Equipment for epilation Threshold fields equipment to produce a printed report Amsler Chart Equipment for FB removal I will provide evidence to support this declaration if requested by Primary Eye Care (North East) Ltd. The person entering their name should be the sub-contractor or their authorised representative. Version 1 Feb 2015 (Review annually) Performer declaration I declare: I have read and will follow the clinical protocol for this service. I have passed the WOPEC PEARs distance learning and practical skills assessment, provided by LOCSU, and will provide evidence to Primary Eye Care (North East) Ltd I am aware of my own limitations and will not compromise patient safety If requested I will provide Primary Eyecare (North East) Limited with a copy of my Disclosure & Barring Services (formerly known as the Criminal Records Bureau) report Version 1 Feb 2015 (Review annually) North East Emergency Eye Care provision October 2014 Sunderland Eye Infirmary 24 hour nurse led eye casualty Telephone via switchboard 0191 5656256 24hr doctor on call urgent telephone referral via switchboard Wet AMD Fast Track FAX: 0191 569060 Newcastle Eye Centre, RVI Doctor led Eye ED 8.30-16.30 weekdays, 9-11.30 Saturday Telephone: 0191 2825583 24hr doctor on call urgent telephone referral via switchboard Wet AMD Fast Track FAX: 0191 2826269 James Cook, Middlesbrough Nurse Practitioner led eye casualty within main ED 7.45-20.00; patients are brought back at 17.00-18.00 for the doctor Telephone: 01642 854096 Main ED/Optom/GP direct fax referral - triaged to dr fast track clinic 9-5 weekdays Fax: 01642 282682 24hr doctor on call urgent telephone referral via switchboard Wet AMD Fast Track FAX: 01642 282682 Darlington Memorial Hospital (and Durham) Main ED/Optom/GP direct fax referral - triaged to dr urgent care clinic 9-5 weekdays Telephone: 01325 743194 Fax: 01325 743803 24hr doctor on call urgent telephone referral via switchboard Wet AMD Fast Track FAX: 01325 743762 Version 1 Feb 2015 (Review annually) Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire PENE Minor Eye Conditions Assessment and Treatment Service You have been able to access a Minor Eye Conditions Assessment and Treatment Service (MECs) appointment with your local optometrist for an eye condition which you have recently suffered. To ensure that the service has been set up to meet your needs, we are keen to hear your views regarding your experience of the service, and would therefore ask that you take a few minutes to fill in this short questionnaire. Practice visited: ................................................................................................................... 1. Who referred you to the Minor Eye Conditions Assessment and Treatment Service? GP Pharmacy Optometrist Self NHS 111 2. How did you feel when you were told that you could be seen by a local optometrist for your condition? Happy Concerned Not Applicable 3. Were you given all the information you required to book an appointment with an optometrist? Yes No Not Applicable 4. From the time of your GP or Optometrist appointment when a decision to refer you to the MECs service was made, how long did you wait for a MECs appointment? 0-24 hours More than 14 days 25-48 hours 3-14 days Were you satisfied with this length of time Version 1 Feb 2015 (Review annually) Yes / No 5. Were you happy with the level of choice of optometrists you were offered? Yes No 6. Did you find the journey to see the optometrist easier than it would have been travelling to the hospital for an appointment? Yes No 7 In terms of the service that the optometrist provided? Yes No a) Did the optometrist explain the details of the condition you were suffering? b) If medication was prescribed, did the optometrist fully explain the reasons why you should use it? c) Did you feel able to ask any questions regarding your condition? d) Were your questions answered satisfactorily? e) Did you feel that you were offered a professional service? f) Overall, were you happy and confident with the service provided? Please tick one box 8. What age range to you fit into? 0-25 26-40 Female 41-55 9. Are you? Male Version 1 Feb 2015 (Review annually) 56-70 70+ 10. How would you describe your Ethnicity? Asian or Asian British Bangladeshi any other Asian background Indian Pakistani Mixed White & Asian any other Mixed background Black or Black British African Caribbean any other Black background White & Black African Other Ethnic Group Chinese I do not wish to disclose this information any other ethnic group White & Black Caribbean White British Irish any other White background 11. Do you have any further comments that you would like to make? ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO FILL IN THIS QUESTIONNAIRE. Please return this survey to a member of practice staff Version 1 Feb 2015 (Review annually) Some useful Links for information and Patient Leaflet Downloads:The College of Optometrists: The Royal College of Ophthalmologists: AOP Flashers and Floaters Px advice and Wet AMD rapid access form Medicines Support Unit for Optometrists: ?OpenForm International Glaucoma Association: The Macular Society: SeeAbility: The Eyecare Trust: LOCSU: RNIB: Sunderland & North Durham Royal Society for the Blind: Stop Smoking Advice and Leaflet Advice on healthy eating - Live Well Protecting Your Eyes from Blue Light Version 1 Feb 2015 (Review annually) Information on AREDS findings and Anti-oxidant Supplements Leaflet on Anti-oxidant Supplements Reference guide to consent for examination or treatment Capacity Act, Healthcare Professionals code of practice summary There are other Links embedded in these Websites that may lead to other useful Version 1 Feb 2015 (Review annually) Primary Eyecare North East Ltd Safeguarding Policy Overview Primary Eyecare North East Ltd (“the Company”) has been established to specifically act as the lead for a network of local optical practices (“subcontractors”) dedicated to delivering excellent eyecare in the local community. The Company will also utilise a non-clinical subcontractor, Webstar Health. The Company is committed to safeguarding vulnerable people and supports the objective in the Mandate from the Government to NHS England for April 2013 to March 2015 to improve safeguarding practice in the NHS for both children and vulnerable adults. The Company supports the safeguarding agenda in the context of tackling health inequalities. The Company recognises that the commissioner is statutorily responsible for ensuring providers of services it commissions provide a safe system to safeguard children and adults at risk of abuse or neglect. Safeguarding governance The Company will appoint a named clinical governance and performance lead who will act as the Company’s safeguarding lead for children and vulnerable adults. This lead is contacted through reporting a safeguarding incident on the OptoManager IT platform, provided by the Company’s non-clinical subcontractor, Webstar Health. Webstar Health is a well-established company based in England and is a registered data processor with the ICO. Webstar Health meets the requirements of the NHS Information Governance Toolkit Level 2. It provides similar systems for pharmacy, optometry and general medical services to NHS organisations in England. The Company will appoint a deputy to the clinical governance and performance lead in the event of the lead becoming unavailable. The clinical governance and performance lead will keep the Company’s Board of Directors notified of safeguarding incidents. All incidents relating to the safeguarding of adults of children within a service provided by the Company will be reported by subcontractor practice staff to the appointed subcontractor practice safeguarding lead (see below) and/or the Company’s clinical governance and performance lead. Advice will be sought where necessary. Version 1 Feb 2015 (Review annually) All serious incidents compromising the safety and welfare of children and vulnerable adults are to be reported by the subcontractor to the clinical governance and performance lead. The Company holds separate Complaints and Serious Incidents Policies, designed to complement this policy. The Company will work with the commissioner and designated professionals and adult safeguarding leads for support and advice as required. At the reasonable written request of the commissioner the Company will provide evidence to the commissioner no later than ten days from request confirming that it is addressing any concerns raised by relevant multi-agency reporting systems. Safeguarding locally Issues relating to the safeguarding of vulnerable adults and children will be considered carefully in line with local safeguarding policies. Local safeguarding policies for adults and children will be available on the Local Optical Committee website with links to relevant websites and information on local contacts (this will include the relevant CCG policies). The clinical governance and performance lead will work with local authorities, local GPs and patient groups, the police and third sector organisations as part of overall safeguarding procedure. In particular the Company will engage with and support the work of the Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCBs) and Safeguarding Adults Boards (SABs). The Company understands the key role of LSCBs and SABs in highlighting required improvements with regards safeguarding and will act accordingly as necessary. In addition, the Company recognises the role of Health and Wellbeing Boards working locally in ensuring the needs of children and vulnerable adults are being met. The Company will participate in developing any local multi-agency safeguarding quality indicators and/or plan. This update of the policy notes the current contact emails for safeguarding issues and advice. and To raise any safeguarding concerns, for the Eye Care Referral Refinement (Intra Ocular Pressure Referral Refinement and Cataracts Pre-Operative Assessment) please use the, and for further advice visit http://www.safeguardingdurhamadults Prevent The Company understands that NHS Prevent requires healthcare organisations to safeguard and protect vulnerable individuals potentially at risk of radicalisation as part of the Government’s overall CONTEST counter-terrorism strategy. The Company supports the three key objectives for the Prevent strategy stated within the Department of Health’s Prevent Guidance and toolkit: Objective 1: respond to the ideological challenge of terrorism and the threat we face from those who promote it Version 1 Feb 2015 (Review annually) Objective 2: prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure that they are given appropriate advice and support Objective 3: work with sectors and institutions where there are risks of radicalisation which we need to address. The Company considers that Prevent is fundamental to the overall safeguarding agenda as it offers an important platform for its subcontractors to support individuals at risk of radicalisation. The Company’s clinical governance and performance lead will be the named prevent lead. The prevent lead will ensure the Company fulfils its obligations as a provider to enhance safeguarding through Prevent. The Company’s prevent lead will liaise with the local HealthWRAP facilitators to attend the service’s annual training event to deliver HealthWRAP as part of Prevent. The Company will notify the commissioner by writing as soon as is practical or within no later than ten operational days following a change to the identity of the prevent lead. Subcontractor requirements The Company has a number of safeguarding requirements its subcontractors must meet in order to deliver the service. Subcontractors must: Maintain their own Safeguarding Policies in accordance with Optical Confederation and local guidance (accessible to all practice staff). Appoint a contact internally for safeguarding related issues. Ensure all practice staff are aware of appropriate behaviours when working with children and young people in accordance with College of Optometrist guidelines. Ensure each accredited practitioner has completed DOCET learning for ‘Safeguarding Children and Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults’ (funded by the Department of Health via the College of Optometrist) and submit evidence to the Company. Report any situation where it is known a child is not accessing education to the clinical governance and performance lead who will aid in referral to the appropriate local authority. The Company’s Safeguarding Policy in conjunction with the Complaints and Serious Incidents Policy is designed to ensure that its service delivery maintains a comprehensively patient focus at all times. As such, all subcontractor staff and service users are guaranteed that using these procedures as a whistle blowing process appropriately will not prejudice their own Version 1 Feb 2015 (Review annually) position or prospects. Please see the Company’s Whistleblowing Policy for more information. The company’s Safeguarding Policy will be reviewed annually in April and amended in order to comply with evolving local multi-agency policies and commissioner safeguarding requirements. Version 1 Feb 2015 (Review annually) 12th September 2014 Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) checks From 1 April 2013 all new applicants for a GOS performers list have to have an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check carried out. This was previously called an Enhanced CRB check. GOS regulations do not require routine updating, however section 5.11 of the NHS Standard Contract, General Conditions does require proof of clinicians holding an Enhanced DBS certificate and PE(NE) may request a copy of this certificate to ensure compliance. The difference between a DBS and a CRB certificate is that it is transportable. It belongs to the individual and therefore it is their responsibility to ensure it is maintained when participating in community services. A DBS check is nothing more than a snapshot in time. Health organisations have deemed that for DBS checks to be "valid" they should be repeated every three years. If you have not had an enhanced CRB/DBS check carried out in the last three years, you must now do so to participate in community services. Costs An enhanced DBS costs £44, but you can’t apply for an enhanced one on yourself. You need an “umbrella body” to do this, and they charge for the ID checking and processing of information – This means the total cost will be in the region of £60 per check. Those working in corporate organisations should first check with their company in case they have a preferred supplier. AOP have a preferred supplier who will provide the combined check and processing for £53.60 also provides Enhanced checks for £56 online and £65 paper based. However please note, this is only an example and we can not guarantee the efficiency of these services. Version 1 Feb 2015 (Review annually) NECS (North East commissioning service) will provide this service. Application forms should be requested by sending an appropriate email to the general HR enquiry email address clearly marked as DBS application in the Subject heading. Signing up to a PENE community service contract verifies your role and allows performers to use this service in DDT/CNTW (Durham Darlington Tees / Cumbria North Tyne and Wear). You will need to ask a GOC registered optometrist working in DDT/CNTW to perform the role of verifying your evidence before you send this off with your completed application form to be further verified and counter-signed by NECS. IMPORTANT INFORMATION DBS update service This service lets applicants keep their DBS certificates up to date online and allows employers to check a certificate online. You can register online as soon as you have your application form reference number. You can ask for the number when you apply for your DBS check, or you can wait and register with your certificate number when you receive your DBS certificate. If so, you must do so within 14 days of the certificate being issued. Registration lasts for 1 year and costs £13 per year (payable by debit or credit card only). Version 1 Feb 2015 (Review annually) INTERPRETING SERVICES FOR PRIMARY Durham, Darlington and Tees Sunderland South Tyneside EVERYDAY LANGUAGE SOLUTIONS (ELS) Language interpreting, translation, Deaf & Hard of Hearing support ITL (LANGUAGE) ITL (LANGUAGE) Everyday Language Solutions (ELS) Carbury House Concorde Way Preston Farm Industrial Estate Stockton on Tees TS18 3TB Tel: 01642 603203 Fax: 01642 603403 0845 055 2197 0845 055 2197 0191 499 8122 NORTHERN SIGN (SIGN) Gateshead APNA GHAR ITL (LANGUAGE) 0191 4564141 0845 055 2197 0191 499 8122 NORTHERN SIGN (SIGN) Newcastle LANGUAGE North & East EMPIRE (LANGUAGE & SIGN) Newcastle West LANGUAGE EMPIRE (LANGUAGE & SIGN) North Tyneside LANGUAGE EMPIRE (LANGUAGE & SIGN) Northumberland LANGUAGE EMPIRE (LANGUAGE & SIGN) Version 1 Feb 2015 (Review annually) 0845 370 2002 0845 370 2002 0845 370 2002 0845 370 2002