Proteins and Nucleic Acids - TangHua2012-2013


Proteins and Nucleic Acids

Inquiry into Life – pg. 37-41

Today’s Objectives:

 Analyze the structure and function of biological molecules in living systems, including carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids

 List the major functions of proteins

 Draw a generalized amino acid and identify the amine, acid (carboxyl), and R-groups

 Identify the peptide bonds in dipeptides and polypeptides

 Differentiate among the different levels of protein organization with respect to structure and bond type, including: primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary

 Name the four bases in DNA and describe the structure of DNA using the following terms: nucleotide (sugar, phosphate, base), complementary base pairing, double helix, hydrogen bonding

 Relate the general structure of the ATP molecule and its role as “energy currency”

2.7 Proteins

 Proteins have many functions:

Proteins such as ___________ and ______________ have structural roles.

 Proteins are also __________ that speed up the chemical reactions of ______________

 Proteins such as ________________ are responsible for the _____________ of substances within the body.

Proteins transport substances across cell _______________

 Proteins form the _______________ of the immune system that defend the body from

__________ and disease.

Proteins such as __________ are hormones that regulate cellular function.

 Contractile proteins such as _________ and __________ allow parts of cells to move and muscles to contract.

What are proteins?

Contain __________, ______________, ____________, and ____________

 Also often contain __________, and sometimes _____________ and _______

 The basic structure of a protein is a chain of __________ ________ (polypeptides)

 There are about ____ different amino acids

What are amino acids?

 Proteins are _____________ with amino acid _______________

 An amino acid has a central ________ atom bonded to a ____________ atom and

_________ groups:

 One of the three groups is an __________ group (-NH



 One of the groups is an __________ group (-COOH)

 The third group is called an ___ Group

Amino acids differ from one another by their R group

What are R groups?

 An R group is a _______ of atoms attached to amino acids

R group = radical group or remainder group

An R group _______________ one amino acid from another

Formation of Proteins

 An amino acid can be referred to as a ____________

 Dehydration synthesis of amino acids result in the bonding of amino acids together and the release of water molecules

 When two amino acids bond together, they produce a _____________

 Example: amino acids __________ and __________ bond to form the dipeptide _______

 The bond that connects amino acids is called a _______________

 A __________ has one peptide bond holding together two amino acids

A __________ would have two peptide bonds holding together three amino acids

 A ______________ would have numerous peptide bonds holding together numerous amino acids

 A polypeptide is a single chain of amino acids

The _______ or combination of these amino acids determines which protein is produced

 This process when repeated form long _____________ of amino acids, or __________

 These sequences take on specific features and ________________ of the individual amino acids that are bonded together

Protein Structure

 There are three to four levels of protein structure

___________ structure – sequence of amino acids (polypeptide)

___________ structure – orientation of polypeptide

___________ structure – final 3-D shape of polypeptide

___________ structure* - arrangement of multiple polypeptides

*not all proteins have multiple polypeptides

Primary Structure

 Simply the _____________ of amino acids

 Because there are twenty amino acids, it is easy to see that there are literally

____________ of different possible amino acid sequences

 Consequently, there are millions of proteins

Secondary Structure

 As the amino acid chains (polypeptides) get longer, they begin to ________ or _______

 This is a result of _________ on the peptide bonds

 Two types of secondary structure:

________ ________ – like a spiral

_______ ___________ __________ – like folded paper

 The alpha helix is most common

Secondary Structure – alpha helix

As the polypeptide bends into a spiral, ______________ _________ form between the hydrogen of one amino acid and an oxygen further down the chain

 This hydrogen bond helps the alpha helix hold its shape

An alpha helix contains _____ amino acids per spiral

Secondary Structure – Beta pleated sheet

 Hydrogen bonds can form between ___________ lengths of the polypeptide chain creating beta pleated sheets

Tertiary Structure

The third level of protein structure or tertiary structure is described as the ___________ and ____________ of the alpha helix

 As the helix gets longer there are some amino acids that cannot fit the configuration and therefore cause _________

New bonds will form to hold it into a _________________________ shape

 These bonds can be ________, ____________, and/or ____________ bonds

Quaternary Structure

 Only occurs in proteins with more than one _________________

 The quaternary structure is where ______________ 3-D (tertiary) configurations are associated with and function with ______ ________

 Imagine multiple kinked helixes tied up with each other in knots

 An example of a protein with quaternary structure is _______________ which transports substances through our body in our blood

More about Protein Functions

___________ proteins speed up chemical reactions in our body

Reactions that normally would take several hours will take only a fraction of a second

 Proteins such as hemoglobin _____________ nutrients and other substances through our body

_____________ proteins fight infections and attack viruses

 The protein __________ is the main structural component of fingernails and hair

____________ makes up the connective tissues in our muscles

_______/__________ make up muscle fibers that allow for movement

2.8 Nucleic Acids

___________ _________ are polymers made up of monomers called ______________

 There are two types of nucleic acids:



Some functions of Nucleic Acids:

 They form ___________ material and are involved in the functioning of chromosomes and protein synthesis

_____ stores genetic information

_____ codes for the order of amino acids in a protein

_____ is an intermediary in the sequencing of amino acids into a protein

What are Nucleotides?

 Nucleotides are made from a ____________ _________, a _______________ group, and a _____________ _______________ ________

 There are five ________ nucleotides:

A________ and G________

Double ring structure purines

C__________, U________, and T__________

 single ring structure pyrimidines

 These bases are found in DNA and RNA

DNA contains ______________

RNA contains ______________


 The bases found in DNA form ________________ _______ _________ (the same two bases always bond with each other)

 The structure of DNA is a _________ ______ (we will talk more about DNA later this year

Complementary Base Pairs in DNA

ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate)

 One particularly important nucleic acid is the modified nucleotide known as ______

 ATP is an ______ _______________ with an __________________ (adenine + ribose = adenosine) attached to __ _______________ _________

 ATP is a very ______ ___________ molecule

 When ATP undergoes ____________, large amounts of energy are released

ATP: The energy currency of cells

 ATP is a high energy molecule because the last two phosphate bonds are ___________ and easily broken

 A lot of energy is required to maintain these bonds

 If the bonds are broken, this energy is _____________

 When an ATP molecule loses a phosphate, it becomes the molecule ________

(adenosine diphosphate) and a _____________ molecule

 With the addition of energy, this process can be reversed, creating the ________

__________ cells use the energy for muscle contraction

 Cells use the energy to synthesize _______________ and ____________
