Grand Challenges in Disability

Symposium VU University Amsterdam, Athena Ins tute, Friday November 28, 2014
Grand Challenges in Disability: Research, Policy and Prac ce What are the Grand Challenges to realise inclusive development?
The field of disability and development increas‐
ingly a racts the a en on of policy‐makers,
researchers and prac oners. However, it is s ll
a long distance to realise inclusive development
in which disabled people are fully integrated.
Grand Challenges have to be analysed and dealt
with. The Harvard Law School Project on Disabil‐
ity, headed by professor Stein, is famous for their
approaches in enabling inclusive development
prac ces. Professor Stein and others will address
these Grand Challenges from a variety of angles.
Time and Venue: Friday November 28th 2014
VU University Amsterdam
Aurora (Main building)
Please register with the secretariat at: Programme Chairperson: Prof.dr. Jacqueline Broerse, Professor in Communica‐
on and Innova on in Health and Life Sciences, Athena Ins tute, VU.
Grand Challenges in Disability: Research, Policy and Practice by Prof.dr. Michael Stein, professor in Disability and Law,
Harvard Law School.
Grand Challenges in Disability: Law and Policy in Mental Health in India by Dr. Soumitra Pathare, psychiatrist and scientific coordinator
Centre for Mental Health Law and Policy, Indian Law Society. Learning from Stigma Interventions in Indonesia by Dr. Marjolein Zweekhorst, Associate professor, and Drs. Ruth Peters, PhD
candidate, Athena Institute, VU University Amsterdam.
Understanding Disability Inclusion in Development Organisations by
Dr. Barbara Regeer, Principal Inves gator Knowledge Co‐crea on and
Dr. Saskia van Veen, Post‐doctoral researcher, Athena Institute, VU.
Grand Challenges in Disability: Perspectives of two NGOs Matthijs Nederveen, head of programme department, Light for the
World. Akke Schuurmans, senior program advisor Medisch Comité Neder‐