MEMORANDUM TO: Simajuleu Water Distribution Team FROM: John Chlebeck DATE: March 24, 2010 RE: Implementation Planning A. Addressing “Actual Demand” vs. “Theoretical Demand” 1. 2. 3. 4. Actual demand includes leakage Actual demand measured during main line metering Typical water use ~60,000 gpd (based on metering) Water use per capita (including leakage, based on Jan./Feb. metering): Ave. Gal / Person / Day Water Sector Use 1/2 68 3/4 88 5 92 Ave. Gal / Sector / Day Water Use 59,764 57,713 53,079 Max. Gal / Sector / Day Water Use 80,200 64,500 60,100 5. This is significantly greater than theoretical demand based on WHO estimates and the use measured at individual residences 6. Average rate over day ~42 gpm 7. Assumed peak use in morning and evening ~85 gpm (2x average) i. Is this reasonable? ii. Possibly peaks are greater if lots of people filling home tanks at same time, but if sufficient storage on system the peaks will be met without depleting system (see tank size considerations below). iii. However, distribution system is too small to handle this flow rate: at 50 gpm, the velocity in a 1 ¼” pipe is about 13 ft/s, and the headloss is about a foot for every foot of pipe length! That is likely the reason why some residents downstream are getting no water when upstream users are filling their tanks. In a 1 ½” pipe, the velocity is about 9ft/s, and the headloss is about ½ foot for every foot of pipe length. 8. Should we plan for additional demand due to growth of the community over the next 20 years or so? Maybe use 2x current demand. 9. If leakage is corrected, it would correlate more with the per capita demands that were recorded on the individual service meters: maximum observed was about 50 gallons / person / day. If there are 572 people living in Sector 5, that is a total demand of about 30,000 gallons / day rather than 60,000 gallons per day. Maybe we should plan for 2 x Implementation Planning March 24, 2010 Page 2 this rate, so 60,000 gallons. If / when the population grows, the distribution system will need to be fixed eliminate some of the leakage. B. Phased Implementation 1. Maintain current water system management strategy (3 valve system) in short-term 2. Construct additional storage in Sector 5 as Phase I. a. Create more reliability in supply and less overflow b. Reduce downstream pressures 3. Do we need to also upgrade / replace the distribution system? a. I think replacement of the line from the new tank location to the end of the line may be beneficial, or any portion of it that we can afford to replace. b. A 2” line should be sufficient. Likely demands on the system will be decreased with the new line in place due to reduced leakage at service line joints. c. This is going to be expensive and labor intensive! Do we have a cost estimate per lineal foot of water main replacement for materials? How long will it take (on a per lineal foot basis) to replace main and make service connections? 4. Future phases will depend upon success of Phase I. C. Phase I: Sector 5 Tank Design Considerations 1. Tank size a. Capture existing overflows to reduce waste i. Water that overflows at Main Tank will instead flow down to sector tank to be stored for other purposes. ii. Maximum difference between supply and demand during Jan. / Feb. metering was a surplus of 18,680 gallons. iii. A minimum tank volume of 20,000 gallons (similar to existing main tank) would likely handle most overflow conditions. b. Provide buffering to absorb peak demands during the day i. Example daily demand pattern (Pine City, MN): Implementation Planning March 24, 2010 Page 3 ii. The storage tank(s) needs to meet demands above the supply rate iii. If supply rate is 40 gpm, and the demands increase to 80 gpm (assumed) for three hours in the morning and three hours in the evening, the total storage necessary to absorb the peaks would be: (6 hours)x(60 min / hr)x(80 gal/min – 40 gal/min) = 14,400 gallons c. Provide reliable supply of water when sector is offline i. Provide for at least three days of water supply at typical actual demand (including leakage) ii. Actual demand is around 60,000 gpd iii. Minimum tank size to meet this criteria would be 180,000 gallons. iv. However, if water main is replaced, the actual demand could be significanly reduced. v. If 15 feet deep, the dimensions of such a tank would be about 110 ft. x 110 ft. 2. Other Design Considerations a. Soil / geotech analysis i. Potential for settling or foundation instability? ii. Seismic design necessary for this area? iii. Collect soil samples to run geotech analysis during next assessment? b. Tank overflow provisions i. Away from foundation ii. Consider nearby property and potential damage iii. Have overflow pipe discharge above grade with a downward facing screened outlet to avoid contamination c. Foundation / slab design / wall thickness / reinforcement etc. i. Guatemalan design standards? Building codes? ii. Main Tank seems to have held up well, should we follow a similar design? iii. Do we have a structural engineer to help out? d. Chlorine feed capabilities i. Erosion tablet dosing e. Venting i. To prevent structural damage during draining of tank due to vacuum creation f. Mixing i. To prevent water stagnation or short-circuiting ii. Inlet at top in one corner of tank iii. Outlet at bottom in opposite corner iv. Baffle wall necessary? g. Drain for cleaning (and flushing after disinfection) i. Check main tank design ii. Grout tank bottom and slope to drain h. Public tap stands at tank i. Have a couple tap stands so anyone can get water just in case ii. This would be a better option than resorting to surface water sources iii. Could remove some of the incentive to horde if water is always available in emergency i. Float valve i. Prevent overflow with float valve controlling tank influent Implementation Planning March 24, 2010 Page 4 jdc c:\ewb\simajuleu\third assessment and implementation\memo.docx