docx - Energy Saving Trust

Transport for London: Rapid Chargepoint Mapping
Application form
This application form is for organisations wishing to take part in the Rapid Chargepoint Mapping project,
managed by the Energy Saving Trust in partnership with Route Monkey, funded by Transport for London
The aim of the Rapid Chargepoint Mapping project is to support TfL’s goal of facilitating strategically and
commercially installed electric vehicle infrastructure. It will help ensure that investment in new rapid charge
infrastructure is based on demand from the commercial vehicle sector. Access to a network of rapid
chargepoints will enable fleets operating plug-in vehicles to maximise the use of their vehicles and
encourage more fleets to acquire these vehicles by reducing the total cost of ownership.
Applications are welcome from fleets currently running plug-in vehicles, or fleets who would consider
running them if appropriate vehicles and supporting infrastructure were available. To be eligible to take
part, fleets must meet the following criteria:
 Operate a minimum of 10 commercial vehicles, of up to 12.5 tonnes GVW.
 Operate vehicles partially or wholly within Greater London. Fleets could be based in London or
based elsewhere but operate in London.
 Fleets must be able to supply telematics or vehicle scheduling data for a minimum of three months.
This could be historical data or collated from the time of application.
Applicant information
Organisation name
Organisation address
Main contact
How did you hear about this programme?
Project sponsor(s)
To ensure you get the most from your participation in this project, we need support from the fleet decision
maker as well as a senior member of the organisation. Our experience has shown this to be crucial to
ensure that you get the best outcome for your organisation. Please list the senior individual(s) who will be
involved in the project and ensure that it is a success for both parties. This could be, for example, your
Finance Director, or Logistics Manager.
Vehicle fleet information
Please provide some basic information on your vehicles which operate partially or wholly in Greater London
Number of vehicles
Light commercial vehicles < 3.5 tonnes GVW
Commercial vehicles 3.5 to 12.5 tonnes GVW
Fleet total
To ensure that this project is successful, we will need data about your current fleet operation, particularly
vehicle movements and daily mileage. Please use the table below to indicate the data sources which you
will be able to supply.
Fleet data available for analysis
Please mark ‘x’ if you can
supply this information
Live list of vehicles which operate in Greater London
Telematics data for individual vehicles
Scheduling data for individual vehicles
Please return your completed application form by email to:
For further information call Fergus Worthy at the Energy Saving Trust on 0207 654 2613
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Terms and conditions
1. Eligibility
To be eligible to take part, you must operate a minimum of 10 commercial vehicles up to 12.5 tonnes GVW.
Vehicles must operate partially or wholly within Greater London. Fleets could be based in London or based
elsewhere but operate in London. You must be able to supply telematics or vehicle scheduling data for a
minimum of three months.
2. Nature of advice
While every effort is made to ensure that feedback provided to you is accurate and relevant, it is your
responsibility to assess whether any actions are appropriate for your organisation and to determine the
steps that you will take to implement any outcomes. Energy Saving Trust will not be liable to you for any
indirect loss or damage you may suffer as a result of receiving or implementing any findings from this
3. Liability
Neither party will be liable to the other for any indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, or loss
of profits or loss of business (whether direct or indirect) arising out of this agreement.
4. Use of information
Energy Saving Trust and/or Transport for London may wish to use information relating to this project to
carry out research or statistical analysis, to assess the effectiveness of the project, to shape future policy
and to publish information about the programme and related research. Aggregated or non-attributable
information may be used for these purposes. We will never publish any of the attributable fleet or
organisational data you have supplied in relation to the programme without your consent.
5. Declaration
We ask that the Project Sponsor (a senior decision maker within the organisation as explained
above) signs the declaration.
I hereby confirm that the organisation will comply with the conditions set out above and make every effort to
supply the requested data.
For and on behalf of the organisation
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