Tang-Dynasty-Poetry - globalcultures.net


Tang Dynasty Poetry Assignment

Step 1

Go to the various Tang dynasty poetry websites and/or the Tang poetry books on reserve in the library and browse through the poems there. Find one that interests you or strikes you in some way. However, you must choose a poem that is relatively short (10 lines or less is optimal) and that has three or more different translations available. As well, the poem should be written by one of the better known Tang Dynasty poets (check quick via Google)

• When looking for different translations, note that spellings of poet's name can vary - e.g. Li Bai, Li Bo and Li

Po are the same person. Thus, you will need to check carefully when searching for alternate translations.

• Note that the same poem can have somewhat different English titles depending on the translator. Thus, you will need to check carefully when searching for alternate translations to make sure you are reading the translation of the poem you chose.

Step 2

Then include the following things in your research paper (4-5 pages or so):

1) Do some research on the author of the poem. Biographical information on most famous Tang Dynasty poets is available in books and in Internet sources. Write a short biography of your poet (1/2 - 1 page typed). Make sure to write the biography in your own words; you must cite your sources!

2) Do some research on the poem itself. See if you can find references to it on the Internet. Look at the alternate translations; if you know another language, look for a version in that language. Pay careful attention to the differences in the translations. What words and phrases are different? How do these different words and phrases alter or shift the sense or meaning of the poem? If the poem has references to specific historical events, people, places, images, etc., see if you find background material to help interpret them in context. Note that many poems may not contain such references.

3) To the best of your ability write an analysis of the poem and at least 3 of its translations, taking into account your research when possible. Note the differences in translations and the different meanings found in alternate translations. Note the differences in translations and the different meanings that result. (1.5-2 pages)

4) Write a personal reflection on the poem. Why did you choose this poem? What does it say to you? What elements strike a chord for you? What feelings and ideas does it evoke in you? Why? (1 page or so)

Mr. Freedholm's rough draft on Wang Wei's "Deer Enclosure" - Interpretation of Deer Enclosure.

Note on Citation

Note on citation: You must cite your sources – this includes the sources for the author’s short biography, the different translations of the poem used, other materials used in writing the paper, etc. Citation here, of course, means including in-text citations, endnotes, or footnotes where necessary and a corresponding bibliography. It is impossible to write this paper without using sources and citing them, so failure to do so will result in an automatic failing grade and may leave you open to charges of plagiarism.
