RV Kirby Report Influence of Physical Environment on Copepod Abundance Lily Munsill 23 May 2014 MB3050 Biological Oceanography: Kingsford Abstract The physical environment can influence distribution of copepod abundance and affect distributions of small and large copepods. This study specifically looks at the influence of oceanography on the distribution of large calanoid copepods and their juvenile forms, copepodites. Plankton samples were taken along a transect of Cleveland Bay at three distances from the shore, at four different tidal stages, two of which (flood-full and full-ebb) were repeated. A Neuston tow and small phytoplankton net were used to sample ocean surface for phytoplankton, and a CTD and Niskin bottle were used for stratified depth samples to measure temperature, salinity, and density in the water column. Abundance of total calanoid copepods (mean total of small calanoid copepods + mean total of large calanoid copepods) generally correlated with the sinusoidal wave of the tidal stage, peaking at high tide and decreasing with lower tide, especially at the outer transect location, confirming that copepod abundance is influenced by tide and also varies with distance from shore. Copepod abundance was highest where the temperature and salinity were well mixed throughout the water column. Abundance was lowest at highest salinity. Introduction Understanding how the physical environment influences distribution of abundance of copepods is important in understanding population dynamics of copepods and is useful information for fisheries. This study looks at the influence of temperature, salinity, and density on copepod distribution in addition to distribution through different tidal stages at three different distances from the shore in Cleveland Bay, off of Townsville, QLD. Tidal stages include flood-full, full-ebb, ebb-low, and low-flood. Temperature is a key influence on population dynamics of copepods (Devreker et al. 2009). Temperature affects salinity which also influences copepod abundance (Daase et al. 2007). Food abundance can also influence distribution of copepods (Durbin et al. 1992). Abundance of different sizes of copepods can be attributed to predation pressures, salinity, and tidal flow. This paper will explain methodology of our study, and present results of different size classes and types of copepods and plankton in relation to tidal stages and distance from shore. Additionally, data on temperature, salinity, and density profiles with depth will be presented at different tidal stages and distances from the shore in order to examine the influence of oceanography on copepod size distribution. Methods and Materials Sampling sites were along a transect in Cleveland Bay, at three distances from the shore, to be known as “outer”, “mid”, and “inner”. Samples were taken at different tidal stages, and sampling methods were repeated twice per site on the transect. In total, there were six different sampling events of Cleveland Bay. On Sunday, March 2nd, the three locations along the transect were sampled four times throughout the day at the following tidal stages: flood-full, full-ebb, ebblow, low-flood, and on Wednesday, March 5th two additional transects were sampled during flood-full and full-ebb tides. Figure 1 Cleveland Bay sampling area, off the coast of Townsville, QLD and Magnetic Island. Tools for plankton sampling were a Neuston tow and a phytoplankton tow. Tools used to collect oceanographic data were a CTD device, a messenger activated Niskin bottle, a glass thermometer and a refractometer. Neuston tow: A Neuston net was used to sample for macro-zooplankton along the surface. The Neuston net was a skinny net with a large rectangular opening and an attached plankton collecting holder, it was attached to the trawling beam of the RV Kirby and was lowered in the ocean by a team of two to three people, one holding the front of the net and the depressor, the others holding the collector and the mesh. The net was actively dragged along the surface at 2 knots for five minutes. After five minutes, the Neuston net was towed in, the contents of the holder were emptied into a seine to be filtered, and filtered contents were stored in a sample jar with 10% formalin for preservation of plankton samples. This procedure was performed twice for each of the three locations along the transect. A flow meter was attached to the Neuston tow to calculate total water volume sampled. Phytoplankton tow: The phytoplankton tow, also known as the microzooplankton net was used for sampling of micro-zooplankton and phytoplankton along the surface. The net, with a smaller rectangular opening and a plankton container attached, was lowered into the ocean and was let out 10 meters from the stern of the vessel, and slowly pulled back in along the surface. The container was retrieved, emptied and filtered through a sieve; the filtered contents were placed in sample jars with 10% formalin to preserve samples. This procedure was performed twice for each of the three locations along the transect. CTD: The CTD device was used to measure temperature and salinity along a depth profile through the water column. The CTD device was used when the vessel was immobile. The device was held at the surface of water for 60 seconds to calibrate. After calibration, the CTD was lowered to the bottom at approximately 1 meter per second; data was retrieved at a later time. Niskin bottle: The Niskin bottle was used to measure salinity and temperature in waters 1 meter below the surface and just above the ocean floor. The vessel’s depth finder was used to note depth to prevent dropping the Niskin bottle all the way to the ocean floor which would create turbidity and cause collection of unnecessary sediment. The trigger mechanism was set up on the device before deployment. The device was lowered approximately a meter below the surface, the messenger weight was released and the water sample collected was poured into a bucket where temperature was measured with a glass thermometer. Salinity was measured from the sample using a refractometer. 2 liters of the sample was filtered to collect depth-stratified water samples for chlorophyll; the filtered material was added to a solution with 10% formalin. Procedure was repeated at half a meter above the ocean floor. Abundance of copepods were counted in the laboratory. Taxonomy was sourced from the MB3050 laboratory manual. Results # Snall Calanoid copepod per m^3 Small Calanoid Copepod Abundance 14 12 10 8 6 Outer 4 Mid 2 Inner 0 Flood-Full Full-Ebb Ebb-Low Low-Flood Flood-Full (2) Stage of Tide Full-Ebb (2) Figure 2 Mean small calanoid copepod abundance per cubic meter at three distances from the shore with varying stages of tide. Small calanoid copepod abundance per m3 was highest at outer transect during flood-full tide. However, in the second flood-full sampling, abundance was highest at the mid transect. Abundance was also notably high in the outer transect during ebb-low tide. Abundance along the transect distances had little variance during full-ebb and low-flood tides. (Figure 2). # Large Calanoid Copepod per m^3 Large Calanoid Copepod Abundance 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Outer Mid Inner Flood-Full Full-Ebb Ebb-Low Low-Flood Flood-Full Full-Ebb (2) (2) Stage of Tide Figure 3 Mean large calanoid copepod abundance per cubic meter at three distances from the shore with varying stages of tide. Large calanoid copepod abundance per m3 was lowest during ebb-low and fullebb (2) tides. There were consistently lowest numbers of large calanoids in the inner transect compared to the mid and outer, except for low-flood tide where the mid transect had the lowest abundance of large calanoids (Figure 3). # Total Calanoid Copepod per m^3 Total Calanoid Copepod Abundance 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Outer Mid Inner Flood-Full Full-Ebb Ebb-Low Low-Flood Flood-Full Full-Ebb (2) (2) Stage of Tide Figure 4: Mean total calanoid copepod abundance (mean small calanoid + mean large calanoid) per cubic meter at three distances from the shore with varying stages of tide. Patterns in the total calanoid copepod abundance per m3 largely reflect patterns found in the small calanoid copepod abundance. Highest abundance of calanoids was consistently in the outer transect, except during full-ebb (2) tide. Abundance seems to correlate with the tide, at all locations along the transect, peaking at flood to full, and as the tide goes out total calanoid copepod abundance decreases, and increases again as the tide starts to come in (Figure 4). # Small Calanoid Copepods per L Small Calanoid Copepod Abundance (2) 25 20 15 Outer 10 Mid 5 Inner 0 Flood-Full Full-Ebb Ebb-Low Low-Flood Flood-Full Full-Ebb (2) (2) Stage of Tide Figure 5: Mean small calanoid copepod abundance sampled with zooplankton fine mesh. Abundance measured as # per liter, and sampled at three distances from the shore with varying stages of tide. Small calanoid copepod abundance per L was highest at the inner transect during full-ebb and ebb-low tides. In the full-ebb tide abundance did not vary between the outer and mid transect. Abundances were smallest at the mid transect, especially during low-flood and flood-full tides (Figure 5). # Large Calanoid Copepod per L Large Calanoid Copepod Abundance (2) 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Outer Mid Inner Flood-Full Full-Ebb Ebb-Low Low-Flood Flood-Full Full-Ebb (2) (2) Stage of Tide Figure 6 Mean large calanoid copepod abundance sampled with zooplankton fine mesh. Abundance measured as # per liter, and sampled at three distances from the shore with varying stages of tide. Large calanoid copepod abundance per L was low compared to small calanoid abundance. The highest abundance occurred during the flood-full (2) tide at the inner transect, however during all other tidal stages, the abundance at the inner transect was low to none (Figure 6). # Copepodites per L Copepodite Abundance 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Outer Mid Inner Flood-Full Full-Ebb Ebb-Low Low-Flood Flood-Full Full-Ebb (2) (2) Stage of Tide Figure 7 Mean copepodite abundance sampled with zooplankton fine mesh. Abundance measured as # per liter, and sampled at three distances from the shore with varying stages of tide. Copepodite abundance per L was highest at the outer transect during low-flood and flood-full tides. There was no presence of copepodite at full-ebb tide. Also notable, there were consistent abundances at flood-full tide at all distances along the transect (Figure 7). Cyclopoid Copepod Abundance # Total Cyclopoid Copepods per L 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 Outer Mid 1.5 Inner 1 0.5 0 Flood-Full Full-Ebb Ebb-Low Low-Flood Flood-Full Full-Ebb (2) (2) Stage of Tide Figure 8 Mean cyclopoid copepod abundance sampled with zooplankton fine mesh. Abundance measured as # per liter, and sampled at three distances from the shore with varying stages of tide. Total cyclopoid copepod abundance per L was variable with transect distance. Highest abundance occurred at the outer transect during low-flood tide (Figure 8). # Harpacticoid Copecod per L Harpacticoid Copepod Abundance (fine mesh) 7 6 5 4 3 Outer 2 Mid 1 Inner 0 Flood-Full Full-Ebb Ebb-Low Low-Flood Flood-Full (2) Full-Ebb (2) Stage of Tide Figure 9 Mean harpacticoid copepod abundance sampled with zooplankton fine mesh. Abundance measured as # per liter, and sampled at three distances from the shore with varying stages of tide. Harpacticoid copepod abundance per L was relatively low. High abundances occurred during low-flood tide at the outer transect and during full-ebb tide at the mid transect (Figure 9). Total Small Copepod Abundance # of Small Copepods per L 25 20 15 Outer 10 Mid 5 Inner 0 Flood-Full Full-Ebb Ebb-Low Low-Flood Flood-Full (2) Full-Ebb (2) Stage of Tide Figure 10 Total small copepod abundance small calanoid copepod + copepodite abundance) sampled with zooplankton fine mesh. Abundance measured as # per liter, and sampled at three distances from the shore with varying stages of tide. Total small Copepod abundance (small calanoid copepod + copepodites) followed similar patterns to small calanoid copepod abundance. High abundances occurred along the inner transect. Abundance remained consistent along the entire transect during flood-full tide and full-ebb (2) tide (Figure 10). # of Macrozooplankton per 100m^3 1600 Total Macrozooplankton Abundance 1400 1200 Outer 1000 Mid 800 Inner 600 400 200 0 Flood-Full Full-Ebb Ebb-Low Low-Flood Stage of Tide Flood-Full (2) Full-Ebb (2) Figure 11 Total mean macrozooplankton abundance per 100 cubic meters. Totals come from sums of mean total elongate zooplankton, gelatinous plankton, and fish larvae. Sampled at three distances from the shore with varying stages of tide. Total macrozooplankton encompasses fish larvae, gelatinous plankton, and elongate zooplankters, and abundance is presented as # per 100 m3. The highest abundance was during the low-flood tide, along the mid transect. Except for the low-flood tide, abundance was always lowest along the inner transect (Figure 11). Figure 12: Temperature, salinity and depth profiles at various stages of the tide and various distances from shore; green depicts inner, red depicts mid, and blue depicts outer transect. Profiles from left to right: temperature depth profiles, salinity depth profiles, and density depth profiles. Discussion Patterns of copepod abundance are not present for all tides, however, generally the highest abundances occur most often during flood-full or full-ebb tides, so highest copepod abundance occurred around high tide. At flood-full tide, abundance was highest for small calanoid copepods (sampled with larger mesh) and also for total calanoid copepods (Figure 2, Figure 4). Abundance of total calanoid copepods (mean total of small calanoid copepods + mean total of large calanoid copepods, sampled with large mesh) seemed to correlate with the sinusoidal tidal waves, especially at the outer transect location. Abundance peaked at flood-full and as the tide ebbed the total calanoid copepod abundance decreased, and increased again as the tide started coming in (Figure 4). This suggests that the source of copepods to Cleveland Bay is from deeper waters, not inshore. There was no large difference of abundance with respect to distance from shore between the small and large calanoid copepod sampled with larger mesh (abundance recorded as # per cubic meter). At the mid transect small calanoids were slightly more abundant, but had similar abundances to large calanoids at the outer and inner transects (Figure 2, Figure 3). Data from the finer mesh sampling (abundance recorded as # per L) shows much lower abundance in large calanoid copepods at all tidal stages and distances from shore. Relative abundance was highest in large calanoids at flood-full tide along the inner transect and abundance for small calanoids was also at its highest along the inner transect, but during full-ebb tide (Figure 5, Figure 6). The high abundance along the inner transect and during flood-full tide also suggests the source of copepods is from outer ocean sources as the tide brings in copepod rich waters all the way inshore. Low abundances at further distance from shore could be contributed to higher predation pressures. Copepodite, the juvenile form of copepods, had highest abundance at the outer transect during low-flood and full-flood tides. There were very little or no copepodites present at full-ebb tide along all distances of the transect. As tide starts ebbing out, it starts increasing salinity (Figure 12) which could have an impact on copepodite abundance, suggesting they have low tolerance for high salinity. We can also examine the depth profiles of temperature, salinity, and density to explain plankton abundance. Generally, highest abundance was during flood-full or full-ebb tide, at the outer transect. Patterns during flood to full tide at the outer transect show slightly cooler temperature that was constant through the water column, constant salinity and constant density through the water column (Figure 12). This suggests that highest abundance of plankton at the surface is related to the well mixed depths, providing ideal conditions for copepod recruitment and food. At full-ebb tide the temperature was less constant through the water column and there was a clear thermocline at the outer transect, however salinity and density appeared to remain constant (Figure 12). This also supports that copepods are more abundant with well mixed waters, as they would have more nutrients. Tidal stages where copepod abundance was relatively low was at ebb-low. During the ebb-low tide, it appeared that all areas were very well mixed and showed similar salinity through depth, but salinity was relatively high compared to other tidal stages, especially at the outer transect (Figure 12). During ebb to low, the tide is ebbing out, bringing less fresh water to the outer sites. This had a negative impact on copepod abundance, suggesting low tolerance of copepods to relatively high salinity. Large error bars in mean abundances of all classifications of copepods and macrozooplankton can be attributed to the variable techniques by different people who counted plankton in the laboratory. Additionally differences in the abundances of copepods in the repetitions of flood-full and full-ebb tides can be attributed to the different days of sampling. Higher samples of tide repetition could be useful in the future for obtaining more accurate abundance patterns in respect to tidal stages. References Devreker, D. Souissi, S., Winkler, G., Forget-Leray, J., and Leboulenger, F. 2009. "Effects of Salinity, Temperature and Individual Variability on the Reproduction of Eurytemora Affinis (Copepoda; Calanoida) from the Seine Estuary: A Laboratory Study." Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 368: 11323. Daase, M., Vik, J.O., Bagoien, E., Stenseth, N.C., and Eiane, K. 2007. "The Influence of Advection on Calanus near Svalbard: Statistical Relations between Salinity, Temperature and Copepod Abundance." Journal of Plankton Research 29: 903-11. Durbin, E.G., and Durbin, A.G. 1992. "Effects of Temperature and Food Abundance on Grazing and Short-term Weight Change in the Marine Copepod Acartia Hudsonica." Limnology and Oceanography 37: 361-78.