Amenities Committee 1 December, 2014 NEW MILTON TOWN COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting of the Amenities Committee of the New Milton Town Council held on Monday 1 December, 2014 at 7.30pm in the Town Hall, Ashley Road, New Milton. Councillors: p p p Chairman Vice Chairman p p G R Blunden J N Duke G C Beck D A Rice-Mundy A W Rice M Humphries p p p T H Merifield A D O’Sullivan Mrs C V Ward In attendance: Officers: Graham Flexman, Town Clerk Elaine Reed, Administrator Councillors: D E Hawkins The Chairman welcomed councillors, press and a member of the public to the meeting. Prior to the start of the meeting, Colin Read and Mike Cash of New Forest District Council presented information on replacement toilets for the Recreation Ground. An information pack containing photographs of recently constructed toilets in the New Forest area plus detailed drawings and plans were distributed to members. The Chairman thanked both for attending an asked them to remain for the associated agenda item. The Chairman then asked if any member of the public wished to speak. Alan Watson of the New Milton Town Partnership thanked the Council for their financial support in making the Christmas Festival such a success. He also thanked members for attending and taking part in the parade and New Milton Town Council’s ground staff for giving their time to help set up the Festival. The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.50 pm and brought Agenda Item 7 – Recreation Ground – Toilets forward for discussion. 73. APOLOGIES Cllr M Humphries, and Daniel Nock, Student Advisor 74. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr Beck stated that he was a member of the Task and Finish group on public conveniences at New Forest District Council but this does not prevent him from taking part in any debate or voting. 30 Amenities Committee 75. 1 December, 2014 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION The Chairman congratulated the New Milton Town Partnership, other organisations and all volunteers on a very enjoyable Christmas Festival. 76. MINUTES RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the meeting held on 13 October, 2014 previously circulated, be signed by the Chairman as a correct record. The minutes were duly signed. 77. MATTERS ARISING FROM THOSE ELSEWHERE ON THE AGENDA MINUTES NOT COVERED All action points have been addressed. Minute 62 – Policy on prohibiting the use of balloons and Chinese lanterns at any event held on Town Council land is now in place. Minute 63 – Lions Club of New Milton have been granted permission and informed accordingly regarding their use of the Recreation Ground on Saturday 2 May 2015 for their May Fayre in 2015. Minute 65 – The Chairman referred to the Christmas lights and said he had received many positive comments. The lighting of the tree on Old Milton Green was particularly well received. He thanked sponsors for their financial support, and the Working Party, Town Development Officer, Estates & Facilities Manager and the ground staff for their input. Cllr O’Sullivan said he hoped next year we could continue the lights further down Old Milton Road. Minute 67 – Amendment has been made to current “Conditions of Use – Moore Close” requesting £250 deposit from funfairs and circuses refundable when posters are removed from the area after the events. (Agenda Item 9) Minute 69 – A Minor Variation to the current Premises Licence for the Recreation Ground was agreed with the Licensing Officer at New Forest District Council beforehand an application formally submitted. 78. CORRESPONDENCE a) An e-mail from BT Payphones advising that the consultation period has expired without comment. BT is therefore ready to proceed with our application to adopt the telephone kiosk on Old Milton Green. The contract for adoption of the telephone kiosk will be signed and returned to BT. Subsequent to the adoption, the payphone kiosk will be removed by the Town Council. 31 Amenities Committee b) 1 December, 2014 An e-mail from Callum Brooks, Manager of New Milton Town Football Club requesting the use of the Wessex Pitch for training under a Youth Development Programme / football academy. After discussion, New Milton Town Football Club will be offered the facility of the floodlit training pitch rather, than the Wessex Pitch in order to avoid extra wear and tear. c) 79. A letter from New Milton & District Rugby Club requesting permission to install solar panels on the roof of the Club House at Ashley. The Town Clerk was asked to seek further details, check any lease implications with our solicitor and report back to the next Amenities Committee meeting. RECREATION GROUND – TOILETS In regard to the proposed new toilets, the following points were raised during discussion: o There will be free access to the disabled toilet. No radar key will be necessary. o Each cubicle is of the latest design offering a modern quality public facility. o Each unit has a time control for locking/unlocking giving the facility to close units separately if necessary. o An external lockable water supply for use at public events on the Recreation Ground can be provided. o The narrow side entrance to the Recreation Ground adjacent to the electricity substation can be removed. Cllr Beck informed members that the tree adjacent to the toilets at Barton was removed as it was diseased. A New Forest District Council arboriculturist recommended removal. After discussion, it was proposed that a refurbished toilet utilizing the existing structure with 9 cubicles be provided for the Recreation Ground in New Milton with additional external lockable water supplies, landscaping and appropriate access. It was then RECOMMENDED: That New Milton Town Council accept and approve: A refurbished toilet utilizing the existing structure with 9 cubicles at New Milton Recreation Ground Additional lockable external water supplies Landscaping as appropriate including new access point to the Recreation Ground closing the entrance adjacent to the electricity substation. Closure of existing toilet at Spencer Road, New Milton 32 Amenities Committee 1 December, 2014 Colin Read of New Forest District Council will arrange regular briefings with the Town Clerk with updates on progress. The Chairman thanked Mike Cash and Colin Read for their informative and extremely useful presentation. 80. LAND USE REQUESTS a) A request to use the Moore Close field for a classic Volkswagen show. Further details are required by members before a decision can be made as to the most appropriate venue. b) A request from the Bicycle Barn cycle shop in Old Milton Road, to use the Recreation Ground to promote electric bikes and new BMXs on the same day as the Skate Park opening. After discussion, it was agreed that a space at the weekly market be offered but not use of the Recreation Ground for commercial purposes. 81. CONDITIONS OF USE The Chairman referred to Appendix 1, previously circulated. It was RESOLVED: That the amended conditions of use for the Moore Close site by Circuses, Fairs and other users be adopted. 82. RECREATION GROUND – WAR MEMORIAL The Chairman referred members to Appendix 2, previously circulated. After a brief discussion, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 8.40 pm for comments from Clare Michael who said the proposed removal of the hedge is required whatever concept is agreed upon. After further discussion, members were advised that the concept plan will be available in January for further consideration, and varying times for proposed completion were discussed. It was then RECOMMENDED: That New Milton Town Council support progress of a Concept plan for the War Memorial area project. 83. FEES & CHARGES FOR 2015/16 The Chairman referred members to Appendix A, previously circulated. The Town Clerk advised that Fees & Charges fir 2015/16 were discussed at the Executive Committee meetings on 3 and 22 November 2014, and involved an overall increase of 1.5%. 33 Amenities Committee 1 December, 2014 It was then RECOMMENDED: That the Fees & Charges for 2015/16 be endorsed by the Finance & General Purposes Committee at its meeting on 15 December, 2014. 84. AMENITIES COMMITTEE BUDGET 2015/16 The Town Clerk explained the rationale behind some increases. Savings had been made in a number of areas and we are now seeing the benefits of our recent grounds maintenance staff restructuring. The Chairman said some earmarked reserves are available for any additional expenses in regard to end of season pitch maintenance, but this will be closely monitored. Pitch conditions vary depending on weather and this summer has been exceptionally dry. It is expected savings will be achieved through some in-house pitch maintenance. There has been an increase of £3k for floral decorations in response to many positive comments received from residents on the flower displays. We are also continuing to develop environmentally friendly ways to carry out our grounds maintenance tasks which prove cost efficient. The budget proposed for 2015/16 is in fact the same as last year and in real terms taking on board inflation and recent staff pay awards represents a cut in the overall budget of about 1.5%. After a vote with a majority in favour, with 1 abstention It was RECOMMENDED: That the Amenities Committee Budget for 2015/16 be endorsed by the Finance & General Purposes Committee at its meeting on 15 December, 2014. 85. RECREATION GROUND – TENNIS COURTS The Chairman advised that the tennis courts being considered for new surfacing were the upper 2 courts at the Recreation Ground. Section 106 funding will enable the new surface to be either clay or astro turf which provides more flexibility of playing surface. After discussion, It was RESOLVED: That tenders be sought for an appropriate new surface for the upper tennis courts. 34 Amenities Committee 86. 1 December, 2014 RECREATION GROUND – NOTICE BOARD The notice board at the old Tennis Club will be transferred to the outside wall of the public toilets at the Recreation Ground for the display of an updated Vision Plan. The proposed plan for the notice board was circulated to members. 87. LONG MEADOW The Chairman referred to Appendix 3, previously circulated. The Chairman clarified the action to be taken on the shaded areas of the plan of Long Meadow and the table showing the cutting plan month by month, and this was agreed. Christchurch Borough Council will be contacted regarding their seed suppliers as far as their wild flower displays are concerned on the Stony Lane roundabout and Bernard Meads at Jumpers. 88. ANY OTHER MATTERS None 89. ANY ITEMS WHICH THE CHAIRMAN CONSIDERS URGENT None 90. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next Amenities Committee meeting will be held on Monday 19 January, 2015 at 7.30 pm in the Town Hall. There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman thanked Mr Alan Watson and the press for attending and closed the public session of the meeting at 9.00 pm. A proposal by the Chairman to go into Private Session to discuss MUGA tenders was agreed by members. 35 Amenities Committee 1 December, 2014 Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 RESOLVED that: Pursuant to Section 1 of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, the public and press be excluded from the Meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. 91. RECREATION GROUND – MUGA After a presentation by Clare Michael, Landscape Architect, New Forest District Council, on the recent tenders from MUGA suppliers, a scoring system was used to clarify best value for money and after discussion It was RECOMMENDED: That the tender from Playdale in the sum of £43,085 plus VAT be accepted for the construction of MUGA in accordance with the Vision Plan for the Recreation Ground The Chairman thanked Clare Michael for her work in preparing this presentation. There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman thanked members for attending and closed the meeting at 9.18 pm. Chairman ________________________________Date ____________________ Distribution: Town Councillors Amenities Supervisor District Councillors S Davies and Mrs J L Cleary County Councillors M Kendal and K Thornber New Milton Library Press 36 Amenities Committee 1 December, 2014 Minute Action Points Action by date To be actioned by 78 (a) 19 January, 2015 Town Clerk 19 January, 2015 Town Clerk 19 January, 2015 Town Clerk 19 January, 2015 Town Clerk 19 January, 2015 Town Clerk / Administrator 15 December, 2014 15 December, 2014 19 January 2015 F&GP F&GP Town Clerk/Estates & Facilities Manager Estates & Facilities Manager/Ground staff 78 (b) 78(c) 80 (a) 80 (b) 83 84 85 86 87 91 Contract for adoption of telephone kiosk at Old Milton Green to be signed and returned to BT payphones. New Milton Town Football Club to be offered floodlit training pitch for Youth Development Programme. Further details to be sought regarding solar panels from Rugby Club and lease implications from solicitor. Further details on classic VW show to be sought from organiser. Stall space at weekly market to be offered to Bicycle Barn for electric bike promotion. Fees & Charges for 2015/16 Amenities Budget for 2015/2016 Tenders to be sought for new surface to upper tennis courts. Notice Board from old Tennis Club to be transferred to outside wall of toilets on Recreation Ground for display of updated Vision Plan. Christchurch Borough Council to be contacted about wild flower seed/plant suppliers. MUGA recommendation. 37 19 January 2015 19 January 2015 Estates & Manager 5 January 2015 Town Council Facilities