2015 Carolinas COPD Symposium Agenda and faculty Sponsoring

2015 Carolinas COPD Symposium
Agenda and faculty
Sponsoring Organizations: NC COPD Taskforce, Wake Forest University School of Medicine,
and UNC Charlotte Dept of Public Health Sciences
Date – November 6th, 2015
Location – Cone Center, UNC Charlotte, Charlotte, NC
8:00 – 8:05
Introduction – Andrew Harver, PhD
8:05 – 8:20
COPD patient and caregiver - A1-AAT lung transplant patient
8:20 – 8:55
Update on A1-AAD screening- Charlie Strange, MD
8:55 - 9:05
US COPD Foundation’s new research network – Deborah
McGowan, RN
9:05 – 9:40
Costs of COPD – Chris Blanchette, PhD
9:40 – 10:15
The role of BMI in obstructive lung diseases - Njira Lugogo, MD
10:15 – 10:40
10:40 – 11:15
Update on new drug therapies - Jim Donohue, MD
11:15 - 11:50
Corticosteroids in the management of COPD – Roy Pleasants,
11:50 – 12:20
UNC CH Health System tobacco cessation model – Adam
Goldstein, MD
12:20 – 1:05
1:05 – 1:40
Oxygen therapy in COPD – Neil MacIntyre, MD
1:40 – 2:15
The science of inhalers and lung deposition - Tony Hickey, PhD
2:15 – 2:50
Transitions of Care – Jill Ohar, MD
2:50 – 3:25
Update on COPD in the Carolinas Health System – Daniel Howard,
Concurrent Workshops
Spirometry – George Cooper, RRT
Respiratory Therapist COPD Protocols – Gary Kauffman, RRT
Patient Discussion Session – Patient Moderator
Clinical Pearls in COPD – Donohue, Strange, Ohar
COPD Surveillance Data in the Carolinas – Roy Pleasants, PharmD
Community Resources for COPD patients – speaker TBD
1.) Describe strategies to increase diagnosis of alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency in various
patient care settings
2.) Discuss the healthcare costs associated with the management of COPD
3.) Explain the current understanding of the impact of body mass index on obstructive lung
4.) Discuss transition of care models for COPD patients
5.) Describe new drug therapies and new information on drugs used in the treatment of
6.) Review the rationale and utilization of supplemental oxygen therapy for COPD patients
7.) Describe the US COPD Foundation’s patient research registry
8.) Discuss the risks and benefits of inhaled and systemic corticosteroids in COPD
9.) Discuss the patient- and device-related parameters that affect inhalational drug delivery
10.) Describe the smoking cessation model implemented in inpatient and outpatient
patient-care settings at UNC Hospital
11.) Describe the interventions that are being implemented in the Carolinas Health System
that specifically target COPD
12.) Describe the current tools and findings of COPD surveillance programs in NC and SC
13.) Understand the processes to undertake spirometry in COPD patients
14.) Describe some examples of respiratory-therapist protocols that are used ifor COPD
15.) Discuss community resources available that can assist COPD patients
George Cooper, RRT – Novant Health Forsyth Medical Center, Winston Salem, NC
Jim Donohue, MD – Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, UNC – Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Andrew Harver, PhD – Department of Public Health Sciences – UNC Charlotte, Charlotte, NC
Chris Blanchette, PhD – Department of Public Health Sciences – UNC Charlotte , Charlotte, NC
Jill Ohar, MD - Section of Pulmonary, Critical Care, Allergy, and Immunologic Diseases, Wake Forest
University, Winston Salem, NC (johar@wfubmc.edu)
Daniel Howard, MD – Pulmonary Medicine, Carolinas Health System
Roy Pleasants, PharmD – Campbell University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Duke University
Pulmonary Division, and Durham VA Medical Center Depts of Pharmacy and Pulmonary Medicine
Charlie Strange, MD - Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, Allergy and Sleep Medicine, Medical
University of South Carolina, Charleston SC (strangec@musc.edu)
Anthony Hickey, PhD – Research Triangle Institute. (ahickey@rti.org)
Gary Kauffman, RRT Respiratory Care Services, WFU BHS. (Gkauffma@wakehealth.edu)
Neil MacIntyre, MD – Duke University Pulmonary (neil.macintyre@duke.edu)
Adam Goldstein, MD Dept of Family Medicine, UNC Chapel Hill (adam_goldstein@med.unc.edu)
Njira Lugogo, MD Duke University Pulmonary (njira.lugogo@duke.edu)
Deborah McGowan, RN – US COPD foundation (dmcgowan@copdfoundation.org)
COPD Patient (To be determined)