YEAR 9 LESSON OUTLINE 2014 TERM 1: CHEMICAL REACTIONS Week 1 2 3 4 Lesson outline Pre Test Atomic Model including mass Model of atoms – nucleus, protons, neutrons and electrons Comparing the mass and charge of protons, neutrons and electrons. Historical development of atomic models. Investigate work of Rutherford, Pierre and Marie Curie. Reactions Introduction Identify reactants and products in chemical reactions What are reactions? Introduce basic word equations including reactants and products. Rearrangement of atoms in chemical reactions. Role of energy in reactions. Conservation of mass Endothermic & Exothermic What are they? Investigate different reactions to classify them as exo or endo. Examples Acids and Bases Background What are acids? (with mention of hydrogen ions) What are bases? (with mention of hydroxide ions) Compare properties. pH Acids + Metals What occurs? Products? Examples Acids + Carbonates What occurs? Products? Examples Acids + Bases What occurs? Products? Examples Book Suggested resources Ch. 1.1 pp. 5 Pre Test Ch. 3.1 pp. 69 PRAC: Conservation of Mass - pp.74. Ch. 3.1 pp. 68 Ch. 2.5 pp. 56 Ch. 3.2 pp. 77 - 79 PRAC: Testing Household Chemicals PRAC: Red Cabbage Indicator – pp. 62 PRAC: Green Eggs – pp. 63 PRAC: pH Column – pp.63 PRAC: Make Hydrogen – pp. 83 PRAC: Evaluating Antacids – pp.84 5 CAT CAT in staff drive. Vinegar Titration 6 7 8 9 10 Combustion Reactions What are they? Role of oxygen. Compare combustion with oxidation reactions. Effects of combustion on the environment Reactions of Life Photosynthesis Respiration Comparison between photosynthesis and respiration. Role in biological processes Alpha, Beta & Gamma Particle Radiation How α, β & γ radiation are released from unstable atoms (keep it simple). Post Test Ch. 3.1 pp. 70 -71 PRAC: Conservation of mass in combustion reactions – pp. 75 PRAC: Cracker Combustion – pp.76 Ch. 3.3 pp. 85 -89 PRAC: Looking at Stomata – pp.91 *PRAC: Testing leaves for starch – pp.92 *PRAC: Respiring plants – pp. 93 *Pracs require a few days of incubation. Ch. 1.3 pp. 22 -23 TERM 2: ECOSYSTEMS Week 1 2 Lesson outline Pre Test Ecosystems What are the different types of ecosystems? Factors influencing organisms Abiotic and biotic factors What are abiotic factors? What are biotic factors? Factors influencing organisms Structural, behavioural and functional adaptations What are they? Examples Interactions between organisms Competition What? Examples Predation What? Examples Mutualism What? Examples Commensalism What? Examples Parasitism What? Examples Energy flow through ecosystems Producers and consumers What is a producer? What is a consumer? Book Suggested resources 9.1 pp. 281-281 Pre Test 9.1 pp. 286 - 287 PRAC: Temperature and activity – pp. 289 9.1 pp. 284-285 Videos Body Snatchers 9.2 pp.290 - 291 3 Food chains What is a food chain/what does it show? Constructing a food chain Food webs What is a food web/ what does it show? Constructing a food web Energy flow through ecosystems Identifying producers, consumer and order of consumers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) Identifying producers and consumers on a food chain and food web Identifying order of consumers on a food chain and food web Decomposers and recycling of matter What is matter? What is a decomposer? Why is it important for decomposers to recycle matter? Energy flow in ecosystems Energy flow through food chains and food webs Energy loss in food chains and food webs Energy flow through ecosystems Pyramids of biomass What is biomass? What is a pyramid of biomass? How do pyramids of biomass help ecologists to understand the productivity of an ecosystem? Human impact on ecosystems Chemical pesticides What are they? What impact do they have on ecosystems? Chemical pollution What is it? What impact does it have on ecosystems? Human impact on ecosystems Introduced species What are they? What impact do they have on ecosystems? 9.2 pp. 292 - 293 9.2 pp. 293 9.3 pp. 304 PRAC: Detergents and plants – pp. 311 pp. 307 9.3 pp. 305 VIDEO: Cane Toads – An unnatural history Fire pp. 306 4 What impact did the aboriginal method of hunting - firestick farming - have on the ecosystem in the Western Desert? What impact can controlled burning have on an ecosystem? Habitat Destruction Overcropping Pollution Consider the impacts of humans from a range of perspectives. Natural impacts on ecosystems Bushfires What impact do they have? Drought What impact does it have? Floods What impact do they have? CAT Ecosystem Modelling CAT in staff drive. 5 6 Factors affecting population size Biodiversity What is biodiversity? What are the benefits of biodiversity? What effects does low biodiversity have on an ecosystem? Competition What is competition within and between species? What effect can competition within and between species have on population sizes within an ecosystem? Loss of species How is a species displaced from an ecosystem? What effects can loss of species have on population sizes within an ecosystem? 9.2 pp. 294 Comparing Pyramid of biomass of different ecosystems to determine their productivity 7 Factors affecting population size Increased number of predators What effect can an increase of predators have on population sizes within an ecosystem? Environmental changes What environmental changes can influence population size in terms of competition, loss of species and increased number of predators? How can models help predict changes in population size due to environmental changes such as the impact of flooding or fire on rabbit or kangaroo populations? Post Test 8 SPARE LESSONS (in case of interruptions) 9 URBAN WEEK AQUARIUM EXCURSION (WORKSHEET THAT MUST BE SUBMITTED – GOES TOWARD COURSEWORK) 10 9.2 pp. 294 TERM 3: BODY COORDINATION Week 1 2 3 Lesson outline Book Suggested resources Pre Test BODY COORDINATION: NERVOUS SYSTEM How does the body respond to stimuli? Central Nervous System What are the components of the CNS? What are the external structures of the brain? How do these structures function in controlling and coordinating human activity? Peripheral Nervous System What are the components of the PNS? What is the structure and function of the motor and sensory neuron? What is the function of the somatic nervous system? What is the function of the autonomic nervous system? Brain Dissection Practical Report (AusVELS Science Enquiry). Responding to Stimuli Reflex Action What is a reflex action? What is a reflex arc? CAT Nervous System Diseases/Disorders 7.1 pp. 225 - 228 Pre Test Brain Overview PPT (T-Drive) Inside the human body DVD Whatever DVD Illusions L738 Epilepsy; L739 Headaches 7.1 pp. 226 Synapse PPT PRAC: Sensitivity pp. 235 7.1 pp.231 PRAC: Reaction Times pp. 236 Reflex Arcs PPT BODY COORDINATION: ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Endocrine System What is the function of the endocrine system? What are hormones and how do they target cells? What is the function of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland? 7.2 pp. 237 - 238 CAT in staff drive. 4 5 PRAC: Model Feedback System pp. 243 L720 Endocrine System Pearson Reader Interactive and Clips 6 7 Controlling the Internal Environment Research on body responses: Temperature Water Balance Blood Sugar Stress Response Present the information task to class in groups (rest of class to take notes/complete worksheet?). Coordinated Body Systems Metabolism How does metabolism occur in the human body? What are enzymes and why are they important? How do we absorb nutrients? Getting Oxygen How does oxygen pass from lungs to blood? Circulation What causes the heart to beat? What is a heart rate and how can this change? How do we obtain nutrients? Removing Wastes How does the body remove wastes? Interdependence of Body Systems How do these systems interact with each to completely coordinate the body? Post Test 9.2 pp. 238 - 241 9.3 pp. 224 - 249 PRAC: Enzyme Activity pp. 252 PRAC: Diffusion pp. 253 DISEASE What is a disease? What microorganisms cause disease? What is the difference between bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites? How ideas about disease transmission has developed since medieval times. 8.1 pp. 259 - 260 PRAC: Growing Bacteria pp. 266 Immune System What is the function of the immune system? What are the components of the immune system? What are vaccines and how do they help against disease? 8.1 pp. 261 - 263 PRAC: The Milk’s Off pp. 267 8.2 pp. 268 - 272 PRAC: Growing Fungi pp. 276 9 Other Sources of Infection What are viruses and what diseases do they cause? What are parasites and what diseases do they cause? What are fungi and what diseases do they cause? Research Task (1 from list below) Carried by Mosquitoes pp. 276 Investigate the work of Fiona Wood & Marie Stoner on artificial skin (AusVELS) Safe sound levels for human and implications to health and in the workplace & leisure (AusVELS) Post-Test 10 SPARE LESSONS (in case of interruptions) 8 TERM 4: ENERGY TRANSFER & PLATE TECTONICS Week Lesson outline 1 Pre Test Energy Transfer Movement of energy through different mediums. How and why this occurs. Transfer of Heat Convection, Conduction & Radiation Identify situations where the above occurs. Explain convection and conduction in regards to the particle model. CAT Energy Efficient Homes 2 3 Book Suggested resources Pre Test Ch. 4.1 pp. 99 - 105 PRAC: Infrared radiation – pp. 160 CAT in staff drive. 4 5 6 7 8 Electric Circuits Transfer of energy through the circuit. What affects the transfer of energy through a circuit? Wave & Particle Model Discuss and explain model. How is it useful? Properties of waves Waves Situations where energy is transferred as waves o Sound o Light Post Test PLATE TECTONICS Moving Continents Continental drift Rifting Sea-floor spreading Ch. 6.1 pp. 183 - 185 PRAC: Electroscopes – pp. 188 PRAC: How steady are you? – pp. 189 Ch. 5.1 pp. 148 – 156 PRAC: Making waves – pp. 122 Ch. 4.2 pp. 111 -116 Ch. 4.3 – 4.4 pp. 123 - 138 PRAC: Good vibrations – pp. 122 PRAC: Law of reflection – pp. 132 PRAC: Bending light – pp. 133 PRAC: Eye dissection Ch. 10.1 pp. 316 - 320 Ice Age 4 PRAC: Magnetic stripping – pp. 322 PRAC: Convection – pp. 323 9 10 11 Plate Movements Map of the plates Converging Diverging Transforming Role of heat & energy in plate movement Technology used in the mapping of continental movement Volcanoes & Earthquakes Formation Detection Effects Relating to constructive & destructive plate boundaries Australia and Plate History Development of the theory of plate tectonics. Ch. 10.2 pp. 324 - 328 PRAC: Paper plate tectonics – pp. 332 PRAC: Types of crust – pp. 332 Ch. 10.3 pp. 333 - 338 PRAC: Model Volcanoes – pp. 341 PRAC: Seismometers – pp. 341 PRAC: Earthquakes & Buildings – pp. 342 Ch. 10.2 pp. 328 - 329